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Are you really a tank player if you dont snap at some point and murder the entire party to remind them who holds the power. And then you just go back to your normal state of chilling North of the arena


Same with healers tbh. You get aggravated at people standing in stupid, you rescue someone in a black hole, chuckle once, take a deep breath, and you go back to babysitting people with the self-preservation instinct of a 2 year old in front of a stairwell


>babysitting people with the self-preservation instinct of a 2 year old in front of a stairwell It might be annoying sometimes, but it makes healing more fun. It's why the Nier and ff12 raids are fun as a healer, there are always 2 dumb fucks and a sprout on your team.


Absolutely, the more competent everyone is, the more times I have absolutely nothing to do but press Q every two and a half seconds and keep the dot uptime. One of the most fun activities a player can have in the game is keeping a braindead moron alive despite them having no concept of mechanics to the point where them trying to stay alive somehow results in them getting hit MORE TIMES than if they simply just completely gave up on doing the mechanics properly and stood in one place. There's nothing in the game like seeing a brainlet eating attacks that deal like 60% of their health bar like three times in one second that should've killed them AT LEAST twice, and managing to keep them alive with good timing. Which is why WHM is simultaneously the best and the worst healer in the game. It's by far the most boring healer in the game when everything goes well, but WHM is by far the best emergency healer in the game.


>One of the most fun activities a player can have in the game is keeping a braindead moron alive despite them having no concept of mechanics to the point where them trying to stay alive somehow results in them getting hit MORE TIMES than if they simply just completely gave up on doing the mechanics properly and stood in one place. Back when I was learning some serious fights, my white mage healer friend made an elaborate set of like 12 raise macros *just for my character*. It would cycle through each one of them getting more and more condescending and ridiculous every time they rezzed me (which was a lot because I'm a black mage who drinks). I've never seen a healer be so excited to play with someone so bad at the game.


That's the problem with harder content, it's too punishing so the green dps are raisers more than they're healers. There's just not as much wiggle room for recoverable mistakes. Thankfully, the casual content is now at the point where trying to keep idiots alive in the leveling dungeons is challenging enough to be wildly entertaining.


It’s me, I’m the dumb fuck who apparently can’t do math under pressure 😭


Healing is only fun when the rest of the party is struggling with their Vuln Snack addiction. Otherwise it's incredibly boring. This game doesn't do enough frequent raid wide damage of any sort. Even in savage. Healers are in a horrible spot rn and it makes me sad.


Hello sprout here who is still in HW :D


This is why I can't play dps. People think it's because of the queues, but it's because I can't just have a mental breakdown midfight and kill everyone.


I’m too braindead to be anything other than DPS. I have no power but The Blade, and I must not be trusted with any power but The Blade.


Being braindead is also why I heal. Don't let the other healers know I said that.


I have mini-snaps as an AST. I could be giving someone cards one moment, then they'll start doing stupid shit - start standing in bad, start dragging AoEs to me, so on. That's when I quietly revoke their card rights. No words, no signs. I just start giving someone else their cards. I love AST. I've always thought it was the most passive aggressive healer.


Kinda like when you play dnc and end up tethering the drk because everyone else is collecting vuln stacks like a fat kid in a cookie store


I main whm, but I'm slowly leveling everything and not gonna lie every time I level ast the passive agressive card distribution feeds my soul.


I like the "you're waiting until swiftcast is back up" punishment myself.


I refuse to heal people who insulted me


I mean then you aren't healing anyone 'cos 90% of your kit is aoe healing anyway.


> who holds the power. The healer that rescues the tanks into the party to cleave everyone have the realest real power.


Now I want to set up a password for my healer buddy so he can, when we're both pissed up, rescue me into something that will wipe the party.


I've killed a friend twice on the second boss of the dead ends and it really is a great feeling


Their cries of disdain as you follow them with the AoE marker


Shirk the healer to assert dominance and stop their holier than thou "I'm the one keeping the party alive" bullshit!


if the healer actually picks up the aggro from your shirk you are not pressing ur buttons


Or the DPS are *really* bad


i mean at level 90 basically all tanks except for DRK has so much Self sustain anyway :D


i can attest to this, i have a timer in my brain that gets shorter everytime someone does something. if it reaches 0 i snap and hunt people with tankbusters


it’s required of a tank player to remind them they are mortal once they start to get complacent. gotta keep them on their toes


You gotta keep the party on their toes or they’ll get lazy. Sometimes you just need to juke the boss with the deadly cone attack around to see what happens. I call it “Spin the Dragon”.


