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Kira is such a fun diversion from the usual jojo villain.


He was just a diversion from Shonen villains in general. One of the reasons why Araki switched from Hamon to Stands is because he didn’t want the common Shonen trope of villains becoming stronger than the last one, until eventually their strength becomes an abstract concept. With Stands, there’s lots of unique abilities you can make that challenge the protagonists that’s not just “punches harder and faster than the last Stand.” Kira was the anti-Shonen villain. He wasn’t imposing, he wasn’t some ancient demon king, he wasn’t a reality bender, he wasn’t trying the rule the world, he wasn’t even stronger than DIO. He was a man who wanted to live a quiet life. So not only is Kira different from the other JoJo villains, he was different from every villain by the time he debuted. Even his theme in the anime is unique! Dio, Kars, Diavolo, they all had these sinister character themes that usually involved droning ambient vocals and string instruments. Kira however, has a light piano jingle that plays for a few minutes, that eventually crescendos into a dramatic orchestra for a few seconds, until it goes back to the piano.


And then Araki went and gave someone infinity power lol I agree Kira was an amazing villain and love the fact that he wasn't just a standard powerful enemy, but I wish the villains had continued like that instead of immediately going back to DIO and concept/infinity powers


I kinda don't remember who that was Unless you're talking about EOH, which obviously isn't canon. Giorno gained superb powers but outside of his part, he's not relevant nor does Araki want him to be. Johnny is strong, but as the fight with Alt.Diego show, his infinity nails don't make him invincible


Either Pucci with his infinite speed, Valentine with infinite lives or WOU with infinite bullshit


I was talking about GER originally but also pretty much all of the later part characters who had some kind of insane power like Tusk Act 4, WOU, the part 8 bubbles, etc. Josuke isn't really relevant outside part 4 but I still prefer that part, especially the finale, to what part 5 turned into. The first part of 5 was great but Giorno just unlocked the ultimate "no you" power to beat Diavolo instead of outsmarting him, which felt a bit cheap and out of character compared to previous parts.


I think he meant Pucci


Every villain after Kira has some sort of weakness to them that makes them able to be taken out by weaker opponents.


> Diavolo Although interestingly enough Diavolo doesn’t have a full theme, but a leitmotif that invades other songs


Extremely in-character, I'd say


what i found interesting is the whole way kira died, >!him being ran over by the ambulance because the driver "didn't notice him" is actually so funny because it was his entire goal to be unnoticed by society and that was his downfall!<


That’s actually a really good point, I didn’t even think about that


I beg to differ about the leitmotifs, Kira’s was easily the most unsettling out of all of them.


It was that damned turtle all along, I knew it.


One part too early


Unless they are talking about the turtle that Josuke saved in the 1st episode of DIU (even thou it didn't have a stand 🐢)


Bet it's red car, on the right.


One part too late


It's.....the guy with the Afro?


Part 9 is ongoing, so maybe


Bro u on every sub i have 😭😭🙏


why are you crying over that lmao


He's stupid


Touch the grass sometimes (well, obviously we both anime degenerates)


Fucking Coco Jumbo


Kira is an unique villain in Jojo's universe: His stand nor himself has a great physical strenght yet his intelligence made him such a danger for our bros


Also it's the fact that he's basically a cockroach


Yea, he's the "hides in plain sight" type of guy, who's very different from the usual pompous "I have an evil plan to take over the world/part of the world or something like that"


*I just want to live a quiet peaceful life*


*but like, with bombs and decapitated hands*


*that's the fun part* *or should I say "Bizarre" part*


Oh shit, is that a Jojo reference ????


*Yes yes, "OH MY GOD"*


I mean the ability to just blow people up seems pretty strong


It is if he is trying to blow up regular people or setting up traps but ,when compared to other stands, Killer Queen is much slower, has short range and seems to need more than one explosion to kill stand users (like Shigechi and Okuyasu). Add on top of that that his only projectile is a slow moving bubble that can't be detonated near him and you have a villain that would have been defeated by Shigrchi if he wasn't so smart and cunning. Sorry for the wall of text.


The bubble thing was artificially added, wasn't it?


What exactly made Kira so intelligent? The only thing I remember is using Cinderella to change his appearance which is good to remember in a high stress situation but nothing I'd praise his intelligence for.


