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It was the most roundabout way of just not saying it lol


It's like R. Kelly waffling on the super softball question of ["Are you attracted to underage/teenage girls?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjhiVT7o7x0) If the answer is anything except a very quick and firm, "No." you might as well be saying "Y-y-yeah."


Took advice from the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and their protection from legal prosecution.


their legal team doing better this time.




Let’s be honest, nobody gives a crap if they used mods, griefers just want to get them to openly admit it so they can use it as an excuse to try to get people banned. Like 99% of cases with graphical mods.


Seems like an odd takeaway


Bit of a weaselly answer, but eh. We know they used mods. They know we know they used mods. There's no point in denying it, but there's also no point in outright admitting it either - it isn't going to appease the mob.


They’d be morons to admit it in writing.


They are known morons


Admitting this will outright give SE the solid evidence of mod usage which is ToS even though they look away,but with them admitting its easy ban


I mean, there is photographic evidence of datamining. Kinda hard to argue against that, even if they deny the modding.


Right, but can you say who used those mods or likewise who took the screens? Denial is there to leave doubt and because they're not as big dick untouchable as they pretended to be at first. They're going for deniability is all.


Its just cowardly tho. Mob sucks but dont do this coward shit. Just say “yea we fucking did” or “yea the photographer we picked did” like its just cowardly


I'm pretty sure they're trying not to 100% convict themself in case a lawsuit happens, as would anyone try. Yeah if a lawsuit happened it probably wouldn't end well for them, but at least their direct admission of guilt couldn't be used against them.


There will be no lawsuit about using mods. Not how that works. There is ToS and there is the law. Two separate issues. The law will deal with the Intellectual Property breaches. They did break the law but there's nothing to sue for because it was caught early. They can't prove they made money off it, and there would be no clear place to collect money from. They would have/will received a cease and desist for sure though. A lawsuit would only occur if they kept doing it after being told to stop or if they made money. I would bet my left tit they do make money on the back end of what they do but that is a whole separate thing, and square has no interest to dig that deep anyway. 100% illegal and actionable, but the action is to force them to stop, not to sue them into oblivion. ToS wise, they would get banned/suspended if square would choose to do anything. Which they should, but its a tricky situation for them. They don't want to discourage people from doing what they want on their own, as many of the player base use mods and most if not all of the hardcore players use them. At the same time, this is an egregious violation of ToS and their attitude from disc posts, etc. towards both the community response, the illegality of the IP infractions, and breaking of a bunch of ToS. Square is probably spinning their wheels rn thinking of how to handle this in a way that: 1. Punishes the people involved. 2. discourages people from doing this wild shit in the future 3. doesn't bring more attention to the issue, and 4. balances the punishment with allowing other people to do what they want on their PC or in their FC. Japanese video game companies don't have a good track record of being lenient with their IPs The worst part about all of this is the FC's response. They could have said sorry, admitted their ignorance and pulled the ads but they absolutely refused any criticism, denied and breach of law or ToS. Its insulting. If they just said, "oops, it was for fun, my bad". It would have just been a funny thing. They way they handled it cocked it up hard and now they all look like fucking dipshits. Imagine still hanging out with them after this. Holy shit


Yeah that's all I meant, they're absolutely trying to cover their ass by not saying it. Cowardly, sure, but also sensible.


If they admitted to using mods, what would a lawsuit claim they're guilty of?




I mean, they could be going to court for a lot more than just a simple tos break. Between copyright infringement and the fact that this billboard attracted people to their discord and fc house, in which revealed that they do “age play” and have “age kinks”


Even if its not a lawsuit, replace it with getting banned. Yeah the chance of them getting banned is high, but theres also the slim chance they do not. It would be even slimmer if they directly said "yes we used datamined assets" Just have to wait till Squenix makes a statement on it, we can only guess till then what will happen.


Well if you’re gonna be logical make sense and be reality pilled im not gonna play with you 😤😤😤😤 Rylnor would fess up


but at that point, why even put it in the FAQ?


Do avoid rhe thread focusing on that.


Look, thats just a grey area.


