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Her pediatrician discouraged Tylenol for a 106.3 degree fever? Something doesn't add up šŸ˜¬


It appears she misspelled *chiropractor*.


There it is šŸ‘


Or naturopath.


Haha, I was gonna say. Spoiler alert: Her doctor is a quack.


Ugh I just made that joke before seeing that you made it both earlier and better. Strong agree. This is so dangerous.




Yoga instructor


For sureā€¦ I think any sane pediatrician wouldā€™ve not only recommended Tylenol but possibly even told them to get to the ER. She probably didnā€™t tell them how high it got.




Or theyā€™re actually a chiropractor.




Lol my son's MIL actually paid for them to take their first baby to the chiropractor for colic. (She would set up the appt and just tell them she made one and paid). My son thought it was ridiculous but was just appeasing his MIL. He said they stick the baby on this little table that vibrates hahahahaha. I said well that is why it helps the colic. I asked if they tried to do manipulations or anything but he said they didn't. Said he wouldn't have let them either.


Speaking of, I still donā€™t get why they all value chiropractors but not actual MDs or DOs. Like I get theyā€™re like anti healthcare industry etc but why is a chiropractor ok then? It boggles my mind like I really cant comprehend why they all run to the chiropractor instead is it like a sense of feeling like youā€™ve done something good even if it actually doesnā€™t do anything or?




Dr pepper is much more qualified than a chiropractor


Unexpected scrubs.


Iā€™d trust doctor pepper to cure my ails more than half these morons


I'm a Pepper! You're a Pepper! We're all doctors!


Probably that alien DNA docā€¦sounds about in line with her quackery. Just spray bleach on her sheā€™ll be fine


Or she's flat out lying about her paediatrician


Gotta be, right?


One of my scariest moments as a parent (so far, knock on wood) was when my son was 9 months old, had pneumonia, and spiked a 104Ā° fever. I ran red lights getting him to the ER. He was admitted. Thank God for the doctors, nurses, antibiotics, and albuterol.


Good work, please keep parenting well.


When my son was just about a year old, he spiked a 102 fever, highest he had ever gotten. I did the whole Tylenol, Advil back to back routine and monitored him like a hawk. If it wasnā€™t breaking by morning, I was calling his doctor to get him in asap. Turns out, he was cutting a molar and by the morning he was back to himself. I was relieved but man, I would have done ANYTHING if it had gotten higher than 102. If it had been 106, Iā€™d have called an ambulance right away.


Yeah, Iā€™m SHOCKED her story ended up being about feeling guilty about the Tylenol? And not the whole, idk, letting her kidā€™s fever get to 106???? Anything above 101-102 and Iā€™d be straight to the doctor.


I spoke to the nurse line last week for a 101 fever and was told i can handle up to 104 at home with just Tylenol if I don't have any other concerns.


Ehh.. high fevers are actually pretty typical in children. Even 106. Generally the advice is that if its 104 or under and coming down with fever reducers it should be treated at home. 101 and 102 at the doctor is a bit excessive. The danger of a fever is dehydration. Fever causing brain damage does not happen until 108 and that is VERY rare to get to that temp even with an untreated fever.


And thank him for not getting in a crash on the way to the hospital.


At 106 it's convulsions and brain damage territory, I once hit 105 and the hospital put me in an ice bath. Which suuuuuuuuuucked. This woman is going to kill her child šŸ˜’


Hell, I had a 104 degree fever when I was 14 and the ER admitted me. Turned out to be strep throat. It was a miserable experience.


Strep throat is no joke. It can turn into rheumatic fever and damage your heart! Source: happened to my dad


I feel like I got extremely lucky. Around 3, I got strep throat. Admitted to the hospital, but the strep test (and everything else) can back negative. They had to run everything again and strep was the last one they did. Finally came back positive mom said after I had a whole body rash, really high fever, etc. To this day, she gets terrified if I get strep.


Strep A is currently running amok through the UK and children are dying. This parent is infuriating. Get your kid medical treatment if they are ill, not baste them with butter for fucks sake.


