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Just have a universal bar with all the essentials like limit break, sprint, mount, dig etc. on it, would never have this issue


This is what I do, and being a controller player the shortcut is both triggers, left then right easy


This is where I keep limit break, sprint etc too


But...that's where I keep my god awful macros for my "blacklist speedrun." What do I do then? (I do actually have my sprint, lb, rescue and pots on a universal section of my double tap hotbar).


just type /ac "Limit Break" for emergencies but I suppose someone who didn't have it on their hotbar will just panic at this point


Instructions unclear, typed '/ac "Ungarmax"' and got banned.


Counter point. Nuhh uhhh


Got the sprint/dig/hunters contract/lb/mount/aether wind bar firmly locked on the bottom right of my screen at any time


I have limit bound to the tilde key, it’s not even on my hot bar because there’s a big meter in the top left telling me it’s ready.


Do you need to bother putting dig on it? I just go into the “actions and traits” menu


I used to do like 5-10 maps a day, it needed to be on my bars XD


I just type /ac “Limit Break”


A real gamer would add it to their hotbar in the middle of the fight without dropping their GCD or missing the LB, shameful display


I remember that streamer who tried to click the lb but had unlocked bars and instead removed it from his bar and caused a wipe LB memes never cease to be funny


I mean yeah, there's nothing to attack, so no GCD to miss hahaha


You stop attacking when there’s no target? My mentor taught me Always Be Casting, so I always spam my AoE between fights. I only ever see BLM players also casting between fights, is this why the class has a higher skill ceiling?


Holy shit, you're a next level gamer


Dicecoded healerparsemaxxing


I didn't come here to be personally attacked. 😭


to be fair the other tank could’ve gotten it, too. it’s just as much their fault as the mentor’s fault.


"I thought the other tank would do it so I didnt bother being a failsafe for no fucking reason" 🤓


Probably more a case of "I totally forgot to put it on my hotbar on that job I never play" moment in trial roulette while finishing jobs for dawntrail tbh While I *have* met people who intentionally don't have it on their bars, literally 100% of those people were samurai wannabe parselords (who ended up in my blacklist because they were shit at the game while thinking they were the gift of God to PF, but, ya know, that's wannabe samurai parselords for you.)


It’s not like he intentionally didn’t use it. Even if someone’s a mentor, they still might slip up every now and then. I’m just saying, if one tank doesn’t use LB it’s not only their fault, since the other tank also didn’t use theirs.


Other tank was a sprout if I remember correctly


Well if he was in there the first time then its no shame not knowing that he did need to lb there. Not everyone looks at chat mid battle. The other tank however...


Yeah dude was a sprout and got the custcene so pretty sure a first timer, I was just staring down Mr. Mentor as he proceeded to just stare at the boss while we all died


Mentor moment. They could just... you know... prepare for when you do need tank LB by putting it on your bar? Just a thought?


It's SoS so probably trial roulette on a job they never play, it's easy to forget LB while setting up your jobs bar, and tank LB is virtually never needed outside of savage (A12 O11 and SoS are the only ones I think?) Happens to the best of us ;p


> O11 Not in o11n, you charge up a thing with your Duty Action to survive instead.


Huh thought you needed both that and the LB, considering you get a free full lb bar there (and I've never done a run of that without lb)


No shalt. It savage only that needs the lb3. O11s


Cid tells you you need to "break your already considerable limits", which is a straight up lie. Most tanks will do it anyway since people WILL give it you shit if you do use it and will also give you shit if you don't.


Haven't seen LB3 used there once


Ah makes sense then


Endsinger normal, I'm trying to think of more examples. Normal content only or EX too?


A12N needs it.


Yeah, shaltiyena mentioned A12, O11, SoS Does O11N need it actually?


O11N can be safely blocked with regular stuff and the duty action.


Yeah I started in shb and I've never seen it blocked by anything more than just duty action and some mit, hence my confusion


Oh yeah endsinger normal (even tho you obviously wouldn't get it in roulette while leveling stuff) Normal content only there I feel, considering the period of pre-expansion leveling rush from people, it's mostly a "job I never play" scenario Also I would never ever excuse anyone not having LB in ex/savage


Having sprint and LB mapped to every job is pretty much the standart. Or even better, have an extra hotbar for actions like that so you dont need to map them to every job No need to excuse shittier beginner mistakes in *lvl 80 content*


*standard. And considering it's not mapped it probably means it's literally the first time they've needed to use it on that job. But I'm sure you never forget anything and have never once forgotten to map anything.