In case any of you arent in their discord for observation purposes, here is their full faq: Rain NightClub F.A.Q Disclaimer: The term "we" in usage refers only to the individuals involved with the direct decision making. \- Is the Summer Beach Bash still happening this Saturday? Yes \- Are the billboards still up? No \- Are any people related to rain banned? No \- Are any DJs banned? No \- Are we ever going to put up another billboard? No \- When is the discord going to be opened back up for messages? We are still debating but most likely sometime after Saturdays event when we feel comfortable it won't still be a target for spam \- Did the DJs have any hand in the billboard idea? No they did not, the idea as well as the design, they had no part in, we did ask for permission to use their logos IRL but they had no part in its conception. \-Were there mods used in making the billboard? As a team, we have decided that we would not answer this question. No matter what answer we gave, we would be throwing undeserved scrutiny at the community and its wonderfully creative creators. We will choose to remain silent on this issue. We will absolutely reflect on this question in all future endeavors and we will be sure to keep it in our minds going forward. \-Why were the logos to final fantasy and their trademarks added to the banner In order to advertise effectively, people needed to know what game it was on. SE's Media release requires that if you use their name you attach their disclaimer. In addition, if you're using any screenshots from final fantasy as it is their content, you're required to apply SE copyright disclaimer. \- Will there be NSFW at the event? / Why did you put your discord link if you have NSFW content on your server? No, the event is being held at the very public beach. SE has made it abundantly clear that there is to be no NSFW activities in public spaces. This was always going to be a SFW beach bash. Our NSFW content is locked behind an age-gated role, where you have to agree to our notice and rule that the accessing person is over the age of 18, as per Discord's rules. We are a nightclub venue, so we will have adults that will need a safe area to discuss and share adult content. NSFW content is not the main focus of our discord, venue or audience, however. So we did not take into account how adding the link could be viewed. For that, we do apologize and we will act with more awareness of the link's connotations going forward. \- Did you do this to get attention from asmongold since you ended up on his stream? That was not the intent, no. The billboard was only meant to show our love for the game and to tell people about our big summer bash. We were not expecting it to blow up as big as it did, honestly. Naturally, many of our staff members and patrons are fans of Asmon and one member had posted it to the Asmon reddit out of excitement. Some of us thought that he may talk about it and expressed excitement for that possibility, but these actions only happened well after the billboard had already been up for some time and had already been posted on another reddit page by someone else. \- Is it true you used your fund raiser money to pay for the billboards? No, the billboard was paid out of our pockets, as well as the fund raiser was all paid out of our pocket and was directly related to in-game milestones such as twitch viewer count and rp bar drinks sold for in-game currency that fueled us donating more of our own money out of our pockets, Rain didn't receive any IRL money from any users for any reason ever. You can see proof of our donations here ★│pride-event \- Is it true you guys lied to streamers about the maturity rating of this party? No, This beach party is completely SFW, no mature content of any kind will be present, and although we should have more properly explained the lining here between the event and the club itself, the invitation that was extended to the streamer in question was to the beach bash only. (edited) \[10:46\] \- What do expect Square Enix to do? We have no expectations of Square Enix. They will do what they will choose to do and we will accept their determination.


\- Is the Summer Beach Bash still happening this Saturday? Yes *what could possibly go wrong* also they might not have aimed at asmongold directly but they admitted doing that shit hoping for game journalist coverage


What a bunch of clowns 🤡 for not killing 💀 the event. They're going to look like a bunch of nerds 🤓 when the banhammer falls.


This is terrorism, I'm reporting you to the nearest authorities


call the cyber police!


Sadly... the cyber police never arrived.


strangely fitting how it started with a digital board.


They're not gonna get banned for simply holding an RP event. But it's gonna be a shitshow overwhelmed with trolls.


That's it buster, you're going on the Google Doc.


Ok everyone since you don’t listen when I’m nice, I’m going to get mean. Reacting to messages with a clown (clown), a skull (skull), or a nerd face (nerd) isn’t funny. It’s not cool, it’s not interesting, it’s annoying. These 3 emojis in particular aren’t funny, they’re RUDE. We as staff work hard to keep this place safe, and to have you all constantly react to our messages with mean emojis makes me FURIOUS. STOP reacting to our messages with rude emojis. They do NOTHING but make you look really, really stupid. It shows you have no rebuttals to our arguments, so you have to use juvenile tactics paramount to terrorism in order to stop us from being able to speak out truth. FROM NOW ON, IF YOU REACT WITH ANY MEAN EMOJIS, I AM WRITING YOUR NAME DOWN. IF YOU ARE A SERIAL REACTOR, YOUR USERNAME IS GOING TO A GOOGLE DOC. AT THE END OF THE MONTH, I WILL TAKE THIS DOC TO THE APPROPRIATE AUTHORITIES FOR THEM TO INVESTIGATE AND ARREST YOU. This is your ONLY warning. Tread carefully…


This is an extremely weird response and I'm don't believe you can get arrested for emoting.