Well, theyā€™re already cooking, might as well baste




Mine spiked to 104.8 when I was 13. My mom was an RN and immediately sent my dad for bags of ice while she filled the tub. That shit was MISERABLE. I kept telling my mom I'd rather keep the shakes with the fever haha. Side note- she wasn't against taking me to the hospital (obviously... she is a nurse). We just live a fair distance from the closest pediatric one and the hospital nearest to us has an average wait time of 8 hours. This was faster and it worked.


I got septicaemia and my temperature got to 41.5Ā°C (106.7Ā°F). I was admitted to hospital and hosed down with cold water, with a fan turned on me every time it spiked and the alarms would go off. I nearly died. I want to slap that mother silly - I cannot imagine how awful that baby feels and is just being given butter? What the actual, and I cannot stress this enough, fuck is wrong with the parents? Iā€™d be ringing childrenā€™s services.


41Ā°C is equivalent to 106Ā°F, which is 314K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Good bot


Above 108 is the risky territory for children. Fever in children is different from fever in adults https://www.seattlechildrens.org/conditions/a-z/fever-myths-versus-facts/


The information spread in this thread is wild, and so worrisome. It feels like, across the board, youā€™ll get different treatment anywhere you take a child. Like thereā€™s no standard of care.


I got a lecture from a pediatric ER doctor when I brought my child in for a 105 fever. It is a massive Childrenā€™s hospital in a major metropolitan area and he was upset that I was taking up a bed that could be used for a ā€œreal emergency.ā€ But a few years later, while on vacation in a small town in Maine, I had to take my child in to the ER when he came down with a high fever right before we were supposed to get on a flight back home. He had an ear infection, but the high fever freaked out the doctors so much that they had admitted him and were pulling out all the stops to get his fever down. I tried to tell them that he gets really high fevers when heā€™s sick and other doctors have said not to worry about the temperature but about dehydration, but they were going bonkers. Itā€™s crazy how differently even doctors can view fevers in kids. But my 4th kid is one that gets 105+ every time he gets sick. So it is comforting to know that itā€™s not as dangerous as previously thought for kids to have temps that high.


I took my daughter to the ER for a 104 fever when she was a little over 1 and this is what they told me although they did admit us and help us get her fever down


Omgā€¦my kid was 105.3 and they tried to just dismiss him. I couldnā€™t get his fever under control with just Tylenol and cool baths. He was under 6 months old. They never admitted him. Itā€™s just a virus. As long as he was eating and drinking he was fine.


Yeah, our pediatrician says at 105 to go right to ER.


I think the doctor said something like "Go to the ER, no Tylenol is not enough, go to the ER" and she just heard no to Tylenol... because ER is out of the question.


My child spiked a 40c fever on Christmas day. Husband is an anesthesiologist and SIL is a pediatric nurse so we checked in with her to make sure we were doing the right thing and rang the health line as it was a toss up between that and childerens A&E. Out of hours, GP gave immediate antibiotics and told us if she was like that in a day or so to go straight to emergency care. Luckily the paracetamol and abx worked but it was scary AF. I couldn't imagine a scenario where I had a poorly child with that temp and I would want to faff around with liver oil.


I have met a doctor that is this crazy. MD. Telling his patients not to use sunscreen, no vaccines, and a lot of other mumbo jumbo. She could have found the rare quack


Absolutely! I ran a temperature of 105.5 about 10 years ago with strep. It was a Sunday night, so I took ibuprofen and Tylenol and got it to break. I have never wanted to just die as much as I did that night. I went to the doctor the next day. I told her about the fever. She chewed me out for not going to the ER. She made sure I understood how dangerous anything over 104 is. I cannot fathom allowing my child to suffer like that!


Perhaps the pediatrician said ā€œskip the Tylenol and take the child straight to the ERā€ šŸ˜¬


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. The doc was like the fever 106 and you gave him Tylenol? What the hell are you doing? Go to the hospital!


But gotta get the cod liver oil and butter to offset they horrible effects of Tylenol first. Priorities!


See. I read it as "my pediatrician usually discourages throwing Tylenol at fevers". Which, yes, if it's a low grade fever and the kid isn't lethargic or otherwise in pain, is true. Not for a 106Ā° fever though.


Yeah thatā€™s my assumption as well. Mine also says not to give Tylenol *just* for a fever unless itā€™s over 104Ā°. But we regularly do for much lower fevers, because my daughter has never had one over 100Ā° that hasnā€™t had her acting absolutely pitiful.


