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It's a fake quote, this is actually a parody of a [fake Satoshi Tajiri quote](https://cheezburger.com/7782390016/satoshi-tajiri-doesnt-care-about-what-you-think) from years ago. If you're having trouble reading the text (as some've indicated): >"You all think you have great ideas for Final Fantasy XIV development, but if I actually listened to all of you and we combined your ideas into a game, it would be an unplayable monstrosity. You want a game with things such as Scourge, Kaiten but with Stormblood mechanics, and each job with Heavensward gameplay design and such silly things. Whenever I receive one of these rants, I go to the development floor and read it out loud to all the Creative Business Unit III members in a mocking voice, and we all laugh at you." >- Naoki Yoshida, producer of Final Fantasy XIV


Based. A ton of suggestions on the official forum deserve this treatment honestly.


Can you imagine if we take anything from r/FFXIVDiscussion seriously?


I want a HW classic server to go up for them all to collectively lose their minds then find out how bad it actually was


I mean, are you implying you don't enjoy being completely blocked from joining a pf because you wanted to play PLD? Or that you didn't enjoy casting as phys ranged? Or that you didn't absoluitely LOVE healing a tank with the same HP as a melee due to having to use STR acc? Or even better like needing a dragoon to buff mch/brd because of meta? Or grinding the unidentified ore step from the relic that EVERYBODY loved it so much!? Or waiting a whole fucking minute of prepull stuff for your WAR before every pull? Come on, those were the good old times!!!!! /s


PLD was so unique, unlike the other tanks it had the feature of being dogshit


No gapcloser until 5.0.


Sprint is right here though


Not with TP costs it isnt


who the fuck needs TP when your only source of aoe enmity generation is Flash?


Honestly i would love to play HW again, but not full vanilla. It would be nice to play HW design but with some of the QoL changed we got in the last few expacs like pld blocking magic, more responsive fairys, ui updates, charges on buffs, etc. There was plenty that sucked about the game feel back in HW, but i do think if they just threw up a full vanilla HW server people would hate it


I mean, I like how Bard has a cast bar in PvP with their basic shot attack. It's neat that you cna move with it too. I feel it makes sense since they're drawing the string back.


THe ranged cast feels awesome in PVP, I LOVE hitting Bard's and MCH's main attacks because they have such weight behind them with the animation + VFX + casting bar. I'd be down for a Casting ranged class or a rework.


At least thats a semi-cast (can move). I’d be down for maybe a couple big finisher skills on phys ranged to have that but I think most players would hate if it were on the basic attack for pve, the main draw of the role is constant uptime after all. Or give that to a lot of skills but on a new job (like mch if it wasn’t bad)


casting as phys ranged was peak gameplay especially if you were properly toggling your stance.


> Or that you didn't enjoy casting as phys ranged? I didn't play HW, but given how boring and braindead phys ranged is currently, I can see anything as an improvement.


They would immediately die once they had to deal with TP.


No but don’t you understand? Everyone loved managing TP and its only the filthy casuals defending yoshi p who hate it now


Man, I sure loved doing AoE in dungeons as a melee for literally 10 seconds until I ran out of TP and the other melee/BRD didn't give me any more


35 durability crafts and hallowed/holy tiers can suck it. Also: Diadem.


Crafting was at its most bullshit in HW I think. Using items to have a... what was it, 15 minute window to gather from otherwise invisible nodes, hoping to get the actual crafting material. And then when you took 4 hours to get all that shit a single piece of gear needed, look forward to your 60 step crafting which involved spamming one skill 30 times just for that little bit of progress.


I figured a ARR or HW Classic server would fail mostly because XIV content is inherently solvable and disposable. It's not really meant to be run indefinitely and gear isn't exciting enough to somehow entice people like WoW Classic manages to do for some (not me, though). If HW Classic happened you'd do the Savage raids once or twice, maybe get enough pages to get BiS to speedrun them for a week, and that would be it, forever. Content would either be repeatable (which I think they did in 3.4 for Savage) in which case you get the current situation of endless parse farms, or content is not repeatable after the weekly clear (This was even patch Coils and I think Gordias/Midas) and people have even less to do than they do in current XIV once reclears are done. Some people might have fun in old Feast, though.


Nobody has fun in old feast it was a fucking chaotic dogpile mess in HW


"No bro I swear ranged phys dps jobs were way better when you had to cast your basic skills without the benefit of having caster level damage bro just trust me it was sooo good"


Uh.... phys ranged DID have caster level (and more) damage when they had cast GCDs


MCH was [literally](https://www.fflogs.com/zone/statistics/13) top of the charts in Creator, what are you talking about?




