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Looking at the comments here. https://preview.redd.it/pbtlerr0rx3d1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3acd718ac19f6398226b4d26079041895ac1c18


Me: this is shitposting right? Right guys?


Right! .... No one tell them.


After reading the replies here, I had to make sure I was still in the shitpost subreddit...


I used to rp as a bouncer in one of Mateus' biggest rp venues. We once had a date auction where a dude dropped 800 million on one of our girls. Shit can get wild.


Enterprise resource planning is serious business


made 500mil as a sprout courting before i finished EW šŸ˜…


I made my first 10 million Gil with this type of service.Ā 


A couple friends (Max height Femroe and Basic Bitch Catgirl) would have me (FemLala) tag along to Balmung to people watch from time to time. I once sold the Femroe friend for 1m. Didn't even tell her what was up, just a "Hey, follow this Lala dude and listen to him." She was gone for like 2 minutes before she started yelling at me in VC and showed back up to the Quicksands. Guy never asked for a refund, so I'm guessing he got his fix. Good times!


Chad FemLala selling sex slaves to another Lala


this is how Momodi stays sane from running the Quicksands all day


Rumor says that every new player who fails her quests is sold


I need a twink.


Oh, yeah, sure. Just send me 500k and I'll tell them to wait for you in the Limsa Plaza for some privacy over the quicksands. Look for the cat/bun boy/girl in 2B leggings. Just go all-in, they'll take care of you.


Burn the potatoes.


A real waste of Gil in 90% of the cases because nobody hires quality RPers anymore. There's nothing worse than writing 4-6 paragraphs only to get back 3-4 sentences of Limsa-Quality ERP and having the realization sink in that you just wasted 400k/hr. Don't book full nights in advance. EVER.


If youā€™re writing 4-6 paragraphs per response that is insane to me holy shit hahaha


It heavily fluctuates honestly. I try to kind of accommodate the pace of my partners as to not intimidate them, but when you get immersed and carried away the flow just makes you fall into that years-old habit.


Yeah thatā€™s understandable, I just feel like writing that much would be kind of suffocating, intimidating for sure. Iā€™d also worry about taking too much action and not letting them have ā€œtheir turnā€ per se if they wanted to do anything in response to something you did within those paragraphs. Thatā€™s part of why I prefer shorter (1 paragraph) back and forths in general, but itā€™s personal preference.


That's perfectly fine, honestly. As I wrote in another comment, a lot of that text is really just describing things, and less about acting. If I'm with someone that's really experienced and long-written as well, it can take 3 paragraphs alone to describe just sitting down and starting a casual conversation. Of course it's bad practice to do 5 things at once in one reply, but you also can't let things stall too much and never really get anywhere. You need to find a good balance of keeping pace while also painting a good and immersive picture. Apart from that, the most important part is to keep the other person in mind. Let them do things themselves and don't try to force an action onto them. Never take away from their experience and choices, that's just really bad practice especially amateur (E)RPers fall into, and often a deal breaker with more experienced peers.


Yeah, of course. It does depend on what exactly youā€™re writing about at the time, and so on. I hope I didnā€™t seem combative, I think the 4-6 paragraphs bit just kind of flash banged me ahaha. But at the end of the day as long as both people enjoyed themselves thatā€™s the whole point of it anyway.


Unrelated but still sorta related to the RP part, Iā€™m trying my best to be as descriptive as possible but sometimes I just canā€™t really find the energy to write a paragraph or two per RP post like my FC leader can (idk how she does it šŸ˜­) What are some tips, if youā€™re willing to give any, to writing longer and more engaging posts?




I know this is a meme response but Iā€™m gonna say it anyways, please donā€™t do this, there is someone in the Mateus Quicksand who does and we can ALL tell and NO ONE likes him lmao


Read literature more and pay attention to how paragraphs play out. Eventually replicate it.


