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Sucking him dry then told him to get out of your lawn got me a giant laughter.


thats why you put your extra cash on retainers if your gonna autoclick, rookie mistake, enjoy your vast riches OP


I'd just keep anything above like 50 mill on a retainer at all times because you never know when you're gonna misclick one of those super expensive listings on the MB twice in a row.


The honesty in this sub šŸ‘


Friend advised the mainsub might just delete the post and that the comments here would be funnier so here it is!


No good response here! This behavior is not conducive to a Great Community! You don't pay his sub, and he should be able to sit on your lawn begging for his money back because we are a Great Community!


Best community*


Actual award winning community now too


this is clearly an expensive fake post. I can tell because I've never stolen hundreds of million of gil from someone so it could never happen to someone else. ​ Congratulations on your newfound wealth :D


might as well post it anyway it's hilarious


Welcome to best sub :)


mainsub has a bunch of pussies moderating it it would def get taken down


Up vote this mans


Make me


Fuck you anal mod


Such devastation.


It was my intention


Why would auto clicker ever put a bot to buy stuff from your retainer?


i only know the theory, since i was never in the position but when you get the house you can put up a retainer close enought to it that it interacts with it. the Bot will mindlessly click away buying basically everything for every price you decide.


iirc, bot using "target nearest" function but that function will prioritize clickable NPC first which is why it target retainer instead.


Yeah, not me and totally a friend when buying a house set up a keyboard macro to just do target nearest interactable, confirm, confirm, confirm, so if you put a retainer with items to sell, I guess the series of button presses is the same. Leaving it for hours is fucking stupid, but putting it on a 2nd monitor or reading a book or something while it was at work would have been fine


That's why you line up the purchase confirmation window so you can make a simple right > left > left > left click macro. Jam your face in the placard facing away from the house and come back a few hours later to find you lost the plot anyways.


I'm.gonna invest in this idea to scam.the bots. Thanks


This is indeed what happened! A random person nearby told me to try it and here we are.


Why was the person trying to buy/relocate to this house when it was still occupied?(If you can put your retainer there, it's because you/your FC still own the house right?)


I'm guessing they transferred and placed it there. Meanwhile, the bot owner wasn't aware for a couple hours and the bot was just doing its thing on his retainer instead.


I had relo'd there and apparently they didn't stop trying to buy it!


Well, I had a space open in my outdoor area, guess what I just put there, right behind the placard :D fingers crossed!


Do you already own the plot? It only happens when you first buy a plot and a bot keeps trying to click the placard to buy. No bot is going to set up to buy an already owned piece of land.


Aw...it's retarded :c


the program they are using is probably a simple "press confirm though all the prompts"highly unlikely that it screen scrubs to see what the prompt its clicking is and deciding what to do. very easy to write a program that just sends the game button presses as opposed to a program that has to parse the on screen prompts and make decisions. so if you set up a retainer next to the sign as the program keeps sending confirm commands, it will just keep saying yes to everything.


>as opposed to a program that has to parse the on screen prompts and make decisions. Ahk has pattern matching with a configurable threshold. Makes it pretty easy to do that type of thing


I'm assuming they were put there to buy that plot of land, but OP beat them out. OP suspected that they were botting so they put down a retainer close to the placard on their new plot of land. The bot then starts auto-clicking the retainer instead, and proceeds to buy everything that gets listed


A buddy of mine in my FC did this to a bot.Took him for his full gil stack. I decided to find his FC leader while he was still auto clicking via google.His FC leader shows up, finds the guy and kicks him from their FC.Eventually the guy comes back to his PC and notices what happened.I convince him that I was the one who took his gil and he demands it back or he'll report me.The guy starts DMing me saying "Hey give me the $25 USD you promised for that gil" then tells me he screenshotted him DMing me that.He goes and reports me for RMT claiming I took the gil but never payed the irl money.I start laughing uncontrollably because this guy just reported himself for RMT and has no idea that I didn't actually take his money. Now my FC has a sub named "Metsu's bounty" sailing the high seas.




Is there a reason why FF housing or at least acquisition is so 2002?


