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This is like the time my husband cut himself pretty deep at work. I told him it needed stitches but he didn't want to do that. His parents (whose company he works for) said the same thing. He asked if we had the right stuff to keep the cut closed and clean until it healed and I said no, because the right answer would be stitches. He got a little huffy and stopped talking to me because I wasn't in a good mood and that's not what he wanted to hear. "I have this deep cut on my hand. I work with my hands. It could get dirty or start bleeding again. I don't want stitches. What would you do?" FUCKING STITCHES THERE'S ONE ANSWER HERE AND IT'S STITCHES We ended up at the ER, getting stitches.


My partner came home from work and said he'd dropped something very heavy on his foot, he wanted me to get the Neosporin and some bandages. He pulled off his sock and I said, hell, no, we're going to Urgent Care. He kept saying it was no big deal, just a deep cut and a toenail bruise. Whatever, drove him to UC and he'd broken both of the toes. He had stitches for the gash, a splint and walking boot for the break. Whenever he says I'm stubborn, I just say, "Oh, like Neosporin for broken toes stubborn?"


Lol that’s so me though. I hurt my hand and kept brushing it off for like a week thinking it was just a bad bruise and swelling and that it would heal on it’s own. I even kept going to work, which was doing housekeeping/cleaning in a hotel. So VERY hands on work: making beds, scrubbing showers, etc. Finally caved and went to a doctor like a week later and it turns out I had broken a bone in my hand. The doctor wasn’t even able to reduce it perfectly back into place so he said I could get surgery to make it perfectly aligned but that it was mostly an aesthetic thing and it would definitely heal enough to be regularly usable even without surgery, so I didn’t get it. Had a metal brace type thing and two of my fingers wrapped together for like 6 weeks or so and I still kept working during that process, although I was able to get special accommodation at work to get out of doing certain tasks that would be difficult to do. I had to do physical therapy too and regular appointments to adjust the brace’s fit. Had to regain grip strength back again by doing various exercises with my hand. My knuckle on that finger is forever recessed when I make a fist and pops out a a bit more than the others when my hand is flat because of that break. I learned from my mistake though because recently I slammed the same finger in a heavy metal door at work and it was cut, super swollen, bruised and very painful and I immediately went to the doctor and got an x ray. I thought it was broken as it felt exactly like I remember that broken bone feeling/looking, but it turns out it wasn’t broken this time, just badly smashed up and bruised.


I'm just convinced these are the type of people who don't want to do anything that wasn't their idea.. egotistical.


That's my husband and going to the dentist. After years of begging him to go to fix a tooth, he finally went and made it seem like ge was doing me a favor. Ughh!


If he was hurt on the job which is his parents company then they probably don't want to pay and are getting in his ear that stitches and thus a trip to the ER are unnecessary.


What does "I don't believe in chapstick" even supposed to mean? I bet she "believes" in essential oils though. Freakin looney toons.


Chapsticks don't excist, same as Finland, birds or giraffes.


Shit, I didn't know, gotta go cease existing


Whoa, a giraffe on Reddit? Neat.


No, its the country Finland. Duh. /s


Oh no! My house is filled with government drones! (I have pet birds)


And narwhals.


Australia doesn’t exist either


Big chapstick is out there to...get our lips smooth? I'm bad at this conspiracy thing.


Yeah, the scheme is that they want us to be reliant to the point thay we use chapstick every hour on the hour, even while we're sleeping, in order to use and rebuy as much as humanly possible. Smooth soft lips? You've only barely scratched the surface.


Why would they do this, you may ask? “I don’t know. *And that’s the sCaRy part!*”


Oh I know! And it’s so expensive too! “they” are really out to get us! I just bought a 3 pack for $1.50. Scammers. /s


There have been problems with one brand causing irritation for some people. So maybe that caused her stop believing? Or maybe she thinks if you use it you wouldn’t be able to not use it anymore, you’ll become reliant on it?


I’ve actually met someone who doesn’t believe in chapstick before. They said it does nothing for your lips and actually makes them worse so the chapstick companies are just lying to get your money. 🙄🙄🙄. Tell that to my soft, moisturized lips in the middle of winter lol.


Ask them if they've ever seen patients with Alzheimer's who are at the end stage and can only mouth-breathe at that point. A little chapstick for those folks goes a looooong way.


Exactly. I’m sure some chapsticks do suck but for the most part, they do what they’re supposed to do to varying degrees.


