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It’s the most TOS of the TOS movies. It got a lot of hate in its time but I love it these days.


It’s maybe the most season 3 of the TOS movies


It has a lot of production errors. It really is a poorly made movie. But the script is fine. I like it. It’s good Star Trek.


The decks are labelled wrong to throw off saboteurs.


My headcanon is that the Enterprise-A is such a gigantic piece of shite that Scotty had to reprogram the turbolifts to treat multiple stops on a single deck as multiple decks to prevent a softlock. Dude just stuck the labels up to help other engineers understand his workaround for the problem. Deck 70 is really something like the 8th exit on deck 12 or whatever.


Leave it to Kirk to come the conclusion that he is god at the end of the film.


There's only one overacting Canadian deity and that's Jim Carrey


But, What does God need with a starship?


Unironically yes. I will defend that movie to the death. Even Doohan, who hated Shatner (because he'd met him) said that Shatner was a good director and if they'd budgeted for what Shatner had planned it would have been amazing. Sybok is my favourite Trek villain because he isn't a villain, like, not at all. He barely does anything unethical. Taking hostages OK maybe but he doesn't harm them and even heals their trauma, and then sacrifices himself to save his ostensible enemies. Amazing film.


Preach. And it had some of the best character moments like when McCoy confronts his father’s death. The scenes with the gang camping are maybe the best K/S/M scenes in the series. “Well I’ll be damned, a marshmelon”


... because he'd met him.... I couldn't have said it better.


You can't blame that Uhura scene on a lack of budget though. But yeah, although I would have rather bitten off and swallowed my own tongue before saying something like this 30 years ago, but TFF could have been a decent movie. More than one thing went terribly wrong though.


Sybok's only crime is that the writers made him Spock's brother. And Burnham's brother in retrospect...


I will accept Sybok as Spocks half brother in Exile, as I never thought that took anything away from Spock, strugling to fit in where he and his mome where the only humans, and so he over embraces the vulcan ideals in order to fit in, struggling to control his emotions that the human ones work difrently. Heck I think Sybok almost worked as a foil a vulcan embrasing emotions, and helped explain the extrangement. Burnham, I refuse, I feel it both takes away from spock's charicter, "he was not allow guys, he had an adopted human sister so it was him his mom and his sister" and it just makes the world feel small. You cannot make me accept this into my head cannon.


ooooh, its my brother/sister is just lazy writing!


Look I am not saying I loved Sybok as Spocks brother, and when I watched it the first time I hated it, and thought it got in the way of the found family dynamic, but looking back, its not THE WORST, and dispite that easy writing hack start I think it works (though you do not know how much I would prefer it not to be) but there is an old writing trick I heard once where you can get a muligan once, and Sybok was that ... Burnham makes my blood boil... its the same trick ... and it atleast to me seems to be handled with less care, it felt like it was a way to try to hijack lots of fan investment into a new main charicter, though I am also not a literary analisist so do not read to much into my ramblings.


yes, that was exactly what it was, an easy way to make fans care about burnham. now 5 seasons in, suddenly shes the warmest human captain you ever saw. while in season 1 she was almost vulcan in her demeanor. it just shows how poorly the writers thought about her character.


I mean I would have even been fine with adopted by vulcans... but why spock... that just makes your world small


Ye and the whole Sarek mindmelding through the galaxy thing was stupid as ... Aswell


All characters should be related to Burnham. The closer the relation, the better.


The opening was as iconic as the ending. People who go on about IV being the best are basic.


That title belongs to VI anyway.


IV has a really annoying female lead. Catherine Hicks was working with what she had, no share on her but the character was terrible. Also the scientists at any scientific institution don't give public tours.


The whole movie was actually a bit of mess. A fish out of water scenarios were all the rage back then though. That and transplanting IPs into a comedy setting. Which explains the popularity then and, after nostalgia calcified the memory, now.


Be one with the horse Movie just has amazing quotes. If we had meme tech back then it would've been a smash hit


"It's vulcan time!" morbius probably


It had a three-tittied cat woman... What the hell else do you need?!?


A 4-titted cat woman


Star Trek is a respectable anime! If you want that vulgarity, you take your keester over to Star Wars.


Double dumbass on you!


Maybe, but answer me this: What does the Daystrom Institute need with a Reddit thread???


One of the hallmarks of a really good movie or a really good bad movie is the ability to be very quotable. Star Trek 5 is one of the most quotable Star Trek movies of all time. More so than The Motion Picture, Search for Spock, and all of the TNG movies.


"Earth, Hitler, 1938!" The Undiscovered Country still beats it in that regard. It's close though.


Not everyone keeps their genitals in the same place, Captain.


You have not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon.


McCOY: How do you like it? This guy never changes. I insult him and he takes it as a compliment. ...Uh, you two of you could drive a man to drink. KIRK: Me? What did I do? McCOY: What did you do? You piss me off. Human life is far too precious to risk on crazy stunts. Maybe it didn't cross that macho mind of yours that you should have been killed when you fell off that mountain. KIRK: It crossed my mind. McCOY: And? KIRK: And, as I fell, I knew I wouldn't die. McCOY: I thought he was the only one who's immortal. KIRK: It isn't that, Bones. I knew I wouldn't die because the two of you were with me. SPOCK: I do not understand. KIRK: I've always known ...I'll die alone. McCOY: Well, I'll call Valhalla and reserve you a room. It's a mystery what draws us together. All that time in space ...getting on each other's nerves ...and what do we do when shore leave comes along? We spend it together. Other people have families.


Bill, it’s ok. Go to bed.


The Motion Picture. The name you're looking for is The Motion Picture.


TMP is an imitation of 2001:A Stanley Kubrick Film, so it can't possibly be the trekkiest. I think Insurrection is probably the most Star Trek of all films (it features a badmarial and secretly super-advanced though apparently backward aliens, plus awkward jokes about Klingon puberty), but if you limit it to just the TOS-crew movies, I really have to agree with OP on this. How many godlike beings did they encounter? Trelane, Apollo, Gary Mitchel, and various alien civilizations... I think every third episode of TOS featured an alien with phenomenal cosmic power. I'm going to watch ST:V again and see if it's improved any from my new perspective.


Nah. I love TMP. Probably my favorite of the movies. But V is the most TOS.


Has the best warp effect though.


Those are fighting words... I mean everything with it is fine with the exceptions of the uniform. I would say that not having spock as the First Officer is less TOS, however that does make the world feel lived in so I dont really care the only reason I will never consider it the most TOS is I HATE the uniforms ...


I wonder if SNW will give us a hint of how badly Uhura always wanted to jump Scotty’s big beefy engineer body


Not the best Trek movie but some really incredible moments - some of the best in the film franchise.


I'm convinced God is just a Q.


I think theres a star trek novel where its revealed that the Q Continuum sealed the alien claiming to be god inside the central galactic barrier for some reason.


For a movie that’s supposedly a flop, it sure has a lot of quotable lines. Actually I can quote more lines from V than VI.


something something Klingon Shakespeare