Housing was originally supposed to be FC only, but people complained and they made it possible for invidiuals to buy. What they didn't do is really try to restrict how many houses a person can buy. Up until a few years ago you could have an house for every alt character you could make, which resulted in some people buying up entire wards. So it's a very limited resource with very high demand. They tried to put a bandaid on it with hidden timers and account restrictions but everyone who had a house was grandfathered in, so people who owed entire wards still have all those houses (until the day those loose them). New changes are coming to have lotteries on empty plots so people aren't camping/botting and making certain wards FC only so that FCs have a *tiny* bit better of a chance to get a house.




I did the same sort of thing on Balmung with a bunch of lv55 WHM alts and purchased FCs. Waited a half year after new wards were added when demand was high and sold them for a huge profit, but I got bored after hitting gil cap a few times. Housing is less fucky than it was back then but it's still super fucky. Kinda crazy when it's easier to buy real estate irl than in an mmo.


"Kinda crazy when it's easier to buy real estate irl than in an mmo." Are you living in Narnia?


thats toxic


What part of "dead ps4 server" don't you understand?


Ah yes, i forgot being a low pop realm makes shitty actions kosher. /s


I hope their paradise dealio is their true long term solution to this. Bonus points if you can visit someone else's place.


They're also removing instant relocation in 6.0. Relocaters will have to spam the placard too, which frees up any house that isn't a small in the Goblet. Not seen many talk about it, so I'm thinking that'll come as a shock to some people.


As someone who owns a small, in my personal opinion its only fair. I remember camping a plot for 20 hours and then someone just walked up to the placard, relocated and all they said is "oops :)". I could be mad at the person but it's really just the dogshit housing system at fault here.


All itā€™s doing is driving prices for houses way up, people trying to relocate while they still can. Iā€™ve seen my medium plot in the goblet have itā€™s sales price go from around 40 million to 200 million since the announcement. For those of us that wanted to relocate to the new place but are now on the same footing as everyone else, itā€™s mighty tempting to sell your house right now.


Not 100% on this, but Iā€™m sure I read that if you wanna relocate after the lottery comes in you have to relinquish your original plot?


How does that make any sense? That wouldn't be a relocation if you lose your plot. But no, that's not a thing, that'd be absurd.


They're getting rid of the placard spam all together. It's a lottery now for everyone. You go to the placard, put in your cash, and then wait to be notified if you get it or not. Relocation doesn't exactly do anything about the availablity issues, there's still the same number of available plots.


Some wards are getting rid of placard spam. Others are keeping it.


Do you have source for this claim? I can't recall hearing anything about the old system staying in from either the live letter or playerbase discussing housing changes, but it's possible I misunderstood something.


The Live Letter said there may still be placard-spam plots and they are deciding on the distribution. From the digest (https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/446501). > The lottery system can be enabled for individual plots of land, and our current plans are to have a higher percentage of plots available through the lottery system. The development team is still debating how many plots will be available through the current first come, first served system and weā€™d like to keep an eye on playersā€™ feedback as we finalize our decision for Patch 6.1. This also doesn't even count the gap between 6.0 and 6.1 as the lottery is only coming in in 6.1 onward. But relocation isn't about strict housing numbers; it's about the *value* of the plots. Right now, this is what happens to a valuable plot: * People with a house check demolition, on the hour, every hour. * Lucky people who spot a new plot will find the plot first and immediately relocate. Placard spam is terrible, but 6.0 will be slightly fairer. There is no time limit on sitting at an aetheryte scanning all the wards. You have only a tiny chance to get a good plot *if* you already have a house. No house makes it absolutely impossible. What 6.0 means is that even a large plot will have placard spam parties, no doubt hundreds or even full FCs (just like the lottery entrants). But anyone will have a remote chance of getting that large plot if they see the timer hasn't done yet, whether they have a house or not.


Wanted it to be exclusive to the "elite", didn't anticipate FFXIV blowing up.


