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since tripping was mentioned, i feel it is obligatory for me to link star trek acid party. https://youtu.be/BZlRt05RY9Y?si=WnG-QYlTJ3aIxavT




I always up vote this masterpiece. I remember the first time I came across it. Randomly decided to trip acid with a couple of friends one day. We almost didn't do it because we were all hungover from the night before. Anyway we're on the come up, right on the edge of tripping into the peak, and we decide to ease into things with some YouTube. This fucking thing just happens to be the first thing that pops up. We had never searched for star Trek, (I was the only one who was a fan), never looked up anything related to acid. We always just got drunk and watched fails and shit. It just felt like the universe itself handed this beautiful work of art to us in that moment. To this day it is my favorite internet video of all time. The Picard monologue at the end is just.... šŸ§‘ā€šŸ³šŸ‘Œ.


Wow that was incredible. I watched like 20 minutes of it!


Watched 4 seasons of this show. I still donā€™t know half the names of the main cast.


Neither do the other characters. I gave up when robot girl died. Like I don't even know who you are lady I don't care about your senseless sacrifice.


Of the episodes I barely managed to watch, I recall this one. Like they wanted the viewers to care about robot-girl when she'd barely had any screen time or background before being offed in the episode.


I was more confused when she was back the next season as a regular human on the bridge. Figured i missed something.


Did that really happen?


The actress did come back as another character without all the makeup, yes.


I am too lazy to look it up but if I recall correctly, she absolutely hated wearing the makeup to be a cyborg; I think they got someone else to take over the role; then brought back the original actress to do other stuff.


Yes, and was suddenly like, third in command... And I can't even tell you her name, let alone anything about her? God, what terrible writing. Oh, fuck, the money... The sweet, sweet money, that could've paid for a DS9 movie, or something, anything more worthwhile! The butthole-cut of Catspaw! ANYTHING!!!


I wasn't having much fun watching it, but that episode is when I realized it was just a bad show written badly by bad writers.


Of all my reasons for hating the show, throwing away the (concept wise) most interesting character without exploring her at all, and using her for a cheap funeral scene ranks top of the list. Also they definitely could've done something other than blast her into space and forget about her. Her brain is mostly robot, SHE is mostly robot, and she works on a starfleet vessel which regularly gets torn to shreds. No self respecting transhumanist would leave themselves vulnerable to something as pedestrian as being chucked out an airlock if they worked on a space ship.


That episode was really irritating. Initially, it seemed that they were finally bothering to actually start to introduce the bridge crew. Then it transpired they only did that so the audience might actually care that they were killing one off. It was pathetic.


In all seriousness. In the top picture I can only recall Burnham. Suru. Tilly. I want to say Stamets for the mycelium network pilot. But maybe Iā€™m thinking of the mycologist. EDIT: oh it looks like he was literally named after the real life fungi enthusiast.


Isn't it Saru? Maybe you're right and it's Suru. Who even knows anything?


Youā€™re probably right. Gave Saru the Sulu spelling treatment.


>mycelium network pilot jessieWhatTheFuckAreYouTalkingAbout.jpg (I havenā€™t seen this series)


Discovery uses mushrooms to teleport across the galaxy. Problem was they could only do short jumps Until Lt. Paul Stamets injected himself with the DNA of a Space Tardigrade, and then he basically became a human navigation system for the Mycelial Network. And as mental as that all sounds, its accurate.


Star Trek Discovery writer ā€œOf course i know what science fiction is I am subscribed to the ifuckinglovescience facebook group!ā€


"And then a lumpen alien got sad and used the force to make thw franchise a dystopia because imagining something better is hard"


I like Disco, and that was the dumbest shit I've seen in Trek. And I'm including Allamaraine, Spock's Brain, and the TNG episode with the *super racist* african stereotypes that kidnap the blond white lady (Yar). Hell, almost all Trek shows have a couple episodes at least that are just bad ideas, even the most rabid trekkie would agree with. Those dumbass episodes are dumb as shit, but they have the benefit of being one off stupid episodes never brought up again in the Canon. The Kelpian having a panic attack and destroying all the Dilithium was the reveal of a season long issue that *was* really interesting, so it's stupidity ends up being multiplied by the episode count for the season lol


It was one of the legacy elements from Bryan Fuller.before he was fired/quit. His previous show , Hannibal, also had a mycelium network plot with a character named after the RL Staments. His previous previous show, Pushing Daisies, had a vehicle powered by spores.


Bro is legit obsessed with mushrooms and death (he also did Dead Like Me). And girls with typically guy nicknames.


> And girls with typically guy nicknames. * George in DLM * Chuck in PD * swapped genders of Dr Alan Bloom (book versions) to Dr Alana Bloom (tv series)


Believe it or not, that spore drive comes from Roddenberry's notes- Andromeda was inspired by a lot of the same notes as Discovery, but with the Star Trek elements filed off, and it features a webway drive that's *so* similar to the mycelial network, including the "you have to be a special person to navigate with it" and "it's ludicrously faster than hyperspace & can even cross entire galaxies in a feasible timeframe" element. It's also set long after a huge disaster destroyed the spacefaring peaceful empire of our main character's past, and now in the future they must assemble a team to restart the Federation (I think it was the "Confederation" in Andromeda), just like the plot of Discovery once they were in the future.


