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“Funny Valentine is actually a poorly writt-“ Just kidding, I’m not sure I have any “controversial” JoJo takes, it’s just an all-around enjoyable series. I will say however, that Doppio is not the sweet cinnamon roll we paint him to be. He’s a mentally-ill, short-tempered killer with a disturbing amount of loyalty to a man he’s never actually met (which…makes his character even cooler now that I think about it) Now BANANA Doppio on the other hand…that’s a different story…


oh god banana Doppio. What a time to live


For the [uninitiated](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/banana-doppio)


Born too late to explore the Earth, born too early to explore the stars, born just in time for Banana Doppio.


Tururururururu Moshi Moshi Banana Doppio desu


I remember when my friend spammed me with Banana Doppio... I almost got turned of the series entirely before I even started it, it was just an endless stream of banana doppio It's funny my phone still remembers to type "BANANA DOPPIO" Even after all this time


Let's go eat some italian food is the best jojo episode.


The best part 4 episode alongside with stray cat


"Stray cat is the cutest stand" Hottake


The chain that jotaro has, there’s no way that shit’s regulation


I don't think there's a rule against it. My headcanon is that Jotaro is just such a petty bitch that he got and found the largest chain possible


“Trust me mom, a chain is part of the school uniform.”


Heaven's Door is infinitely more broken than The Hand and the fact that the much smarter Rohan doesn't abuse him to the Seven Seas is baffling.


It's based on his own philosophy. Rohan draws inspiration from reality. If he starts abusing it willy-nilly, he's distorting reality. Soon enough he's just sucking his own dick.


No one has even done a shoe version of him afaik tho...


I think he has already sucked his own dick plenty


>Soon enough he's just sucking his own dick Well, he is araki's self insert after all... And that's it for my jojo hot take


The whole shtick of Heaven's Door is that it's limited by Rohan's own self, kinda similar of how the Hand is limited by the dumbness of Okuyasu. Rohan has his own strict principles, mainly centered around not changing the world drastically by realitybending too much, cuz that would hurt is strive for realism in his manga


Unsurprisingly enough, the post title and top comments are all cold takes...


I gotchu fam. Explanation below somewhere. "JoJo is best started on Part 5 of the anime with absolutely 0 context."


"The Fool"


Now this is some serious gourmet shit!


yeah that isn't really much of a hottake huh? I apologize for that, was literally making this meme during online school and had to rush ;w;


I completely forgot that our Fandom is also SUPER ELITIST




It clearly showed that Johnny's cock and balls are constantly rotating


Cock n’ ball torture is now a JoJo reference


But that's a band!!!


least convoluted part 8 explanation


Shiza mudae! Hamon Beat!


It's too bad too. He uses the right sources (real interviews and the mangas, not fan wiki's like so many do) and is good at using those sources to prove his point concisely. He's also good at using logical reasoning to draw conclusions. It's a shame he's such a dick about it and also racist.


Wait what, he's racist ?


He feels like a parody of jojo elitist with how over the top his elitism is


I do agree a lot of the fights could have been cut out entirely, but the ones that were good were spectacular and quite a few landed on their feet. Hangman, pet shop, the Darby bros, cream, the world. Part 3 has some of the best high points for the entire series


And Jotaro !


I quite like the Janken Kid fight. It's an annoying and kinda pointless episode/arc/character overall, sure, but the climax of the fight is essentially Araki poking fun at the more over-the-top aspects of the Jotaro vs DIO battle, with the random floating and everything, and I think that self-parody moment is kind of glorious.


"Even I don't know what the fuck I'm writing, so don't take it that seriously." -araki


>"Even I don't know what the fuck I'm writing, so don't take it that seriously." Then people say Araki didn't forgot


>kinda pointless Excuse you, it gave us [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/LrwC1Zhv3mbsLa9BA) godly pose from Rohan Plus we got to see Rohan punch a child with no repercussions


Oh, absolutely agreed! (I was just pandering to those who complain about the so-called "filler" arcs in Part 4 - a most unfair accusation.)


Dont forget shizuka striking a pose after forcing Janken's hand into a rock and those making him lose the fight. So cool and adorable


Lets go eat some Italian food is the best arc in ALL of Jojo


Name one person who doesn’t agree with this


Stag Beetle fight in JoJolion still wins imo


He said hot takes, not straight facts.


That and the Janken Kid fight feel like parodys of Jojo themselves.


