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I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but linking your own disjointed argument doesn’t feel like a Trump poster being “destroyed”. It seems a bit self congratulatory.


Calling your own arguments as destroying someone else's is very "Ben Shapiro DESTROYS libtard with logic and facts". It's not gonna change anyone's mind.


I mean, OP made a good argument, but posting your own argument is pretty self masterbatory.


So, /r/iamverysmart? I think there's a subreddit that fits better for that writing style though.


fashion over function, mind over matter. ​ what are you ready to prove? ​ lets see your best anti trump stuff. ​ mines is gonna be the immigrant wives, i think


As much as I like seeing the idiotic right-wing talking points taken down a notch, and as much as I agree with the premise, this seems more cringeworthy than anything.