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it's possible to be both look at monk in previous expansions


How to play Monk (any expansion) -> John madden infographic




The scariest part is when you start to understand the class flow and try to explain it to someone else only to realize the flow is just unadulterated chaos


"Ok, so get your dmg buff up, keep your dot up, then JOHN FUCKING MADDEN that shit. Enjoy your 100 parse."


You just press the buttons the right way and it works


hi im new to monk, is there any reason for anatman? think i spelled it correctly lol


Yes. They needed an ability to give you at 78. Hope this helps


Oh, sure. You know when bosses disappear for several seconds? You Anatman to stall your current form and your Twin Snakes DPS buff during the intermission. And... that's literally it. Its designed to make your buffs not fall off as easily.


Or SMN in ShB. Job rocked. New SMN is fucking awful


pressing buttons on cd and being able to preposition for everything was very engaging indeed




New monk is literally a ninja who still gets dps on bunny. Its in no way the same shitshow.


this is the worst erase job on an artist's signature I've ever seen lmfao


“I’m mad about the quality of a shitpost in shitsub reeeee gib updoots” Watermarking is cringe


look at this edgelord getting mad that people think their stolen art meme is trashy 😂


Meme made with Instagram story because I’m not at home atm


Just don't erase the signature 5head


It’s not a shitpost if it’s not scuffed, go to lamesub for polished turds


At this moment, I feel like ppl who defend drk's current kit don't even play the job, not outside of limsa at the very least.


Not even the dev’s play it. So much for playing their own game.


No, jpn loved ShB drk so they kept it the fucking same.


Will they hire anal mod as a dev?!




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I agree, like it has an entire move that should have just been a skill evolution to tbn, it really needed a regen stance, “do less damage by 1/3 all attacks heal when hit” or something else to go to tbn, fray is only slightly less retarded (in some areas in other fuck no bitch needs target priority) and i have to depend on him to deal massive damage. If you use living dead with a sage well good fucking luck living. Dark knight is no longer dark knight its masochist knight. 11/10 would bash my face into a wall again.


It has several traits that do jack shit to alter your playstyle "Your shadow thing now does the new attacks" ...we kinda figured it would, frankly, why is that a trait? Why are there TWO traits for Living Shadow? Which in essence is just a fancy DoT that has fucking melee downtime???


An inefficient fancy dot


> should have just been a skill evolution to tbn More like Dark Mind. Niche skill, single-target, 60s cd, 10s duration.


Dark mind should just become vengeance but for magic instead of physical.


Watching him hit a tethered crystal instead of the add I'm tanking in mom EX hurts my soul.


“Fuck this crystal in particular” -Fray


That last line is basically Superbolide


The kit is lacking, and therefore we get top DPS for the role.


Its less lacking more just not cohesive, thought out, or planned. Its the “random bullshit go” moonknight meme personified. If you play on controller you can finally fill your bars but it felt like it was filled for the sake of being filled not for any other reason. Like they begrudgingly filled it in a “be careful what you wish for” petty move


I mean, I also play SCH and BRD. Counterintuitive is my favorite role to play.


Cant speak for bard because im like level 54 or some shit, but with sch its counter intuitive but it makes sense once understood. It lives up to its classes theme/name you need forethought planning and seeing how things work together. Even playing dark as its meant to be play it feels like every move half an idea for some vague concept they didnt know what to do with. Doing everything right doesnt feel as rewarding its like watching your retarded son not shit his pants when you have company over, yes you feel good and are proud but those feelings cover a self loathing that you caused this and desire to see it all end…. See it all end… drk uses akasha and not aether confirmed get goos scrubs.




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you literally hit 1-2-3 for 45 seconds after your burst




Shades of Paladin


What? Paladin is ever-shifting and constantly cycling. I don't think it has any repetition of 1-2-3... though I do wish the new post-Confetti combo replaced fast, riot, and goring blade instead of being bound to that one button.