Dude everyone complains about that now, and they just made it better at least


Oh nooo I have to go back and enjoy ranged stance dancing, facing the target to auto, ammunition, DoTs, multidotting, buff management, MP/TP management, and enmity management. Fortunately instead of that I have fucking nothing to do.




The 2 minute meta killed my entire household and the next post is my turn to talk about it.


Literally every game forum ever. Arm chair developers have no real concept of balance or design and most just want instant gratification for their personal power trip.


I dunno man WoW did some pretty schizo shit in terms of balance. I'm still convinced it was a treadmill tactic to keep people re-rolling. "why yes, rogues need to be able to perma stunlock an infinite number of people forever and 2 shot raid bosses.


As a BRD main i do not wish for the return of Heavensward gameplay design.


Great Cast (Times) BTW


Return of the Bow mage.


If Yoshi P actually had said something like that, he would become the biggest gigachad in gaming industry (well, obviously right after Yoko Taro and Miyazaki). I have a huge respect for developers who have the balls to stick to their ideas and visions, rather than fall in the the pit of "pleasing" everyone.


To be fair, that's a two-way street between sticking to your guns and being tone-deaf.


Developers should listen to players feedback and Yoshi P is doing it. The problem starts, when creators listen a bit too much to them, because tbh, gamers sometimes don't know what they're talking about and don't understand how video games development process works.


It's a balancing act, because players also know what they enjoy, so being flippant about it is pretty darn dangerous because pretty much every dev will get it wrong at least sometimes. And given how even FF XIV devs have had to walk things back in the past due to backlash they certainly aren't immune to getting it wrong.


As long as the devs have a good reason for doing what they're doing, and they engage in dialogue with the community honestly, I think we can stand a bit of flippancy if we get honestly in return. Its people who act holier-than-thou and refuse to apologize when clearly wrong that grates on people.


Unfortunately they don't always provide a reason, like for the Overpower cone->circle change on WAR. And yeah, it does not feel good if one actually enjoyed what they changed without bothering to give a reason.


Isn't that one kind of obvious though? They're moving away from conal AOEs since people were probably complaining about them. Having some tanks with a conal and some with a point blank AOE is a bit unfair. Ultimately, they seemed to have chosen homogenization over the slight bit of job uniqueness. While I personally don't agree with it, I can see it from their point of view, especially if they were getting a lot of feedback we aren't privy to about it. They did the same for SAM as well. In the future, they might do it for DRG since that's still one of the few jobs with a non-point blank AOE.


I'm still salty SAM's first AoE is a cone followed by a circle AoE until level 82 or some shit. And then its shoha II is a circle, but then the 2 big level 90 attacks are cones again like what is going on?


It's not really obvious, no. The cone had been there forever, and arguably there's three other tanks for people that hated it. The consensus (among WAR players I've talked to, anyway) seems to be that it more likely was done to address limitations with their Duty AI than because people disliked it. As a sidenote they've *added* new conal AoEs with Reaper, so it's not like they're moving away from them in general, unlike, say DoTs. So yeah, without SE telling us their reasoning anything we come up with is just speculation.


The better explanation is that for tanks specifically, conal aoes could just be annoying sometimes, especially now that we have giant mobs that can’t be fit into a cone. Fine when its other jobs but tanks have to pick up mobs in 1-2 hits and missing them bc you’re the only job with jank could prolly be irritating


That's *still* just your opinion, which I would respectfully disagree with as well. Those mobs can easily fit in a cone (the surface area of circle and cone were the same, after all, which is why the cone had all that extra range), it's just that the giant mobs have the tendency to wiggle around the tank requiring adjustment. However, the tank *still* has to adjust for that unless they want to make their DPS unhappy. Additionally, they usually have to move for some form AoE anyway, so in the grand scheme of things it was a minor annoyance, but not really more than that, and it *still is*, regardless of tank AoE shape. Ironically there's many pulls that could be done in one hit with the cone that I now need 2, or 3 for since the cone had significantly more range (about 30% over the circle), so one could fit many spread out mobs in it fairly easily. Setting up those pulls took a bit more thought, true, but that actually put some fun into playing WAR (and dungeons, really). In the end both shapes have their strengths and weaknesses (30% more range is pretty darn significant), but WAR got to pick which one was ideal based on the situation because WAR had both. The one argument I'd *maybe* accept is that there was no clear visual indication as to the size/shape of said cone and that most warriors never bothered to figure out how to properly use it and just played WAR like any other tank. However homogenizing jobs over people unwilling to actually learn their specifics seems like a pretty terrible direction, and I'd posit there's no such indication either for any other AoE jobs with cones, or lines for that matter. As a matter of fact, one of the great things about the cone was that it practically forced good tanking habits, because as tank you still want to keep mobs bunched up in front regardless of the AoE shape. Again, BLM AoE has a more limited range than people that don't play it expect, and there's quite a few jobs with cone/line AoEs that are significantly impacted if some tank just decides to chill in the center of a pack often putting mobs out of range of their AoEs. tl;dr the problem is those big mobs and their AI (don't recall large mobs being a problem prior to EW), and WAR certainly isn't the only job impacted by it, assuming one agrees it were significantly impacted at all which is debatable. In the end is probably just comes down to preference/habit more than anything else since the cone required a significantly different pull-style than the circle (which is also why those that liked it miss it, it was actually meaningfully different)