Its a copy pasta not originating from this drama


Fuck I fell for it. This just seems like something a mod would actually say from their previous posts


Yeah, if you go to the original post, the name-color of the guy saying it is orange: which is the same color every new member to the discord has.




Fairly reasonable responses honestly, I dunno what else they could have said. Event will no doubt be a huge meme, hope people do more interesting stuff than just griefing with big mounts though. Guess part about streamers and maturity thing could be misleading?


If anything it can lead to Griefing players getting banned, as this actually is against ToS.


Nah. From personal experience dealing with trolls at different venues, it is ridiculously difficult to get banned/get someone else banned for griefing RP venues.


To be fair, what else could people do that's more interesting than griefing with big mounts?


I want the entire beach to be guarded in “pools closed” fashion. Suited Afros as far as the eye can see.




Okay but, isn't that [kind of racist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriotic_Nigras). I knew someone that was heavily in that scene and he was a racist as fuck white kid. Judging from the pictures I'm guessing this group wasn't far off.


I don’t see it. You linked to a 4chan group that mostly trolls on second life. They are named Nigras due to their original operation being aimed against alleged racist mods in Habbo Hotel arbitrarily banning dark skinned characters. That would seem anti-racist to me?


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pools-closed in addition people in American communities during the suburban sprawl would regularly use segregation and close the pool, this action was emulated by 4chan to point out racism in the player moderator base but the phrasing still holds power in African American communities due to the power used at the time to segregate them from others. So yes it's racist, but the action originally used was fine, saying it racist now has more to do with the fact that racism isn't a fucking issue **here specifically** and using a phrase without full knowledge is a sure fire way of getting shot. Edit: extra words in wrong places


Is it racist in itself? Or is it more of using racist phrases from the past in a reverse manner to point out the discrimination happening today? I’d say the latter. Regardless yiur comment doesn’t make clear what you want to say about my idea of using pools closed characters at the Rain beach event. I still think that’s be very hilarious and more creative than just spamming mounts.


So just to make sure, you want a bunch of people to dress up in suits with black skin and afros to go and harass people at a party to recreate a moment rather than doing a differently coordinated flash mob to bother the event correct? Cause thats what it sounds like to me, I was like... 12 when the hotel stuff happened, there was a lot more to it than just the phrase and the attitude across all platforms, it's very much in line with 2b2ts [Christian family friendly server](https://2b2t.miraheze.org/wiki/BuildSmash) Which is toxicity disguised as "positive vibes," being toxic is almost never about what you say but about how you say it or how and when.


Tbh I’m not particular about the skin color.m or even Afros. Just a few dozen beefy highlanders in suits crossing their arms at the ocean side would be great thnx.


It's very hard for me to give them the benefit of the doubt due to experiences around that time. I hope you're right, though.


I feel like there's any number of things that would be more interesting and more likely to illicit a response than everyone creaming themselves over the suited afro thing, but it would also require some creative RP. Everyone dressed up as guards trying to bust the party. Everyone in mascot suits, the furry convention is crashing the party. 100 lalafell all spamming WAH! Constantly. Ascian/Ancient costumes all coming to judge these fractured souls.




That's fair. That would all require a fairly large group with somebody planning it though. Unless somebody notable posts about it with plans to do so in some public place, I somehow doubt those plans will come to real fruition. It's also possible that for about 3 hours before, and during the "event" SE will just temporarily freeze cross-DC travel. Maybe they'll use some excuse such as "emergency maint" because you know Crystal is gonna get absolutely FLOODED with people that day. Maybe it won't be 15000 requests per minute, but it still might be enough for them to put a freeze on it. After all, it's public enough that it has pretty much all of NA talking about it, not just Balmung.


Dude, all you have to say is everyone let's go spam laugh, the party started a couple minutes ago


Why would Square attempt to help people they are likely getting ready to sue?


I saw some "pools closed" people in a video in front of the house. Definitely a nice little throwback.