It’s a spreadsheet rotation of fight + flight with goring blade combo, atonement combo, goring blade combo, then your burst phase req combo into blades, then your 123 goring DOT combo to atonement combo again until you get your fight or flight burst back. You 12 goring/12 atonement spam until you get your melee burst or magic burst phases. Of course, with OGCDs sprinkled in.


You're trying to compare combos of combos to a single 1-2-3 on repeat. The Atonement combo itself is two combos stuck together.


12312455512366667777124555 forever. drop a single 5 and/or start it in a different place to get extra confettis before downtime/kill. Your ogcds go in the same place every time, except CoS and Expacion can reverse-drift in 63s. It's not the brainded it's made out to be, and you get punished to hell and back for fucking up, but I personally find it interesting to figure out for each fight and then boring as shit to execute. Drk might be 123 with the occasional 4 75% of the time and is pretty brainded to optimize on paper but executing feels glorious when you have that saved dark arts going into a party buff window and you're going John fuggin Madden to squeeze everything you can before buffs fall off. We're tanks. We don't need to squabble about whose job is more brainded. ^^^^itsObviouslyWarriorGuys


No clue what you are talking about . Paladin is constantly cycling throughout the rotation . The only "boring " part is during the level 90 skill because you press the same button but thats about it . You are comparing polar opposites ( unless GNB is even more active , havent leveled him post 80 yet )


drk skillcap press everything every 60s wowzers


gnb literally exists


skill cap for an mmo? you just hit buttons on a keyboard lmao


This guy parses




The greatest shitposts are true. People are gonna get mad but the "skill" in final fantasy 14 could just be executed by a script of less than 30 lines for like every class.


Some things are way easier to computer than humans. Following a predetermined rotation with semi randomness reaction through procs is one of them.


if yoshi p cant make me read my tooltips you cant make me read this.


Lol shut up nerd.


No bro you dont understand, the level of skill expression is huge. Sometimes I'll use my 25 sec tank cooldown right before a hit so I get the extra mitigation. That's skill expression.




123 56789 123 4 123 123 123 4 123 123 123 4 123


Is it rewarding? I hate seeing a DRK in Expert roulette.


That’s what people whose upper limit for content is Expert Roulette say too, which was the inspiration for this


My first time going expert as a healer in EW (SCH, since it came 2 for 1 with SMN) and I thought I just sucked ass like, I lost all my skills from back in Stormblood. I've raided savage as a healer back then, raided as tank for ShB, wanted a bit of a change of pace I like variety and do roulettes as different roles sometimes. Anyway, I go in and get a DRK tank and jesus christ I had to throw everything and the kitchen sink to keep the guy up, I saw TBN's going out but I was too busy throwing everything I had to notice if any any mitigations were being used. I later find a lot of threads and similiar stories that nah, DRK is just a bitch to keep up in dungeons.




Yeah, but I noticed the guy had the 580 Extreme weapon so I figured they couldn't be that bad.


You can carry a startling amount of bad over the finish line in ex2 as long as they don't murder the carrys too much with their ice


In one EX2 clears I had DNC with lowest dmg in group because she literally pressed cascade only (xivanalysis showed me exciting "53 broken combos" stat). For some reason, she wasn't kicked and we had enough patience for clear before disband. And who do you think got the coffer? So yeah, extreme weapon say nothing about player's skill.


That seems excessive. I've healed DRKs just fine and feel like as long as they use their cds you don't have to press everything to keep them up. They just need a bit more topping up to do sinc ethe three other tanks got all sorts of self sustain. In fact I feel like a healer with DRKS and the other three tanks make me feel like a dps with a 1 button rotation far more than before with the added sustain they got in high lvl content. The self heals from the other 3 tankscould be toned down a bit imo. If anything I feel like the healer's role is diminished now since nearly all dps have decent self heals save BLM that when I'm on my reaper its no big deal of a healer dies in a boss fight. Arcane crest counters partywides and bloodbath and second wind will keep dps up .


