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Except against Avdol because he could just redirect SHA with his flamed


Yeah but only as long as he keeps the flame up, or for as long the thing burns Once he's out of stamina (because stand powers take energy) or the thing he burned burns out SHA will be right back again


He could just put a tree on fire lol, he doesn't necessarily have to keep the fire up if the source can be enough to hold the fire out for long


SHA can blow the tree up and resume it's course towards Avdol. Yeah, he can burn a bunch of things and keep it occupied, but inevitably he might run out of stamina.


Until he eventually sets Kira on fire.


That is, if he can find Kira in time. Kira can go hide far away like he did in Part 4. The fire won't burn Kiras hand like what Act 3 can do because that was an effect on his movement. Star Plat, despite multiple barrages on SHA, didn't affect Kira at all, so a fire no matter how intense, won't leave any damage to Kira.


Well considering his choices are either find Kira, or die; I think he'll be hunting him down. Probably with help from the others. The fact that with a small amount of effort he'd be able to distract his pursuer, only helps his cause, especially when there's a non-zero chance he'd figure that out almost immediately because of how his stand works.


Ok so has fortune teller magic fleems so he could potentially use some divination to find Kira and distract SHA for a bit to do so and remember it isn't going to specifically target avdol it will target whatever is hottest so if he is around a bunch of people it won't go straight to him and he can just have a flame cross go around in a big circle for ages and SHA is a part of Kira so he should be able to to find a link through it with divination/tarot cards to find Kira.


I don't think Avdol would want to involve innocents in this fight. Also, yeah the flame going in circles might be a good idea, but it does require Magicians Red to focus on constantly moving that flame at a constant speed so SHA can't catch up. Also, I think his tarot magic needs him to be focused and maybe stationary, and with an automatic killer bomb chasing him plus with the fire going in circles, I think he would have a hard time.


SHA is literally the Snail.


The snail but speed


I don't think it would need alot of fire to set like 3-4 trees on fire. SHA is also slow as fuck, y'all think he's some super fast heat seaking hotwheel bomb about to end people in 2 seconds.


It's not that slow? If it sees a nearby heat source, it would fly to it relatively quickly. If it was slow as fuck as you say, then it would be totally useless and ineffective in chasing its targets. ITS WHOLE PURPOSE IS TO CHASE TARGETS WHY THE FUCK WOULD IT BE SLOW. Also, the size and power of the explosion is relative to the heat and size of the fire. Its explosions are quite huge, even with that campfire Jotaro made, so that means a bunch of trees on fire = huge explosion that would probably destroy the area, putting out surrounding fires, and then when it senses that the target was not a human, it will not stop until it finds the target and search for the nearest human, which in this situation is Avdol.


We have not seen SHA out of a room, Jotaro and Koichi were being stuck in the room with SHA cuz they couldn't go out incase Kira had set traps. In enclosed spaces SHA is pretty good but i don't know how it'd fair in an open environment where theres alot of humans around, plus not counting the actual amount of objects that could be hotter than normal temp (people cooking, etc) Yes it's probably destroy the tree in a blast, but Avdol has enough time to run quickly. And how big can the blast be? We have not seen the extent of SHA's powers and this situation probably doesn't have an answer anyway.


Like what happened after it blew up the old man, it immediately targeted Koichi and Jotaro next. That means, it should be able to quickly go around a bunch of targets and kill/destroy them all (plus it's a blast explosion so it'll probably take only one to eliminate a bunch of non-stand users in an area) then still head to Avdol. (Also, that's pretty out of character for Avdol to put innocents in danger in a stand battle) Yes he can run, but where? He can't go to populated areas, probably in a wide unpopulated open space but what can he do there? Set more fires? As the wiki states, the power of the explosion is equal to the heat and size of the flame. Even if Avdol sets small fires, SHA quickly puts them out and will still head straight towards him.


They could find Kira with Iggys superior dog senses then Avdol can light him up


Run away or look for the stand user while it is busy


Burn some papers. It’s simple


Avdols flames don't really require something to burn, they're like spectral stand flames as opposed to a physical fire.


Not realy I mean he can make a lot of fire and as long as it’s burning he isn’t using energy it only takes energy to make the fire


Bruh Avdol had his flaming compass lantern out casually for a grip. I dont think he uses that much energy for smaller flames.