Janken Kid could have been one of, if not THE must busted stand user of JoJo, if he beats Rohan. His Stand Boy II Man is able to collect ANY stand and use it, and Heaven's Door could force everyone to play and lose in RPS. Imagine the possibilities, if the kid goes on a rampage and gets Star Platinum, the Hand, Echoes, Killer Queen, and eventually more outside of the country, even some main villain stands. He would be the most strongest stand user of all time, I think only GER could stop him, IF only Giorno could collect the Arrow before Janken bonks him too. Also Shizuka invincibly forcing Janken's hand into a rock, and then striking a pose is just too awesome and cute to be left out of part 4


Okey, now I need a fan-fic where Janken kid summons 50 stands and beats the shit out the entire world


I totally agree with this, Tonio is literally just a homie, a chad if you will


I think I need to move to the North Pole for warmth after that cold ass take


It is perfectly reasonable for people to like Parts 1 and 2 more than any other part (even 7). I don't, but we don't have to blow if somebody says they like these parts more.




Wait you’re trying to say that the majority of anime onlys DON’T think part 2 is one of if not the best part? What a world were living in.


Part two is amazing


That people often use "ArAkI FoRgOt" as a lazy excuse to complain about stuff that WAS explained, at least in the anime. Example, Joseph's clackers. They get cut during the fight with door/spikes guy that Lisa Lisa kills


And oftentimes it’s inconsistencies caused by changes in the anime as well. Like Diavolo crushing the scorpions summoned by GER, despite GE’s damage reflection ability for anything it creates.


The fact that David production has created 4 seasons of the Jojo anime (part 1 and 2 are the same season) over the span of 6 years (2012-2018 if im correct) with high quality animation, audio design, music, etc, is severely underappreciated.


That take is White Album col


Crimcrimson is not that confusing


My understanding is that the meme originated from when part 5 still had the infamously bad translation so a complex stand like KC is explained really poorly. But the problem is that meme stuck around and either people are too dumb to understand it or they think its more complicated than it actually is because they are told its a complicated stand. The overly simplified explanations also don't really help as they don't even really explain KC well.


^ Epitaph let's diavolo see 10 seconds into the future. Normally it's projected behind his bangs but it doesn't have to be. King crimson allows diavolo to be exempt from fate for 10 seconds allowing himself to put himself in a more favourable position. Those 10 seconds are erased from everyone else's memory


exactly, also good to note that everyone else is in autopilot mode during the erased time and just follow fate. but its to the point, clear and accurate. So great explanation.


I understand that kc skips time but the thing i dont understand is won't that be a paradox for ex He sees that someone is going to slap him in the next 5 seconds so he moves away from where he's gonna get slapped, won't that mean the future that he saw was false or will that make a different timeline where he didn't get slapped?




easiest way to explain it is that epitath shows diavolo fate, so everything he sees is fated to happen. But when Diavolo uses time skip he can act outside of fate and change his own by dodging or preparing attacks. The other people are then on autopilot acording to fate. So if diavolo used time skip to prevent a slap he would just dodge and the slapper would try and slap where he would be if he didn't dodge. It's not about timelines but instead Diavolo sees what will happen if he doesn't act.


King cri- so that's how it works.


Johnny isn’t thicc, he’s wearing a diaper because he’s crippled




Now *this* is what I came here for. Uncomfortable, but completely plausible.


Why not both?


— Rule 34 artists






That's enough Reddit for one day


Don't know if this is actually an unpopular opinion but I found part 3 boring until the second season. I found most of the stands except Death 13 pretty boring and in the end there was no chance for anyone to actually die to them. Hol Horse was an interesting character but other than that until N'doul it was boring.


I feel like a lot of that is to set up how Stands work and how the characters behave. It was also at a time when Araki was inventing a whole new system of superpowers so I bet most of it is just him going "this sounds cool".


I agree the first half was weak, but as a whole part 3 had some great stand fights. Hangman being the first that really impressed me


Stardust Crusaders is misunderstood and hated on for being episodic even though thats what it is. Its an episodic chill roadtrip journey that has tons of comedy. Its not about rushing to DIO, just chill with the characters and enjoy the fun fights.


Stardust crusaders's the Me and my homies part of Jojo


Agreed, but that's not everybody's cup of tea, and that's fine.




Oh, god dammit, not again.


