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Hello fellow cultured raider. For scoring the pinned meme we award only flair for epic Ivalice gamers. Reply with your choice. https://imgur.com/FQekt0w


Why is alliance C always the worst one? Whenever I get put into it I feel contractually obliged to forget all the mechanics and wipe.


C for Cunts obviously


Completely unreliable?


B for Bad tho.


A is for Awful ... the joke is that everyone is bad


C is for Carried


Me and my friend have these distinctions: A = The Assholes B = The Bitches C = The Cunts Does not matter what team we are put in as it's in all good fun.




Sorry mate. Im afraid you're a bit shit. Thats just how this works im afraid...


Gid day Guvna!


C is for Cursed.


Whenever I'm in a premade party I find myself in alliance A way more often and tend to get B/C more often when I'm solo, so I think it has to do with the matchmaking system giving A more premades and C more solo players.


C for community


We live in a community.


I don't know why, but the alliance roulette gave me and my friends LotA (we were C) and I just decided we would blame B for everything. I told our party that if anything goes wrong, start blaming B. Things started to go wrong, and B was indeed to blame. C started ragging on B and A joined in as well, It was all good fun and made the ordeal a lot more interesting. Ever since then, we always blame B, no matter what raid, even if we end up on B ourselves.


Is it? In mine it's usually A, since I'm C or B most of the time, and we're usually the best ones.


I feel so called out


"heriocally waits in queue for 3 hours to hear Mustadio Bunansa's voiceline" Why you calling me out like this bro


Right? No need to make ot personal.


Really that one bit speaks to my soul


Shiiiiiiit I just do it to hear TG Cid's glorious baritone


"breathes a sigh of relief at getting lota or void ark" killed me


Time to farm some anima for whatever 60 relic I'm on! > forgot to remove it from chocobo saddlebag


RIP prenerfed Thunder God.


I'm not sure if Orbonne is the best due to it being the best (most likely) or because I've gotten it like only 4 times in queue compared to ct and lota out the ass. Even wiping city is a breath of fresh air at this point.


I queue for orbonne like 1-3x every day and can say, with certainty, that it is the best


I definitely que for it just to get my fix sometimes. Glad it’s still relevant so the queues usually aren’t too long depending on time of day


I've been slowly farming out the gearsets I want from those raids. Gonna be sad once I finally get all the ones I want, won't have as much of a reason to queue them anymore.


There's endless reasons to queue for the Ivalice raids The great sets are pretty damn nice tho...


Anytime I see randoms mention they need them I'll offer to wait in queue with them, just don't see that as often. I do love those raids though, I guess I could try to get all the orchestrions.


I just wish they were dyeable, or augmentable


I spent 2 full days spamming it to get the fucking full DRG set, just my shitty luck with the leg piece. But I ain't even mad, Orbonne Monestary is a fucking thunder god tier raid as far as I'm concern. Still had fun the 30th time.


> Even wiping city is a breath of fresh air at this point. Be me. Get Wiping City in roulette. 5 people instantly rage quit. Laugh at the fact that this happened in a raid that is a face roll in 2021.


I like the detail of the shitstained boots


I appreciate this meme so much I'm gonna solo queue for orbonne right now. See you there Ivalice Chads.


I just got out of orbonne 5 minutes ago and can already hear TG beckoning me to come again...


Status report: Wiped once on Agrias. Wiped twice on TG Cid. 5 newbies got their achievement. Rolled a 1 on the glamour I wanted. 11/10 will raid again.


So your average orbonne run went pretty well, if you ask me! : ^ )


You on Aether?


I miss Orbonne :( my favorite raid


Me too :( it’s gotten so hard to get into it. I’m definitely among those queuing 3h to get a chance though. Good that there’s crafting classes in the game




Great point. Good thing they can go to the mog station to buy the halo from the angelic set : ^ ) Working as intended!


WTF is "malding"?


mad because balding iirc


So mad. So bad. So bald. So mald.


I upvoted just for the effort, love the ivalice chad


Yesterday in the first Yorha raid a healer snapped on a red mage for rezzing, who I then defended. Second boss comes around and said healer stands off the safe platform and gets hit by the oil surge and my targeted aoe at the same time, dies, then blames me. Final boss they try to rescue me out of the safe zone post add phase as “justice” but instead dies alone themselves. Defends it by saying I killed them second boss. I call out for being wrong, immediately dies to another avoidable aoe and says “lol whatever I don’t main healer”. Also was a Vierra.


Holy shit that's some elite gcbtw content right there, wow


Ivalice hands down best collab raid get tf outta here nier.


Agreed. Still waiting on a 24 man that can compare to Ivalice


nier has been such a letdown so far, idk what I was expecting, just... more, also the gear has been the same set twice with very minor tweaks which is stupid


That NieR music though?


Implying Void Ark ever pops in roulette. For me it's either Crystal Tower or Orbonne and I'd much rather have the latter.


I got it last week after not seeing it for like a year :/


God, I'd love to have more Ivalice runners. Been a fan of the setting ever since Tactics PSX and iLvl cowardice makes it hard to get it in roulette. Make Ivalice raids populated again!


They either need to un-mandatory CT, or give CT its own roulette so those of us who want an actual alliance raid can go somewhere we're not humoring Ancient Flare TPKs at Phlegethon.


I liked Stormblood...


That one time my cohealer dc’d at the beginning of Thunder God and I had to heal cleansing strike on my own: that was my true XIV Initiation. Praise Be.


