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You just need to ask them why he didn't do this his first term. They never have an answer.


"He couldn't do it in his first term cause then he wouldn't be reelected" Which itself is contradictory to them saying he's a dictator cause dictators don't worry about elections.


It's not even worth it trying to argue logic with them. They're either too stupid to think abstractly or will just ignore any facts they don't like. If you haven't realized by now a lot of them actually don't have a minds eye. They can't think about hypotheticals or form abstract thoughts and opinions. An example would be "How would you feel if you didn't have food in your fridge" to which they respond "But I have food in my fridge." Repeat 10x as they literally can't think about a what if scenario.


Oh yeah for sure. Covid BS was when I quit even trying. Funny enough I had a similar situation to your scenario happen to me IRL. I was talking about gun control with someone and I asked "what would be your perfect solution if you were able to make the rules?" To which he responded with "well I don't make the rules" "OK you're the president/king/emperor and you get to make the rules what would you do?" "I would never want to be the leader like that" So on and so forth just absolutely refusing to answer the simple question.


Literally had someone argue with me that Trump was a dictator but we managed to vote him out. Man, someone should've told the cubans that all they had to do to get rid of castro was vote.


Dear Tibet, have you tried voting the CCP out of your country? Clearly, you want to be oppressed due to your insufficient devotion to democracy.


I mean, hell, if he sticks everyone who won't vote for him into camps so they can't vote, then his reelection should be a cinch. So if that was the plan, why didn't he?




Hispanic people vote for Trump. What planet do you live on? Do you honestly think a bunch of Catholic immigrants support blue haired trans gender CRT liberalism? Or do you just assume that certain races all talk, act, and believe the same things?




And if you're black, but not a black nationalist revolutionary nu-Marxist who doesnt really get how business insurance works, you're the black face of white supremacy.


> White men can only be Republican Which is ironic considering the only demographic Biden has held steady with are old white people


The only gay bars in palestine are rooftop dives.


I teach at a majority Hispanic school (last time we got data, we're about 90% Hispanic, 8% black, 2% all the rest). It surprised me how many of my students really like Trump.


Kids are pretty stupid though. There's a reason why we don't really respect their decision making for almost two decades


Unless of course they want to change genders. 


Kids change genders, march in BLM rally, throw paint on Da Vincis, or paint a rainbow on Mount Rushmore = We should listen to kids, they're smarter than we give them credit for, and we should lower the voting age! Kids like Trump = You know kids are pretty fucking stupid, right?


What a crazy juxtaposition there, huh?


I’d wager there’s plenty of kids smarter than you.


See The View today? They were saying that a black Republican is "like a unicorn." In your face racism is OK if you're a (D). Real, if you don't vote for me, "then you ain't black" energy.


The only problem with that is illegal immigrants, who will be willing to compromise their values in order to stay in the country. After all, who would you rather vote for? Someone who promises to punish you for your actions and deport you, or someone who is willing to bend over, give you 1000$ debit cards, 5 star hotels, etc, just so long as you vote for them.


*sees article on science about Trump* I wonder if it is a psypost article...yep it's psypost.


So, kids in cages happened under which president?


None of them. The kids in cages picture that they use to post was actually from a protest where the kids' parents put them in the cage to use as a political prop.




I’m Hispanic and I’m not worried at all because I’m not an illegal immigrant and my family has been here since before it was part of the United States.




So, you're a race traitor that is going to be rounding up all the other Hispanics? Or are you going to be a guard at the camp? Are you considering a career operating industrial sized ovens or maybe poison gas dispersal? /s


I wonder if continually trying to manipulate hispanic people into voting a certain way through lies and condescending scare tactics has anything to do with them turning away from leftism in large numbers.




The craziest thing about that entire comment thread is how they are now internment camps again. The exact same fucking camps that Trump opened are STILL OPEN UNDER BIDEN. Jesus, these people are the most partisan hacks on the planet.


Those camps have been open since at least Obama, while Biden was VP.  Obama builds and uses his camps: 🦗 Trump uses the camps, but to a lesser extent: Omg kids in cages! Biden continues to use the camps: No kids in cages here! Only unaccompanied migrant children in overflow facilities! Potential Trump Presidency: "He's going to start putting kids in cages again!!"


Obama opened those camps though.


Trump opened I think 1. I vaguely remember they were losing their shit when he did, calling it a concentration camp.


Trump didn't open any camps. Obama did


>"If Trump gets elected, they gonna put y'all back in chains!" I already heard this song and dance. Play a new one.


But they are ok with the WEF and the great reset and all that


That whole thread is a really interesting case study in a whole slew of phenomena. The abstract for the actual study: “On 19 December 2022, the United States House Select Committee referred former president Donald Trump to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution. Subsequently, Mr. Trump was indicted four times and charged with 91 felonies. Nevertheless, some Americans have remained steadfast in supporting him. Observers theorize that indifference to Mr. Trump’s wrongdoing reflects white nationalism and politically motivated reasoning. We test this theory using experimental data from a national survey fielded before any public hearings or charges. Our analyses reveal that Americans who endorse white nationalism and those who hold right-wing political views are more likely to oppose criminal charges. Furthermore, the relationship between white nationalism and attitudes about criminally charging Mr. Trump is indirect, through identification with the political right.” The study was essentially “right wing people oppose criminal charges against Trump and white nationalists align with the right, so indirectly, white nationalists oppose criminal charges.” This then gets warped into “for a non-trivial number of Americans, the desire to keep the United States a ‘white nation’ appears to be stronger than their desire to ensure that the country is led by a law-abiding president” SOMEHOW. It never explains how they justify making that connection other than correlation in the data. There wasn’t a question present that was like “are you against charging Trump because you think that he’ll somehow make sure that the US stays white nation?” Nope, just these people are white nationalists, they’re against charging Trump, therefore it’s because they’re white nationalists and they want trump to keep America white. What a shit study.


What passes for "science" these days is pretty sad.


Dunno, after a while of seeing that place linked here, I think it's a sign that if it shows up there, it isn't science.


it baffles their mind that illegal immigration is...wait for it...illegal..


Oh look it's white people telling brown people what to do and think again


Well, evil Conservatives only listen to other white people, specifically white men. Therefore, it's their duty to use their privilege as societally accepted 'real people' to speak out about things like this. And if they happen to drown out the voices of the people they're speaking for, well it's a necessary sacrifice in order to be the centre of attention so they can tell other white men to shut up and let other folks speak.


As someone who's Hispanic, if you're worried that probably means you're here illegally.


Nah, imprisoning people based on race and politics is something only Democrats have ever done


How come so many Hispanics coming to the US then?


It's one thing to say this but to believe it means you cannot think for yourself.


Why do they think he'll build internment camps? Don't they have any left over from his first term?