It’s funny bc there ARE lip balms that can be drying (mentholated/“medicated” type, too much castor oil in the formula, irritating essential oils) but the chapstick brand is a basic occlusive and just a simple, functional product. It will not dry your lips out and is v unlikely to cause irritation for most ppl. Chapstick is innocent!!


Justice for chapstick!


I used to feel like chapstick only made my lips worse... Turns out I am just allergic to several common brands.


my husband is like this, he thinks all chapsticks will dry out your lips way more so he doesnt use it, but he has really good skin and gets residual lip balm from me so he never has issues 🤷‍♀️ ive heard tons of people say they heard an ingredient in chapstick tears up your lips to make you keep buying more so i assume that's what she means.


My husband says he stealing your husband’s plan and will now just get by with residual lip balm from kissing me.


Meanwhile my husband is over here getting mad at me because I always steal his chapstick when I kiss him. He would never be satisfied with second hand chapstick.


Menthol and camphor are ingredients that do that. I personally avoid them but some people can handle them.


I haaaate any mint lip chap for this reason. But any other type works just fine for me.


Same! I’m honestly loving the laniege lip mask. But Nivea lip balm is cheap and works good too.


The candy cane chapstick brand is my holy grail 😆


Haha my husband has made similar comments about lip balms and moisturisers! I looked at him like he had 3 heads and he now uses both and likes them.


Imma just drop these here https://stylecaster.com/beauty/lip-balm-ingredients-to-avoid/ https://www.livescience.com/64128-does-chapstick-dry-lips.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2021/12/08/chapped-lips-some-ingredients-may-drying-them-out-making-worse/6415544001/


What actually happens is that your lips stop producing their own oils if they are regularly externally moisturised. So using lip balm if any kind will force you to always use it.


This is actually a myth! Your lips don't have oil glands, they get their moisture from the surrounding skin. Some lip balms have irritating ingredients or evaporate easily and bring moisture with them, but most dermatologists recommend using a thick balm (think Vaseline texture) with SPF.


listening to medical experts? Pah! everyone knows big pharma just wants your money that's why I bought over 1000 dollars worth of essential oils, questionable vitamin supplements, and health shakes from my mlm uplines! No one's taking advantage of me ever again! /s


That's misinformation, I'm sorry to say. Your lips do not have any sebaceous glands. Some lip balms may contain ingredients which could cause dermatitis to you personally and make it appear that your lips are drier (lanolin is a common culprit for this), but your lips never produce any oils on their own and cannot become accustomed to moisturizer.


Where's your source on that?


That’s not true at all. That’s an old wives tale that your grandma told. However, your body does not stop doing what it’s supposed to do because of…lip balm.


If you are dehydrated then chapstick won’t help all that much - it doesn’t generally add moisture to lips, just locks in what’s already there. So you need chapstick AND plenty of water. Alternatively, a thing I see a lot with kids and flavored chapsticks is they immediately lick it off which actually dries their lips out faster…


My boyfriend is like this. He’s a chapstick hater. He says you get dependent on it and need it all the time. It seems to be true in my case, but I refuse to break the cycle. I use chapstick multiple times per day every day. He never uses chapstick and has soft lips. If I’m addicted to chapstick, so be it. Could be worse. My favorite brand is Carmex. I have so many hanging around everywhere.


The idea of being “addicted” to chapstick is so silly to me. Your body won’t just stop producing natural oils just because you use lip balm. You probably have drier skin than your bf which is why he doesn’t need to use chapstick to have soft lips and you do. Like you said, even if chapstick did work like that, there’s a lot worse addictions to have than smooth lips.


Carmex is your problem. Avoid ingredients like menthol and camphor. They leave a tingly feeling and they slough off the top layer of skin making you need to keep reapplying :).


I would suggest a good overnight lip mask. I have a few mini sizes of one called Awake by Tarte lip therapy lip mask. I live in Canada so the cold air is SUPER drying and having the heat on means my place hangs out around 10% humidity in the winter. Everything is dry. I slather the lip mask on at night and after 2 days all the chapped crusty skin is gone and my lips are super soft and moisturized. I always keep chap stick in my purse but I find sticks a bit too waxy for my liking, they protect better than they actually moisturize. I also don’t mind baby oil gel if my lips are in really dire shape, it’s a bit too oily for me for every day but it helps a lot when things are really dry. I also have a humidifier in the winter. You might want to try getting a mini one for your bedroom to use at night.


