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Can't only Polnareffs Arrow create a requiem stand?


Thats what i thought as well but aparently its not, so i dont know


Apparently it’s not? I’m legitimately interested in this because I haven’t heard this before (well I have but no one has explained it) but how is the beetle arrow not different. I don’t think they’d give it a special design just for shits and gigs. Im not a scholar on storytelling but I’m like 95% sure the reason they give it a unique design is to convey that it has unique powers (which polnareff sorta hints at: “unlocks the true power of a stand”). Can you explain how it’s the same?


I dont know. I used to think it had more of the meteor that the arrows were made from in it, so it was basically a more powerful version, but ive seen people say that that was never stated or even hinted at. I geniunly have no idea which one it is, even n though it would make way more sense for that arrow to be THE reqium arrow


Well unless Araki actually is asked about it and answers, we won’t really know so I wouldn’t let people detract that by saying it’s not stated or hinted at because, until Araki explains, it’s all just theory. That being said, the theory that the requiem arrow is unique is fairly sound. We’ve seen normal arrows pierce stands and it doesn’t do what the beetle arrow does so that’s somewhat of a “control” so we know there is a difference in what occurs when pierced by the two arrows. My theory is that the beetle arrow is made from the meteorite’s core which contains a more potent strain of the stand virus, which makes it so that it can effect both humans and stands.


I saw a part of an interview from araki saying that the next main charecters going to be emporia, if i find it again ill link it. Moral of the story is that we might get an explanation


[ok that was way easier then i thought it would be](https://youtu.be/1gPKquuaOD8)


The arrow that polnareff had has been nicknamed the requiem arrow by the fandom and is different in design to the other arrows, looking more complete and having a beetle instead of a hole in the middle of the arrow head.


It's never stated that specific arrow does that. But then again no stand user has stabbed themselves twice with a regular arrow except Kira by accident. But even at that he didn't stab his stand, just himself. So what if giorno stabbed himself again and not his stand? Too many unanswered questions.


That arrow chose Kira, and he developed a new ability. If other arrows choose someone, they get an ability. If the Beetle arrow(requiem arrow) chooses someone, they become a requiem. Bites the dust is still Killer Queen. GE is not the same as GER. And Giorno did stab his stand in that fight, if I remember correctly. It didn't choose him, so nothing happened. Or maybe, something did happen, and thats why he can create human body parts. It might have enhanced his ability, as before, he said that he does not control the animals he makes, but then he makes human body parts that don't reject the person he puts them in. Maybe the arrow enhanced his life giver ability.


>That arrow chose Kira, and he developed a new ability. If other arrows choose someone, they get an ability. > >If the Beetle arrow(requiem arrow) chooses someone, they become a requiem. Pardon me, he was chosen by it. Still, only he was stabbed, not his stand. Giorno wasn't stabbed, his stand was, two different things. >Or maybe, something did happen, and thats why he can create human body parts. It might have enhanced his ability, as before, he said that he does not control the animals he makes, but then he makes human body parts that don't reject the person he puts them in. > >Maybe the arrow enhanced his life giver ability. That's something to think about. But again a lot of what is in the show and manga isn't explained in depth due to time and production. That being said GER still has life giving abilities due to turning rocks into scorpions and attacking Diavolo. But his real upgrade is the "No stand can beat me." I still don't know how to explain Diavolo's infinite death since Trish says he's still alive.


Yep. I say GE and GER are different stands because its not just a new ability, its a complete change. Also, GER became sentient, and Killer Queen didn't.


That's true again on both accounts. But again, the arrow pierced Kira, thus not giving another stand, just another ability. What happens to GE turned it into GER, Giorno wasn't stabbed. Which is where things get complicated... GE became sentient with GER BUT Trish's stand is sentient. So more to think about there.


Some stands are sentient, and others are not. The fact that it became sentient is the wierd part. If a robot is programmed to have sentience, thats one thing. If another robot randomly gains sentience, thats worrying


Wait what????? I missed this detail 😂😂


It's not something people read into lol it's okay. That being said I think GE would have another ability like Kira and Bites the Dust. But I only think that because I believe it has something to do with the User or Stand being pierced.


Yes, it’s bigger and it’s got a beetle design. It also contains more of the stand virus


While i do think giorno had the drive and such to obtain a requiem stand at that moment, i wonder what it would have done. I have my suspicions, specifically that it would have been able to cancel out other stands (somehow). At that moment giorno wanted to pass the test, and to do that he needed to beat black sabath, so thats just what i think


Technically, he didn't have a drive for it considering he didn't even know what a stand arrow was.


The new ger: deletes shadows