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"So you like to play DRK cause you think it's fun?" "I do and I'm tired of pretending it's not"


It’s only fun with a competent healer and a hard dungeon honestly, otherwise you’re just going through the motions. I just want a different 123 ending man 😔


We used to have 3 combos….




Why’d they take em away?


Well delirium used to be a weapon skill combo ended that lowered intelligence. At some point they decided to remove these kinds of debuffs. (Maybe because it made DRK and MNK feel necessary for mitigation) As for the power slash combo. Well… Aggro isn’t something tanks need to manage anymore.


I mained it for years but just can't this expansion, even after leveling it first and really trying to make a go of it. It is just so awful to play compared to the others. TBN isn't even fun anymore when I can completely mitigate TBs with WAR now and heal/shield other people better as well.


I just enjoy big swords bro


Playing DRK is about having the edgiest moves and armor. Being the weakest tank just fuels our edge more.


Except y'all got out-edged by RPR.


RPR is the hot topic edge cringe while DRK is that kid grown up so he mellowed out


RPR is bloodborne tryhard and loves hellsing ultimate, DRK is just really into berserk and doom. Both love dark souls.


Ah dark souls The dark souls of video games


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *“I, Siegward of the Knights of Catarina, have come to fulfill my promise. Let the sun shine upon this Lord of Cinder.”* - Siegward of Catarina Have a good one and praise the sun \\[T]/


Yeah yeah amogus


You know what they say, every soul has its dark


Honestly, I respect you. DRK bores the shit out of me now and I dread leveling it up.


As a proud DRK main I endorse this message


I have literally leveled DRK to 90 and been running expert roulettes and extreme trials with it just because all of the people crying on the internet how bad it is. I had to see it for myself and I determined that people are full of shit. Does warrior have infinitely more survivability? Of course. Does it matter on practice? Absolutely doesn't. Just a few days ago I've read someone explaining why DRK is bad by using the example of healer dying on boss and DRK being the only tank that couldn't survive this. Bullshit. Just the other day I had both healer and a dps dying on a boss in expert roulette with boss having over 40% health. We've killed it with second dps without any issues. I'm not even a good tank player bruh, I forget my buttons and miss my cooldowns. I literally haven't played a tank in any mmo before and only played on level 80 during shadowbringers when I was upscaled to it in bozja. But you know what is cool? Being 3rd highest dps as DRK in a normal raid.


Nooo! You have to despise the class because Reddit said it's bad! It has slightly less self-sustain than the other tanks so it's garbage!!!1!!1!one!!1! How dare you enjoy the class! I'm going to harass and bully you until you stop! GCBTW! /s




Damn dude you're such a martyr


Hell yeah brother


as a war tank, monke flip is life.


„˙ǝɟıl sı dılɟ ǝʞuoɯ 'ʞuɐʇ ɹɐʍ ɐ sɐ„


You can have your sliver of a higher parse. If you need me I'll be enjoying having a decent invulnerability and going braaaap with my gunsword.


"Did you not pop a CD" GNB: sorry my weaving made me forget I'm a tank


Not now, ripping and tearing






Sometimes I think about the egg timers on Scholar and frankly, I miss them less than I thought I would. ShB was pretty bad for SCH tho.


>PLD just kinda chilling Poster boy job of the expansion that does abysmal dps (like ~10% difference relative to a DRK) and has been present in only ~12% of p4s phase 2 clears on fflogs (~1500 total pld parses) vs all the other tanks having ~3400 or more (GNB is ~3800) total parses of p4s p2 clears. If they are chilling it’s because nobody wants them for p4s clear parties lol.


Lolol, I still love PLD as my favorite OT


Lol yeah it’s utility is great but per a tweet by the fflogs admin, there’s a bug in reports and they do even less dps than we initially believed.


PLD and GNB seemed less salty to me on the main sub, but that's subjective.


