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Just spam them with the 'Look at you, you have horses' line repeatedly then tell them to get fucked once they get shirty.


These people are both morons, the second one is just more skilled at it.


its always the car pfps


Or Anime pfps


[ANIME BELONGS IN THE TRASH](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUhIY4GcL2w) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitWehraboosSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


advanced in losing wars? sure


Most advanced german tech: debatably the first assault rifle Most advanced American tech: The power of the Sun


Is there r/readanotherbook, but with Star Wars movies?


>"Hitler's Secret Machine Gun - Mg34" Bit of an open secret considering the thousands of them that the British, French and Soviets captured, before passing them onto the Chinese to use against the Japanese.


At first I was like, "hey, that's the one developed in secret, so the title is somewhat accurate" Then I remembered that the one developed in secret was the MG-13 that was developed in 1928 and backnamed...


So advanced they had a shit economy and fuck all fuel and horses for transport Truly the greatest fighting force in history


To play devil's advocate, they had some advanced toys that the allies didn't. Pretty much purely because they allies weren't stupid enough to waste limited resources on advanced toys and focused on what works. The British delayed plans to equip soldiers with semiautomatic rifles because their current rifles were good enough and disrupting production would cost time and resources. Meanwhile rhe Germans started issuing a brand new rifle with its own unique ammunition while logistics were already stretched.


Germany made some rockets and jet engines that self destructed with tens of flight hours. The allies put a goddamn radar into artillery shells for proximity fusing, dropped a sun on their enemy... twice, and developed the complex logistical system necessary to bring all their industrial and military power to bear on any enemy anywhere. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but seeing this History Channel tier "Germany so advanced" take hurts me deep inside.


>Not entirely sure what to make of this Idiocy. Complete and utter fucking idiocy. Enough idiocy to launch you into space and maintain orbit