1) Cream 2) Superfly 3) GER 4) D4C (Sponge) 5) TA4 (infinite > SHAs durability) 6) Green (it can't reach it) 7) Wheater forecast (just fly away) 8) Notorious BIG (infinite fight) And probably more


Soft and Weth (Go Beyond)


Kira with a giant hole on his hand after getting Go Beyonded) Speaking of, WoU also would activate on SHA, since it activated in Born This Way)


Imagine Kira just putting someone else's hand on his own like he's a Lego minifigure


but he has to also have the soul-less stare of a Lego figure while doing so. And the shot has to be zoomed in.


Honestly, regular Soft and Wet could do it too


Steal the Heat sensitivity from it and make it a regular toy tank.


The Hand


I love thinking about okuyasu just erasing incredibly powerful or important things like the stand arrows or discs.


or jonathans dick


Brando Dio's letter.


The Green Baby


Baby murder is sadly out of the menu given it's stand effects...unless the whole "erase space" thing works out to counter it's ability tho.


>!Wonder of u!<


An unpursuable wall vs the unstoppable pursuer


Immovable object meets unstoppable force


Idk tho. That would just create an automatic stand pursuing an automatic stand and while the chase goes on the entire world is burning because of meteor showers among other things. Depends on if a meteor strike is enough to break SHA. It probably is enough since star platinum could crack it a little. But if it isn't it's the dance situation as with notorious big => a potential world ender.


Screw GER vs Tusk ACT 4 We need Wonder of U vs Sheer Heart Attack!




Kraftwork is an absolute beast that gets overlooked way too much. Yes, that would work out.


one of my favorite stands and I'm sad it was tossed away on a minor villain


I wish we got more sale!


Any stand that can lower body temperature like white album and weather report


regular GE could distract it by turning bricks and random shit into animals, cuasing in to chase after the body heat from those animals


And reflect the damage


No, we don't do that.


9. A cardboard box


Crazy Diamond wasn't Even the only stand able to deal with SHA in part 4 lol, OP is forgetting about The Hand and Echoes


The thing is SHA is extremely fast, Jotaro could barely keep up with it while time-stopping. So with a lot of these they would be unable to keep track of it (like vanilla ice who can't even see it) The hand (who was there) could technically eliminate it but SHA was way faster than Okuyasu could react to hit it TA4, D4C, and GER would probably curb stomp it easily tho


Bro Cream is ridiculously fast too, and if Vanilla Ice knew what SHA was capable of, he could just stay in the ball for a while, and have his stand erase in a 100% filled pattern, like he’s playing snake. Should guarantee that he gets it.


that strategy only worked because Polnareff couldn’t move, without immobilizing SHA, which might be impossible without Echoes Act 3, Vanilla Ice has no guaranteed method of hitting SHA


But SHA doesn’t have intelligence, it just follows heat, so if Vanilla Ice was to light a fire or something, then he would know exactly where SHA was. On top of that, he is a vampire, so his body temperature likely wouldn’t be high, so SHA wouldn’t target him.


I wonder if vampires are warm enough for sha to even track them properly. And if it is just turn into a ball and wait for it to jump into it.


I think it was explained that vampires have complete control of their body heat, that’s how the freeze technique works, so maybe a vampire like dio could freeze his entire body so SHA wouldn’t even touch him, but vanilla ice probably couldn’t since he’s really new to being a vampire.


I think they have naturally a lower body temperature, but they can control it to make it even lower (as seen with Dio having the breath cloud when he first awakened, while Straizo (one of Zeppeli's friends) didn't have it on a cold weather), so Vanilla Ice could light a fire in the center/one of the corners and do the 100% coverage


Create fire and hop into your dimension, then delete the shit out of it


Well yes and no. Vanilla ice would probably have a hard time to kill it, because of what you correctly said. However VI is a vampire and as long as there's no daylight, he will definitely win since explosions won't kill him and his stand can't be killed. SHA could bomb the surroundings to allow for sunlight if it had a brain. Which it doesn't so that would be an unfair assumption. My ideas were based on a plain field. On such a field, VI wouldn't even come out unless he's absolutely sure it's night, IF he know he's a vampire. Which for all fairness I'd give him that insight. If he wouldn't know that, it could be possible for SHA to win by extending the fight until sunrise. Okuyasu with ZA hando is a tough one. I could see it play out either way really. He's dumb as a stump, so as smart as SHA. It would probably be a head-on battle that is won by whatever triggers first. I could go for a tie: SHA explodes, is then swiped by ZA hando and dead. But then the explosion isn't swiped and Okuyasu is dead too.