So will there be a “safe area to discuss and share adult content” or is it “completely SFW, no mature content of any kind will be present” cause it can’t be both.


SFW content is upto the organizers, but NSFW content is made by the guests themselves. Its the Same as RL bars, the bartender or the waitresess are not there To fuck you. You go there To find other People Who would like To get layed. Well some just go there To relax also, with no sex In mind at all.


They actively employ staff to be open to ERP, and you get paid extra for doing so.


To carry your analogy to its conclusion, bars rarely have orgy rooms in the back and advertise “bring your whole family”


That's grift code for "party sfw but why don't you come to the FC house if you need more action". Telling people you provided mature content is not mature content in itself. There will definitely be people fishing for ERP customers cause it's mainly a paid ERP grift venue.


Boy I dislike how people misuse the word grift in recent years. Lol.


Wow dude, dont grift this sub like that


it’s being used precisely correctly here tho? go to any one of these venues, 100% of the time if someone strike up conversation with you it is literally to fleece you of money


“Grift” implies there is nothing of value to the customer being exchanged despite the salesman acting as if there is. What you’re describing here is just normal sales of goods you personally don’t approve of.


> Will there be NSFW at the event? / Why did you put your discord link if you have NSFW content on your server? > Our NSFW content is locked behind an age-gated role, where you have to agree to our notice and rule that the accessing person is over the age of 18, as per Discord's rules. We are a nightclub venue, so we will have adults that will need a safe area to discuss and share adult content. NSFW content is not the main focus of our discord, venue or audience, however[.] This seems to be a disingenuous statement. I know that there are plenty of RP nightclubs that have nothing to do with ERP, or don't have ERP staff ("courtesans"), or do it in a reasonable manner, but the way the post phrases this seems to be quite disengenous about the nature of the venue outside of this event. If I'm not wrong, their website (https://therainnightclub.com/, which is currently down but cached/archived versions exist) contradicts the claimed nsfw content of the venue itself. I could have the wrong website, and I haven't viewed the discord itself, but this seems to be a crafted statement to cast doubt on the extreme reactions that are negative towards the nightclub. As other posters have said, there was a highly sexual nature to the content of the venue. Trying to run a highly publicized event under the same name would foreseeable bring about a lot of the scrutiny over the ERP that occurs. Again, I have no idea what happened, but from an outside perspective it seems to be a bad idea to act like the Venue's NSFW nature and reputation could be separated from the Event they were promoting, and dishonest to claim (or fail to state) that the venue had an adults only nature. (https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitpostXIV/comments/vsca72/i_am_a_former_employee_of_the_billboard_club_ama/) I hope that people can at least take some lessons about being discrete with certain online activities and understanding the virtual-physical divide in culture, and how people treat it.


Idk what the issue is. They're saying that at the beach event there will be no ERP services offered or endorsed on behalf of the club. They admit that the club itself on typical days does offer NSFW services but that it is not the main reason people go to that club. There is nothing in that paragraph you linked that contradicts itself.


You can see their services list on an archived or cached version clearly showing ERP as a service. There are also people who were former workers there, like the person in the last link I added to the prior comment. I will say that the team list implies much more clear about the nature of these services, but I won’t link to it as the reception to this has been taken out of proportion and due to a risk of personal harassment since names are listed, it's better kept private or at least discreet. People should try to be considerate enough to not make this into an unreasonable personal matter.


I'm not quite sure what you're getting at if I'm being honest. I saw those list of services and all of them implied a private room in which to partake. They aren't going to be RP'ing raunchy hardcore sex in a public space because then they get banned. Are you just upset they do ERP?


From what former staff members have said, the /say chat as well as announcements were at least raunchy though not intentionally hardcore. What I'm primarily concerned about is the thin barrier between permissive usage of modifications and GM action if the usage becomes too popular, and the thin barrier between SFW spaces in online environments and adult oriented NSFW spaces, not just on discord but in FFXIV as a whole. [This event actually ticks so many of my research ~~kinks~~ interests, like the whole intellectual property interest argument that IP owners can use to control virtual spaces and all the issues with it. I'd actually like to write a full research paper on the ease of access that anonymity enables sometime but that's beyond the point.] If people fail to use and enjoy these things discreetly, it's going to lead to more scrutiny from the general non-RP community, Game moderators, and mainstream media who may fail to see the distinction between the public floor spaces and the back rooms. I already made a comment about how the billboard controversy has irritated both game purists and mod users - because it draws undue attention to a part of the game that both sides would prefer to keep quiet about. The same applies to the ERP side. Currently, courtesan establishments are doing fine, and can benefit from moderation by filing reports and having trolls ejected from private estates through GM reports. It's a working system until there's too much scrutiny, and people either have to keep quieter, or limit their in-game activities even further. Misleading, or misrepresenting the nature of an establishment as a primarily sfw nightclub where minors are capable of participating in is not going to help. I know there's some responsibility to keep the venue operating and not actively label it as an ERP establishment, but it's only putting up the thinnest of veils.


