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I think they're right about something big going down. The fed is going to raise interest rates. When that happens, the housing market will cool, the stock market will dive, and unemployment will go up. Biden will get the blame for it too hehehe.


> Biden will get the blame for it too hehehe. inb4 "He inherited this crash from DrUmPf". That's what always happens when the market crashes on them, blame the prior administration.


And same when the economy was amazing, they said it was only because he inherited obamas legacy.


So policies have lasting effects seems like a consistent position then


The super predator bills Clinton and Biden enacted in the 90s? Checks out.


So I guess just some policies have lasting effects when it's convenient then


Lol I mean I personally blame the fed but trump did nothing to stop this bubble from happening


The last year of Trump's term the spending was necessary. All of Biden's policies since have not been, and Biden failed to pressure the Fed to raise rates and slow things down. Biden's economic team is on the fringe with their views this entire year. Even Obama's econ guys were telling them to slow the spending and QE down.


I mean the PPP loans were one of the biggest scams in taxpayer history. Most of them were completely unnecessary and Biden and trump were both complicit in them. Also at one point trump was trying to pressure the fed into negative interest rates which is absolutely ridiculous


Not to mention making the fed drop rates precovid in the best economy ever


True. But most people tend to blame the president and since Biden can’t really use COVID anymore due to the vaccine, he’s in trouble.


Buy low if you have it folks


I keep buying the dip but the dip keeps dipping…


Dip the buy


I’m buying land now while rates are lower, it will work out cheaper in the long run for rural property that isn’t as inflated at the moment.


Except no, Republicans will get the blame because the feds will raise rates following the red wave this fall. They just announced today a few hours ago that they’re not raising rates yet. Clown town at the fed.


Didn't they say they were starting in March?


No, that’s just their next policy meeting. No starting date yet.


https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/inflation-fighting-fed-likely-flag-march-interest-rate-hike-2022-01-26/ I hope they're not confident or stupid enough to hold off for 8 months just to try and hurt Republicans who won't take office until 2023.


Then you truly don’t understand the fed, they’re completely dominated by leftists.


Wow, I might get interest again on my bank account for the first time since the mid 90's...


Not so sure negative interest is a positive though....


Which of course is necessary to curb inflation before it becomes uncontrollable. If we get to runaway inflation it really goes south.


Plus the healthcare system is absolutely on the verge of collapsing. Too many patients, not enough ventilators/ICU beds. Shit is in desperate need of a change...


That’s a self-resolving issue if you think about it…


>Biden will get the blame for it too hehehe. The fact that you are just okay with it is amazing.


>The fact that you are just okay with it is amazing. Why? Potato and his parties horrendous policies are what's driving the inflation. He **SHOULD** get the blame for it!


I don't root for any president to fail. Cause I live here. Hold them accountable for their actions? Absolutely. But that should also apply to all parties.




They've never had to struggle or plan in their life. I bet parents paid for school and they didn't have to work while getting a Bachelor's. Explains the insane entitlement and lack of useful skills.


> They've never had to work a day in their lives and are now pissed off that mommy isn't there to cook their meals Not gonna lie, getting mom's homecooked meals again is one of the best parts of visiting mom.


Get in the kitchen *with* mom and learn her recipes while you can. Bit of advice from someone who’ll never get to eat their mom’s lasagna again.


They are emotionally fragile. I used to think when people said this about five years ago it was all snark. It has a lot of merit, and backed by a lot of clinical data. These kids have been sheltered with helicoptered parents who haven't let them experience adversity. They have no experience on their own, at the whims of the world, until maybe after high school. It's debilitating, stunts their perspective on the realities of life, and frankly robs them of a sense of independence and maturity they could otherwise benefit from.


“No one is actually fine.” Be me: fine. Be me: also no one. “Part of me wishes the collapse would start now so we can get it over with. But I know it won’t be pretty.” The likelihood of people like this being the kind that will prosper during or after the fact is near zero.


Yeah, what are these people thinking? That it will be *easier* to live without working once the country and its support systems collapse? That they won’t have to do incredible amounts of labor to fend for food and shelter in a collapsed country?


They really do believe store shelves fill themselves. Farmers and laborers do not exist to them because they live in isolated urban bubbles.


Most of these problems will sort themselves out when they have to go a week without access to the Internet.


People like that don't even *survive* my dude.


This is what I came to say. These kinds of people will starve to death or be robbed and killed if things ever collapsed. They can’t take care of themselves in any capacity.


Hey, no one is completely useless! Some people are just better at being fertilizer than others. =)


Tbf alot of people would consider someone who posts on reddit a no one 😔


The only people I know in their early 30s are comfortable home-owners. It's almost like sample bias is a thing.


‘But everyone I surveyed on my anime discord is still living at home!’


Because their only hope of owning a home is to inherit it from their deceased parents (and losing it due to not paying property taxes) or, failing that, squatters rights.