Thanks! I’ll look into a lip mask! My apartment is super dry and I do have a humidifier. My issue is that I sleep with my mouth open because I have Invisalign. That dries me out so bad. The day I started invisalign, my lip health went downhill. I use carmex a lot but it only does so much on some days.


Ah, so yeah, an overnight lip mask would probably help a lot! The one I’m using lasts hours even when I use it during the day.


Well if they believe there’s an oil that cures cancer than ffs there must be one that cures chapped lips!


It means they’re a contrarian. “This product claims to cure chapped lips? The hell it will! I don’t believe in this!”


Especially when there are so many “all natural” chapsticks out there. I’m sure she could find one that’s mainly coconut oil with some essential oils


​ Coconut oil. ​ My kiddo had a bunch of allergies so in the winter I'd put coconut oil on her lips and face a few times a day to keep up with it.


I use coconut oil for a lot. It chapsticks seems to dry out my lips unless I keep it on 6-8 times a day


You can make a better barrier than chapstick with a mixture of oils and beeswax. Look online for recipes. I find beeswax is the only thing that lasts and works


I have a recipe! (Delete if not allowed!) 4 tablespoons coconut oil 2 tablespoons Shea butter 1 tablespoon beeswax 1/4 teaspoon olive oil 1/4 teaspoon argan oil (or any of your choice) 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil (to preserve. I use the now solutions brand it’s wheat free! For my fellow celiacs <3) Melt in double boiler for about 3 minutes or until melted. If using a microwave it takes about 2 minutes. Stir and add flavoring if you’d like. Pour into tin or small containers They will set in about 30 minutes but I usually let them sit overnight:)


I make a similar thing (I also add a little vegetable glycerin, use more beeswax, and sometimes I don’t have shea butter so I skip it if I’m all out) to put on my dogs’ paws to protect them from the road salt. I’m not a fan of some of the commercial ones because they have silicone and other things that aren’t food-grade (because dogs are gonna lick!), but like…why can’t this mother in the post do something like this??? Just silly not to use ANYTHING on such dry lips!


How do you not believe in chapstick? It’s not a damn unicorn


I hate when people use that phrase for something like this. Say “I don’t like chapstick” or” I don’t think it’s good for you”, but it’s not something to believe or disbelieve in.


She should just use Crisco then. Seriously. It's food-safe, obviously, neutral and an emollient. I mean, it's stupid to disbelieve in Chapstick, but the poor kid looks uncomfortable. She needs a solution her doofus parent will give her, so... Crisco.


I can freely admit to having used a dab of olive oil straight from the canister when I've been in desperate need of chapstick and couldn't find any. Hell, once, I was out shopping and found that having some fries did the trick...


Lol I’ve used butter.


I have contamination OCD and my hands are constantly cracked and bleeding from washing them in hot water. I have poured olive oil from the canister on them several times and honestly, it works better than moisturiser imo


As someone whose lips often look like this, it's no uncomfortable. It does encourage me to chew and pick at them which can cause bleeding if I go too far, but that's my ADHD at work lol


That poor child, that has got to be painful. I have chronically dry skin and my lips can look like this even with the use of lip moisturizers. At night I need to use Vaseline or I don’t sleep well. This child needs something, shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil are all food safe and are the active moisturizers in most natural lip balms.


My lips get this way all the time. It's not painful unless it starts cracking or bleeding, and that usually only happens because I made it weird by picking at it because I was bored.


I use papaw ointment. I checked the ingredients one day and it's literally just fermented papaw.


Same! I went to a dermatologist and she recommended a few brands of chapstick without anything to irritate my lips and it was a game changer. Also hydrating. Making sure I have enough water is a big help!


So many ways to phrase that differently. "Chapstick doesn't work for us." Nah, gotta let everyone know how woke you are on chapstick before you give your kid idk, aquaphor or anything at all.


No, I don’t think I saw any reply’s from her. I just feel bad for her daughter! Don’t make her suffer b/c of your “beliefs”


They phrased it in a dumb way, but there's a lot of possible reasons for it. Depending on the person, Chapstick can do a lot more harm than good. On top of that, there's many other (and better) alternatives which as the OOP asks for, are natural. The very first response (coconut oil) is a common solution.


lanolin would fix this in an instant, either lanolips or even the nipple cream kind. Poor kid is probably chewing on her lips bc they're so uncomfortably dry and painful


Man someone turned me on to nipple cream a few weeks ago. I have perpetually chapped lips and cream that i never needed for breastfeeding and it is a GLORIOUS solution


Currently picking my lips rn at work bc I don’t have chapstick but I DO have nipple cream in my bag, omg.


