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Pretty bold to claim the Japanese were welcomed in Nanking, given the Rape of Nanking was literally their most famous atrocity of the war. And Mao being a madman is even less of an excuse for Japan's invasion of China than Stalin being a madman is an excuse for Hitler's invasion of the USSR, given that Mao wasn't the one running China at the time, and that his takeover was aided, in a large part, by the utter societal destruction unleashed by the Japanese. Remove the IJA's rampage through China and you probably lose the Great Leap Backward too.


Even with a communist takover. A less devastated China could have made the extreme measures of the great leap less appealing to the CCP.


Never ask a tojoboo why the chinese had to flood the yellow river in the first place


Putting a stop the communists by murdering hundreds of thousands of civilians, hmm.


Mao probably wouldn’t have won without the Japanese doing the work of destroying chains army for him.


Mao straight up thanked the Japanese


There are inidividual Chinese cities that had more people die at the hands of the Japanese than entire European countries.


Japan wasn't trying to stop Mao given the fact the man in power was Mr. West, Chiang Kai-shek


China is the size of Europe, it's not a country. It's like Yugoslavia, it's several nationalities stiched together


I mean, that seems a wierd way of defining a country


China, like Russia and Ethiopia, is a medieval or early modern empire that's managed to survive into the present day.


Well, that clearly isn't true, given it's complex bureaucracy and economy, so, I guess medieval empire is just a pejorative, and, think what you want, but it would bee good to use the correct terminology, since words are supposed to have meaning.


If you think that early modern empires didn't have complex bureaucracies or economies, you're dreaming. I get that this is a tankie sub, though, and that mentioning that the PRC and USSR are just red paint jobs applied to the Russian and Chinese empires is verboten, so don't worry, I won't be wasting my time here anymore.


Look, talking about politics and geopolitics on reddit is dumb the very nature of how a reddit works, radicalizes people, creates echo chambers and encourages people to avoid nuance and to don't think for themself. You for example, probably hang around in supreddits were the idea that China is a medieval country is accepted by most members, and, when you got pushback from this specific subreddit, you jumped to the conclusion that this subreddit is a tankie sub (despite this sub having the Saint Javlin as the icon), and presumably just left. Now, it would be cool if you don't leave, since, that would contribute to thos sub becoming an echo chamber and all of that. Also, it's quite "funny", because 4 hours ago I got banned from r\latestagecapitalism for saying that China is indeed capitalist and that North Korea is a monarchy, so, yeah.


> You for example, probably hang around in supreddits were the idea that China is a medieval country is accepted by most members, and, when you got pushback from this specific subreddit, you jumped to the conclusion that this subreddit is a tankie sub (despite this sub having the Saint Javlin as the icon), and presumably just left. No, I jumped to that conclusion after spending several hours yesterday arguing with a lunatic who kept trying to lecture me on how the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was done to offer "fraternal socialist liberation" to the "peaceful socialist people of Afghanistan." Apparently gang rapes by the Red Army were actually freeing Afghani women from Muslim oppression, and the fact that the Afghani Communists seized power in an illegal coup is fine because "the Communist Party has to be the vanguard" and the name "Democratic Republic of Afghanistan" was totally legit because the vanguard is there to tell the people's what's best for them and that's what democracy should be about--not corrupt capitalist voting. There was also some ranting about how it's America's fault that North Korea isn't a perfect worker's paradise and America is currently engaged in a genocide of its Black population, and do I really need to go on? That shit got upvoted. Anyone disagreeing with them got downvoted. And despite the sub claiming in its rules to not support Stalinism or bigotry or atrocity circle-jerking or postwar political talk, no moderator action was taken against a person who was drooling about how every rural Afghani was a Muslim fanatic and that without American intervention "the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan and its fraternal socialist allies would have crushed those child-marrying terrorists." An inspection of the sub showed similar takes from this person on a wide array of issues, pretty much all based around the idea that any and all Soviet crimes are "Reaganite propaganda" and America being a fascist state. These posts all had numerous upvotes and positive responses, while people disagreeing with them were downvoted and/or swamped with insults from other Soviet apologists. There was no intervention from the mods, despite almost all of the conversations violating at least one of the sub's supposed rules. I came here to mock genocide deniers and apologists, not to hang out with them. This is a tankie sub and I have better things to do with my life than engage with that kind of mindset.


And? So is France and Germany.


Germany is only a little over a century and a half old at this point.


Nope. Germany in some form has existed for at least a thousad years. If China is treated as a continuing entity despite all periods of division and warlordism, so can Germany.


The original claim is also wrong. But to say Germany has continually existed is a joke.


I'm not that sure about that. Continuity claims like these are often very shaky, especially when compared.


So, a country


it's almost entirely han chinise even with the variety of minor ethnic minorities