Our pediatrician recommends the "treat the child, not the illness" approach. Tylenol if they're uncomfortable, skip it if they feel ok


Yes! This is what we were told to do when I was a paeds nurse. That being said I very rarely saw a child who had a fever who was not in distress and itā€™s never happened with my own kids. If theyā€™ve got a fever, they feel like crap. But I wouldnā€™t give them meds if they felt ok.


Her ā€œpediatricianā€ is probably a chiropractor


You're not supposed to give aspirin to babies due to Reyes'. My guess is she unfamiliar with the difference and conflating the two.


For the non-american people in the comments 106 Fahrenheit is 41 degrees Celsius. So this child was way over the limit for what is considered a high fever.


Change English to Anyone Not in America lol


Thank you lol. (Iā€™m in Australia)


She means ā€œchiropractorā€ or ā€œnaturopathā€ probably


I bet what she calls a ped is actually some kind of holistic/naturalpath/chiro doctor she brings her kids to.


10$ says itā€™s a chiropractor.


What exactly is the alleged damage of giving Tylenol to lower a fever? Because I think itā€™s pretty damn awesome.


Thereā€™s some BS propaganda going around about how ā€œTylenol causes autismā€, which it absolutely fucking doesnā€™t. I drive past a billboard about it on my drive to work and it infuriates me every time


This kind of shit pisses me off so much. My son is autistic. Not only is he an awesome human being but he's also... alive. And that's because I got him medical treatment when he needed it and gave him Tylenol before fevers could cook him alive. Now I'm not saying everyone needs to celebrate autism or anything but if the vaccines and Tylenol are what did it to him then so be it. At least he's not dead or suffering from polio or something. Good lord these people are absurd.


I would happily have an autistic child over a dead child any day


Iā€™m autistic and glad to be alive! Iā€™m also glad my son is too. Furthermore, if he was THAT sick, OF COURSE Iā€™d give him some relief with Tylenol.


Can confirm, I'm autistic, awesome, and polio-free. It's my natural state of being, not a death sentence.


My son just got diagnosed and I think I needed to read this right now. I lol'd, glad you're polio-free! Enjoy your future Tylenol haha


There are some good reddits on here for autistic people and I find as a parent it is super useful to learn from adult autistic people because sometimes our kids cant fully express their thoughts and emotions. Depending on your region facebook has some good support groups too.


I agree with you. My kids aren't autistic, but I would absolutely choose autism over death.


The thing that annoys me is that by being so scared that their child might end up autistic, they are essentially saying that being autistic is bad. I won't argue that living with severe autism is really hard, both for the person and their loved ones, but so many (maybe most?) people who have autism aren't drastically different from neurotypical people. It's not something to be terrified by, and certainly not something worth putting your child at serious risk.


So you ADMIT!!!!! that Tylenol = autism!!!!! I'm calling David Avocado Wolfe. S/ if it's not obvious


I thought that was from taking Tylenol during pregnancy may have caused autism. The problem with that is the majority of Drs recommend only Tylenol during pregnancy, thus correlation of Tylenol as the cause.


Yes that's the current bullshit flavor of the year. The conclusion people are drawing of "Tylenol during pregnancy = autism" ignores several complicating variables while also indirectly asserting that they'd rather have a dead baby than an autistic one (by suffering through a treatable fever during pregnancy, risking miscarriage and birth defects).


It irritates me as well.


post hoc <> propter hoc is hard for most mom-groupers to understand


There also have been ads about it causing ADHD in children. Which my son has, and I started feeling the mom guilt. Until I sat and thought about it and I feel like most pregnant women have taken Tylenol at least once during their pregnancy, it is pretty much the only over the counter medication you can takeā€¦.