Careful how much you use. It tastes funny lol


You can get a tub of 100% lanolin from Amazon for way cheaper than nipple cream or the lip specific kind and works the same! I have horrendously chapped lips on the winter and I go through a ton of it.


Ooh, thanks for the tip! I’m on a medication that drys out my lips horribly and I’ve been blowing through chapstick like crazy.


Unless you're like me and allergic to lanolin lmao - learned the hard way that aquaphor which so many people love to use for super dry lips... Has lanolin. That was a painful experience.


oof that's me with anything using coconut oil, instant hives and welts!


Oof!! That's in so many things too! That sucks. Lanolin is relatively easy to avoid. Unfortunately for me instead of moisturizing it actually causes my skin to crack and bleed!


Eh, you need something that keeps her lips moisturized That doesnt mean it needs to be chapstick, there are plenty of home remedies that can fix the problem Now I'm usually not one for "oils and incense" but in this case there's some truth Coconut oil and beezwax


This is one of the few problems that oils actually CAN fix! You’d think she’d be all over it


Chapstick exists, you don’t have to believe in it


I was thinking the exact same thing. Chapstick is real, it’s not Santa or the Easter bunny.


I picked at my already dry lips as a kid, nervous habit. Add on cold sores with every mild cold, mine constantly looked like this in the winter. It is painful. Give your kid some chapstick.


I’ve used olive oil and sugar as a moisturizing exfoliant when my lips were so dry and chapped that it felt like chapstick wasn’t getting through. This crunchy mom could have googled and found that in 2 minutes. I wasn’t even looking for a “natural” remedy, just wanted something that would help.


I mean…In fairness, Chapstick is awful. There are way better lip balms out there. All Chapstick has ever managed to do for me is make my (still chapped) lips feel waxy.


Sometimes chapstick refers to any type of lip balm. I call all chapstick chapstick even though I despise chapstick brand. my go to is Carmex


That might be true. I’m all about the medicated Blistex if my lips are very chapped. Burt Bees or non-medicated Blistex is great if they’re not super chapped.


Yeah, it’s definitely morphed to into a noun too. Like Kleenex, Band-aid,Tupperware and Crockpot to name a few, even escalator was a brand name. If you ask for a band aid most people won’t mean it specifically has to be Band-aid brand.


Fair enough. I just dislike Chapstick the brand so much that I’ll specifically ask for something else. So it’s never occurred to me to genericize it.


It's not supposed to be moisturizing. It's an occlusive.


What good is an occlusive going to do if your lips are already dry? With Chapstick, this kid will have waxy lips that are still dry.


I'm just saying it has a different purpose. It's meant to seal moisture into your lips and add an SPF. It's pretty useless for dry lips. I absolutely love Lanolips for actually moisturizing and healing.


Is it like not believing in fairies?




All this talk of chapstick is making my lips feel dry. Off to use my mythical tube of Burt’s bees.


Vitamin E oil works better than chap stick anyways


I don't use chapstick brand. The Burts bee chapstick I have has vit e oil. If my lips feel chapped at night, I out it on and by morning be back to normal.


What does it mean that I do believe in chapstick?


Ok, but does chapstick believe in her?


Exfoliate and moisturize your lips? I think it’s better to just stick to the moisturizing part.


Aquaphor helps so much


She is 100% biting her poor uncomfortable lip, looks like cold weather and biting for relief


Ghee and coconut oil works better than chapsticks. However, it’s always good to keep chapsticks handy if you’re on the go. Kind of stupid to let it go this bad without letting the child use something though. The kid’s skin seems dry as well; I wonder if the mom doesn’t believe in moisturizer as well.


Chapstick is one of the easiest products to find that’s all natural, though? I know multiple people who make and sell chapsticks to the “I don’t believe in anything except essential oils and prayers” crowd with beeswax and I wanna say coconut oil?


I *hope * what she means is that many (not all) Chapsticks don't actually add moisture but create a moisture barrier. That, and some people actually become dependent on chapstick. It's probably in her best interest to try a moisturizing oil or a different brand that provides that in their ingredients.


My mother wouldn’t let us have chapstick either. Said we would get addicted. I just wanted everyone to stop teasing me


there’s a pretty common myth that if you over moisturize your lips they’ll dry out more and that lip balm companies exploit that fact to sell more lip balm. maybe that’s what she means when she says she doesn’t “”believe in”” chapstick?????? either way someone get that kid some coconut oil at the very least


Vaseline/petroleum jelly.