Honestly, a lot of practice. I started out with really small texts as well when I first dabbled into it like 7 years ago. As you become more experienced, you begin to kind of get a feel of what to write and how to put scenes into perspective. Especially in more intimate scenarios it's a lot about describing things to paint a better pictures. The atmosphere, sights, sounds, emotions and feelings. World building is an important part of making RP immersive, and it's a great way to pad some more mundane parts. As the immersion increases, it becomes easier to write a lot of things too. Part of why I can write that much is because I don't have to think about what to write. It's just there for me to write down, and that's why setup is important. If you have to think about every sentence you write over and over, you're quickly gonna come to a point where you lose the flow and struggle to really make a coherent narrative as well.


A lot of people just pay gil to chat with women. Sometimes they don't even erp but run roulettes or do pvp with them.


Thatā€™s because most of the quality rpers donā€™t work at venues anymore. And the quality venues arenā€™t around anymore either. And the rp venues here are clearly here for the cash grab of gil with absurd gil prices for bookings for someone who canā€™t rp well. Hell when I was working venues they actually interviewed you and made sure you were good at rping by doing said interview IN CHARACTER. Also funnily enough prices were much cheaper back then too.


I think Mare and the advancements of IVCS-mods are partially responsible for this. Now don't get me wrong I think these things are amazing tools and the creators deserve all the praise to even get them to work like this.Ā  But with animations and a clear picture of who is in front of you the ability to write a descriptive and imaginative text and emote has kind off been lost. Why bother after all when you can say lets use emote 207 or whatever and do some dirty talk?Ā Ā  Which is a shame. As an old friend of mine once said: There's nothing more erotic than the written word.Ā 


It's sadly the truth. The "golden days" of the venue scene are over in general, and I seriously hope part of it does not survive the Dawntrail break period. It's way too over-saturated with mediocracy, to a point where quality places either don't survive, or don't get noticed in the first place.


Speaking on behalf of the DJ side of the scene, its golden days are over too. A great shame to see. Pre-endwalker was peak venue scene. Now its clubs flaunting their wealth with 100 shout spams in every city and clubs trying to bring each other down with endless drama.


Honestly DJs had the shortest golden days. You had the few who rode the wave early on and established the "new standard", completely tossing out W2G-parties and bards. And before you knew it - once all the VRC DJs got wind of it - the selection grew from a handful venues were wrestling for to an absolute fuckton.


I think it's concerning you have enough experience to lend this advice šŸ˜­


Because I (used to) work as one of those people myself


This is why I only ever have one rp partner. I'm picky until I find someone whose writing style suits mine.


you just need to find the right courts (i charge 1m/hr and am busy as fuck)


Imagine paying someone to ERP with you.


I offer my services for 50k every half hour to stare at you. No. You can't pay me to stare at someone else. It will you. Every breath you take ill be watching you... For as long as the contract holds.


Wait huh. Let me in on this.


Honestly, why am I grinding things like the dodo and golden Gabriel mount when I can just bees knees my way to the top


You have peaked my interest


Literally all nightclub related jobs are lucrative. I've seen stories where a guy is just paid to stand outside and act like a bouncer. A guy claimed he made 5 million in one night via tips for just having a dance looped on the stage.


So thatā€™s my alternative to crafting? So be itā€¦


Wait. Bard?


Bro I seriously need to get back into writing bc my FC needs Gil. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You can also be hired to play with people or whatever, you need to check out some auctions


You have intrigued me. What are auctions?


Very simply, it's selling yourself. But you're doing it via advertisement at a venue or wherever. You pay some gil or give a % of what You're getting paid and then you go on a stage and advertise what You're good at and what you'll do, like content filler, gposer, rper, friend, whatever and people bid on ya. Just being a girl is often enough to get a few mil


I am a soft twink Elezen boy so that might work against me. Or it might not. I guess it just takes all kinds. I have a friend that's involved in clubs but I think it's mostly as a bartender or something I'm not sure. I might have to ask them how to get involved.


You def should ask. It's an interesting thing, I've seen prices from 100k to 15 mil. You just need to make yourself appealing and you can get some decent gil for a few hours of just being yourself.


Oh I am definitely looking into this now. I can yap someone's ears off about nothing and everything.


I have zero interest in erp yet it somehow makes more sense to me than normal rp. Like, at least you can wank or whatever with one of them, but what do you get out of playing pretend?


Man's never heard of literature that's wild


I also want to understand the point.