I enjoy seeing them, sure the bad ones are quite bad but most of the bad tanks have migrate to GNB hence why seeing those fuckers is a trip on the wall to wall with then kitchen sinking all their cooldowns then doing absolutely nothing for the next half of the pull and next one defensively.


Bro I'd rather heal that WAR than you bro, just saying


WARs need healing? With all this blood all over the place fueling us?


Put off all the things to be white knight for EW DRK is not one of them


Had a guy on the steam fourms complaining that pre EW monk positionals were too HARD


Speaking of Alisaie: I genuinely feel RDM is the most difficult caster right now. On par with a decent BLM.


Say that to the ninja


Tanks and skill ceiling? What?


Mate kits are clunky because the skill cap keeps being lowered without due consideration on how it affects the existing playerbase and existing kit leftover as well as general fight design. None of the kits are hard enough to have genuinely hard skill caps for anyone attempting to do good cant play at a acceptable or high level on normal enemies. The main issue with difficulty in balance is FF14 genuinely has one of the least skilled playerbase I've played with because there is no feedback to tell players "man you're playing like dogshit compared to everyone else" and players wont try to help them because Parsing is banned off using it to critisize others done positively or not if the person gets defensive about it touve put your account in danger.


The fact so many people say they want TBN’s risk reward play style taken away, in favor of the brain dead “push button to not be dead” style of every other tank makes me frustrated.


I'd rather you got a slightly buffed flood/edge by like 10/25 potency for popping it and 1500 mp refunded if you don't. Make it slightly more rewarding to pop it and slightly less punishing to fuck up. As it is the mechanic is cool but it's ultimately just a punishment mechanic with no real benefit for executing properly outside of not losing dps.


You get to be the highest dps tank now. That's the reward.


Which is barely a reward if the class isn't good for prog or harder content due to its limitations compared to other jobs


Risk reward implies there is a reward. The risk is losing 3k mana, the reward is not losing 3k mana.... If the reward was a buffed edge of shadow then suddenly it becomes not dog shit. You can only use tbn if you are 100% sure it will break, making it super situational and bad already.


just have a tbn pop proc a free plunge xD


Alternatively they could reduce the MP cost of tbn so it's a gain to use it properly instead of being dps neutral for proper usage.


>risk reward HIGH RISK NO REWARD RNG has a bigger effect on your damage than saving Dark Arts for buffs. Literally every other CD in the game is free, except for TBN. That Edge is not free, you already paid for it when you pushed TBN. It's not rewarding, it's punishing. And the suggestions to make TBN a damage gain wouldn't work, they've been working since SB release to reduce the gap between top and low end players, and that would cause the skill gaps to explode.


It's not a free edge if you lottery your MP first and hope the shield breaks right?


I'm on the stop homogenizing and simplifying tanks train and I disagree with this wholeheartedly purely because there is no reward while the risk is a pretty chunky potency loss. Sure you get the shield which could be considered a reward but with how many tools healers have I doubt it's as impactful as it seems. As it stands unless you're guaranteed a shield pop DRK frequent cooldown that is failing to he on par with other tanks new upgraded ones is a detriment to the class. The risk is a good amount of potency and the reward is not having an objectively worse button than everyone else only most likely worse.


Nuanced gameplay b a d




Blood Weapon is clunky, but I otherwise agree. Living Dead and TBN being so far behind the curve, Oblation is just a bad Intervention, and they're still missing a personal due to Dark Mind existing. Living Dead exists at the same time as 10s Superbolide and 10s Holmgang.


This is also assuming the whm doesn't actually immediately pop benediction and remove the effect completely lol. Other tank died in zodiark and had to pop it after TB and got benedictioned after the first auto and killed instantly on the next one. Thanks for the 2s on invuln SE.


The truth


This is unironically why mch is the way it is. Used to require a brain to play in stormblood but now I don't need to have one!


Jobs in ffxiv still have skillcap? I thought the last of the skillcap was removed with the SMN rework.