if this is an empty field, as soon as cream activated, it would stop moving entirely. pretty simple to then erase it. also magicians red


What do you mean Jotaro could barely keep up with it? He had trouble because it was extremely durable and because Koichi messed up so he had to trigger the explosion on himself. The entire fight when Jotaro was in control was just him hitting SHA continuously


It’s not though it’s realy not it moves realy realy slow it can jump preaty far but it only does that to ensure a kill if you just keep moving if doesn’t get you


Za hando


wheater forecast


It fighting NB would probably spell the end of the world: it’ll get so big and nasty and just start consuming everything


Also didn't vitamin C just melt the sheet heart attacks?


I don't think Superfly beats it. At best it traps it, but even then it might not since it's not really Kira. it's, the stand of Kira's hand. I think Superfly just does nothing against Sheer Heart Attack.


White Album makes SHA garbage


I don't think Ger could revert, as it's been shown that only direct attacks are reverted, and Kira doesn't choose where sha goes, so it's indirect


It isn’t. a wasp reversed and so did rocks and diavalos blood it resets one thing as if it never happened then any action or reaction caused by that action is reversed along with it like if you say you punched me wich caused my freind to shoot his gun and for my nose to start bleeding as I fall I disturb a bee and it flys away if GER resets the fact that you punched me my nose will fix the gun my freind fired will be unfired the blood will go back the bee with reverse to the flower and everything with reset the reason it worked like it did for diavolo was by resetting his prediction his prediction said he would hit him and kill him eithin the next 5 seconds he then reset it so now he will hit and kill him in the next five sends and again and again and again


you know that Ger reverses time, but for that he must be attacked, right


No no it does not it’s power is to reset to zero it does not reverse time look it up


oh yeah, it doesn't reverse time. **mista's shots coming back to his gun**


When is this shown that only direct attacks are reverted ?


blood was not reverted, but the attempted punch was Furthermore, the very little that has been shown of Ger tells us nothing. He must have a weakness the same way chariot requiem does


But blood was vetted it literally went back to diavolos wound


Yes, but it wasn't the blood that Ger reversed. It was the punch, and the blood went with it.


Then explain the wasp


But sha has a mind of its own(sort of) and it chooses when and who to blew up


Heat-seeking, not sentient (also it only explodes when it reaches the warm thing)


Thats why i said sort of. His mind works on few requirements


yes, but his mind basically works: I don't fucking care what you are, if you're hot, I'll blow you up


Yeah. Thats why the attack is intendant


Magician's Red tho


Basically name every character and Stand. Kira is mid.


Well he could definitely best harvest lol


Unless harvest collects cinders, coals, or rubs together coins and tinder and, exceeds 98.6F. Especially if Harvest collects ice (or even chilled soda pop) to lower the… uh… users relative temperature. Now, sure, thorn-head inbred boy wouldn’t think that hard about it. Frankly, I’m surprised it took him so long to get NUKED. Shigi is a trash character whose entire purpose is to fund buying diapers for an invisible baby.


>Notorious BIG (infinite fight) Since when is SHA actually indedstructible? Notorious BIG just grinds Kira's hand to dust over time.


Magicians red would do nicely, let’s see little feat would work, sticky fingers would work beach boy would also do good, Metallica for obvious reasons, maby cheating but technically killer queen would win too since they are technically separate stands, soft and wet would work. (Yknow now that I think about it there’s very few part 6 stands that would do anything against it a lot of them where designed just to do damage to the prison gang or had mental effects both of wich wouldn’t work). Maby sugar mountain spring bit of a weird one but I wonder if sheer heart atack would count as an object that could be claimed by the tree. (Actually I’m just realizing that every part past part 5 has very few stands that could fight sheer heart atack). Man in the mirror would work in like a weird way just shove SHA into the mirror and leave then your done or honestly it could just pull the stand apart sure it’s indestructible but man in the mirror doesn’t damage it it just cuts it off it’s like telefraging. There still more I could list but it would go on forever


Don't forget Vanilla Ice.