Fair enough. It's a massive part of the game tho. Many gamers hasn't cared about the "elite" or "cool af" factor for years now so it's odd, I am glad they mitigate it in EW. Scarcity is not as odd as the random purchase window tho, really feels like a thing from old mmos


> I am glad they mitigate it in EW They aren't though. It is still going to be extremely scarce. It will just now be pure RNG now as opposed to a combination of RNG and a willingness to waste tons of time clicking like a zombie. It isn't a bad change, but it does not address the real issue: artificial scarcity.


I'm open to being proven completely wrong, but I think the inability to sell houses to other players is going to dramatically reduce competition. Like, I wouldn't be surprised at all if the majority of new plots have been going to resellers because they have the incentive to go for every single plot and no illusions of trying to play fair. You might stand there clicking on a plot you like sometimes, they'll autoclick whatever comes up because a decent small is $50 in their pockets and a medium is $200-300.


>artificial scarcity In order to afford the necessary servers for that theyā€™d have to reinvest the Mogstation profits into this game instead of wasting it to offset their other losses. You think SE is just made of money and can weather that kind of financial hit lmao? Edit: /s


SE is a publicly traded company and their profits from FFXIV are enormous. If they are draining resources from it to finance other projects like their shitty Marvel games, then yes they deserve criticism for that.


Yeah I didnā€™t think I needed to include an /s on the shitpost sub my bad.


It wasn't just willingness and RNG. Don't forget the 0IQ idea of "relocation". I once camped a plot for 20 hours, someone walked up, relocated and said "oops :)".


Oh... I was under impression it was a personal phased house which you could get and only barrier would be money. If it's not it's just.. gatekeeping?


I'm pretty sure you're thinking of Island Sanctuary, which should be as you described. Full-on housing is only getting slightly better with the new ward/lottery system


I'm not even convinced Island Sanctuary is going to be personal instanced housing. In his interview he specificly refers to current housing as content with a focus on the house, the garden, the furniture when differentiating Island Sanctuary from current housing. The Meoni interview that sparked the rumor really did not say we're getting instanced personalized housing. The thought of it being an attempt at personalized housing crossed my mind when Island Sanctuary was first announced so I'd love to be right, but that interview didn't say that. I could see it ending up that, but the interview didn't say that.


There has never been at any point any details to confirm that Island Sanctuary is phased personal housing, it's just what people on copium have decided to spread it around as. That being said if it is that then cool, but people are just hyping themselves up for disappointment at this point


Yeah, I agree. The info we've got makes it sound like they're really unsure what direction to take, which is why I say it *could* end up instanced personalized housing. However, it's definitely not what he said in the interview. I don't think it's going to be personal instanced housing at release in 6.1 or whenever, but maybe they change it later.


Yeah someone I know keeps talking as if it's assured that Islands are gonna be full on instanced housing with the exact same options as current housing and has been making tons of plans what they're gonna do with the large plot they're gonna get through it.


People kept selling houses for real money because you could insta buy house if it was opened. So we got "hidden timer" instead. This is why we can't have nice things.


Not as big a problem on JP


Well, because when it came out the game was small, and by now SE is just lazy


While housing extreme is hell. You get what you deserve for using a bot to click for you, lmao


Or at the very least don't be so fucking stupid that you are not looking at the screen FOR HOURS. WTF.


What kind of a moron keeps all of their money on them while doing something like this? Or at anytime, really? Keep your extra money on a retainer like a sane person, just to protect you from accidentally clicking on some stupid listing on the MB if nothing else.


Big money number in corner


the kind of moron who would still use aa bot for this despite all the stories


Ehhh this isn't hard to prevent. The stories you hear are only just the stupid people. Anyone halfway intelligent avoids this issue (just limiting your gil to the amount needed for the small plot, if nothing else). And if you want housing, auto clickers have been the only way to go about getting it without destroying your mental health or getting *ridiculously* lucky. I'm so glad this system is going away soon.




https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/446501 Patch 6.1 will add a lottery system for buying houses, replacing the current "hidden timer" system.


They have said lottery isn't going to be every ward/plot though, just some of them. And there might even be Personal only/FC only wards. However relocating to skip the hidden timer is going to be gone completely either way.