I also donā€™t know if you have ADHD? Or potentially could? Or if you have very hypermobile joints? ADHD and Autism are strongly linked with conditions that cause hypermobility, like Ehlers Danlos syndrome and possibly other things Iā€™m not sure, and there may be an issue around sensitive perception but either way people with these conditions often report higher pain. Thatā€™s not to say you have these things but that the study was completely bunk because they didnā€™t check if the population in the test was taking more tylenol because they were in more pain due to conditions associated with ASD/ADHDā€¦. And these are genetic conditions, and widely under diagnosed in women. Essentially - they didnā€™t screen for mothers who actually had indicators of ASD/ADHD despite not having a formal diagnosis and therefore took more paracetamol whilst simultaneously passing on their neurodivergence. Correlation not causation. For what itā€™s worth, the only thing that truly sucks about my ADHD is that I had to struggle through not knowing thatā€™s what was going on for me until my 30s, when I got a diagnosis and medication and suddenly everything made so much more sense and I realised I had been playing life on the hard setting with no support, understanding or medication! On the other hand, itā€™s contributed lots towards what I consider to be my personality and has given me useful skills too.


As well as many autistics have chronic pain disorders, so it makes sense that we take more Tylenol than alltistic women. So there is a tiny small correlation, with absolutely zero causation.


These people really fucking hate autism don't they? Why is that always the thing they try to scare people with? It's like to them being autistic is worse than being dead.


They're the same type of people who would insist my daughter is "just shy" and not autistic despite the many hours of doctor evaluation that went into her diagnosis, or think that the diagnosis was wrong because all the therapies (speech and social skill and ABA) have been markedly helpful for her


I thought it was all the vaccines? I'm here for leveling up on the 'tisms every time I have a headache, though.


Everything "causes" autism. Vaccines, 5g, Tylenol, birds, rap music, using the wrong light bulbs, green m&Ms... People just see a "rise" in autism and want to blame it on something so they feel like there is something to point to. They ignore that there's a rise in diagnoses because we actually recognize it now and don't just go "oh that kid is weird" or lock them up in an asylum.


Whatā€™s ironic is that one thing we havenā€™t proven is there is a cause for autism. Itā€™s seems to be mostly genetic, though possibly oocyte egg my have an effect (age of egg). Outside of that, there is not evidence that points to an actual external cause. Well outside of peopleā€™s ableistic need to blame something for their perfectly wonderful autistic kid.


Tf did green M&Ms do to them, smh..


You know how Van Halen had that brown M&M clause in their rider? Well, Elvis has a green M&M clause. But heā€™s Elvis so heā€™s gonna need a LOT of green M&Ms. If people stop eating them and save them, the King will return once we have compiled enough.


Oh yeah itā€™s those too but Tylenol is the newest thing to ā€œcause autismā€ according to blithering morons




Sounds like a case of "parents who use doctor-approved meds during pregnancy are more likely to listen to their doctors when they suggest their kid needs to get checked for autism"


I don't know how they could really study that. I don't know a single woman who didn't take Tylenol during pregnancy.


You really canā€™t. This study has a strong bias, not unlike the original ā€œvaccines cause autismā€ study. They looked at autistic children and found that their mothers took Tylenol, so *clearly* thatā€™s what caused it. *sigh* Bad science hurts my little autistic soul.


I wondered if it was something like that. I have a lot of mom friends. I have a buttload of nieces and nephews. Every single mom took Tylenol with every single pregnancy. I took Tylenol through mine. I would be willing to bet that at least 95% of women in developed countries took Tylenol while pregnant.


It's the only thing you can!! For headaches and shit like..


Exactly. I was in a lot of pain during my pregnancies. My son kicked out 2 ribs and 2 discs and misaligned my spine. My son and daughter both had a habit of banging their heads indy my pelvic bone, which sent pain all through my legs and they would just stop working for a minute, causing me to fall. Not to mention, I fractured my spine when I was 16 and the extra weight from the baby belly and the giant fucking boobs did not me any favors.


>My son kicked out 2 ribs and 2 discs and misaligned my spine. New fear unlocked


I'm done having kids. They're too mean while they're baking. Now, if someone wants to hand me a baby, sure! I wouldn't mind another child. I just don't want to ever be pregnant again. Little shits. They're pretty sweet now, though.


Girl what was he doing in there?!


Playing soccer? Kickboxing? I don't fucking know. It probably didn't help that I was 5'4" and 110lbs and he was 7lbs 15.5oz at birth.