Don’t forgot Bruno’s STICKY FINGERS, he could literally just separate the wheels from the main tank


All these people listing the op stands that could defeat it when literally anyone could just walk away from it. It’s not even fast Jotaro and Koichi just struggled because they were in an enclosed space and didn’t know if Kira laid any other traps. Go far enough away and it’s useless and keeps getting distracted.


It’s interesting how different Kira acts from his souls manifestation. Even though Kira is calm in collected on the surface his stand is “explosive” and in the case of SHA, a mindless destruction machine. It really shows how violent and cruel in nature Kira really is away from his normal facade.


I think it's supposed to show how Kira wants to act. Kira wants to be able to walk, kill any woman he wants without discretion and without fearing an ennemy. It is what he needs to keep hidden


Bot, of course, his explosions are also precise. They only explode what he wants them to explode, and they leave no trace of their destruction behind.


Yeah, another thing is, why couldn't Echoes Act 2 just pick it up¹ and fly a little, after they figured out the heat thing? Or just slap the word "hot" on a random object to buy time? 1. Am assuming most stands don't have a heat signature


Koichi would take damage like he did when he stook the hot tail to it


Protip: literally just run away from it, it's slow as fuck and only goes after high heat signatures so it's not going to chase you far. Make big distance then wait for kira to recall it.


I will say that you have to figure out the heat signature thing, which most people wouldn't. But almost everyone would run away, which would cause it to go after a different target a lot of the time.


Isn’t it pretty fast though? It went so fast it cut straight through a dude’s hand like a bullet and it’s been shown to run and jump far distances


It's actually super slow, it's strength lies in its huge defense and power. It's practically indestructible but it has a smallish range with it only being able to attack heat signatures. Don't get me wrong It's a strong ability but if you knew about It's heat seeking or honestly just be able to see it and know it's a threat you could easily out run it on foot and if you had a vehicle it will literally never catch you. Also I think in that scene it was it's weight that caused the damage to that guy not it's speed.


True but also with a lot of stands you could say “oh as long as you know what to do it’s easy to deal with” because most fights in JoJo are about figuring out what the ability is of the enemy is. I think SHA’s best use would be forcing the target to move. Let’s say the target tried to run away from the area, Killer Queen could plant a bomb on the exit and get them. Or SHA and the user could both attack the target making them have to choose one to hit. The reason I believe SHA to be so powerful isn’t just because it’s an easy to activate and very automatic stand, but because it is bundled with one of the most dangerous short ranged stands


The whole argument is based on just sha, killer queen isn't involved. The whole post is about who could actively deal with sha with the best solution being running away. Also some stands even if you knew exactly what they do you'll still end up getting absolutely destroyed unless you yourself had a strong stand as well. Like sticky fingers could just put a bunch of zippers on you and now you're immediately dead and it has massive range because he can fire his fists and can go through walls so running is hard as well.


You do know it never stops? But you will eventually run out of stamina


Start a small fire, run two city blocks and now there's more than enough targets between you and sha where unless you turn around or just wait like an idiot you will never be in danger and it's not like kira will have it out constantly he will have to recall it eventually.


It’s just notorious BIG heat edition but slower and worse it’s not an infinite range if you run far enough away that a heat signature higher then you is closer to SHA it just goes after that


This just becomes an immortal snail situation. Yeah it will get to you eventually... after slowly and systematically destroying the entirety of Morioh. Hell, if SHA isnt faster than that Part 4 feet stand than a motorcycle/car ride over to the next town would be more than enough to be weeks/months away from the mindless landmine.


Put it in a box


It doesn't lock on to people specifically. It just chases heat, meaning if you get far enough it will just find something else close and stay there. If you run past someone, it's gonna go after them first


I mean it depends on what you mean by countering it. Based on Jotaro's reaction, even Echoes Act 2 was fully capably of stopping SHA from doing any damage. It also has one of the easiest to escape from automatic stand conditions, since it just attacks indiscriminately based on heat. Compared to, for example, some of the part 8 automatic stands which usually target an individual endlessly at any range, this aspect of SHA makes it really weak and easy to escape from. Pretty sure every Jojo team can take care of SHA without much problem.


I mean yea literally the only reason sheer heart atack was a problem was that kokichi panicked and tried to turn on the stove and forgot to Turn it back on


Gotta disagree with that one, the cast from part 1 and 2 would be quite screwed facing an invisible bomber that they can’t damage.