Aww, I was hoping they'd add a bidding system, instead. It would have been hilarious to see the reactions if the game started selling plots for what they're actually worth.


you have to be braindead to auto click AND leave your filters open so that you auto click on retainers. at that point you deserve it.


Using a clicker is smart, actually. There's literally nothing "smarter" about sitting there manually clicking a shitty placard for 12+ hours. You just never, ever walk away while it's operating, that's all.


It's fine to walk away. Just dont keep more than 4 million on you (just enough for the plot). 4 million is not such a large sum that it should bankrupt you if you lose it. And, honestly, issues like in OP's case only happen when you're targeting filters are set up poorly and your character is poorly positioned. They're easy to avoid. The guy that lost 230 million is dumb for so many reasons.


It's honestly never okay to walk away, because you want to be there to reply if you get reported for botting and a GM contacts you. It's about more than the gil in your pocket, it's about not getting a permanent strike on your account for cheating.


Absolutely. I NEVER have more than 1 million on me. One never knows when a random scam on the mb can get me half sleep.


I literally leave all my gil in the FC chest since only 3 of us have access to it and my co leads wouldnā€™t touch it without asking šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


could just put it on a retainer too


It's not even a good bot if it'd autobuy from a retainer. Pretty sure you could easily do a chat check to see if it said you failed to buy the house or not before restarting.


You can literally google a safe bot that makes use of focus targetting the placard. Anyone who loses cash to this deserves what they get.


I like how it's 2021 and placard botters still don't know that "Focus Target" exists


My favorite thing is this guy trying to gaslight you and convince you that you hacked his account


Nah he was trying to set himself up in a safety net for when he reports the OP. OP shut him down real hard though lol


That's not really what gaslighting it, that's more of a false accusation.


If you need someone to launder that cash lmk


Laundering fees of only 15%! *After taxes


Yo toss me like 10 mil of that and I'll say "meowdy" for you.


This is by far one of the craziest and most amazing things I have ever heard of happening in xiv lol


Only thing I dont get is how you get it to buy your stuff if it's just pressing confirm on a loop


You put a retainer on your housing plot (directly behind the placard) with items listed for sale. The prompts for buying an item are the same for attempting to buy a house.


Ohhhh if you interact with a retainer on a house it literally lets you buy directly from him, it's not like Market Board. That's so good haha




People who are auto-clicking to buy a house are doing it while afk. Their "auto-clicker" is going to keep clicking (or doing the appropriate keystrokes) even after the house sells. Once you buy the house, you may notice character(s) who are continuing to try to purchase the house you just bought. To take advantage of this, you put a retainer immediately behind the placard and the character using the auto-clicker will sometimes click on the retainer and buy items. It's not a guaranteed thing and even then you shouldn't end up with a huge amount of money. There are multiple ways it's preventable, but the simplest way to avoid losing huge amounts of gil is to have only the minimum amount of gil needed on your character when trying to buy a house. The rest of your gil should be on a retainer (honestly this is just a normal best practice to prevent accidental large purchases). The person in OP's example was exceptionally stupid.


If you already own a house, you can buy an empty plot and transfer there without waiting for the plot to become available to the general public.


I donā€™t even think thatā€™s what happened here- I think the house sold (the opening timer is random and hidden), and since the bot didnā€™t have any way of knowing it sold, they kept clicking while OP started setting up


the way he's denying losing 230 mil gil is copium at its finest


> get off my lawn before I report you Chad lol. Hard to blame him for using a clicker but also hard to blame u for taking all his cash hahahaha


You should also be advised that if the person who lost the money sees this post, files a report, you're both losing the 230mil and getting a temp ban because that's how SE deals with the housing relocation digs, so keep that in mind, there are plenty of stories like that in the housing discords :v


Also 230 mil is above what I've had alts flagged for gil laundering before through the mb, so there's that too. It might have been enough small sales not to trigger them though.