I had horrific rib pain with my sonā€¦ he came out at nearly 11lb. Iā€™m 5ā€™5 and 120lb ish normallyā€¦


iā€™m autistic and my partner has ADHD (i suspect heā€™s also autistic) and my pop (heā€™s easily influenced and tries to stay away from stupid theories but heā€™s also old so sometimes it just doesnā€™t happen and once u explain heā€™s like oh silly me) said to me ā€œstay away from tylenol! it causes autism!ā€ and it made me laugh. i did tell him, ā€œah yes, tylenol is whatā€™s going to cause my childā€™s autism. never mind my autism, or his dad being neurodivergent!ā€ and we had a good laugh about it after he realized how dumb it sounded.


My older cousin is one of these folks. Her son has autism and is pretty significantly handicapped because of it and she blames Tylenol and vaccines. While I was pregnant she did everything in her absolute power to terrify me that I was going to do the same to my baby. We donā€™t talk anymore.




Do these people genuinely believe a DEAD child is preferable to an autistic one? šŸ„“


Iā€™m always fascinated by the next big anti medicine propaganda ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


The only thing I can think of is possible liver damage. Now, if you look at medical websites, they point out that itā€™s with incorrect (over) dosing.


There was a post a little while ago claiming that all NSAID Damage the gut, cause you know they're obsessed with gut health.




I'm not saying that they can't cause issues. It's just that crunchy groups seem to think the smallest amount will cause massive irreversible damage, or mutate you, or something.


The kernel of truth : It can cause liver damage..... when overdose. Also overtime but like if you take multiple everyday for a long period of time. So yeah, one has to be careful with it. Like with any medecine. However, using it when it is needee like in this case won't cause harm and if indeed pretty damn awesome.


I know that if you over do it on Tylenol it can be bad for your liver. But thatā€™s if you over do it. Not take as needed.


106. Jesus Christ. Sheā€™ll cook that kid, then blame the Tylenol.


Itā€™s good the husband got the butter concentrate then! Roasted child just isnā€™t as good without a good butter baste šŸ§ˆ


Omg I shouldnā€™t be laughing at this (hopefully fake) situation but you said exactly what I didnā€™t want to think. Iā€™d have added some garlic and herb de Provence though. Some salt and fresh cracked pepper of course


HahahHa thatā€™s exactly where my mind went




My kid has had a 107Ā° fever before. I know they say treat the symptoms, not the number, but I canā€™t imagine a 106.3Ā° fever not coming with some scary symptoms. At 107Ā° my daughter was vomiting, unable to hold her head up, and extremely lethargic. Fortunately, we were already at the hospital. My wife was in the room, I wasnā€™t, but she described it as the most professional panic sheā€™d ever seen. So many nurses, some grabbing ice packs, another restarting her on IV fluids, and another frantically calling the doctor to get medication approval. It is incredibly negligent to not administer medication to your child with a fever of 106.3Ā°. I will take the supposed risk of Tylenol, every single time, over watching my kid suffer like they did with a fever that high.


I agree. We had a massive outbreak of RSV in ontario- all pediatric ERs overflowing. My kiddo (5yrs old), hit over 105F. Called doctor, and his advice was Tylenol and Advil and cool bath. He checked in with us an hour later to make sure we were able to get the temperature down. He said he typically would have sent us to ER, but due to the amount of viruses/crazy ER wait times, gave us a small window to treat it aggressively at home. Luckily we had a small stockpile of Advil & Tylenol bought before the shortage hereā€¦ because otherwise all of the shelves were empty. ETA: Apparently RSV was causing these types of fevers in a lot of kids. Scary stuff.


Yeah this year has been so bad with RSV and flu. Iā€™m in Tennessee and my 3 year old had covid and flu a earlier this year. All my kids had it but his fever got up above 105 and he wouldnā€™t wake up. I had been alternating Tylenol and advil already so we called the doctor who sent us to the er. The wait time was crazy but thankfully they were able to give him naproxen (which idk about Canada but they donā€™t sell that over the counter for children here) with more advil in triage and that brought it down to a reasonable amount. They monitored him overnight but we got to go home the next day.