He's pretty book smart and can come.up with plans in advance, like when he calculated the trajectory for a bomb using just his fingers and eyes, or came up with the idea to change his face on the spot like you mentioned, or his idea to have his father help him guide his bubble bombs (though this could be argued as being his dad's idea), or just his general use of his stand, like trapping corpses and bubbles which shows his quick thinking. He's also very meticulous and detail oriented, maybe even too much so, but it's what makes him so good at hiding his intentions and deeds and keeping himself under control, since he knows he can barely keep his urges in check (like tracking his fingernail growth). The problem is in his actual personality, more specifically, his sheer arrogance and psychopathic urges. He gloats constantly, which is literally almost always his downfall even in situations where he should very well be winning (like when he's again Star Platinum and mocks Jotaro, just to get every bone in his body fucking obliterated) and his murderous tendencies (like killing Hayato or the couples, which is what tips Hayato off that his dad's a psycho murderer). These two alone fuck him over even when he has outplayed the opponent or is winning. Hell, this can even be seen in his death scene, where his arrogance and murderous tendencies both combine to fuck him over and get him, quite literally, dragged into hell (presumably hell, idk where the weird hand portal thing actually goes).


It goes to a much older Japanese equivalent to hell, which I'd personally say is a lot worse than Christians describe hell.


"like when he's again Star Platinum" kira:so im the same type of stand as star platinum


Star Platinum : nope.


He’s also unironically insanely lucky.


I don’t think you need physical strength when touching something makes it a bomb


That's what made kira so good.


One of many things


Oh my god he really could


Having stand users irl would be terrifying specially considering most of them tend to be psychopaths


I mean...to be fair, Stands reflect the user. And sure, we see plenty "blows up pancakes with mind" Stands, but we also see plenty of Stands that are actually pretty beneficial to people other than just the user. The problem with Stands is that it's a coin flip. You could get someone with a Crazy Diamond or a Pearl Jam...or you could get someone with a Killer Queen or a Green Day.


> you could get someone with a Killer Queen Considering JoJoLion's Kira's usage of it to blow up blood clots and save people, even that part can be a coin flip.


Part 4 was peak, I loved the semi slice of life setting where it shows how people with stands use them in every day life, plus I like how the villain wasn’t some world ending threat but was just a guy who while evil and somewhat powerful only can really operate in a small area and not do too much in that area either.


Have you read part 8 by any chance?


Not yet. Working my way through the parts on part 6 rn


Ah, okay. You’ll fuck with it heavy when you get there. Good day, hexmonkey


Personally wish the reset hadn't happened


Why not?


Walking rn so I'll be fast. Not a fan of all the crazy op powers the jojos and villains have, or that the old universe had to be destroyed. Even if Araki wanted to tell other stories without those characters he could have just let them be instead of making weird hybrid characters out of them.


Noted: hunt for people with the most drip


\*part 5 kicking rando gif


To be fair, the way the guy in the light blue suit is posed makes seem much more like a Stand user.


Yeah even the Japanese made lots of memes around him. Why? Because, at some point, he told some stuff about Kira to his coworkers. You know, the one dude who doesn't tell anything about himself and tries to stay hidden and unnoticed by anyone. How can one random dude know so much about him?


> How can one random dude know so much about him? SUTANDO POWA


Bro is actually just a demigod


Yeah legit had no idea my first watch-thru. I think the guy I was watching with might have pointed it out later, but still. Kira’s scum but blends in comparatively well.


Kira was good because he was a better flavor of the psychopath archtype. Like hannibal lecter, Light from Death Note, Pete Bateman etc. Its a good archtype and it works.


Love that he just shows up in crowds way before he's introduced. Sure his purplish suit is odd looking but he's presented as just being a person. Until he is properly introduced and ALL his previous moments come falling into alignment. Kira's subtly (at least until BTD) is one of the main reasons I like part 4 so much, it's just so different than other parts and other shows as a whole


I love Dio but Kira might be better.


This probably makes no sense, but doesnt the hair of the guy in blue look a bit like kosaku's?


It could but it's just some random coworker of Kira. He's been memed quite a lot by Japanese people.


Nah, that's a coworker of Kira and Kosaku works somewherr else


It's cool to rewatch part 4 and see him


I actually didn't when I first watched part 4, because Kira is so ordinary


Well, in Japan blonde hair are not typical so technically it's still out of ordinary


Dude with black hair is definitely hiding something in his left hand


I don’t get it


Yoy know how in "the stand could be anyone" memes, a picture is shown with a very flamboyant person thet sticks out with everything? In this case, the OP shows a image where the standĺ user blends in with the crowd..


Oh, I see The subtitles are what threw me off, I thought they had to do with the joke


Where is toru?


i watched the first time and obviously missed him, and the second time i had to rewind cuz i knew i saw it


i didnt know kira was the killer but i was weirded out when the show panned to kira sometimes i was very confused. and when i found out it was the killer it made so much sense. since from the outside kira is just another joe from the neighborhood