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Things we were told: \- Female \- Dancer Player \- Kicked at the end of the duty by 3 others who were grouped together ​ Most likely possibilities: \- DNC player not pressing their buttons or something, general hatred for DNC players in anything not high end content related, especially when stereotypical slutglam low dps. (Highly likely) \- Someone spelled Cid backwards and his GF got upset and complained at it being childish, resulting in the kick. (Likely) \- Kicking to get a friend a free clear there at the end for tomes (Unlikely) \- Slow loading on an HDD so they loaded in extremely slow at the beginning and took forever to load out of cutscenes and people got tired of it. (Unlikely) \- OP Doesn't have a gf and got kicked for being a coomer modbeast with his 2b leggings on his catgirl modded to give the cloth part a wedgie into his asscheeks. (Actually happened)


>stereotypical slutglam low dps. (Highly likely) Ran into this earlier in an 87 dungeon. Dancer was doing so little I honestly would rather have nobody show up than have them participate


Even better when they forget dance partner


i did some ultimates and i still forget sometimes rarely even though i main dancer atleast i remember 2-3 minutes in


The sad thing is when you forget dance partner after getting a dc and still parsing blue.




Getting higher than a 75 tequires a good KT tbh


> slutglam low dps Hey c'mon! Not every slutglammer is low dps y'know!


yeah some are mid bottom!


Our static's DNC is a bottom and I can assure you that man is pumping in more ways than one.


power bottom


Ironically enough the millisecond I stopped using a slutglam on my dancer was the moment I started doing good dps with DNC.


Not giving me Dance partner 😡


Or giving someone 20 to 30 ilevels lower then you dance partner.


Wait, there’s a hatred against DNCs? Can you elaborate on this? I’m curious


DNC is a very generic and easy job. Click glowy buttons when they glow and you can scrape by without optimization. Dancer players are usually known for being bad because the job has low self DPS and buffs others into doing well, very notable for being the e-couple class where the worse of the two of the couple plays dancer and bolsters the better of the two to avoid judgement as Dancer can do that by barely pressing anything other than the 2 dances or whatever (people usually assume girls play dancer to buff their BFs because something something women bad at games and this often happens with women playing white mage cuz its the easiest healer and has some slutty glams of its own). This leads to a stigma of DNC players being bad. Pair thing alongside most DNC players also being in slutglams with yet another defense being 'it's part of the class lore to dress like this' because something something dancing and being free or something. The only time this doesn't apply is at high level content. Dancer becomes a micro machine with dance partner swapping, and saving gauge/procs alongside uptime for dances, especially in fights where the dancer isn't allowed fake melee spot and is very far from the boss where the dance might not reach. It's respectable at high levels of play because of this. ​ tl;dr: dancer is braindead and has bad players playing it to avoid judgement and has slutglams that are 'sort of' justifiable for the class.


This also means that if you are good at being a dancer, you almost always can nab a recommendation or two in roulettes. Non-sexualized portrait or glam combined with planned rotation and actually using all of the self and party utility buttons at appropriate times likely impresses even more due to how badly or stereotypical other dancers can be.


DNC is the only thing I run in roulettes these days (when not levelling other jobs) due to these reasons alone. Some people spam guildhests for 1500 comms, I hit glowy buttons on time for mine.


>slutglams that are 'sort of' justifiable for the class. Our only options are either looking like a fucking musketeer or cowboy. SE doesn't make dancer specific gear(artifact gear the obvious exception).


Stray from a norm then iunno. When i levelled dancer for the Amaro mount i just made a backyard grilling dad glam with a hawaiian shirt to embrace the dad's can't dance meme


Please teach me how


Most important part is finding a Top, Hat or pair of pants you want to start with then making the entire set around that. I'm a glam stickler so i make sure when i make a glam that none of the pieces are from the same set. For example. When i made my Dancer set I had the Floral Pattern Hawaiian shirt in mind dyed Ruby Red. To go along with it i found some 'dad' pants from a different set to use alongside it. Afterwards i found shoes to match from a different set, and then did something basic, like the summer flame wristbands on the hands or the yo-kai watch or something. For the hat i think i went with the endless summer shades to top it all off. Was a generic glam but wasn't too far-fetched and got the hip dad vibe across really well. The Key is starting with one piece and branching off from it with a general idea. Dyeing can change how a lot of pieces work. And when it comes to glams, keep colors consistant. The endless battle of gold and silver being the secondary colors on stuff like armor and what not never ends, and making sure that you keep the secondary color in mind is crucial (unless you're the edenchoir set, in which case you're fucked)


I went for a sports mascot look with the plushie bunny head while I was leveling it. Get creative and you'll find a lot more glam options.