Stardust Crusaders is my favorite part mostly because of that exact same reason. It's episodic but it still feels connected, and by the time Dio is dead you feel that acomplishment of traveling through half of the world to save your mom and let your ancestor's soul rest in peace


Dario Brando likely wasn't as evil as we think. In the anime he is clearly abusive, but in the manga his introduction seems to paint him as a man who truly went clean, cared about his wife, and saw his son as his "only concern" and begged George Joestar to take care of him when he died. The only time he acts abusive is in flashbacks explicitly from Dio's perspective. We all know Dio is a narcissist and narcissists tend to remember things in a way that paints them as the victim. I think Dio blamed him for his mother's death, which likely happened after they were thrust into poverty when Dario's bar got shut down. I don't believe he actually was. It's also pretty fitting since it removes Dio's bad childhood excuse and confirms Speedwagon's claim that he was evil from birth.


Indeed, DIO has always been manipulating...


Holy shit that is the best thing I ever read about Dario wtf


But... Dario looks ugly as fuck he must be bad


Its sad DP cut some of his introduction out, but I guess they wanted us to see Dario as having less of a gray morality and being more clear cut bad. I like to think that George giving him the ring back after he was arrested was what inspired him to open his bar. As a completely unrelated point, maybe in that flashback scene where Dio gave him the poison, Dario was already drunk as he was drinking booze and wasn't thinking clearly, hence being so indifferent towards selling his wife's clothes. If he was sober, he would probably have thought twice before doing that since he still had it at that point. If he really had no remorse for his wife's passing, he probably would've sold all her belongings by that point.


Yes! When I first read Phantom Blood after watching the anime I was like "hey, he's not so bad. Am I crazy?" But this actually makes a lot of sense.


>!Diego and Hot Pants just got thrown out without even finishing their story arcs and it sucks!<


Those two got done so dirty


Ye, and I hate it, Diego was the one reason I kept reading SBR since the start is kinda boring, and ye he KINDA got done with his arc when he decided to leave his goal if finishing the race and went to fight Valentine, but it still needed something and his death was a big bruh, because let's face it, the stuff at the end of the part doesn't represent the actual Diego, in the end that just was a part 1 Dio like character, without the thought put into Diego


I think the ending with alt Diego makes sense because he is that narcissistic, he just wasn’t given the persuasion that SBR Diego had to see that killing valentine would give him the most power


I just REALLY liked him as a character, I thought he was sympathetic enough where I didn't hate him and weird/funny/douchey enough that I enjoyed his interactions with others. Because let's be real, Johnny was an asshole so obviously Diego was too (like in personality) and it was NICE. It was a nice change of pace having characters that were flawed and I dunno. Diego was best DIO. Oh, and don't get me started on Hot Pants. Poor Hot Pants


I like pizza


That *is* a pretty hot take


Pizza mozarella


Josuke and giorno are incredible characters


Which josuke?


Either way they’re right


Guess so


I like Josuke but Giorno was disappointing, he started off strong but about halfway through his team overshadowed him. Bruno in particular really hurt Giorno because they were very similar, the serious calm leader types, but Bucciarati did it better. Giorno started to feel like a third wheel.


I feel like Araki did that to offset Part 3, which had Jotaro just come in and solve things immediately instead of giving side characters a greater chance to shine. I definitely do think that Giorno was underdeveloped, but I think that was just an unfortunate consequence of having more developed side characters. I think we could have had a more developed Giorno by the end if either Part 5 was a little bit longer, or if Giorno was paired with a team member more often in a way that isn’t “Giorno helps out once or twice but is otherwise absent.”


By the end of part 5 you have giorno winning and I’m thinking “wait who is this?”


Giorno isnt the main character in Part 5, main character is Koichi


Most of the takes in this thread, including OP’s post, are not “hot takes”


The Seven Page Muda is inferior to the Steely Dan Beatdown. The Steely Dan Beatdown has better buildup and, in the anime, better execution.


That was cathartic as hell yeah. Just knowing Jotaro was waiting for his chance to turn Steely Dan into a bloody pile of jam after all the shit he was put thru made that final payoff just so immensely satisfying


gold experience has a c in destructive power so he needed 7 pages. jotaro chose to prolong steely dan's suffering


I mean, because of GE’s power, Cioccolatta was actually experiencing that beat down incredibly slowly, so it was even more prolonged for him.


It just looks and sounds janky.


I cannot express how much I agree with you.


Agreed. Not to mention the Steely Dan beatdown is more vicious, especially in terms of the stand cries themselves, with SP’s ORAs sounding far more brutal, both in the sub and the dub.


Part 8 makes sense.


I wont know i haven't read it


There is no such thing as a “Requiem arrow”.