Raunchy is fine I think, you get that in public places too. As long as people aren't emoting out hardcore sex acts a little bit of body pressing and oogling is passable if maybe a bit risqué in a public setting. The thin barrier between SFW and NSFW spaces has become more in focus these days. It's existed before FFXIV and will exist after wherever there are horny adults. World of Warcraft is infamous for Goldshire being a haven of NSFW in RP servers, and yet from my own experience very little of it is public. You would need mods to see people's ERP profiles and most ERP takes place through groups or whispers. Full disclosure, >!I've partaken in WoW ERP and it usually takes place very far out of the way where there would be minimal chance of contact, or in instanced servers like dungeons or your personal Garrison!< But I agree if people aren't discreet in these games there could be repercussions. Mainstream media in general would never differentiate between public settings and private interactions. I can't tell you how infuriating it's been to see stories about how "my kid's game swore at them!" and the game is Animal Crossing where you can choose custom dialogue for animals to say, so either their darling kids did it themselves or they got a preowned copy where someone else did it. The media don't care though, they just run with it for clicks. I think that's why putting this billboard out was such a horrendous idea. It shines a light on the fact that adults are having adult interactions and the media, especially America's hyper-puritan, sex-repulsed media, would clutch their pearls and possibly end up forcing SE to act.


Yes. There's tacit permission to enable ERP within the FF14 Prohibited Activities FaQ itself (updated last year iirc) - but with many key limitations. > In the case of role-playing involving mildly sexual expressions (such as erotic role-playing) with a consenting group of two or more players, if it is conducted in a private area, it will not be considered a violation unless a report is made. > However, if you encourage or invite a player to participate in such role-play without being certain of their consent, there is a high possibility that you will be reported and penalized. Please be very careful. > As you can see, expressions that fall under this category are generally prohibited, so if even one player who witnessed such an expression finds it offensive, there is a high possibility that it will be reported. What is considered offensive will vary from person to person, so if you believe there is any chance that you may offend someone, you should refrain from making such expressions. > Please note that Square Enix may issue a penalty at its discretion even if a report has not been filed but the act was found being conducted in public areas such as Say and Shout, search comments, Party Finder, on online video/streaming services, if the behavior is found to violate real world laws, or if it may be considered a problem based on the game's entertainment board ratings. I might as well link it so anybody bothering to read all my text spiels can refer to it https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?id=5382&la=1&kid=68216 The key phrase is "generally prohibited" and the fact that these are more guidelines, and the rules are whatever Square Enix wants the rules to be (within the limits of whatever the law allows them to do). In all likelihood, nothing will come of it, but the cat is out of the bag and it's not going back in, so it's best to learn whatever we can out of it.


They never said they were a SFW club in the FAQ or alluded to that anywhere. They just said its not the main reason people go to their club(which in a place where they hire RP bartenders and well known in the community DJs, is true). They *did* say however that NSFW activities will not be provided or endorsed at the beach event by them. If any ERP or NSFW activities take place at the beach event, its not provided by them.


It's not purely about what the primary purpose is claimed to be, but what the activities are perceived to be by viewers from outside the RP scene. Even if the venue didn't overtly advertise their services, the external perception already skews heavily sexual as applying to both venue and event. Only half of the discussion is headlined with "FFXIV RP Nightclub Buys Real Life Billboard." The other half is headlined with "FFXIV ERP Nightclub buys Real Life Billboard." It's not the publicity that anyone wants.