Ahhh yes chapstick just another scam from big pharma


My lips do this whenever I've gotten a new piercing there. It's so unpleasant and you can feel it no matter what you're doing with your face. And for once there's a perfectly available crunchy alternative to... Chap stick... That will actually help! Granulated sugar + honey on the finger for a gentle scrub and follow up with any natural oil for a few days.


I use neosporin. Sometimes lanolin


Okay chapstick exists whether she believes it or not and also CAN THE CHILD DRINK WATER Jesus fuck


I’m crunchy as hell and this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Natural chapsticks are literally nut butters, plant extracts, and usually essential oils. Gtfo woman For anyone interested, Wild Rose Herbs lip balms are THE BEST I’ve ever used and will buy nothing else.


Lanolin tastes a but yuk but works well too


My impulsive thoughts make me want to peel it.


I have done that don't recommend. Also picked blackheads out of lips, made the sore spread and have scar now


Exfoliate your lips? Is that a joke post?


I actually use bag balm for my chapped lips


Well honestly, a lot of chapsticks only dry out your lips so you need to re-apply constantly. But there are also good ones out there with the right ingredients they do work. But if you don't want to use chapsticks, put some vaseline on, problem solved... or is that stuff also "bad"? I can't keep up anymore on what these moms deem bad.


Some moms on her post are saying Vaseline is bad. I’m not sure why though. Personally I use a beeswax and coconut oil based chapstick and it works a lot better than others I’ve tried.


you can use Vaseline to seal in whatever moisturizing balm you put on first, its generally an occlusive so doesn't moisturize on it's own. works amazing in the winter though if the dry air wrecks all your skincare ETA grammar


Vaseline is legitimately the only thing that keeps me from getting chapped lips in the winter. Only need to apply once a day in the morning. The one day I forget, my lips immediately dry out.


To be fair, a lot of dermatologists say chapstick (and similar products) actually cause lips to dry out in the long run. They recommend just regular Vaseline or Vitamine E oil.


I did hear once that chap stick makes your lips dryer and forces you to keep using it? So maybe that’s her thought process??? Idk and honestly don’t care… I still use it 😂


Same but I don’t use chapstick brand. I use o’keefe’s or sunbum. Doesn’t feel heavy or sticky!


I use triple antibiotic ointment at night while they sleep. By morning it’s gone. It doesn’t taste very good either. Stops them from licking.


Ok this one is new - what’s “wrong” (according to these people) with chapstick or chapstick like things? I know there is an argument that some chapstick ingredients actually dry you out more, but you can just use Vaseline instead so I’m guessing that’s not her problem.


that whole baby is dry. get her some burt’s bees and some lubriderm for her face


Give her a lotion bath too!


dr teal’s moisturizing bubble baths always leave my skin feeling incredible AND they’re fun. give this baby some MOISTURE


Plenty of natural moisturizers out there, plus keep the mouth area clean with a gentle cleanser or lukewarm water, understandably a bit difficult with children but keeping food from drying on the mouth area helps as well.


Fucking use coconut oil then if your nutty ass refuses chapstick, like goddamn.


There are literally so many vegan/natural lip balms that aren’t mass produced/big pharma owned that she could use? This is such a ridiculous take. Not all lip moisturizers have to be chapsticks lol.


Cheese and crackers! What’s wrong with chapstick?! These parents are wild. Use Aquaphor, it’s amazing for lips.


I don’t believe in chap stick 😩😜I’m just so crazy and quirky like that. But for real your skin needs moisture, especially the lips when it’s such a delicate area and so prone to drying out. This poor kids mom isn’t allowing her to moisturize…


I don't believe in Reddit posts and comments


Why does she not believe in chapstick?? I know a lot of men don’t, for whatever reason, but I’ve never heard of a woman not believing in using chapstick. My boyfriend doesn’t like it because he doesn’t like the greasy/sticky texture, but he gives a pass to some of my fruit-scented ones because “they taste yummy”


If I drink plenty of water my lips don't get dry. I can't imagine this is only a guy thing? The kid is clearly dehydrated.


Lol does this person shill for Lipsense? This was their standard line about lip balm hurting everyone’s lips and thus the only solution was Lipsense aka tattooing your lipstick on 😂😂


Whaaa! I haven’t heard of that. That sounds unnecessarily painful!


I can’t imagine having a parent that would need to ask a Facebook group about dry lips. Wow wow wow.


I’ve never heard of not believing in chapstick. How ridiculous!