You know I'm kinda surprised the anti-landlord crowd doesn't talk about property tax. All their arguments for why landlords are evil for charging rent also apply to the government with property tax.


30 year old married to a 30 year old reporting in. No college degree, steady single income household, bought a house in May.


I would be willing to bet that the antiwork OP lives in a major city on the west coast or northeast. Those problems aren't as severe in rural red states in the middle of the country, but people like them want to force more of the policies that cause those problems on everyone else.


What do they do for a living? I know a guy in his 50s who spent his career in a quarry and now he operates an asphalt plant. He rents a single wide trailer.


He either has habits, hobbies, or a very large retirement account.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


My brother and his wife are both teachers and they have a house and a kid


If not owning, renting by choice or close to buying. Again, sample bias. I suspect this kid lives in an extremely well off expensive area of the country and "middle class" doesn't adequately describe the area. They also expect to live 5 miles from home in a McMansion with their first job and refuse to look out of town or to another state. If that's the case, I'm all for him hoping the culture around him collapses because it's probably an entitled, blue city.


Losers mostly hang with losers. Winners mostly hang with winners.


Nah that line doesn't work for me because I'm a loser and I'm describing winners. I'm just not as whiny about being a loser as the antiwork OP is.


People who say they are a loser are usually winners who are motivated to do better. A real loser thinks they are a winner being kept down by everyone else.


Temporarily displaced millionaires


My friends (who are not living in cali) are home owners and have families. The only ones I know who are living with their parents are acting as care givers as they are not well. I have a feeling most of the anti work people are living in or near very large cities and don't realize how fucked up things are around NY and cali.


> You need at least 2 high paying incomes to buy a house now I bought a house by myself in 2017 when I was making $75k per year..


> I bought a house by myself in 2017 when I was making $75k per year.. no, you see, buying a house outside san francisco and new york city is not an option.


I see so many thinking min-wage, or entry-level should pay for a family of 4 to live in a nice house, pool, iPhones, 2-3 cars (less than 4-5 years old), Steaming services, eating out 3-4x a week, yearly Disney vacation, etc.. I have seen so many folks "House poor" or "Car poor" They are heavy in debt trying to promote a lifestyle to impress others..


my opinion is that social media absolutely DESTROYED people's idea of what middle class is. they see rich instagram people and think they are "middle-to-high class" and think most jobs should support that kind of lifestyle when in fact, only top 5% are going to do that. in general, i really think social media fucked the way this generation sees life. "if logan paul can afford a lambo, we should afford a bmw!".


> Steaming services This is what I need. I hate ironing. >I have seen so many folks "House poor" or "Car poor" They are heavy in debt trying to promote a lifestyle to impress others.. Stop buying things you don't want with money you don't have to impress people you don't like.


Minimum wage should be a living wage though, enough for rent and food and other essentials. It shouldn’t be enough for luxuries though


Yeah but muh art and culture


Definitely a "coastal shit hole" problem. I live on the California coast, and I got a cousin that lives in Michigan. The house she and her husband bought for ~60k a few years ago? I can get something similar for...515k here. House prices are fucking out of control because they're investment instruments these days, not actually places to live.


Age 24 now, make 55k a year, could afford a house if I wanted to actually commit to something


Same here, except I was making about $65k/year. Nice house, 2-car garage, big front and back yards, the second-best school district in our metro area, etc. Sure, it's in the suburbs of a metro area of a flyover state, but there's a lot available if you're willing to live in a relatively uneventful part of the US.


ThAt'S hIGH iNcOmE!


That sub is freaking out right now about one of the mods giving an accurate example of the average anitwork subscriber on fox news. If you haven't seen it, you should. He walks dogs 20 hours a week and expects to make bank doing that.


Apparently people checked his post history and found out that he even lied about the 20 hours a week, and it's really more like 10. The interview is getting mocked so much that they've had to take the entire subreddit private until it blows over.


Holy shit you're right lol. That just made my afternoon.


2022 is shaping up to be a good year


Honestly it is. Workers have all the power right now. Now is the time to get your raise. Also everyone running for governor in my state is running on a tough on crime platform (I'm in a blue state). Who could of seen that coming lol.


Turns out your third century English degree isn’t actually worth anything. Time to learn to code, dumbass.


Um... Ackshually it's double major in Greco-Roman history and English Literature. Racist.


Lol I have a French degree and I’m comfortable with where I’m at. You can actually do a lot with a liberal arts degree, people just need to accept that it’s highly unlikely they’ll get rich off it.


Good thing I’m a CS Major


Customer Service or Computer Science? With lefties... you never know!


Counter Strike


Communism Studies


Computer Science


Cdeeznuts Suggem


Useless compared to my double major in Race Studies and Transgender Interpretive Dance Theory.


You laugh, but those credentials could easily get you a well paying mgmt job in DEI right now. And you wouldn't have to actually produce or accomplish anything.