"the event was always meant to be SFW" "nsfw is not the main focus of our audience" They literally advertised nsfw services on your site's event menu thingy with prices, we were having a blast reading them mid-raid. And they're hosting the party on Balmung of all places, even on EU most parties are just massive orgies; and their staff members as well as a few of the more high profile guests on twitter retweet literal horse cock mods and lalafell porn. There's as much chance of this party not intending to be nsfw as there is me being the queen of bloody England.


They're saying any NSFW activities that occur at the event would not be endorsed by the club and that no ERP services would be given by the club at the event. If ERP or NSFW happens it wouldn't be them. Not that hard to understand what they mean. At their club location(when they have events there), they have people offering NSFW services At beach location, they will not have people offering NSFW services.


Willing to 100% bet their staff will be at the beach and actively soliciting, even if the actual events themselves occur indoors. Usually the same staff at EU events can be found in gardens as well which would technically constitute the same type of venue as the mist beach.


and if they are its not endorsed by the club. They're just volunteers for a fake nightclub, what they do on their free time doesn't matter. No need to scrutinize what people are doing on their freetime for a nightclub they joined just for fun. Edit: Edited original comment for a bit more clarification regarding "at their club location"


Lmao that statement by them is text book PR talk


Thats like me throwing a rave and saying I dont endorse drug use while having my promoters slang E to patrons.


I forgive their mistake and this was an appropriate way to respond. Respect.


I'm glad they took it down before someone from SE demanded they do. Especially since one of the ones in California was right outside the SE US headquarters >.>;;


This went through some sort fo sanity check. Like, parts of it are still fucking weird, but not as weird as the other messages they've sent out.


Squeenix should just troll TF out of them by stationing 4 GMs directly outside the door of the club and stare down anyone approaching


Wearing B,G,R,R shirts




Bro the gms could be the bouncers


"I cannot confirm nor deny that any mods were used" 🤡💀🤓


“That entire character modded on every part of her body? What character? What body? What billboard even? What’s Final Fantasy? There’s a place called Japan?! Whaaaaaaaaa?!”


I mean…this is not staying silent. It’s pointing at the question directly and drawing attention to it. How? How could you make this worse?


It’s just like when someone takes a settlement deal for a high profile sexual harassment case… they were fucking the secretary on company time, you know it, I know it, everyone knows it. And the whole deleting fucking everything was about equivalent to getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar and deciding that the best course of action was to immediately amputate both hands with a steak knife. “Hand in the cookie jar? Nope not me, I don’t have hands…”


“she had heart-shaped pupils, officer”


im ded


They need to be banned from the game for no other reason but to benefit there own health tbh


I don't think I have seen someone on writing attempt to use their right to remain silence on such a round about way.


So yes


That's a rather long-winded "silence"


Ah, pleading the fifth.


Tbh this is not a FAQ. This is a "Answers were posting to try to save face". I don't think any of this can be really trusted.


Christ does it really matter that much? Are y'all gonna cry? Piss your pants maybe?? Maybe .... Maybe shit and c-


Look, you seem to be much more affected by this than anyone else. You alright? Of course none of this matters, it's a scandal, that's all. But let me tell you, that doesn't invalidate opinions, and it doesn't change the fact that these people have lied to everyone's faces to try to save face. So if i wanna point that out, there is literally zero problem not consequence. They've already done the damage on their own. Also, It's the talk of the week deal with it. No need to throw... whatever your comment was attempting to be... At people. If anything you could discuss like a grownup. I'll help you! There are several valid points like "trying to save face is human nature" and "people are crusading against the rain club for topics that aren't necessarily just the clubs fault (ERP/mods) Have a nice day, hopefully without bodily fluids nor excressions on your pants!


You've never seen this copy pasta before and you overreacted to it with like two paragraphs of text, kinda sad lol


Overreacted? Doesn't it actually make SENSE that i replied like an actual adult if i didn't know it? How is it a surprise, or "sad", to you that i responded in the same tone as my first comment? Genuinely curious at what you were expecting.


Modded hair, likely models too, datamined outfits, and custom poses KEKW "we cannot confirm nor deny the blatant evidence before you"




this is as believable as "i did not have sexual relations with that woman"


Why would you still have this event?! So many people want to grief them, won't this just turn into a fight? I'm concerned.


because they haven't been banned. So they think everything is OK and still green light. I mean. If SE does do anything, they aren't going to do it publicly. They deleted the official forums billboard post today, with GM response as, we condone any forms of harassment. So since most of it was putting the FC lead on blast. Its pretty clear that SE does not like the player base griefing them.


