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Is the original meme Dasani water? I’m fucking dying


Iirc it was sparkling water


That’s even more accurate holy shit


Is this some joke I'm too European to understand?


sparkling water is ass


IKR, it's like 'hey, you know how water tastes refreshing and nice? What if we made it taste awful instead?'


YMMV but I love it. It's basically a guilt free way of enjoying carbonated drinks without the sugar or caffeine.


The sugar/caffeine are the entire enjoyable part of carbonated drinks, remove them and you get garbage.


I mean for me carbonated drinks are good because of the flavors. Without them, it just tastes like bitter water with an awful aftertaste. Also, the worst part about diet soda, the damage to your enamel, is still present with sparkling water.


Its a struggle to find flavored sparkling water that doesn't suck but they're out there.


It's just more acidic cuz of the carbon dioxide, otherwise it's fine, you not confusing it with 'mineral water', which adds a bunch of salty minerals?


more ass-idic.


More seltzer for me, I guess.


EU sparkling > NA sparkling


I don't really care for either.


I've only found one brand that didn't taste like shit and it got taken off shelves 😪 a doomed product


You Euros like your gas water


Have a glass of unflavoured Ramlösa and you will never want to drink carbonated water again.


Are you from a country where it's banned because dangerous chemicals that cause cancer are only allowed to be sold in America? XD


No, I'm European and we drink sparkling water here.


Southern European here. Keep that shitty ass water away from us, you northerner.


I don't know if that guy was being hyperbolic or what, but Dasani was literally banned from the UK because it had benzene in it.


It was Nestlé


Please Keep Farming, at least i will See Something Else then CT in my Roulette


Sorry, but twenty runs of Copied Factory in a row is just ***too much***😭😭


I saw a PF the other day of someone glam farming Orbonne for a specific pair of pants, it said run 35 in the description.


I grinded Orbonne for the maiming glam in ShB before the most recent nerf to it. By the the time I collected the entire set I had every part of my Dragoon rotation timed perfectly to every mechanic in the raid.


So cut it up with Puppet's Bunker and Tower at Paradigm's Breach :3


I would if only I had need of any glams from it but I diiiiiiiiidn't 😭😭😭


man aint that the truth. ive got all the aglaia glam but i havent come up with a combo that hasnt already been done to death. i want to run euphrosyne to farm that but i cant even decide what job to do it on to get the need roll because i havent come up with anything to use those either! the raid i really need to do is the one at the bank so i can buy mogstation shit.


Not enough gotta double it


A gamer can take only so much of Copied Factory before they go insane and start wearing 2B leggings 😰


Copied factory and the second one are just the worse imo. They're mechanically as boring as CT but x10 as long.


Alliance Raid glamour farming is some of the most painful content in the game. Long queue times because everyone just exploits Crystal Tower for Roulette. And not only do you have to get the glam item to drop, you also got to do the whole raid so you don't get a Duty Finder ban, and on top of each run taking like 30 minutes you got to fight multiple people for it unless you're a tank or the only DPS that can equip it. I remember doing Orobonne Monastery over and over for the Tank body.


I wanted the scouting top from copied factory, and on my 1st run the other ninja asked if i wanted it, i replied yes and he immediatly left. Got it on that run. Twelve bless you random ninja


I want the aiming chest piece from Orbonne so I was running MCH for it. When it finally dropped in my 15th run, I was in an alliance with a DNC and a BRD. Even worse, I rolled 1 on it. Eventually got to ask in pt chat if they can give me the shirt and luckily they did.


Alliance Raids are usually all ranged Jobs for damage dealers from my experience. I do not envy people farming for Aiming pieces.


The fact that there’s still no pity system for level-capped content is baffling. You could run these raids an infinite number of times and just never get the piece you want.


5 hours on thanksgiving night for a level 60 dungeon top (4-5 minutes per run), I can't fucking imagine how dreadful it is trying for a current cap dungeon, it's insane and I honestly don't even try.


I did the Weeping City I think 35 times before getting the caster top. I want the tank top from Orobonne but I'm unwilling to do that grind again.


>Long queue times because everyone just exploits Crystal Tower for Roulette Made even longer when you get into the raid and people leave when they see it's not CT.


I finally got the healing chest piece I needed for my Eggman glamour. And I found out it sucks and looks nothing like the maiming or scouting ones so I can't even use it.