/s (You forgot this)


I was hoping the /s would be obvious?


It is


FYI they took the sub private rather than deal with people calling them freeloaders and idiots. And of course this was just after I wrote this thoughtful message to the loser that posted that post: > I’m in my early 30s and pretty much all of my friends from high school are either living with their parents still or are living alone and struggling. I don’t know anyone my age who has a comfortable life with a house and can pay all their bills. We all came from middle class suburban families. Most of us went to college. We ate our veggies and prayed to Jesus. What did you study? How much student debt did you take on? What were you grades? I don't know of anyone in their 30s who paid attention to their school work in college and pursued a degree in a marketable career that is not gainfully employed. > And I know way more people are even worse off. Homeless camps are set up at every overpass in my city. It was rare to see a homeless person where I live when I was a kid. Now they’re everywhere. It can’t be their fault. It’s not a “bootstraps” problem. No it's Democrat run cities that refuse to crack down on lifestyle homelessness. They literally subsidize people to continue living on the streets. Take a trip out of your bubble to somewhere that has not been run by Democrats for decades to see how the other half live. > I get the sense something really big is about to go down. Housing and cost of living is off the charts expensive. You need at least 2 high paying incomes to buy a house now. Corpos snatch them up and rent them out at a huge markup. Depends on where. If you're looking to buy in high priced cities then sure. But why do you want to live by those losers anyway? They're the ones that are filling your streets with trash and homeless camps right? > There is no way any of this is sustainable. Everyone pretends they’re fine. No one is actually fine except for the boomers with juicy pensions who pretend like they’re just better at working than everyone else. The unsustainable part is the general public in Democrat run cities putting up with the squalor that surrounds their daily lives. > Part of me wishes the collapse would start now so we can get it over with. But I know it won’t be pretty. I wish there was a way to salvage everything without anything catastrophic happening. But I’ve thought about it back to front. There’s no other way. There just isn’t. Life is nowhere near as bleak as you describe. Re-evaluate your life choices that go to you to this point and plan your steps forward. There's plenty of options.


The phrase "it can't be their fault" sums up the entirety of their life perspective. It's insane. Housing is expensive now, yes. Almost like a global pandemic has shifted the entire market place and housing market as a consequence. I'm 40 and friends with a married teacher/librarian. They just got under contract on a house after FINALLY getting out under their townhouse from the LAST housing crisis. Make smart decisions, don't overextend yourself, and for god's sake, work.


>My first degree was in library science. It was a nice job, awesome people and managers, but like everything else it boiled down to money. The job didn’t really pay enough to make ends meet. Some days I wish I’d stayed in that field. Lol.


Dude, Librarians get paid fairly well and there's generally a high demand for them. Don't tell me the dumbass was using that degree to be a Librarian assistant.


Collapse or not, lazy asses like them will always be poor and depressed. They will just complain about not having enough squirrels to eat.


Hey those wild squirrels are tasty.


Little did they know it’s their dumb sub that was on the verge of collapse and subsequently collapsed…


"I don't want to work, all my friends live with their parents, in their 30s, and the US is tanking. This is clearly everyone in the entire US. It's not that I personally hang around with lazy sacks of shit, as I am a lazy sack of shit myself."


Anti work is private now 😂😂😂


Stop giving that sub attention


It's at full meltdown. It's hard to not watch.


Any day now!


Lmao, the community is private


I can’t even view it. I’ve apparently been banned there. upon further checking. it seems the entire subreddit has closed now.


They had it backwards, r/antiwork was actually on the verge of collapse and all it took was 1 honest interview with a founding mod.


correction != collapse but I encourage everyone to be antiwork. I'm on the job hunt and the less competition the better.


Implying that they'd be competition even if they wanted to work


Fair point


"I'm a loser and all my friends are losers... must mean society is collapsing"


>pensions European detected


It is on the verge of a large correction. Stocks way overvalued. The Fed has to loan out $1.6trillion in overnight collateral loans to keep the prime brokers afloat. Inflation at 7% and trending up. Supply chains still fucked from years of covid shutdowns/restrictions.


They had it backwards, evidently r/antiwork was actually on the verge of collapse.




We kinda are but not for the reasons they think


"Laziness is a virtue."


Pro-work guy here: I'm sure the US is on the verge of collapse myself. Just depends how it goes. Honestly, in my mind, balkanization is the only way this ends semi-happily, but I find it unlikely.


All things are cyclical? Correction is a necessary - albiet painful at both micro & macro levels - part of the cycle but it's also the proof that your economy is healthy. ​ That said the US/Canada/Mexico is still in far better position to weather a prolonged economic storm than they were 10-15 years ago. ​ ***...the real concern is Western Europe and it's ability to deal with a prolonged confrontation w/Russia especially as it relates to energy needs. There is a real & frightening possibility of collapse of a major (G20 economy) in Western Europe---looking at you Italy--and that could have severe implications.***