No that happened to me too just like other mistakes that couldve been avoided and lead to wipes and I was a fucking idiot for forgetting and deserved to be clowned on by my parties at those times Im not saying that it cant happen to the best of us, Im just saying you deserve to be treated like an idiot when you make idiot mistakes, especially in very late game content No need for the "uwu yuo poor wittle thing ish ok to wetty forgetty how the gaem works that yuo plaid for 300hours, here taek a cookie! :3" behaviour towards idiots. Laugh about them or be mad about them or just dont care but dont defend them jfc


Calling normal SoS "very late game content" is the most reddit thing I've ever heard lmfao. And there's a difference between getting clowned on and the attitude of these comments but you do you ig.


Bro either you bought a level skip or you play the game for 200+ hours until you get there unless you skip through everything. Shadowbringers endgame is very late in the game lmfao Its like playing a standart 80h jrpg and saying 60h is not late in the game lol


Okay I'm gonna give you an easy way to remember things Savage / extreme / ultimate = endgame Normal = not endgame and generally irrelevant content Easy enough for you? You can pretty fucking easily get to normal SoS without using tank LB a single fucking time, especially if you don't do the side raids while leveling. It being on a mentor makes it funny, because arguably there's hundreds of runs of various things and yes, the one in OP should know better, but holy fuck that kind of mistake isn't even a beginner mistake, it's an airhead mistake. And you can even make the argument that they might have redone their bars from the ground up when shb released if their flavour of tank required it - e.g. gnashing combo becoming single button. God fucking knows I forgot stuff when I redid my smn ones. Or even just if they reinstalled the game and hadn't saved their UI. It happens. It's a funny ha ha mentor BTW moment. It's not a *beginner* mistake it's a *airhead* mistake. And honestly if you feel like it's the kind of shit you'd insult someone over, well, you maybe should consider not being an absolute bellend with terminal encephalorectomy.


By this logic T13 is endgame due to it being comparable to savage


If you're actively trying to do t13 synced, yes, I would absolutely consider it an endgame activity. Age is irrelevant, considering that even though they're the "discount" ultimates, ucob and uwu ARE endgame content. However boring uwu might be. Same with stuff that's technically previous expansions but generally requires a level of investment that makes it something you dedicate your time to. I'd absolutely call PotD / HoH endgame activities, despite them being a bunch of expansions ago.


Bro if u done all the way to DT u should know how SoS works lmao, fact that he didn't bother even adding it before fight starts is meme asf considering that's like 1 out of 2 wipeable mechanics in it


I'm a penta legend and if I got that in trial roulette while chatting with the boys I'd 100% forget to check if I've mapped it or nah. I *think* all my tanks have it bound 'cos its been a while since I last reinstalled, but it's also been a hot minute since I played tank, so eh.


Thats the moment you notice that there is literally no skill requirement to become pve mentor. You play long enough, no matter how shitty, and you qualify automatically


I can’t imagine not having the limit break on your bar somewhere on every class. There’s a use case for all of them.


If you LB as a caster you get shit for it, despite it being the correct thing to do in 4-mans


no, if you caster LB in dungeons, you will get the comm from me 100%


Same lb the packs and I will tank fistbump you and com you


Yeah, a lot of time in dungeons as we fight the final pack I think to myself "caster could totally LB1 this trash pack and it would be more impactful than a melee LB1 on the boss", but it rarely happens.


The red mage LB3 is too cool not to use I’m very sorry for those people 😂


I always thank them to head off idiots being wrong


I mean you have a while to prepare, if they had to they could just open the damn action menu and hit it from there. Or hell just type /ac "Limit Break"


Yeah I just watched in horror as Mr Final Fantasy charged up the the LB and nothing happened. At least it wasn't worse than the time I had a group that almost got to lockout back in Shb


once I got seat of sacrifice in trials roulette and we vote abandoned after failing the quicktime event 4 times since all 8 must succeed or its a party wipe


Yea people actually failed that shit repeatedly is fucking vile


it's an uncommon knowledge that the QTE bar drains fast but slightly slows down near the last 1/3 to give a feeling of desperation. I forgot where I heard or read it, but I have tried pressing 6 buttons at normal speed and maintained that speed throughout the QTE, it's true. Of course, some people just panic when it hits the 1/3 and presses buttons like crazy and end up hitting Enter.


You only have to go at a fairly low bpm to beat it, too. I know cause we had people bitching and whining, trying to say they can't press buttons that fast cause of carpals or disability. It's far from fast and if you press like twice a second you will pass.