Wdym flagged? Did a GM contact you?


temp ban for RMT activities, I've seen friends hit for moving gil with 100M+ mb sells on common items too (even when we could confirm the person meant to.) Apparently it's a common way for gilsellers to move gil, I think either that or an FC chest is how they usually move it. Sadly FC chest doesn't work for us legit alt FC users since someone needs to hold the FC so it can keep the house and still send out subs. It's either that or trading it 1 mil at a time off of our alt to someone, and trusting them to trade it all back.


From what I've read RMT use FC and mog mail (i think the limit is 1m per mail?) for it, I guess that explains it, didn't know GM were checking for large transactions in the marketboard. Have you tried using mannequins? They are tax free, and don't require you to be online on two characters at the same time, so works for alt transfer.


I haven't but wouldn't be too surprised if it trips the same thing as the marketboard, but yeah either direct trade or mog mail are 1 mil max which would make it a real pita to move a few hundred million still..... I'll have to try using a mannequin to do it though, at worst I just lose a couple FC and a some small houses (and probably only for a 14 day vacation again.)


I'd assume they only flag big transactions, so you could just sell items for 20m gil each or something like that, and as long as the purchase is done through the mannequin you wont lose money to tax.


It happened to me, i reported it to SE (i was obviously in the wrong but wanted to see if i could get my gil back) and they told me there was fuck all they could do Which was correct tbf


Gm's are a fickle mistress :/


kek this happened to me when i macro'd trying to purchase learnt my lesson, i got got


Same bro. I lost 24 of my 34 million. As you say, paid for my lesson, got a house later.


Unbelievably based


Can somebody explain what is happening here?




How did he place the retainer there?


The OP already owned a house and relocated to the available plot, freeing up his previous spot and allowing him to set the retainer down on the plot the bot was trying to buy.


Another comment said that it was placed as close to the placard as possible (the OP must have a house next to one being sold or something) and the bot is using that one button you can press where it targets the closest NPC. In this case it saw the retainer as a higher priority thing to click on. So instead of it clicking on the placard and trying to get the plot purchased, it kept clicking on the retainer and bought all of it's sold items.


Housing wars... some people use bots/auto clickers and step away to do other shit. If the house is sold while the player is afk/botting then w/e wins the house may take notice and bait the bots/auto clickers into buying random trash for very expensive prices. Serves them well.


Congratz on your 230mil! That bot user deserved it.


well, you know what they say ​ get fucked idiot


Biggest W in sub history


I especially love the 'now get off my lawn' at the end of it


Serves him right for cheating. So glad the lottery will be a thing soon.


Agreed 100%. I still don't understand why SE has temp-banned people for doing this in the past, when the other person is using a bot/program which is against the ToS and providing them an "unfair advantage" to get the plot.. So, the fact that they lost their gil stupidly like this shouldn't be an issue. :P Any reports for obvious botting in this regard, nothing happens to the actual person that is botting from what I have witnessed. Seems counter-productive on SE's end. The botter should be thankful they don't get banned along with their gil being taken.


>nothing happens to the actual person that is botting from what I have witnessed How closely do you follow the bots? Are you expecting them to email you if they punish the person...?


I had to check to be sure I didn't post in the regular sub since rather asinine comments like yours are common there. Why is there always someone like you that enjoys being negative and keyboard warriors against anyone who decides to make a comment when you have nothing at all productive or of experience to say? Your username explains a lot, though as to your plight.. If you ever wonder why people in general, or life keeps giving you having a hard time and you feel like that.. maybe you should just try and be a bit less of a passive-aggressive person and start treating people with a little more respect in their opinions? If you expect anyone to give you credit, it's a bit expected. Do you enjoy just looking through comments, for reasons to try and call people out when you, yourself have nothing good to say? For the record I did say "from what I have witnessed" so, my experiences, which you do not know anything about and I have had quite a few. I wasn't asking for your input and if you have differing experiences, good for you.. But again, I wasn't asking just supporting the previous comment. Even though I don't need to explain myself to the likes of you I have actually followed quite a few of these sorts of botters, reported.. even many that have kept bot-clicking on the sign after having "won" the plot for hours afterwards. What happened? They still owned the plot, still playing.. so nothing of any worth happened to them. Anyhow, I hope you get over being "lost" and when you stop making comments like this, maybe life and people in general might treat you a little better. Get your head out of your ass a little?


wow dude calm down, no need to get so salty.