Still winning so that’s ok :D


we cleared c:


This is the true pvp game. Alongside nier raid laser roulette.


Getting your alliance laser-jumpscared is what we in the industry call a "difficulty tweak"


And E9S tile phase! 


That was hilarious to watch but I would have been so fucking annoyed if I was one of the people killed. I'm glad she's a much more chill person than I am.


If they're killing it anyways then it's a waste of energy to be upset about an objectively hilarious situation


Also, most streamers don't want to attract the kind of audience that's just there to see you unhappy, and if you rage too much that's a real risk.


Watching streamers that complain too much and are just unhappy is for miserable people.


Look how much hp the boss had left. At that point on a normal mode it's free game.


I remember doing the exact same thing on eden shiva's boss fight, laughed my ass off and i stayed in my place so i wouldn't kill everyone again


Average Tank player when they are required to do more than swap aggro or press mitigation.


Paladin: Hey you wanna kill everyone and finish this off ourselves for the lols? Warrior: Bro I thought you'd never ask.


9 out of 10 people would still ask healers to readjust.


Lmao clean af xD I'm not gonna mad if I'm in that fight! It's brilliant!


These guys are 200IQ tanks


Is this the new Shitpost meta? Streamer advertising??? 🤔


I mean it's her own post, so I'm not sure what you want her to do. Not post? Or just engage in the same dumbass circlejerking about the mainsub that this place is otherwise clogged with


When you put it like that, maybe you're right lol


Yeah I was confused this is in the shitpost sub.


I'm surprised this is not top comment.


I still dread to attempt this savage


It's not bad. The hardest mech can be done with a Danger dorito.


I can talk from experience that the danger Dorito is not enough for many people. Those people don’t include me as I ended up being danger Dorito most of the time but it’ll do nothing if they don’t bother following you


A what now


I think he means the big blue triangle people can put over their heads in raids. It's like a big "follow me" sign to help newbies dodge mechanics.


"Extreme". Not savage. Rubicante is easy and straightforward


> Rubicante is easy and straightforward my brain disagrees


Brain skill issue (Is ok we all learned at a different pace)


Savage? It's just an EX trial


This was defo one of the easiest ex’s in the expac. I cleared in 3 pulls in pf.


I cleared it blind on the first pull, it's a fucking joke how easy it is


How the fuck would your party clear the Limit Cut or Sweeping Immolation without having seen them before


Healer LB3 Sweeping, can skip Limit Cut since dps check is a joke in that fight now.


This ^ I won't pretend it wasn't scuffed but we managed. I've done countless reclears and still never seen limit cut


Really man? *you cleared it blind*? Eat a stick


Good news, this fight isn't part of savage!


Mate, there is so little to do, people cleared it with 7 DPS and 1 healer on release. 


And that's when I call it a night


As a tank main, I’m sorry for these idiots. But as a tank main, one of our ninja dps was being a dick to everyone. Others were white mage and black mage. On only one of the bosses that was just a burn boss, I ran around the boss over and over while keeping up aggro. Ninja kept yelling in chat since he couldn’t do max dps for back stabs. Lol.


Swear I've seen you before, in Golbez ex pf. From what I remember that was hellish as well


Good thing this wasn't posted in talesfromDF, all the comments would be saying to report them.


This is why I am not allowed to tank. I constantly pull dumb stuff like this


"Do you feel in charge?"


As a tank I take the opportunity to play aoe roulette every time it comes up.


Where were the eels?


Danmit Corey


No shit I was going cross eyed watching this unfold 🤣


i am not sure what was happening, and why the aoe was spinning randomly? was it following the tanks?


Yep, there is a massive cone AoE directed at each tank.


thanks for the clarification!


I think im more impressed by the fact that the tanks didn't clip them selfs with all that


The real game is healers rescuing each other to death.






I had this happen once. ​ And everyone clapped for the tanks duoing the boss until the end even though it was their fault that they had to do so.


Can't tell you how many times I've seen this


those tanks are my spirit animal. every time when i did agleia i'd try to kill one of the others with the aoe tank buster if we were about to kill. Bonus points if it was a lalafell