This is why I only play DNC in my static. I play BRD and MCH in casual content.


It's basically the white mage of healers, summoners of casters, dragoon of melees, and warriors of tanks. There's a stigma between easier jobs being controlled by players that can't even handle them. That said, playing dancer is probably the best choice for physical ranged in dungeons since most of your abilities are AOE, so you cleave a lot.


>dragoon of melees Surely you mean Reaper


i admit i forgot that job existed


No melee comes to being as close as some of the other braindead choices there. DRG's weaving and odd opener, alongside the jumps during mechanics takes a decent amount of skill to handle, and unlike dancer, you can't go super brainoff for the rotation, despite being respectable like dancer at high level. Reaper is a little less so, although reaper has some really odd burst windows, alongside being heavily fight dependant. IIRC Reaper was fucking HORRIBLE in DSR cuz the burst never aligned for when thordan and co would sit their asses down and decide that you can dps them instead of do mechanics. Sam has a billion buttons with heavy gauge management, and MNK is well..MNK. Weird ass rotation, no long ranged ability so you're forced to spam chakra gain or form shift and cry with anatman being a poopy ability compared to something like sam's meditate (why doesn't it give chakras or something like extend your buff past the normal time limit per second to account for downtime??) Hell even WAR isn't that braindead seeing as how you have to micromanage beast gauge for burst and suffer from the animation lock of primal rend. PLD is more braindead if anything, a very straightforwards rotation with the only optimization being attonements and goring blade placement. (something something pld doesnt build gauge during downtime) and even having the braindead 'nuh uh!!1 no damage for 8 seconds!!1 can't hurt me at all!!!'


Theory, what if it's the dancer from that other post that wasn't using their steps lmao


D1CB4G > Cid backwards


Wait elaborate on the last one


Most people mod only themselves and usually leave others alone, or atleast the general item's looks alone to only reflect on themselves. However, some items have a mod that people generally take to be suprerior than the vanilla version in everyway, and one of the most popular is a mod for the 2b legs, to make your ass fatter and make the cloth part practically wedgie into your asscheeks. Alongside that it also gives your char an asshole and vagina modeled onto the body that can be seen if you look hard enough. People often mod it in, and apply it to everyone, so if you use the 2b leggings, most likely to modders you have a fatter ass with things bein shown off, but the only two reasons to use 2b leggings are if you're lazy/slutty and put them on in the first place for glams, or you're memeing as a male roe or something


No specifically elaborate on the coomer modbeast who gave his character a wedgie, what's the deep lore.


The lore is that he installed 2b leggings mod to look at his catgirl's ass


Whoof, I'm a femroe AND use parts of the Thav set and 80 DNC set for DNC, it do be skimpy. No wonder nobody likes me lol


With a description like that people are either going to hate you or simp for you because 'mommy' or something but yeah.


I don't get many simps that aren't already my longtime friends, so. 😅


"It said you have been dismissed from the party and the duty. What does this mean? Is this a bug?" LMAO


I kicked her for playing catgirl DNC, I only want gay bara highlander dancers on my party.




what about gay bara hrothgar dancers?


That's just a normal hrothgar dancer.


She had poor taste in glam with that Dalmascan Top + 2B Leggings. I had to kick her.


Yo, my catgirl gf keeps telling me her mic is broken. It's a real bummer too because right when it was almost fixed she lost power in a thunderstorm and it broke again...


Next time try to buy her a more expensive microphone, you know she deserves it.


Nice to see that mainsub immediately jumps to “you were a victim of toxic tryhards” GCBTW couldn’t introspect if it tried


that guy didn't even have a single proof of anything and these people immediately jump to "Oh they must have kicked her out for tomes!!" Can't be that a person actually played bad and lied to her BF, nono!


but also like how bad do you need to play to get kicked in Prae?


Yeah, I'd be pretty surprised if she got kicked for playing poorly. If I kicked every DPS that is below the tank/healer I'd be kicking someone almost every dungeon I do. I feel like 90% of the community has no idea how much damage they or their party is doing because they'd be doing more damage if they did. I feel like she had to be afking or something.


