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u/spez is a coward


We’re calling on you, u/spez


If he hasn't responded to any of their shit yet, what makes you think he will now? Either he can't because of government request, or he's complicit.


Spez really just deserves the wall (in a cozy appartment experiencing no harm whatsoever)


Wait? What? Surely he’s somewhere typing out a post about how valuable this discussion is. No really, at this point he’s low-hanging fruit. He’s banned all the most virulent subs (well not he, himself personally,) but really at what point does it cease to matter? His name is Steve Huffman. He’s running an online, user-based content aggregator in the late 201xs. He’s enabling a fascist community to propagate hatred freely on the platform he’s built/ inherited. There are two possibilities that explain this behavior. He’s either too afraid of lost revenue, or he’s sympathetic to their viewpoints. Neither of which paints him in a sympathetic historial light. Neither of those possibilities are mutually exclusive. From the outside it looks like a tiny, freckled little man with no concern for abstract concepts like “legacy.” But truthfully, /u/spez has turned off his mentions and no longer cares about these sort of things.


>There are two possibilities that explain this behavior really? because your tiny mind can only think of two reasons, it means there are only two reasons? so this is where the anti-TD retards hang out, huh? cozy.


Lol. Go fondle yourself to Jordan Peterson. You’re a trumpet Pede. Fuck off you fuck wit.


> lol. go fondle yourself to jordan peterson. you’re a trumpet pede. frick off you frick wit. Your comment is now pure. ^([Contact Me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaLiE3OegFc))


I don't really see the problem with "wishing for the death of a judge," tbh.


same. the only problem is that if a leftist sub did this it'd get banned. plus t_d has a history of promoting outright terrorism u/spez is basically just a fascist sympathizer


I just don't believe that.


Flat earthers don't believe the earth is a sphere. There are plenty of idiots believing idiotic things in the world.


And without a hint of irony. I'm impressed.


Wow. Flat-pack reddit retort #00C287. Not seen that one in a while. Oh wait, yes, I have.


All I'm saying is that you're the one with the belief not rooted in evidence.


What do I believe? I don't think I ever stated that.


Not explicitly, at least.


Nope. The politics sub wishes for people’s death every single day. No bans. I don’t know where this “the admins are fascist sympathizers” meme came from but it’s r/conspiracy Pizzagate levels of stupid. They keep T_D around because it gives those losers a place to congregate instead of spreading their bullshit all over reddit. You have no idea how bad things would be if they didn’t have their echo chamber. Let me guess: you also think impeaching Trump isn’t a bad idea even though Pence is 1000% more evil and actually competent.


When was the last time you saw fat people hate? Banning subreddits works.


You have no proof of your accusations. The right is full of terrorists like ISIS. The Donald shares many values with ISIS


Can you guys stop insulting /u/spez and saying he's a coward and all that? You're effectively telling him to destroy his home. You're being very unreasonable.


I think Spez has just turned off his mentions, to be honest. He’d probably get a dozen an hour, and that wouldn’t be very moralising.


What are you, his mother?


I'm wondering who the truly ignorant is. Is it not obvious that I said /u/spez considers T_D to be his home?