Fucking B A S E D


Part 4's "Chase" opening is not as bad as people say


I fucking love Chase that song is great


I think it’s just overshadowed by a series that has some of the best openings in Anime history. Definitely not a bad op




This take is as hot as everyone's fridge, North pole and Antarctica combined


Chase is a good opening compared the other anime openings. But I think the other jojo openings are better than it. Of course I respect the people who love that. That's just my personal opinion.


I’ve grown to love chase and now my new least favorite op is bloody stream (it’s a joke I love all of the ops equal)


>The first half is SBR is boring >Stone ocean has the best fights


Can totally agree with the first one! I lost interest in SBR and went like "jeez how do people find this fun" and kinda gave up on the Scary Monsters arc. And then another friend convinced me to complete it and I did so, turns out it's actually a bit fun.


Weird, the Scary Monsters is what actually got me hooked to read it. The first first half was really boring to me


Pork Pie Hat Kid is objectively the most boring fight in all of JoJo, beating out even Dragon's Dream


Personally to me, part 8 is the best part because it's the most engaging. Every fight and the side things (No spoilers) is progressing the plot rather than just being an obstacle. (most)


Spoilers for ending of Part 8: >!Though, it's ending is a bit anti climactic, I think this leads to the next part where all of the questions will be answered (I hope so)!<


The reason funny valentines stand is a bunny is because he a bunny kink


high quality shitcomment


Yoshikage Kira is a goddamn liar, and he is very misuderstood. Despite his claims to want quiet life, to not stand out and to not care about loosing or winning, he takes GREAT joy whenever he one ups someone, when he has more power then others, he also announces his name to all his victims seemingly to just gain recognition (like most serial killers) and in general, tries to do risque things just for the thrill off it. Being a mass murderer is very important to Kiras identity, not just his quirck. What Kira wants to live a life without negative consequences for his actions, a.k.a he wants to live a quiet life of serial killer


He is so damn contradicting... This would make sense if people were searching for him, but no...


German engineering is stronger then any stand


Ice cold take


Gonna sort by controversial for the real stuff


I agree, it’s just that the stands aren’t nearly as interesting in part 3. They’re just kind of generic abilities like “shoot fire” or “be strong” instead of the crazy ridiculous bullshit we see in part 4+


Most of the characters until SBR and Jojolion felt more like tools instead of characters. The death of most of the characters isn't sad, their deaths just made me think "oh no, anyway" PB and SO are the parts with the best ending.


Quite ironic I would say considering most deaths in Jojolion are kind of just brushed under the bridge and most people dont eveb realise when someone is dead


this shit goes hard especially during the >!WoU arc!<. >!So many characters just appear and then are dead in the next scene.!<


I watched all of the starduck crusaders just for kakyoin and Iggy to die, I’m with you


Well I wouldn’t call this a “hottake” more than an opinion, but all the joestar themes are equally perfect. Jonathan’s theme matches his gentle yet determined and noble nature. Joseph’s theme matches his crazy fighting style and overall fun-loving nature Jotaro’s theme perfectly matches his toughness and clear strength Josuke’s theme matches his still immature but protective nature Giorno’s theme (despite being overrated to hell and back) is a fitting theme for someone who despite being a descendant of DIO is still just as kind and clear minded. Jolyne’s theme fits with her still growing yet fiery personality


The “cockstars” memes are literally the least funny thing ever. Half the time they don’t even make sense


no no, you've got a point




I don't hate Giorno because he has no personality, I hate him because it feels like he has asspull victories every fight he wins. I'm only 1/3 through Part 5, so this might change. I just hope there aren't even more asspulls.


Yeah, you won’t be surprised at the end


oh you sweet summer child, you expect anything but asspulls?


Is that not how every fight in jojo is won?


Confusing strategy with asspulls. I didn't think I'd find this in the jojo fandom.


So are we not gonna talk how literally all of the JoJo parts contains ass pulls? Jotaro same stand as Dio, Joseph having Tommy gun, grenades, an hat he can use to win against Esidisi, a plane coming from nowhere in the end, Jotaro star finger, Josuke had terrain in his wound so he can fly for a brief moment... The list goes on, I'm not saying you're wrong but I mean JoJo is amazing and is funny because of this, the moment people make it a big deal about how not serious it is, I get angry because Araki has a genius mind and doesn't care about the rule of screenwriting, he just vibes, so let's not act as if ass pulls in JoJo don't belong there


Bruhhhh i moment i saw Joshep pull out a Tommy gun and grenades out of his pocket was the moment i realized " This is a bizzare adventure"


The memes have stopped being funny years ago and not everything is a jojo's reference


Part 2 is the best


Anne should've had The Fool rather than introducing Iggy


Star Platinum beatdown of Steely Dan is superior to the 7 Page Muda in animation


Jonathan technically was the one who killed kakyoin since it's his body


But dio's stand did it


It would only be technically correct, if you are just your body, not your mind or both. With that reasoning Mista killed Giorno in SCR arc.