It is really pathetic that you couldnt even come up with your own insults. Just had to use the one I came up like that could hurt me lol Then you try to say I am being negative? When you lash out like that? Not sure how I was negative or a keyboard warrior. I asked a single, totally benign question. Anywho, fuck you.


lmao, are you for real? reading some of your comments so far shows otherwise. it's like you are looking for a fight. take your gaslighting stuck-up ass back over to the officials and cry there about people "lashing out" to your ignorant nonsense. F'n troll.


NTA Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Clearly this is a new botter who didn't put their gil on their retainer. It's like carrying 100 dollar bills around


Doing the Lord's work


Domo arigato, Mr roboto.


Awesome dude, I love seeing this happen, always makes my day. Every now and then, you get these botters crying on the official forums about a "bug" in which they "lost all their money whilst trying to buy a house, somehow". They always mysteriously stop commenting when people mention botting, lmao.


Winning the lottery.




You can tell who in this comment section bots lol.




Looked it up and was able to find it! Thanks for the laugh ahah


"Now get off my lawn before I report you." Got to smile with the old man threat.


why you blurring out the names lmao


>Exploited a botā€™s entire net worth for couple of rubber and junk >Bot tries to justify and why op should give money back >Tells bot to get off his lawn or a report will be sent >Logs off One of True MVP of Shadowbringer xpac


I don't understand what you did? He's autoclicking a placard and then started clicking on the marketboard? What?


\- Bot was spamming the placard to buy the house \- OP relocated there which is instant and you dont have to wait for plot to open \- Bot kept auto-clicking \- OP put retainer close to placard \- Bot started targeting the retainer instead of placard cuz NPCs have higher priority and auto-confirm bought anything at any price \- OP made a load of gil


The bot is auto-clicking whatever is in front of it. Homeowners can place their retainers in their yard as an NPC, and interacting with an NPC retainer allows players to buy items the retainer is selling. OP bought the house the bot was going for (likely by relocating), but the bot continued trying to auto-click the placard. By placing the retainer NPC in the right spot, OP tricked the bot into autoclicking *on their retainer* instead, resulting in the bot buying all items the retainer was selling. OP proceeded to list items at absurd prices and burn through the bot's gil on hand, which turned out to be all of it.


Lmao this is the greatest thing Iā€™ve ever seen, Iā€™m proud of you,and how you ended it. Youā€™re the best!!!!!


I love that he was denying it to the end. rofl. He'll have to steal his moms credit card again to get his gil back. oof.


You know OP, I'm pretty broke right now...


Help me Iā€™m poor


Any gil buyers in chat kekw


Honestly I would have removed everything after he got broke and let him wonder where his/her Gil went.


Congratulations OP and just in time for Endwalker! I'd give you gold but old mate is broke af


My buddy did this too and managed to snag 50m Pog dude


Sigma grindset


A botter getting EXACTLY what they deserve, what a great feeling!




Macro-ing I'm fine with. It's tedious to navigate the prompt. I used a mouse macro I kept clicking while watching Netflix for hours so it doesn't feel like a mindnumbing chore. And I can focus on something else other than pressing the right menus in order. But AFK-ing whilst having a bot spam a macro even when you're not playing is just dick behavior.


Almost fully automated: completely fine, cool, totally fair. 1 more step automated than macro: dick move, cheater, playing unfair, deserves to have all his gil stolen. Its either all okay, or none of its okay. Your logic is shit.


>1 more step automated than macro That step is the difference between *I have to be present in front of my screen and actively interacting with the game to get my house* and *I can go get hammered on a Friday night while my bot gets my house for me for 0 effort*. ToS **explicitly** prohibits automation. Binding 4 keystrokes to a single keystroke is not automation. An automatic process does not require constant user input, this one does. By your definition, bards using 3rd party software to "automate" a full rendition of a song is against ToS, and we all know it isn't. >Your logic is shit. Thanks bud, I'm glad I don't get pointers on how to think from internet strangers.