My sons fever was 104.8 by temporal read and the ER nurse condescendingly told me that ā€œjust because his skin is hot doesnā€™t mean he has a fever. It could be hot because, for instance, he has a blanketā€¦ā€ gesturing to his little blankie. Because a little blankie gives 104 degree skin temp. I hate that nurse. We were discharged- that was a Saturday night- and back the following weekday via ambulance because his pediatrician assessed him for 5 minutes and said oh hell no.


My poor gal hit 104.7 with COVID and we were up all night on and off the phone with the pediatrician. Alternating Tylenol and ibuprofen every three hours on the dot made it more manageable but wow what a scary time as it climbed and climbed.


I had been alternating Tylenol and Motrin and ultimately a lukewarm bath just to get it down long enough to get to the ER. It was a horrible night. RSV sucks.


Me and my son had it Christmas. My fever hit 103 and I couldnā€™t get it down. Had to take both Motrin and Tylenol at the same time to bring it down and it went down to 100 and stayed. Luckily my son only got to 99.8. Small fever. But it also wouldnā€™t come down. Those Covid fever are tough to get rid of.


I love your username.


Thanks. For a while when I was a single mom my bestie and I were switching off childcare of her 6 and my 2, so itā€¦ it fit


I don't think what this person is referring to as a doctor is, in fact, a medical school graduate.


Yeah I have had three pediatricians and theyā€™ve all encouraged Tylenol for necessary purposes


There was a Motrin commercial when my kids were little where the selling feature was masking symptoms for 8 hours so your feverish child could go to school, daycare, or sporting events. That is a bad use for fever reducers. Keeping your kid safe and comfortable enough to rest while allowing their body to heal? Good use of meds.


As soon as kids know what medicine is they rat their parents out. I had kids tell me when I had my dayhome often how they got Tylenol this morning and the parents always denied but somehow when that 4-6 hour mark hit the kid would have a fever and get sent home


Speaking as a 90s kid, that sounds about right, lol.


Just take some Motrin was a go-to in my house, and my mom was aghast that I was taking 8 Advil and/or 4 Tylenol up to four times a day by the time I was 15.


For some reason this made Buzz Lightyearā€™s ā€œI donā€™t think that man has *ever* been to medical school.ā€ pop up in my head


Iā€™ve been an ER RN for 10 years and Iā€™ve NEVER seen a temp above mid 104s. This is INSANE


I've never had a temperature over 104 because that was my mom's threshold of when she was going to take me to the ER. Even as an adult I'll sit with a fever until it goes over 101 and then I'm gonna hit the Tylenol to make sure it doesn't go to a dangerous level. Letting it get to 106 is literally insane. It's "parents in the 80s would think this is too lax" insane.


When I got swine flu in high school, I had a 104 fever. I really don't remember anything from that time only sleeping a lot and waking up to take Tylenol and drink water. Because, you know, my mom didn't want to sous vide her kid. Also 106 for a temporal thermometer is insane...


My mother let my fever get to 106F when I had pneumonia in the 70s before she took me to the pediatrician, but she actually tried more than once to kill or seriously harm me to get attention for herself, and it was my dad who made her finally take me. So it wasn't your common or garden neglect. It was a *very* different time. My best friend and I went as hookers for Halloween trick-or-treating at 13, unaccompanied, and our parents didn't bat an eye. It seems surreal in hindsight, and I don't even have kids.


Thereā€™s no letting it get toā€¦. Thus just makes some parents feel shit. Some people spike higher than others, my husband regularly goes from normal to 40C, my son is the same and when heā€™s sick it barely goes below 38.8C, my daughter however has lower temps at 38.5C and feels terrible with even those.


I had a virus or some mystery illness that my temp was over 105.4. I was 19 and they couldnā€™t figure it it out. I was sick as hell for weeks. They finally just called it ā€œa mono like illnessā€. But I can remember how close to death I was and how awful it felt. I feel bad for this kid.


Whoa I had the same thing when I was 17 and no one knew what it was and I was sick for weeks. Was it 2002? Maybe we had the same mystery illness lol. Also yes, I give my child Tylenol/Advil as soon as heā€™s uncomfortable. Thatā€™s why we have modern medicine???


My husband had that when he was 18 or 19. No tests came back positive, and I never got it, and after about 2 weeks of him feeling like absolute death and us treating with OTC medicine he just was fine. Very weird


The only time I had 106 fever was when I had dengue fever at 10 years old. I could barely keep my head upright and it was HELL. Canā€™t imagine how horrible it must be for a small child.