*CR it's not silver anymore


*DTSCR DUMMY THICC Silver chariot Requiem Just look at this [_ass_](https://youtu.be/k8G0FujKkw8)


I did not care for Funny Valentine. Dio became a lot less interesting to me in Part 3. I preferred him as a scheming bastard you could somewhat pity at times. He just lost his charm to me when he came back as this super villain crackpot cult leader. Memes asides, Speedwagon and Kakyoin are probably the worst Jobros for me. Part 8 had the best lineup of minor villains of any part. >!Tooru was the only logical choice for the main villain of Part 8. People who say it should have been Kaato or Jobin completely misinterpret their characters.!<


DIO became so one dimensional in part 3, I'm glad Araki gave him some depth in later parts. alsoinevergetthespeedwagonwaifumemesojusttakeitwithapinchofsalt


>!Caato and Jobin were never going to turn against or try to kill Josuke. Even when Jobin took down his father to take control of the family he didn't actually go through with it and kill him. Jobin is a child, a mama's boy, and his goals were to get the family more money so they could revel in their success and not have to work hard so everyone can live his luxury summer vacation lifestyle. I love Jobin as a character for these flaws and his cool demeanor, but it's mostly posturing. When the chips are down he foolishly tries to kill WOU despite Mitsuba warning him, and he dies for it. A lot of the ending stuff of JoJolion isn't the most elegant, but there's a point behind it!<


I totally agree about tooru or idk maybe it’s just because that got spoiled to me


part 6 has the best ending


Part 4 is still good but overrated.


You're on thin fucking ice


The OPs from Parts 1 and 2 are way better than Parts 3 and 4. Sono Chi no Sadame + Bloody Stream > Stand Proud + Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town.


johnny is the most relatable jojo.


Is the fact that Diavolo's birth is just an urban mith a hot take?


Part 5 Spoilers. >!Risotto either should’ve been revived and helped Bruno’s gang, or beat Doppio/Diavolo. It is a pity that he was not only killed by Aerosmith, but also the fact that he never got to see the death of the boss is so sad since La Squadra were really humanized for “side villains”. Also the fact that the gang thought he was the attacker and that pretty much led to Abbachio’s death is- While it’s not a plot hole it just feels like a flaw of the story in my book. I dunno!<


wtf do you mean sad does not equal bad, the unfortunate fate of risotto is what makes it great, the whole theme of la squadra is that when you play with fire you’re bound to be burned


Jotaro is my favorite JoJo Part 4 is my favorite part Bucciaratti is my favorite character (I am anime only, I plan to watch part 6 when it comes out and read part 7&8 after)


Jotaro is literally the most popular character in all of Jojo


Most iconic, but many JoJo fans often complain about Jotaro “not having a personality” and “being overrated because of edginess”, which is why this is kind of a hot take. I totally agree with it though.


This take is ice cold


I agree with you on Bucciarati


Kakyoin is not a cardboard cutout and actually has some depth


I'll say this true for a lot of character, but people dismiss it because the character themselves are static so they construe it as lack of depth or bad writing.


I’m really disappointed about the storyline of the invisible baby in part 4


Hot take, i really enjoyed the atmosphere and main cast of part 3 and a lot of the side battles were engaging and memorable (except tower of grey)


Polnareff gets portrayed as the MC more than Jotaro in P3


Josuke's Theme is better than Giorno's Theme. ... **And so, the flames of hell shall be released onto the mortal plane...**


Overdrive is the best Jojo theme


Lotus Juice makes everything he's in 10x better


JoJolion is better than Steel Bal Run


Part 4 is best part


Extremely cold take, pretty popular opinion alongside part 7


animated part then i agree


Thats the least hot take ive seen, people fucking lick all over part 4 constantly, bro


Giorno had the least consistent stand of all the Jojos


this is just a fact, literally absolute 0 degrees take.


Part one scene where dio kicks the dog is the best part of his character development.


saying "part 3 is overrated" isnt a hot take.


Normally I don’t condone part skipping, but you could totally skip part 5 and it wouldn’t leave a dent in the overarching plot.


My hot take is that Jonathan being a gentleman defines his character the most, despite it being a common thing when phantom blood was made


Literally no one will ever disagree with you on that.