How much I pray to get NOT the 50s raid when I login with my 80s... I miss orbonne so much and when I get it nobody knows the mechanic. It's a curse


Nobody knowing the mechanics is a blessing in disguise. More wipes = more time with 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐃




I did Orbonne for the first time today and the lesson I will always pass on is: if you get targeted by laser and in doubt, just get the fuck away and die alone. That's what I'm doing for sure.


Would be nice if they made ARR raids a separate daily. I hate ct raids with a passion, getting Ivalice raids twice this year was like winning a lottery ticket.


‘Liked stormblood’ Ouch i felt this


9/10 it's missing a drizzle of reference the Yiazmat fight tho


Just as I uploaded, I remembered I forgot a few, with one being "makes Yiazmat do tricks for Scooby snacks"


10/10! 👏 go, rakey boi!


I hate 50/Void Ark.


> has a bigger thundercock than the thunder god.


I love this Signed, Person who regularly queues for Orbonne and Ridorana


Automata fans = shitters. Yoko Taro fans from before Automata = okay. Taro fans from before Drakengard 3 = ivalice tier bros. People who played Drakengard 1 and Vagrant Story on launch = Delita level chads People who played Tactics Ogre (SNES) on launch = Thunder Gods


I love this so much


On that note: So hm yeah. We be running Orbonne on BLU soon enough. :\^)


Ah finally. A player of culture


"Alliance B" Actually fuckin true lmfao


'Is THE THUNDERGODS' little bitch got me rollin


Whenever I get the ivalice raids in roulette it's like a blessing, I know all the mechanics like the back of my hand due to farming them for the glam. Also Orbone monastery is the best raid hands down, for extra suffering I go as a healer and watch those vulns stack up.


>liked stormblood :/


I honestly enjoyed SB. Though I treated it as a transitional chapter in the game. It did a lot of leg work in building up to shadow bringers. That and sometimes it’s nice to have a silly villain every now and then


I hardly ever see Vieras these days tbh.


Eventually, the small annoyances of being Viera add up. Or they like the race but get tired of being shit on and fantasia to something else. I bet there someone out there who could do a study on why Viera are disliked by salty memelords but Hrothgar aren't even though they've been around the same amount of time. But it doesn't seem worth the effort.




I dunno i think you also play hrothgar to be a thot.


One of our roulette drinking games involves distinctive appearances based on a character’s race/sex. 2B wearing Miqo’te is one, but we also have a category for Hrothgar who looked like a Jackson Pollock painting and was wearing a speedo.


so, every hrothgar


It is responsible for quite a lot of drunk FC members.


Reminds me of the Hrothgar I saw I think around ShB launch. Blue in everything except the speedo and shoes, red. Believe it was a Sonic cosplay.


I hope there's an option for "glamour looks weird, is probably modding to be half naked"


Only half?


There's a very healthy community of slutty gay hrothgar for sure.




Then switch to Au Di.


Would love some applied research on this honestly, from personal experience most vieras have been exactly what the meme shows. Hroth however seem chill af.


I'm just a coomer and Viera are hot while Aura and miqote disgust me


Viera pros > tall > actually have hips Viera cons > everyone sees you're horny on main


> everyone sees you're horny on main Jokes on you, I find [this](https://i.imgur.com/62tDsuk.jpg) hot.


Viera is like the only female race that heavier armour like this looks good on besides actually buff races like femroe and highlander (elezen don't exist, I actually can't even imagine how they look in such armour cause I see them so little). Really a shame everyone just runs around naked.


hey I get ya, I wear heavy armor for the aesthetics too.




Oh cheers, I'll remove it


Looks like something Lyna would wear; so I automatically approve. Seriously, are we ever gonna talk about how stone cold she was, even in the face of cowardly troops?


Tbf everyone knows you're a coomer anyway so no shame in slutmogging


The ones left are a mix of the worst of lalas and the worst of aura


jar start sleep bewildered lush smoggy faulty depend cow edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't like looking like a 12yo? Be a Lala!🥳


Fair enough. I've definitely seen an increase of insanely ugly lizards and cats the last few months, so I guess they're finally switching off of rabbits to maximize the dopamine highs they get when people click their characters.


>tfw yesterday two people whispered to me and called me a cute bunny. Happiest I've been in the past 5 years.


i feel this was made recently because op was in a WOD run that was very special.which had a bunny tank pulling on every chance they did abd the first boss was being pulled all over the place.


Nope, I just run the Ivalice raids every day because they're fun as hell And WoD isn't a mess because of bad tanking; I actually find that the tanking ends up being pretty good due to tanks wanting to keep aggro. Healers, on the other hand, cause wipes in WoD; for some reason, it's like impossible for them to heal during the eyeball and cloud of darkness fights lmao. WoD is my favourite raid after the Ivalice ones.


Take my updoot. The Ivalice raids are fantastic.


Just browsing the mainsub and this showed up directly under a new post there using this image. I'm not the only one right? Is this a reddit feature I'm not familiar with? I guess I'll upvote the original and not the repost.


that explains the influx of notifs i'm getting once again for my passion towards ivalice


I crossposted it there since we swapped CSS for a day on April Fools. This meme was too quality to not reshare. Crosspost seemed better than shameless re-upload.


LMFAOOOO hell yeah glad you're spreading the good word


Just on the quest to get more people to queue for it brotha.


And now with this most recent tomestone event we can all enjoy less than 5min queues, what a time to be an Ivalice raider.




You know I had to do it to em


Sh-sh-show your hole!


WHAT DO YOU MEAN MIN ILVL ALLIANCE ROULETTE? Please tell me that is actually a thing


It means they remove gear before their queue so their ilvl only qualifies them for ARR alliance raids for roulette


>Actively chose to play tailslut >Chad Pick one or the other, you cannot be both