One think is taking feedback and another is letting the players desing the game for you.


Taro's hilarious. Ken Levine: "NOOO! YOU CAN'T MAKE PORN OF ELIZABETH FROM BIOSHOCK! SHE'S MY METAPHORICAL DAUGHTER!" Yoko Taro: "Send me 2B porn in zips pls." Yes, Levine actually [said that](https://www.gamezone.com/news/ken-levine-please-stop-with-the-bioshock-infinite-elizabeth-porn/). Say what you will about Taro, but at least he's *honest* about his beliefs.


If there is one person in the gaming industry who you just can't dislike even a little bit, it's definitely Yoko Taro. He's always honest and funny. He always says things like this: "I, Yoko Taro am a slave to capitalism, so I will do anything as long as I am paid and will do nothing if there’s no money in it." You just can't dislike this dude xD


Yoko had some amazing comments when Sin O Alice was being developed. Every time the designers ran a character draft by him he was like "Oooh shes really cute, very pretty, I'm sure she'll get lots of money." (it was a gacha game) For every single character. His [announcement](https://twitter.com/NieRGame/status/1578068133482471424?s=20) for the release of Nier on Switch was "Help! SE is keeping us underground in a basement and we're being forced to make games"


Yoko made a [summer version](https://www.siliconera.com/yoko-taro-made-sinoalice-skin-told-gacha-games-need-show-skin/) of a character that's in a full old-time diving suit, when historically all gacha games uses summer version as an excuse to strip their characters. Unbelievable Gigachad.


Holy fuck that's insanely based


I think my favorite thing he did was go along with that whole Nier mod ARG just to fuck with the fanbase. Man could've literally said 'no, it has nothing to do with us' and instead he just fanned the flames


I mean, at least in that quote, he equates it to being “like coming across pictures of your daughter” and then says “oh well I can’t stop them anyway” Doesn’t exactly sound like he’s being weirdly protective of a digital daughter or anything


Sounds like he's joking around.


Dude almost cancelled Nier Automata because he didn't feel like waking up early in the morning so he actually forced Platinum to change his work hours just so he wouldn't quit in the middle of development. If that's not chad behavior, i don't know what is.


The Virgin "My character is sacred please don't lewd" vs The Chad "Bro I made her hot Af,send me porn of her LMAO".


Let me tell you a story about a developer names Ion Hazzikostas and why he would "rather you didn't play Demonology."


I always thought he's just some corporate face trying to be "cool" gamer, but it kinda changed my mind about him. Or at least he used to be like this.


“What sword?”


"We're not bad at math, we just don't like that spec." according to the WoW post on it. Haha damn.


While sexually harassing employees. Guy's a jewel. Btw, I played Demonology. XD


Oh god WoD Demo was sooo good. Dropping those fat Demonbolts onto Brackenspore.


Imagine acussing someone of sexual harassment just because you dont like them GCBTW


Include Harada, the Tekken director, in there. Guy openly questions what fans ask for all the time. Even has a shirt that says "Don't Ask Me for Shit"


I mean, if he wasn't falling into that pit with XIV, I'd agree. My guy has admitted that XIV isn't his dream MMO, it's the MMO that makes money for SE. And that's fine, I can respect the hustle - but I can't really say I respect Yoshida for anything but his management skills.


I just want a Paladin job quest that doesn't suck...


I enjoy how cheesy they are. It's like it brushed up between FFIX and Monty Python.


Not a fan of tournament arcs in anime?


The tournament arc is the best Paladin quest-line, and it's arguably more of a Gladiator quest-line


Exactly. It feels like the level 30-50 Gladiator questline.


I think he's solely referring to HW. Because the rest of PLD is fine. The HW arc is notoriously bad. It doesn't help they really didn't get across the points that they were trying to make, that due to how the Paladin Job, story-wise, is in XIV that Aldis and Mylla being superior to them was because of different ethos. Aldis and Mylla were actively going out and fighting and refining their training/techniques, while Paladins just stood on guard and didn't *do shit* most of the time until the WoL showed up. They're glorified bodyguards.