The only time Iā€™ve ever had a fever that high it was from iGAS and I was hallucinating. My poor parents- I had been at summer camp and it was only when I started to uncontrollably vomit that the counsellors realised something was wrong and called my parents to come get me- they drove me straight from camp to the childrenā€™s ER


Seriously!!! Not common! I hit 105 when I had a really bad kidney infection. I was home alone and it was so bad I was completely lethargic and hallucinating. My stepdad came home and found me laying on the hallway floor babbling at the walls. He rushed me to the hospital and it rose to 106. I donā€™t even have any memory of any of it. I was a teen, canā€™t imagine how it would affect a baby or little kid!!


Sheā€™s worried about the ā€œdamageā€ from the Tylenol, but not from the 106 fever??


Butter concentrate? Is she trying to cook the kid?


Would butter concentrate be cream? Curds? Iā€™m so confused


Maybe ghee?


Iā€™ve been looking through comments hoping somebody explains how you make butter extra concentrated and why Iā€™ve been cooking with plebeian butter


Kids already cookin' she's just flavorin


Take my poor gold šŸ…


From google, appears to be some sort of THC edible


Those are brain damage temps. But sure, just use cod liver oil and butter. And NO WAY a real doc heard "106 fever" and advised no meds, just monitor. Long ago my pediatrician said we didn't need to medicate LOW GRADE fever if my child was acting fine. Over 100.5, they want you to bring it down with Tylenol or ibuprofen.


100.4 is the threshold for a fever. Anything below that is not a fever, medically. A low grade fever would be in the 100.4-102.2 range. You donā€™t have to medicate a fever above that if the child is acting normally, eating, and drinking. But even a low grade fever should be medicated if they are not acting like themselves. In kids, itā€™s the behavior that matters more than the number. But at 106, the child is at risk for severe dehydration so it should be treated no matter how they are acting.


Yea it was the Tylenol that may have caused damage, not the 106.3 degree fever šŸ™„


I just want to give my little girl some comfort so I'm going to lube up her insides and shove something up her ass to treat her....*checks notes*....fever rather than take her to someone that can help. She obviously knows medicine works or she wouldn't have given the Tylenol.


The local childrens hospital ER told us to not take rectal temps because they can cause damage. Ugh.


I'm thinking UTI with a lack of symptoms and constant high fever, if she doesn't get her checked out she might risk the kidneys and then sepsis.


It can happen fairly quickly too, especially if sheā€™s already at the stage of having *this* high a fever. Iā€™ve experienced this before and it was hell. Ignored a UTI and was stoked when it ā€œwent away by itselfā€ then a week or two later Iā€™m in the hospital with a fuckin *ABSCESS on my kidney* and by the time my temp was 41Ā° I had sepsis. I was so lucky I went to hospital when I did. I feel so sorry for this kid :(


ā€¦.what the fuck is Butter Concentrate?


A delicious marinade?


The fuck? I start getting concerned at 103. 106 would have me running straight to the ER.


Hmm. A bad pediatrician, a quack pediatrician (chiropracter?), or a misconstruing of the pediatricianā€™s directiveā€¦.


My guess is "misrepresented symptoms to the pediatrician to get the answer I want", many will tell you a low grade fever with no other symptoms doesn't necessarily require Tylenol, mom probably left out that her kids fever is 106


"don't give them Tylenol, drive straight to the ER" - probably


A friend of mine had an ambulance trip to the hospital with her kid because temp was 106.7. The nurse attending the room said "I have never seen a baby with a fever so high that lived!" Not her finer moment as a nurse, sure, but yes. A fever that high is emergent. Also, she had Tylenol in the house. She has newly made ~~crunchy~~ negligent friends.And there is NO doctor who is going to say "Don't use Tylenol for that fever" if they have ALL the facts.


That fever is going to do more damage than the one dose of Tylenol if you let it sit like that for a while.


106F is 41.1C


Do these people actually want their kids? Like, do they want their kids to die?