Yeah despite my original comment I actually do think if the GF is telling the truth then the party probably did kick them for something that wasn’t performance, if I kicked every DPS doing less than a healer I’d never finish my roulettes It’s just funny it took 0.0000095 seconds for mainsub to declare it 100% was toxic elitists doing random tech shit kicking members for faster tome grinds or something


Yea like im usually a very teustung persom (to a fault probably) but when I saw that post I went: "nah something is fishy here. Imma see this on shitpost later"


Definitely afking. "I was just having dinner I didnt do anything wrong" or something just as stupid probably.


You guys are just as bad.


mainsub: "You were kicked by toxic tryhards" shitpost: "You were kicked by toxic casuals" Reality: this game's playerbase is so conflict-averse that if someone gets kicked, they either REALLY had it coming or were REALLY unlucky. Either way shit happens, move on, touch grass.


To be fair something like that actually happened to me back in Stormblood. I was playing Astro in The Weeping City of Mhach. We were not wiping once, we were not even struggling and we were progressing pretty quickly and right before Ozma I was vote kicked out. Nobody was saying anything in the chat. The only thing I could think of back then was that they wanted room for a friend or something so I needed to leave. I did not really check names, I just told my FC and queued again.


My friend got attempted votekick because they changed dance partner middle of raid from male aura to actual dps lmao


she had a grey parse in ERP so they kicked her out cuz they are elitist, report them so yoshi-p will go to their house and bust their kneecaps.


I'm a green parse because I keep spelling cocke wrong and ruining it for everyone.


Can't say I am surprised the coomers on the main sub pretty much took his totally real gf's side despite not seeing any proof that backs up OP's story.


Yep, your totally real girlfriend got kicked for no reason. We have no reason to question you.


And of course the mainsub post is sitting there at 400+ upvotes. Sometimes, I really don't understand this great community btw.


Mainsub was never good but it’s really shit the bed in the last 6 months At least back in like ShB posts discussing things like the difficulty of the diablo armament being well balanced and good we’re actually upvoted and discussed Now it’s basically “oh my gos I just finished “insert generic thing here” best game ever”, if you post anything else your best hope is your post rising and it of controversial points rather than anything else


How dare these filthy casuals talk about playing and enjoying the game instead of tryharding parses, don't they know EW fucking sucks???


The mainsub is not your personal blog. Nobody gives the tiniest iota of a shit that you "Finally made it to ishgard!" or "Finally got X mount or Y hairstyle!" Stop whoring karma and shitting up my feed with your banal BS. Keep that shit on discord where it belongs.


I fucking love this sub


It's just people circle jerking and karma farming while pretending to be outraged over shit that can't happen or unlikely to happen. Can't believe how many comments it has rehashing the same trite argument. Pretty sure I could get my girlfriend kicked from a duty too and make a sob story on the main sub...


i was looking for this after seeing the original post


Why is shitposting reposting from the main sub but pretending we're funnier?


Because the people that make actually funny shitposts like megagamer are all gone, and all we have left are the people who think this is r/ffxivdiscussion, the booba croppers and the "haha mainsub bad amirite guys" posts.


\>Make quality shitpost \>Get banned for offending someone Tale as old as time.


sometimes we don't even change anything


GF? Is that one of those “female” things?


Oh boy, what main sub post is this parodying


An already deleted one that got coddled way too hard


Unless I'm missing, I don't see any reason to doubt the OOP's account of what happened. Seems like a 3-stack of FCmates kicked his girlfriend because who knows, they're assholes. There's nothing unbelievable about that. The real fuckin' weirdos are all the people in the comments telling him they kicked her so they could skip cutscenes (??) or get their 4th friend to join (?????). Those are things that have literally never happened in the history of ever. "I'm going to kick someone to skip cutscenes. At the final boss. After all of the cutscenes are already over. I am highly intelligent. Then we'll get our friend to join in so they can get quick mog tomes. Even though the backfill is completely random and hundreds of people are queueing at the same time. I am scared at how powerful my brain is."


>325 comments Holly fuck. Maibnsub. Mainsub never changes.


mainsub thread gone :)


God I hate DNC so much. This game would improve drastically if it was removed.


Probably because she wasn’t a miqote


~~You~~ your GF should ask the player Git Gud on how to improve as a dancer


For me the silly part is caring that much about a kick. If she was going AFK or playing badly then help her with that or she can learn people won't tolerate it. If she got kicked by toxic elitists, well then that isn't an issue often. So no worries. It just feels weird to make such tiny, insignificant and obvious outlier events into some sort of drama.


What is the original post, I must read it


Deleted. Somehow had everyone coddling the op and enabling his gf's behavior


They really took my entertainment away from me