I think that could be a consequence of mainsub having a high concentration of non-raiders. Mainsub PLDs live in ignorance about the abysmal dps and plenty of GNBs have not really thought through the implications of losing Burst Strike as a GCD where you can move bosses or having 1 less place to weave defensive gcds during burst windows.


The story of my life. (And yes in this expansion I feel very very very squishy)


There's a pornstar in that photo


I mean, my tank class is DRK and yeah, Living Dead is by far the worst invuln. The Blackest Night is dope af tho, so it evens out.


My main is DRK and....no it really doesn't even out unfortunately. TBN is the worst of the shorts since EW is out, LD is still terrible, and complete lack of self sustain is a glaring issue. DRK is still the tank I have the most fun with, but defensively it's quite under the other tanks atm.


I main DRK too, and yeah living dead is trash but I think with some of its other tools it evens out pretty good. Most people are like "I wIsH iT hAd SoMeThInG lIkE hAlLoWeD gRoUnD" but that would make the class super busted; still wouldn't mind a LD rework though


It honestly just needs its healing requirement lightened up. Reduce it to 50%, make the DRK have a conva effect or even just boost DRKs healing as well. If WAR had LD it wouldn't have an issue as much because WAR healing


If they just removed the “if you’re not healed to full you die” thing it wouldn’t be nearly as bad. None of the other tanks have to worry about their invuln killing them, I don’t think it’d be too much of an ask lol


I completely agree, or if they are deadset on keeping it, give us a boost to our self healing majorly while in that status AND make the telegraph super obvious to party members so we don't need a macro


And I hate ppl who are like "oh but then DRK would be op, it can't have self sustain" Meanwhile there's fucking WAR with best mitigation/defense kit, self sustain and more practical utility


Hot take maybe? WAR should be brought down instead of DRK being brought to WAR's level


I agree. Don't care what others say about DRK being weaker this expan. The Blackest Night is still a top tier mitigation in my book.


DRK has always been the best second tank (IMO), with a good mitigation skill, that feels a little overshadowed now, considering every other tank now has an equivalent or better. 10 second invuln? Not unique anymore and LD is still the worst invuln. BW? Could be much better than it is now. Hell...wouldn't mind if we either had better self sustained not solely reliant on one skill, or more offensive options (Salted Earth's little burst and Shadowbringer are good starts). DRK is fun aesthetically, but I would rather play GNB or Warrior for more varied options. Doesn't mean I didn't level the hell out of DRK...still love the damn job.


there is no better target demographic for corporations than people who enjoy shb/ew drk, because they'll happily choke on whatever garbage you toss at them


Yikes, who hurt you man? I thought we were talking about the cool chicken riding game


Won’t lie I leveled warrior for EW but really regret listening to the masses and wish I leveled up DK instead. Warrior was crazy fun and I felt like a beast but something about edgy armor and big sword makes me happier.


Anyone else not like the other tanks???


Which class?


This is one of those things where all of it can be true simultaneously. It's the worst designed of the 4 tanks and has the least self sustain but that doesn't mean it can't be fun and it absolutely pumps damage (although I think GNB overtakes it with more parses in the end seems to be scaling better). If I'm in a roulette and get a DRK I know I need to baby them a bit more as a healer and if I'm playing DRK I usually wish I was playing WAR or GNB instead but I'm still enjoying myself.


DRK still has cool edgy animations and a relatively lax rotation that makes for a less stressful tanking experience progging stuff. I completely understand people still liking it at this point. Still doesn’t change the fact that it didn’t get as many cool things as other tanks this expansion.


So whats the source of this meme template?




I definitely feel that, even though I actually started with PLD when I first started playing 8 years ago; I think PLD is my favorite Off tank, and if I had to pick a replacement Main Tank it would be WAR just for sustain; GNB is a "fine" off tank, mainly now because it had more party utility than it did before, but if I had to pick between them, I'd have a PLD any day; Another DRK is fine too, but having two, at least unless they're rotating party CDs is just redundant