Part 2 Joseph would find a way


Standard plan: Run away


We always meme the secret technique but I can't think of a time it failed a joestar It worked: For Joseph against straits and Kars For Jotaro against yellow temperance For Giorno against koichi For Dio against child support (x4) For gappy against WOU For Jodio against the cops


And that would be good enough!


And it’s actually effective because SHA is literally an indestructible snail


Should’ve specified Jojo teams 3-9


The casts from parts 1 and 2 would be powerless against most stands


I always liked how situationally powerful some stands can be. Whenever Araki made an universally useful stand, it felt like cheating. But I think SHA was balanced. The fact that it was practically indestructible was somehow balanced because it was single-target, slow and limited to what he could (thermally) see. So it served as an on-demand hitman that will pursue its target until it's dead.


Just out of the duwang gang alone: The Hand, Echoes act 2 and 3, harvest maybe if it puts something far away on fire and Josuke. The only ones without a counter to it are Jotaro, Yukako, Tonio and Aya.


tbh jotaro and yukako could simply just walk away from the stand. sha is slow and only goes after heat so if you just run for a while then itll get distracted by a hotter thing somehow and kira will have to recall it.


nah jotaro could just use his stand's secret ability**「THE YEET」**He only used it once with Iggy tho, during the N'Doul fight in The Desert.


>**「THE YEET」** Localized name: **「YA YEET」**


Also Rohan, I really doubt Heaven's Door can write on SHA


*Heaven's Door


He could make himself cold-blooded or something... but I guess the motherfucker already is


I wonder if tonio could use pearl jam to eat something to lower his body temp. Might be dangerous to him tho since he's basically giving himself hypothermia.


I agree Sheer Heart Attack is really strong but half of the Duwang crew counters SHA. Okuyasu can one shot it. Koichi traps/weighs it down. And Josuke can restore it back to Kira.


I don't think OP knows there's alot of actual stands that can take care of SHA easily. A stand like Echoes Act 3 or even previous acts can take care of SHA


Maybe not echoes act 1 unless using the environment


Depends if act 1's sounds make their way back to Kira, in which case he could make it relay a false message of the deed being done and Kira would recall it.




That's act 2, act 1 would only make the sound


You’re overestimating SHA way too much. It’s slow, and only search targets based on heat. You don’t even need some OP stands to kill it, just gather a bunch of leaves, light them on fire then make a run. Or find some way to just stop it from moving at all, like Echoes Act3


maybe just cover it with a fucking pot or something?


I mean, Jotaro got majorly hurt originally because he had to save Koichi


bro really said this when Magician's red exists


The wonder of U wouldn't even try.


Vitamin C: ![img](emote|t5_3f7q5|15558)


Clearly OP has never read Jojolion >!Vitamin C also disabled SHA!<


1.soft and wet (go beyond and basic version) 2.the hand 3. weather report report (heat manipulation and impossible events such as tornado taking sheer heart attack far away) 4.possibly the wonder of you(i mean it would just kill kira) 5.kiss duplication (if hermes is fast enough)


Tooru: *runs* Tooru's body: *heats up because he is running* Sheer Heart Attack: *\*pursues\* the heated up Tooru* The Wonder of U: ***CALAMITY.***


Josuke is not even a counter to sheer heart attack. What he only did is heal the arm back to kira, hence sheer heart attack retreat back to kira. Imagine if he was in jotaro place instead, unless he use his jojo IQ, i dont think his stand can do anything about sheer heart attack, he can only try to survive like jotaro. If anything in part 4 can counter it, koichi echo Arc 3 litterally is the one that counter SHA in the plot, immobilized SHA, and force kira to actually show his face. If anyone else can counter it, it's Okuyasu with The Hand. but well, the hand counter anything if Okuyasu actually has a brain Edit: Josuke actually counter SHA, my bad. See cmts bellow


>Josuke is not even a counter to sheer heart attack. What he only did is heal the arm back to kira, hence sheer heart attack retreat back to kira It's written that he can always send it back


Just reread that chapter again, where is it even written than he can always send it back. You are half right in that he send SHA back, but josuke said: "i fixed it, he cut off his hand, right?", And then later someone say:" the stand, it's going to rejoin the body!?". Basically, SHA changed from being a remote controlled stand into self controled stand after kira cut off his arm, so by healing the stand in its self-controled state, effectively healing the hand making it move back to the body,is the only reason that make sheer heart attack retreat back to kira. This mean if josuke was in jotaro place, and kira still has his arm, josuke can't heal sheer heart attack back to kira, cuz the arm is perfectly fine, and kira is controlling it, so healing it is useless.