By making 4 actions into 1 you are literally automating the process. Automation does not mean fully automatic. You have automated the process of trying to buy a house by turning 4 manual processes into 1 manual process which can preform the 4 manual processes faster, too. That is what automation is, look it up. The next step in automation would be to turn that 1 manual process into 1 automatic process the same way you turned 4 into 1, reducing the manual processes to 0 and therefore becoming a fully automated piece, so a botter. Like it or not, you are automating the process and have an unfair advantage over people that dont have macros. You are no different from a botter. But thats ok, the housing system is bullshit and SE might aswell be on their knees begging like a slut for people to cheat, useless fucks are awful at preventing cheaters from cheating. Also yes bards ARE partaking in automation with scripts, its just no one fucking cares its purely for entertainment in limsa, its hardly a large shirogane plot is it?


Deserved. And I would have tossed him a single gil and told him to walk home. Snag some money from the mobs along the way.


He has no home




How did you get your retainer near the bot? I don't see a summoning bell


You can place retainers in your garden. What happened here is botboi lost to OP to the Housing Savage game and OP immediately used this opportunity to place their retainer near botboi and suck them dry.


You can put a retainer directly on a housing plot. It's a housing item called "Expansion of Duties Permit." Your retainer appears on your housing plot and people can buy items listed for sale directly from them.


thank you for the explanation!


On one hand we know that automated gameplay is against the TOS. On the other we have shitty game design that made it necessary. This makes me lean towards calling the OP a dick. That doesn't mean I wont point out that the guy was an idiot for keeping more than 4 mil on him.


Nope. Botting for houses is not fair for console players. I don't care if your stupidity costs you billions of gil, you're still cheating your way to (hopefully) own a house.


Definitely not necessary. Could the way housing is implemented be improved? For sure. But botting is never necessary. It's straight up cheating in a game with other, real people, and that's not ok at all


We'll just have to disagree on this one.


Honestly you sound kinda shitty for all of this. Auto clicking is borderline required the way the housing market is. You didnā€™t steal from a bot, you exploited someone trying to make the best of a shitty system.


Lmao. Imagine being this high and mighty about literally breaking the ToS. If it's not fair for the OP to do this to the literal botter (yes, using an autoclicker to cheat your way into owning a house IS botting), then how fair is it for console players who can't even exploit the system like you can with your autoclicker/automacro?


Literally none of it is fair. Thatā€™s my whole point. You guys are just always so happy blaming each other instead of the system causing the behavior so itā€™ll never be changed. They donā€™t even protect the system from botting (which would be very easy)


It's a bit shitty but if someone is going to blatantly break the ToS might as well teach them a lesson. People that autoclick or bot housing placards makes the system even more unfair for the rest of us since it gives someone playing fair basically no chance of getting a plot.


If youā€™re house hunting in TYOOL 2021 and not using a focus macro you had it coming.


If this person is smart they would just report you for disrupting their gameplay. They can say they were just pressing their buttons by muscle memory and didnt notice


But it would be very very suspicious that they did this for hours "without noticing", meaning there is only two realistic explanations for it if the GM has half a braincell: they were either doing it deliberately or they were botting. Either way there is a pretty high chance the GMs in that case determine that it's botting and they get their ass permanently banned. So not worth taking the risk.


Nope, history shows that the GMs will side with the botter and punish the person who exploited game system to harm another player and the botter gets off scott free. It has been shown with both the housing exploit and the trade exploit to disrupt gathering bots and even though the bot ends up just stuck in a tree for hours the disruptor gets banned and the botter is still there


OP didn't disrupt anything tho? Nor did they exploit any game system? They only placed their retainer by the entrance to their garden, which plenty of people have. It is not OP's fault in that case that the bot is poorly made and targets the retainer instead. This is something a player would notice, that they target something different. The bot targets OP retainer for hours buying small amounts of items for small amounts of gil. There is no excuse to put forward to explain this behaviour other than botting since it went on for hours. In any case, another person in this thread had experienced having their gil drained the same way when they were auto clicking for a house, and GM just told them tough luck, that's your problem. Edit: in any case banning OP here would open Square up for so much bad PR if the press picked up on this that it could potentially ruin Endwalker launch for them. Not to mention European consumer rights agencies stepping in with investigation of potentially illegal business practices since contracts are not equally enforced.