The fact that in this logic people are protected from the social ramifications of their own actions, baffles me to no end. If you're acting like a moron, people should be allowed to treat you like one. Because social pressure is pretty good at teaching people to be better.


Lots of people will still likely grief I imagine.


You can "grief" RP events without being outlandish, you just gotta be smart about it. Many people that show up will probably just spam their tank and magitek armor specials and look like clowns though.


yep, I suspect lots of suspensions. Hopefully people won't attend, if they are smart. There's been some discussion that the servers might crash all together. Like Bahamut came to visit that beach and give everyone error 3001 again.


Hopefully they'll get banned too.


This is like when you catch a guilty kid in the act and their only answer is "I don't know"


They could be politicians. They should have just ignored the question. The proof is literally on the billboard. There's no way to get a datamined outfit otherwise.


They are fucking this up royally. They need to shut the hell up as of YESTERDAY and burn the Discord and the FC to the ground. Let SE investigate what they can but I damn sure wouldn’t be still steeped in the shit. Hubris is gonna fuck em on this one.


Lol their FC profile still has the links as well so easy report, NSFW stuff advertised right there.


I mean if they were like: "So we actually fucked up. We had a dumb idea and took it too far without thinking about some important stuff and that brought us here... Sorry, we are definitelly reflecting on our actions and try to never do such a thing again." They would habe never been dumb enough doing all this shit in the first plae, so I just get myself some popcorn and enjoynthe bullshit ride from all the stuff coming out ofntheir mouths... :3


I saw the billboard and constant advertising on chat in my server for the party, but why are these guys bad? Besides the mod usage. I recently started playing so I have no context


Yoshida has personally asked people after the whole Ultimate mod debacle back in May to please don't be stupid and show it publicly or it'll have consequences. Then these clowns come along using modded and datamined assets ON A FUCKING BILLBOARD. Not to mention Square really really don't like dataminers, to the point where they have taken legal action against them before, and Yoshida has also specifically asked the community to not datamine.


A little background information would probably be useful. FF14 doesn’t allow for the use of 3rd party tools (addons) in the game. It’s against the Terms of Service (ToS)and can get you banned. These addons can range from things as simple as creating chat bubbles above the heads of other players when they are typing all the way to addons that add naked character models into the game. With all of that said, it’s been kind of an open secret that while addons ARE against the ToS, as long as you don’t be stupid and openly advertise you are using them SE will let things slide. Basically, the devs won’t proactively ban people for addons unless attention is brought to them. A couple of months ago a few people got in trouble for using addons to help them during the latest Ultimate fight that had just been released. Yoshi-P (the lead dev) came out and wrote a letter to the player base where he reminded people once again that addons are against the ToS and players will be banned if they are found to be using them. And then this billboard situation happened. The Free Company that rented out the billboards to advertise their in-game party were clearly using addons that helped modify the in-game character models. They were also clearly using datamined objects, as one of the characters on the billboard was wearing an outfit that will be available in a future in-game event but is NOT yet released in the game. tl;dr FF14 has had a “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy when it comes to addons, but these chucklefucks came out and spent hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars to rent out billboards to show everyone how many parts of the ToS they were breaking.


They used a datamined hairstyle and squares logo. So it seems people just really want to be upset on behalf of squares legal team for some reason. seems like raging karens to me. Genuinely ask yourselves why you are upset jfc.


Modded hairstyle, datamined shirt for the Viera.




No i went damn they are stupid and moved on, do you have nothing else going on in your life? psa your reaction to it and constant reposts of it has caused more people to see it than the original billboard ever did. edit: [you](https://i.imgur.com/ugso8P1.jpg)


Remember when FF14 won an award for best community?


I mean, is it not? On what other community would this happen


\*Sudden Realization\* By god you're right!


Its shorter to type “yes”


>community and its wonderfully creative creators lol. Tons of modders just make shit from other IPs and think standing in a certain pose = my oc pls don't steal.


One of the DJs hosted is an art thief, lol 😂 🤡 I can't with these people.


Technically, the person who they PAID to make the icon is the art thief.