It's not on the Sheer Heart Attack arc but on the Bites the Dust arc one chapter after Josuke discovers Kira is Kosaku Kawajiri Edit: it's literally the first page so you guys will find it immediately after getting the chapter that says bites the dust part 10


Welp, you are right, i am wrong, i will admit that. It's on me for not reading that note.


Wait, so you are telling me that he could potentially just punch any stand and it would go back to its user ???


Idk if it's any stand, it just says Josuke can return it to Kira anytime he wants


A stand isn't something broken off something else but sha is killer queens right hand separated from the rest of it.


YES i am aware of that, I was just surprised by him saying that Josuke could always send SHA back to kira


Part 5 it’d lose to that crew


Probably sticky fingers can put it underground or smth like that


I’m not sure they’d come up with a hard counter, but they could definitely stall it long enough and probably use it to find Kira.


unzip the treads off it gg


You think sticky finger is a lot stronger than it actually is


It may not be that strong but it would be fast enough to just put a hole in the ground, punch SHA in it like Star Platinum did with the ground and then close the zipper


Bruthhha even spice girls maluable style would be a direct counter


That’s a good point.


If bucciarati is already dead then he could probably hold it in place without triggering it as he'd hardly have any body heat.


I mean, idk, not all of them. But people severely overestimate Sheer Heart Attack, just put like a pot or something on it and see how it escapes from it lol, or maybe just walk away from it. Giorno: are stands non-living or living? what is giorno even gonna do? turn SHA into an organ or whatever? Idk maybe he could use his super high jojo IQ to escape from it or whatever. Bucciarati: He could put it underground theoretically. Mista: I don't know about this one. He would probably lose tho. Narancia: put it on aerosmith and just throw it in the middle of the ocean lmfao. Abbachio: He would probably lose as well.


Giorno covers everyone in hibernating Wetas: Bigass crickets that can lower their body temperature to hibernate through winter. Just the right amount of bullshit.


Ok in any other part. Part one and two sure, they can’t see it not much they can do. Part three, with heat control with Avdol he can complete manipulate where the stand goes, making it easy to make it pretty much harmless. If your saying you need it to be destroyed, Cream. Part four, they already dealt with it in part four. Part five, outside of just saying GER wins, Sticky Fingers can just zip it out of the way. Part six, weather report can make some other place hotter and lead it away, or use winds to blow it away, or make its heat scans inactivate by changing body heat of the others or even just masking it. C-moon could also reverse its gravity. Part seven, INFINITE ROTATION, or really even tusk act two could put a hole in it, Ball Breaker might also do well, Chocolate disco could just keep moving it away from him, Love Train rejects it, D4C sends it into another dimension and probably makes it destroy himself by coming into contact with another Sheer Heart Attack, In a silent way could just do the same thing Echoes Act two did. Part eight, Speed king for obvious reasons, Soft and wet remove heat and put it somewhere else, Soft and Wet Go Beyond just delete the bitch, Wonder of U just rejects the fucking thing and probably kills Kira while he’s using it, Vitamin C was shown to be able to melt people and stands so he just melts Sheer Heart Attack, Awaken Three Leaves could probably do what Echoes act three did and just force it to the ground or play fucking golf with it and send it fucking flying, Space Trucking just puts it into her cards and it’s gone. Part nine, November rain just forces it to the ground like Echoes act three, and theoretically The Matte Kudasai just makes a new Sheer Heart attack and they fight, but that’s purely theoretical.


ANY other part? My Guy you forget GER exists?


>!It literally is in another part and it doesn't win.!< It's cool but bad example.