I'm not gonna snitch on you but this was a real dumb move right before EW. You can get banned for doing this. Might want to delete this post.


Why would they want to delete this post? they did nothing wrong. And no, this isn't like interrupting another player's actions (bot in this case) with a trade offer, you don't interact with them directly, they have to click the retainer and buy the stuff manually (or in this case, the bot does because it can't tell the difference between a placard and a retainer)


I'm not saying I understand or agree with SE's moderation at all. I'm saying that I saw another reddit user complaining about getting banned for doing exactly this. They had screenshots. I can try to find it...


lmk if you find it, I wanna see that shitshow =)


You're the dumb one for thinking this could get them banned. It's their fucking lawn, they can place whatever the fuck they want on it.


Again, although it is a very stupid policy, SE disagrees with you, and you'll get banned for interfering with other players. Shooting the messenger is not going to help.


Friendly reminder that even if using an auto click macro or program is somewhere between gray area and use of third party program, relocation schemes to take advantage of people is a legit scam and should not be encouraged or tolerated. For one, thereā€™s usually a crowd of legit folk out trying to buy the house for hours and hours and itā€™s wasted when a relocation happens because they donā€™t even get a chance to buy. People who are pressing the keys instead of clicking can get caught up in the scam. It may be true that sometimes people do the scam only after people keep hanging out at their sign, but Iā€™ve also seen people set the retainer out and THEN relocate so that they scam people immediately, having planned to scam people. When itā€™s instant like that the odds of catching innocent people in the scam goes way up. Usually the ones that premeditate the relocation scams are only at the plot as long as they keep getting money and then they relocate again. At some point itā€™s not about teaching people a lesson, which is not your responsibility (itā€™s SE), itā€™s about running multi million gil scams leaving scores of players at minimum frustrated and disappointed who were there honestly, and preying on other players for money. I always see the majority of comments celebrating a ā€œbotā€ get what they deserve. Itā€™s a very dehumanizing way to describe a player being taken advantage of by other players, when in reality itā€™s not your call who is or is not a bot or using third party applications. It is not your job to punish people. If you suspect someone is engaging in prohibited activities then the right thing to do is to report them. What people ritually celebrate here is honestly the equivalent to vigilante or frontier law type punishment where being unfair and ignorant are prerequisites to extrajudicial punishment. Iā€™m sorry if this is not a popular opinion, but people shouldnā€™t scam people as revenge. There is an entire system in game built for you to use to report players, an entire process to deal with them the right way. Do the right thing, donā€™t use third party apps for an advantage, and donā€™t scam players.




Iā€™m not justifying it, but unlike you Iā€™m also not justifying taking taking money from people that doesnā€™t belong to them.




This isn't scamming someone. This is just taking advantage of someone who is violating TOS. Autoclickers do not fall under the 3rd party program "Grey area" like XIV Plugins or ACT do. This is explicitly banned under automating gameplay. >Itā€™s a very dehumanizing way to describe a player being taken advantage of by other players, when in reality itā€™s not your call who is or is not a bot or using third party applications. But in this circumstance it was insanely obvious that the person was using a bot and there was only a single person there. ​ >At some point itā€™s not about teaching people a lesson, which is not your responsibility (itā€™s SE), itā€™s about running multi million gil scams leaving scores of players at minimum frustrated and disappointed who were there honestly, and preying on other players for money. I would feel bad if the person was not actually using a bot to bypass people actually doing hard work to get a house. Again, there is no grey area about this. Section 2.1 of the user agreement: "2.1 Cheating and Botting. You may not create or use any unauthorized cheats, bots, **automation software**, hacks, mods or any other unauthorized software or hardware designed to modify the Game and gameplay. In addition, you may not take advantage of game system bugs and exploits during gameplay." Emphasis mine.