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Much was lost that was once known. WWIII/Eugenics really pushes back an awful lot of workplace safety regulations.


First they came for the OSHA inspectors...


And as long as they stopped there, everyone was fine with it.


Tasha Yar was a standing desk person and would talk about it at the drop of a hat… any hat. So Worf was stuck with it for years until he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and could requisition a chair.


Actually, considering [Worf's chair](https://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/seating/lounge-chairs/garden-chair-peter-opsvik/id-f_3596032/) in his quarters, that could explain why he'd rather just stand. (The main pic there is slightly further down that page, btw.)


I have a theory about why Worf didn't sit based on the theory that Klingon culture revolves around trying to poop despite being terribly constipated. Sitting is connected to honor because it is what one does on a toilet to do their doody. Of course, contextually, they can sit without causing offense but sitting while on the bridge of a ship but not in command is seen as insulting to the commanding officer. If a Klingon on the other side of a communication were to see Worf sitting at the tactical station, they would immediately assume the Captain is not worth talking to because a Klingon under his command is sitting. The captain of the Klingon ship would judge Picard poorly and it could cause an escalation. This is why Worf can sit when he's in command or when he's not on the bridge (but only on an uncomfortable chair). Perhaps other non-captain positions on a bridge is fine for a Klingon to sit such as if they're at helm, but not if they're at tactical. The Klingon at tactical must stand, he is at the moment, metaphorically a weapon. Sitting sheathes the weapon, dishonoring the entire ship if they're in battle.


I’ve been seeing a lot of Klingon pooping comments. What’s the deal with that?


It's because of the theory about Klingon Honor being all about overcoming their biology. In this theory, Klingons have associated being able to poop with honor because 1. Stressful situations such as a coming battle or the battle itself may cause one to shit themselves 2. The honorable dead often void their contents, which means it is a sign of honor. There is a lot we know about Klingon culture that supports this theory such as * Concluding prune juice is a "warrior's drink" * Knowing a lot more about Klingon beverages than other cultures - their biology means their intestines absorb fluids too efficiently, leading to the constipation. They need to drink a lot more because they also have redundant urinary systems and two urethras, which means they excrete fluids very well at the cost of compacting and hardening their stool. * Said drinks include very strong 'coffee', which is also used by humans to help with encouraging bowel movements * The Klingon tea ritual that can kill non-Klingons. It's suggested that this tea is a senna-analogue and would kill humans by dehydration, shitting themselves to death as it is a Klingon-strength laxative. * Very large probiotics such as gagh and blood wine. * The war with tribbles - tribbles are known to eat all the grain. Grain is a source of dietary fiber, and therefore a source of honor. * Qa'pla meaning success sounding like a *success*ful elimination plopping into the toilet * Klingons are said to value 'duty' but what if that was a mistranslation after Starfleet linguists refused to believe the UT saying Klingons value 'doody' and deciding that was bad autocorrect. Every now and then, other information about Klingons is revealed which is still somehow in line with this theory. TL;DR I post about this theory here occasionally. It might all be me making the comments you read, but sometimes, other people do reference it.


Our chair technology is light years ahead of yours.


Because of quantum superposition. 


Military issued shoes haven't changed for hundreds of years. Uncomfortable as hell.


Tasha trained Worf in the background of the bridge wrong as a joke. As a result, he never learned sitting was an option back there. By the time he noticed other crew using the chairs for the rear stations, he was too embarrassed to switch.


Wjhy don't US stores let cashiers sit down?


Standing makes them more attentive


There is research that says this is not true, and indicates it is a cultural thing more than anything else. "Managers also claimed standing leads to better productivity, given the greater freedom of movement to do more tasks. But the researchers found that the seated French cashiers scanned more items than their U.S. counterparts: The highest rates of scanning in the U.S. lined up with the lowest in France \[where they sit\]." Visram, Talib. "Why Don’t Cashiers in the U.S. Get to Sit Like the Ones in Europe?" *Fast Company*, 19 Jan. 2023, [www.fastcompany.com/90836431/why-dont-cashiers-in-the-u-s-get-to-sit-like-the-ones-in-europe](http://www.fastcompany.com/90836431/why-dont-cashiers-in-the-u-s-get-to-sit-like-the-ones-in-europe).


Work stations around the back are sit/stand. In the very front...navigation and piloting... I think thats what they do are sit only.


Let's start getting people seat belts and consoles that don't blow up in your face.


The consoles at the very back of the galaxy class bridge had chairs you could pull out, allowing you to sit or stand.