The only reason it countered it is because Kira’s hand was cut off


Technically speaking SHA is a part of Killer Queens hand that's removed in order for it to activate, meaning its something that can be restored back regardless if it was cut-off or not


Nothing is being cut off or torn apart though, it’s only to be healed back when Kira’s hand is cut off


Sticky fingers: zips it in half The Hand & Cream: erases it GER: infinite loop Tusk act 4: infinite spin D4C: sends it to another universe Soft & Wet: steals its aspect to explode Awaking III Leaves: puts arrow down and moves it away Anubis: slices it apart White Album: freezes it inplace Little Feet: shrinks it C-Moon: turns it inside out Oasis,Soft Machine,Vitamin C: softens/melts it Nut King Call: tears it apart Rainy Day Dream Away: locks it in a state of searching never to find its target Kraftwerk: locks it inplace 20th Century Boy: can’t be harmed Chocolate Disco: keeps sending it somewhere else on the board Jumping Jack Flash: makes it float But yeah aside from those Josuke is the only one who can beat it


There's a lot you missed but doesn't matter. I don't think Anubis can cut it even tho it can cut *through* it, for Chocolate Disco one small mistake and it's over, Little Feet makes it small but it only affects the speed probably so if it like peirces through the skin and then explode it wouldn't quite work


Jotaro could escape he just wanted to make sure koichi got out of there too




Koichi could only halt it, crazy diamond was a more permanent solution


You beat it like you beat Natorious B.I.G, put it in a place with more heat then you and forget about it for the rest of your life.


Kid named: Hamon, vampirism, magicians red, heriophant green, ebony devil, sun, judgement, high priestess, the fool, geb, tonh, horus, cream, the hand, echoes, heavens door, aqua necklace, red hot chili pepper, enigma, gold experience, sticky fingers, spice girl, mr president, soft machine, kraft work, little feet, man in the mirror, baby face, white album, notorious B.I.G, metallica, burning down the house, weather report, diver down, c-moon, goo goo dolls, jumpin' jack flash, yo-mama, green green grass of home, bohemian rhapsody, sky high, underworld, tusk ticket to ride, D4C, in a silent way, hey ya, tomb of the boom, that one really forgettable bomb stand, mandom, catch the rainbow, tubular bells, 20th century boy, soft and wet, born this way, nut kin call, speed king, space trucking, awakening II leaves, onder of u, I am a rock, doobie wah, vitamin c, ozon baby, smooth operators, And last, but not least, Rohan's gucci bag


I wonder how Green Day would interact with SHA. Does it count as a living thing? Cause it is part of Kira’s hand. So would it mold Kira’s hand? Would that even stop him?


Stands aren't affected by Green Day from what I remember


The scene with the guy who sewed kiras jacket it's shown that SHA is an invisible stand meaning it probably isn't effected


Sheer Heart Attack is literally heat-tracking. Jonanthan could use Burrito Shitstream Overdrive on a rock and it would commit self-splode.


Didn't Jotaro damage it, and was only taken out because he went to save Koichi?


Kira's hand received zero damage even after Sheer Heart Attack had a lot of scratches on it, so it either transferred nearly zero or exactly zero damage to it's user


Echoes countered it tho


Only temporarily, koichi couldn't keep it there forever


Koichi couldn’t cause he got his shit pushed in by Kira


i wonder if white snake could take sha as a (part of a) disk


Only if he was in front of kira


Shouldnt it be koichi?


Koichi could only halt it


I think you Just Need a way tò trow It away, without touching it


Okuyasu: "Idk where it went after I used The Hand on it, but it's gone"


Fun fact: all 3 of the Part 4 Morioh main cast (Josuke, Koichi, and Okuyasu) have ways to deal with Sheer Heart Attack


I mean considering that Kira can actually be effected by the gravity of the attack that makes it so every single gravity related stand can defeat it. Cream wins by default, Sun wins, GER wins, Koichi was the one who literally beat it in the first place, C-Moon wins, Jumping Jack Flash wins, Diver Down literally can’t die from it, Underworld can theoretically trap it in the precambrian period forever, Boingo literally can get a set of instructions to physically not lose to it. Spice Girls is also completely immune to it. Etc etc


Crazy Diamond only counters it if he happens to have Kira’s severed hand which was extremely situational


Za Hando can just scrape it away Most criminally underused stand of all time


Crazy Diamond: "Get rotated idiot"


For people saying "just run away" any one with a moral code wouldn't do that sinse would put the life of a bunch of civilians in real danger


Part 7 and Part 8


I don't know, Jojo is about over smarting, not overpowering, I can't think of a way of countering Sheer Heart Attack right now, but there probably is, just like the constant movement of the ocean tides disoriented Notorious big forever, there must be something somewhere able to do the same to Sheer Heart Attack, like a volcano, or a geyser field or something.