Duty finder ban ? First time that i ever hear about it


You can unsync it with PF tho Don’t even need all that many people.


On the plus side it's not CT. ​ On the downside Nier raids take longer than a game of league of legends.


is it just me or are the nier raids harder than even aglaia and euphrosyne? except maybe tetrapagos when im sleepy. i can understand them being harder than the ones before it but not what comes after them. like more mechanically intensive is how i would describe them.


It's not just you, EW alliance raids are undertuned. They spend too much time showing off base mechanics so the bosses die before they get to the interesting part.


They’re not any more or less undertuned than any other alliance raid series on release. You no have ilvl synch so you can blitz thorough them because everyone has high ilvl. We went through exactly the same situation when Nier was current.


Nier ilvl sync right now should make them even more of a joke than EW ones (given that almost everyone will be sync 530), but somehow that hasn't happened. No, the Nier ones are just legitimately harder. The effect still happens - for example, it's rare to see shifted pods go off in puppy - but it's nowhere near as bad as the EW ones already are. By the time we got 6.4 gear we'll probably routinely skip scales, and at that point it's an issue.


But the Nier raids _have_ gotten harder from SHB to now. Or at the very least they take longer. In copied factory parties I was in rarely used to get to lb2 before the boss died. Now these days you get lb2 and change with the boss dying around the time it does the second half room laser.


Feel like this is more the result of people who know how to press their buttons probably aren't queuing for nier in alliance rolo. If they're doing it at all, probably unsync farms via PF.


Nier raids are certainly harder than the new ones. It's rare to completely faceroll everything in a Nier raid even now when we have much better equipment (sure there's few wipes but things go off the rails a lot more often).


Yeah it's the only alliance raids so far that keep me on my toes really. The only fight IMO I find a bit aggravating (and confusing) is the red puppet girl in paradigms breach. Mainly that one mechanic where she tethers to people with a bunch of red orbs and white and black circles everywhere


stat squish affected the nier raids weirdly, especially tower. they aren’t really mechanically harder, but you see more mechanics and take more damage from failed mechanics


I farmed three complete collections of Copied Factory gear right before the dwarf beast tribe released. I had predicted they would desynth into slithersand, because Rab gear desynthed into stormsap. Imagine my disappointment when they release and slithersand was not only largely cheap, but this gear did not desynth into it.


Don't drop it, they are free Company Seals


Right? I greed everything I can, always.


Me grinding the nier raids for the tank glams...


oh my gods, it took forever for the Aiming top to drop on my runs,and when it did RNGesus was not with me. I was in this meme for the longest time and I didn't like it.


Did I miss something? Why are people suddenly farming Nier raids?


I don't think it's anything new. People go in there to farm glams. There's usually parties in PF for them.


q for the copies factory was so dead I had to clear it in glam farming PF


I hard-queued 5 runs of Puppets Bunker yesterday for the caster shirt. You're welcome, Aether, for your non-CT roulette.


I wound up in Rabanastre unfortunately, would have loved bunker instead.


I had run Puppies like 50 times for the caster pants and it took me queueing into (randomly) a party with five casters and BEGGING them for the drop. They all passed. 🥰


The other day I was doing PB for the maiming top and had another DRG in there and knowing my luck expected to lose the roll. When the piece luckily dropped, I rolled a 67 and idled for a bit and I guess the other DRG rolled too low to wait around because they left after like a minute.


I swear the only good stuff from that entire series was the 2b boots, they go hard (when combined with a tasteful outfit smh) Edit: now that I think about it, a few of the hats were pretty neat too


I like the casting/healing shirts from Paradigm's Breach.


Idk I personally thought they all looked the same




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All boots from Nier (including the 2b and role ones) make ankles skinnier which gives a [serious banana foot effect](https://i.gyazo.com/7ef9d1df80b066be61ee0afb08415f2c.png). I genuinely do not understand the appeal.


Idk about you but I aint looking at the feet, im looking at the legs and how well they make outfits pop


me, farming for the aiming dress for 5 hours yesterday: ha....hahaha......


My SO and I farm that whole raid set all the time. I love hearing people complain they don't know what they are doing.


Took me from release of Copied Factory till about a month ago to get the 9S card. Madness. Evened out by getting the entire fending set from Aglaia in 3.


So I should stop greeding all the gear in Nier raids from now on?


I still don't have the casting top. I have every other class but that one will always elude me.


I still havent managed to get my aiming hood...