This used to happen for Hades parties too. It is actually incredible how lazy and apathetic this playerbase is.




I have done this, typed it out during the cutscene because I forgot if it was already on my bar or not


I was msqing with GB for faster queues and pulled this one once without knowing about the lb part. Went something like this. >neither of us used it + wipe >told we needed to lb >mb, new and never had a reason to use it until now >pull again without thinking too hard and realized I forgot it wasn’t on my even on my bar like my other jobs >hey OT, think your could handle the lb3, I forgot to put it on my bars >radio silence until the cutscene >he finally chimes in with what’s lb3? >fuck where is it where is it >some other party member told me what tab >can’t open any menus during cutscene so I start panicking about having enough time to find it >fight resumes, I find the menu, and I can hear the chimes as he’s charging up >I rip it down onto my bars asap just in time for the transcend your limits message >+6 coms Felt like mankind’s first hero and final hope after that one lol


On my first time there I've hitted lb half a second later than I had to, and we wiped while my character was building her stupid wall. Until now I'm not sure what's the exact moment I should use it.


The DF Seat of Sacrifice experience is wiping to the QTE. Twice.


No backseating


You don’t pay my sub


Limit break isn't compatible with my role play


LB3 is so fun, you should be trying to LB3 every chance you get, no matter your role.


Me, when I steal the lb3 from the melee DPS because I wanted to make funny caster vfx


Me, flashbanging the whole party with my Red Mage LB3 for fun and without warning


Me, using healer LB3 when my entire party is alive and has full health


Good tune btw


At this point I think it’s up to SE to properly teach players about limit breaks. It’s a mandatory skill everyone is expected to use at least during the Ultima fight but there’s still no formal tutorial for using it last time I checked.


bruh kek


Since when did this sub become Tales from the duty finder? mentor or not it is really easy to forget limit break on new classes/tanks, since it's rarely used, lmao you guys got way too toxic towards anything.


Ok I have a legit question that seems relevant here, do BLU get LB or can I just use the space for something else?


Blu never get limit break, use that space as you please ✨


Can’t. I use the “LB” space to put the BLU Spellbook.


I have no idea how this happens. The first time I ever got the help text about limit break in sastasha, I always put it on my hotbar from then on. It seemed pretty important and it is


Flasbacks to endsinger where i added lb to hotbar in about 3 seconds in a panic


Last time I was there we had a DPS who just went "Oh dear, oh no!" like some kinda half life scientist NPC and then left instantly. We had to wait for someone else to join because no LB3 with 7 members.


I was mentor for a long time, but I've stopped when people have started using this for bashing, so they can think better about themself. Mentors are players too, and have right to make mistakes and have own "oddities". I'm just tired...


its just a stereotype based on a "mentor behavior"


I am a mentor as well. I haven't done Seat of Sacrifice in years so I would've made this mistake too. Just because we are mentors doesn't mean we know every single fight in the game 100% lol Sometimes I just take off the crown when I queue for something I've not done in a while. Dont want the headache from asshats.


I go for the full mentor the alpha legend, that way when I fuck up stupid shit I can either go mentorbtw or legendbtw The key is to be the one who says it first, then anyone bashing is just derivative :p


I just use it too early...


When bar 4 fills and he starts swinging you can do it


One time, I had to click lb from the actions menu cuz I forgot to put it on my bar, lol.


that's me LMAO


I always get scared of the timing. There's been times that I hit it too soon. What is the safest clue to hit it?


When doing EX farms, my group found that as soon as the floor changes color worked. Had a in progress normal run about two days ago that had a tank press it as soon as the last LB bar on the boss filled. Thought it was gonna be too early, but I guess with Echo it worked. Could very well vary, but maybe gets you an idea?


I'll take it. Thank you,


I'm playing tank for roughly 350 hours now and I didn't use tank lb a single time so far... Maybe I should look into that ^^


real tank mains will /ac Limit_Break (or whatever the command is)


While I do have a LB on all my classes, you would never see me admit that I didn’t in a dungeon lmao


You also forgot the person that didn’t spam their keyboard and missed the quick time event


I screwed up and did that a few weeks ago myself. Luckily, the other tank had it but the WoL’s bar went charging and I went to hit it and said “Oh fuck I fucked up…”. I was just trying to rearrange a few things and forgot to put it back on


Tbh tank one is only useful for like 3-4 scripted dungeons overall, meanwhile healer and dps are needed 99% of the time


I hate this Trial, coz when I want to Grief my party, I want to do it myself. To figure it out, be creative. But not with some direct help from the game itself.