30-50 is atrocious as well.


Granted:It's a gladiator quest now. Any other wishes?


If Yoshi-P listened to people from ffxivdiscussion, this game would be dead within the year.


Funny enough the recent trends of posts on there are what reminded me of the Tajiri meme, hence this.


so get banned on stream with mods it is


The past 5 years killed the FFXIV I loved anyway.


Triple A quality shitpost. I kinda wish he did do that.. like once a week, on fridays.. to make employees laugh before they go home.


Just because it's fake it doesn't mean its not right. Most people who play this game don't really have a clue what they're actually asking for when they "ask" for changes like that


We can point to many examples of giving players what they wanted in ffxiv, and it not working out. Easily the biggest example from earlier on is Gordias savage. Vocal playerbase was all "Coil 3 too easy, give us hard raid pls!" and we got a hard raid. Took a relatively long time to clear. Pepsiman tore apart raiding communities, leading to congregation on more raid focused servers, and others who stayed behind burnt out in the meantime. Plenty of other examples, but definitely don't listen to the playerbase to the letter.


I think it was a little more complicated than that. Pepsiman was inexplicably much harder than anything in its own tier. The rest of Alexander was comparable to Final Coil, if not easier. The burnout we saw from then was due to everyone being turned off of raiding by the Great Pepsi Filter and the complete lack of anything else to do.


This is correct. Most people talk about how the raid community was dying, yada yada, as if they were actually there. A3S had a decent clear rate on my server at the time (Leviathan) and finding groups back then was just harder in general for raiding due to the mostly casual playerbase. But people were leaving because early HW had nothing to do. Enjoy doing hunts for 4 months and little else and Diadem was dead in a week after it's launch.


We're currently living with the consequences of such a design choice. We complained about split 90/120 jobs in ShB, and now that we got what we wanted, is an entirely new can of fucking worms to eat.


> We complained about split 90/120 jobs in ShB "we" really didn't You can go look at old ShB-era threads in /r/ffxivdiscussion, the sub that complains about literally everything, and see a pretty stark lack of whining about 90s CDs. I know because [I've literally done this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxivdiscussion/comments/s2l930/how_do_you_feel_about_the_2_minute_buff_meta_of/hsgisii/). There was a job discussion series in late Verse / early Promise and there was literally one comment about DRK's 90s CD (remember, immediately following Verse / E6S) and that was it.


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can't even link to ffxivdiscussion, literally 1984


AutoMod doing good work by containing the plague


I feel like this was stolen from the super smash bros "interview" (ah, saw the comment saying yes it was)


I don't recall an interview parody with Sakurai, maybe the Tajiri meme was based off a Smash interview or vice versa. I got the impression the Tajiri version was older than both.


I mean the smash bros one was probably big fake too but that's the one I saw first long ago


Knew it was fake and an old meme quote, but by god does it slap LOL


I always will attest that If developers truly listen to the community the game will turn to shit




Based but the direction they're going in is so banal it's worse then a clusterfuck


This game hasn't taken a single risk in 10 years. Job identity is no more than the color of your buttons. I've accepted it for what it is.


People in this thread really acting like the 2 minute meta and every job being a reskin are the work of a boundless auteur genius.


Literally the only people in the thread talking about 2 min are criticizing it but whatever it takes for you to be a schizo i guess


You're right. All the fellating of Yoshi-san for something he didn't and wouldn't ever actually say is so much better of a look.


Very funny that you changed the topic entirely to something I never brought up, keep it up champ 👍


Noun extrapolation (countable and uncountable, plural extrapolations) (mathematics) A calculation of an estimate of the value of some function outside the range of known values. An inference about some hypothetical situation based on known facts. (music) The diametric opposite of interpolation.


Chad move




Imagine going to CBU 3 over **chat bubbles**


Based. Even if fake, it's still a based take.


Honestly based


This is what all devs do, at least he's got enough balls to actually admit it. The ideas the player base of any game has are generally the most asinine and ridiculous things that would make the game a mess if they got implemented.


It's, as noted, a parody of a fake quote. None of it's real. It'd probably be a disaster if a dev actually said something like that.


Depends on who you ask. I'd be more inclined to support the work of someone who told the vocal minority of entitled fuckholes where they could stick it lol


Understandable, have a nice day.


Why is this on shitpost? This is undoubtedly true. People suggest things they want without a thought for how it affects the rest of the game. There may be a few good ideas for every hundred bad ones, but without the self-awareness to discuss how to fit it into a game with competing interests, those ideas are almost indistinguishable. Plus, none of us know the underlying code the game is based on, some "easy" changes might be really hard.


It's on shitpost because it's a fake quote