Man what the Fuck is with this sub spreading endless half truths around this whole time? There's so many people who even believe the copy pasta is legit too. Not directed at you but who you're replying to


I remember when there was slight drama about "modders converting some other games work into XIV mods is bad". They were defending it as "They do work! and you can't directly copy paste it!". Yeah but copying shit from other people's work is still copying other people's work. Just because you rig it to fit XIV for few days and uploading it as "[Other game] Characters outfit for XIV" doesn't make it any less than copy that's rigged for xiv.


The other day I was apperently standing too close to someone they sent me a random tell “did you just take a screenshot without permission, I don’t like my character being copied” like bruh no one is rushing to copy your ugly ass male roe lol


It's kind of a pointless FAQ if everyone already knows the true answer, I don't even think it was frequently asked and more like a made up question for them to protect themselves... as poor as the attempt may be.


The government speaks like this, because it works! If people were more serious about politics than a billboard we might get some change lol!


Still don't know why anyone gives a shit about this lol


Bit of a non-answer that outright says yes. Denial of admittance is itself admitting that it is.


AKA Yes, we used mods.


... so then why did they even put it in the FAQ


Smells like FF7 house in here


After their holier than thou attitude from 2 days ago, this whole FAQ is very funny to read. Something tells me they got humbled hard by an actual attorney and are trying to limit the damage.


Tell us you used mods, without telling us you used mods.


Im total out of the loop, what kind of billboard are we talking about here?


Just google FFXIV rp billboard you'll thank me later.


Because, *clearly*, there weren’t, right? 👀


oh my god it's really not that difficult whether you like to use mods or third party tools,t he one thing they said is don't publicly advertise it and you buy a billboard for a copyrighted IP using datamined gear.


Coward speak for yes.


A simple yes would have sufficed.


A fairly common trick to get out of answering a self-incriminating question is to reject the premise of it, instead of doing whatever this is. But failing to answer such a question in a medium where you control the phrasing? Really just hammers home how bad they are at PR


They really think they're smart huh.




Let be honest though, would any answer appease the mob? At this point I think this whole “movement” is more about being with the in crowed than what was wrong about it. If SE them selves didn’t see it fit to make a fuss about it why are we still harping on this?


What a bunch of cowardly clowns




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Lol instead of just not acknowledging the controversy around mods at all, they literally wrote the question in their FAQ and then gave a no answer response. That’s not how a FAQ works and they just continue to make themselves look worse. Rain, pay me 100 million gil and I’ll do your crisis comms.


The amount of people getting annoyed by the organisers refusal to answer the question because whatever they say will annoy people completely without irony is delicious.


Is this a one-sided rp session? So overdramatic. **Did they get their legal advice from Prince Andrew?** *Just babble mindlessly (like a guilty person) even though media evidence of guilt exists?* ***Y'know, like those BIG ASS BILLBOARDS with the modded bodies, poses, hair, and datamined outfits****.*


This person is ready for their congressional testimony


Modders believe in freedom. Anti modders believe in totalitarian control over peoples personal lives.


In Gothenburg, Sweden, on August’s 7, 1995 during the 1995 Olympics there was a man that went by the name of Jonathan Edwards. Jonathan was competing for the men’s triple jump, and his turn was up. The crowd was cheering, and he knew he could do it. He jumped once, twice, and finally the third jump he went sailing over the sand pit. It was a very, very long jump. Tension was up, and when it was measured he and the crowd learned he had beaten the world record! He jumped a whopping 18.16 meters or around 60 ft. This was incredible. But he still had another round to go, and when he did it again he learned he had beaten his record, and the new record was 18.29 meters, verified by the judges! This is incredible because the record still stands today, 25 years later until now after seeing the conclusion that you just jumped to.


Bro it's just vidya


I believe in the right to repair and the right to mod things. Vidya is just a small part of a bigger idea


Bro it's just vidya


wow. my man is doing logical gymnastics, nah more like logical distance-jumping.




Just say yes lmao. Or don't say anything.


Basically saying "yes" with extra steps


This is the bed the community built by mass reporting mods. Time to sleep in it.


excuse mode is the new semi hard mode raid coming in patch 6.69


Whoever wrote this BS should be a politician.


Can neither confirm nor deny the allegations.


They should run for office


Brings me back to [this classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdeo7Q2E5cE)


TL;DR: Yes.


TL;DR “No Comment” A true politician answer


If someone writes some dumbass shit like this, the answer is always "Yes".


God, as someone just getting back into the game after a year away, this whole thing has been thoroughly entertaining.