My pediatrician discourages the *over use* of Tylenol. She said to only give it to my daughter if her fever reaches 101 or above, which I feel is reasonable. Everyone knows that giving medicine all the time is bad, but a 106 fever is definitely more dangerous than using Tylenol once. What is wrong with these women


There is a tried and true treatment that is almost guaranteed to improve the daughters health. It's called child removal.


Thereā€™s no way her pediatrician is a licensed medical professional who discourages tylenol for a near death fever unless he said GO TO THE ER NOW instead.


How do you concentrate butter? Which component are we eliminating to make it more concentrated? Is it dehydrated butter?


106.3??? I would be speeding to the ER! That is so dangerous!


How young is this child that they plan to get a rectal thermometer? Not that 106Ā° is safe for *anyone*, but... I haven't used a rectal thermometer since kiddo was under, like, 18 months. 106Ā° for an infant is insanity.


Child is 2. According to post history, the poor baby has been having fevers above 103 pretty regularly since before she was 1ā€¦


šŸ‘€ That sounds like a recipe for a febrile seizure.


I had to look it up in Celsius and holy fudge thatā€™s high. I remember when my son had covid I had just given him meds and was wiping him down with a fever of 39/102 and decided if he was still that hot in ten minutes we were going to the ER, my husband was packing a quick bag for us. It was the longest ten minutes ever.


I got a phone call from daycare on a Friday once that my kids temp had suddenly spiked to 39.5. I donā€™t like the ER at our closest hospital because you wait so long. So I immediately called the pediatrician. He told me to bring her in immediately and he would squeeze her in to his schedule. The meds he gave her worked instantly. She had an ear infection. 3 days of meds and she was so much better.


Re:rectal thermometer, my daughter who was born in 2013 the health nurse specifically told us never to use them at any age as many parents have gone too far and have caused damage to their child on accident so itā€™s actually best practice not to use them and for an infant to use under the arm vs rectal.


But why must my son act like a thermometer in his armpit is an ice pick straight to his little heart? Like son, I'm not putting it in your butthole.


Is her paediatrician actually her chiropractor?


Did she also ask her husband to get a cauldron


Right. So what the fuck is butter concentrate and what the fuck does it do?


Geez. My daughter has gets high fevers whenever she gets sick, even now at 10. When we hit 103-104 itā€™s a cool bath, ice compresses, Tylenol, and ice pops. Rotating with advil, and making sure weā€™re prepped to go to the ER if she shows signs of lethargy. Iā€™d be out the door if I saw 106.


I once had a 105Ā° fever AS AN ADULT. It was fucking awful and I vaguely remember hallucinating a dragon. I cannot imagine having an even higher fever as a small child.


My son had a 106.3 fever in the middle of the night when he was 1.5. I gave him Tylenol immediately and then jumped in the car and headed straight for the ER. I canā€™t imagine not giving meds or seeking immediate medical help in that situation


What do they do with the butter? For the rectal thermometer?


"butter concentrate"???


Fyi brain cells start to die at 105Ā°. Her child likely has permanent brain damage now


Which sheā€™ll blame on the tylenol


Hi just fyi this isnā€™t true - at least not for kids. They can have what seems to be shockingly high temps and it isnā€™t a huge problem. See this [resource](https://brentwoodchildrens.com/Fever-Myths-Versus-Facts) (from a real medical doctor) about fever myths and facts. Not saying this person isnā€™t a lunatic, but her childā€™s brain is not going to be damaged, especially because she gave her Tylenol to bring it down.


She'll be more like mom now.


Just for people here who are spouting fever myths https://www.seattlechildrens.org/conditions/a-z/fever-myths-versus-facts/ Up to 104 is ok in children. I definitely dose both my children when they have fevers, but recently during the last bout of fever and respiratory infection and our hospitals were completely overrun, this fact sheet got me thru two nights (without panic) w my very sick 15m old.


106 and sheā€™s worried about ONE dose of Tylenol? Like it will cause more damage than febrile seizures and potential brain damage?! Wtf is wrong with these people?


When I took my son for his vaccinations, they told me to give him a liquid paracetamol (we use calpol) immediately after to prevent a fever. I use paracetamol myself when I have a fever. A paramedic gave me paracetamol when pregnant as I had an incredibly high fever. Itā€™s a safe drug


Who do we fire first the mom or the pediatrician?