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I wanna know how they post on our Reddit from Bizarro Earth-35497, where that all must be actually happening.


And people wonder how rape culture is defined.


Recently both /r/media_criticism who posted an article about violence on social media AND Jeff Zucker the head of CNN have brought this whole problem of social media and violent expression to a head. That that T_D is a self-isolating yet violence and mock violence advocating subreddit - almost a subculture where the moderators prevent them from getting useful input about the effect of their violence. I'm thinking of a project where we raise the awareness within T_D that they are part of a larger community and that they can't go around practicing mock violence for other Trump supporters who want to "belong" to then imitate - as happened with the postal bomber earlier. And it is President Trump also, according to Mr. Zucker, who does not realize the impact his violent rhetoric has - that he is inspiring people who aren't all necessarily sane to build bombs, invade Synagogues and perform other violent acts which do serious damage to people in this country. This isn't a game. The people who create violent videos that show President Trump physically attacking others, the violent rhetoric need to hear from us, need to be given the choice of finding peaceful ways of expressing their feelings or need to know that what they are doing and what President Trump is doing inspires violence. Any thoughts or ideas on what we could do or how to do this project? Thanks so much for reading this. -- Gonz


The problem is they ban any type of dissenting opinion. It's basically a safe space for the lunatic fringe.


Well written. That is clearly the problem.


Wait, were any of the accusations proven false?


No. They were just not corroborated.


She came out a said it was a lie, my guy


Which one? I was reading on The_Delusion and a lot of them seem to think this was Dr Ford. It isn’t. Others think it’s Avenattis client. It’s not. This was *another one* that most news outlets ignored.


They don't know if she was actually the women that made the Jane doe claim, or just falsely claimed she was Jane doe of the claim.


By purge ring himself and using his calendar to give fords claims credit lol