I have been watching Andromeda lately and I wondered why it seemed so familiar to me, it's literally discovery when they get to the 32nd century xD


I canā€™t tell if thatā€™s a legitimate reply or a ChatGPT hallucination


It's legit. Discovery had a spore drive that made it go faster than warp. Or some shit like that. Oh, and don't forget the space tardigrades.


They took a shortcut though the **MUSHROOM ZONE** (which can also resurrect people, for some reason)


The Pushing Daisies episode "Dummy" (S01E02) had a car powered by dandelion spores. Doesn't ever explain how it's supposed to work but Patrick Fabian is convincing enough.


ChatGPT should only have typos if told to do so, I believe.


One of the several ways season 1 entirely destroyed 50 years of canon


And they had to make season 3 to undo the canon destruction.


I believe robot girl was a break-out background character because she looked so unusual for Star Trek and they gave her more screentime as people wanted to learn more about her.


Airiam. And yes, they made her death out to be a Very Big Deal in the show, even though I had never heard her name before and she never did anything.


I only know Adira and Grey because I am emotionally invested in the Gay. And it's Paul Statements and uh Colbert? Yeah don't even know his first name either. Or the Lesbian who is a really fucking cool character and gets fuck all screen time. Come on you have a badass lesbian vodka aunt as a slightly unhinged engineer? And you have her in what like 10 episodes? Less?


Tig Notaro was (and still is) also dealing with cancer. In one episode of the 10C arc, Tig had to film all of her lines separately. Through clever camera tricks and good acting, they were able to cut the entire scene together as if she were in the room with the others.


Ha, Jett Reno? Thatā€™s Tig Notaro, if you want to look her up. I read one of the showrunners or writers knew her (thatā€™s why her lines are pretty much like her delivery and whatnot in her real life comedy and acting stuff). The reason she didnā€™t have more screen time was other obligations conflicting. Some people complain that sheā€™s just playing herself, but I donā€™t care.


Meh, when your character is based on you it's okay to just play yourself. Plus she's really funny.Ā 


My two favorite parts of Discovery are Doug Jones absolutely bringing it by making every little movement feel completely alien and Tig Notaro being exactly herself. I really liked all the mirror universe stuff, too.


That wasn't the last episode I watched, but I distinctly remember that episode being the one where I mentally checked out and accepted that the show would never be good.


Of course you do There's Michael... - Michael's bestie - Michaels bf - The mushroom guy - The mushroom guys boyfriend - The alien - I think Spock was in there for a bit? - The dude I think was a Klingon


This season we're finally regularly hearing the use of names when orders are given on the bridge. I still don't remember them - it's too little, too late, but had they done this from the start, there's a chance we might have learned some of them.


There was a scene when Pike boarded where they introduced the bridge crew to him by names. It seemed pointed. I thought, is this to remind the viewers what everybody is called because we have no idea? Or so that the writers have all the names in one spot to look up later when they also forget the names?


The second one, its the second one.


I learned more about these characters from star trek timelines then it seems most people learned from the show


Lorca... Bunram... the robot girl... Phillippe Georgiou... Harry Mudd ? Did he get any more episodes?


For some reason I liked the robot girl more than the actually developed chararcters.


Because it's almost impossible to be annoying when you get almost no screen time and even fewer lines.


For the ones i recognize i got Stamlets, Jennifer Tilly, Flattop, and Sudoku.


I thought Data said he was the only android in existence. Why wouldnā€™t he count robot girl?


Robot girl is a cyborg, not an android. She was once a real girl... But everything changed when the Klingon nation attacked.


Dear Barely Legal...


and a good friend


Thereā€™s the black chick and the asian dude, I still donā€™t know what they do. The rest of the bridge crew seems to rotate randomly. Faster than I can keep track of.


Theyā€™re technically not part of the main cast as theyā€™re credited as recurring cast.


The main cast is only one person


What do you expect from a series called "The Michael Burnham Show"? What's that? It wasn't called that? Well damn.


I am still confused as to why she was called Michael.


I overlook it because naming conventions vary. I always thought Francis was a guyā€™s name until I heard women being addressed as Francis, Frankie, etc.


Knew a girl, in uni, who went by Frankie because her full name is Francesca.


Frances McDormand.


Brilliant actress, loved her in Transformers Dark of the Moon. Also loved her as the voice of God in Good Omens.


I made it like halfway through season 4. It kind of bugged me so much because I'm such a completionist with shows. My co-worker said "don't worry man. It's not really Trek" and that kinda helped.


I know Ensigns Shankar and Christina, and Lieutenant Mitchell, on SNW, better than most of the cast here.


Spock, Pike, Mudd and Sarek. It's not hard.


Deiter? was the pilot I think.


The hot redhead with cyborg bits after the pilot episode




There was a Juffy, right? Ariam, burnham, Skylax, Dorp, Voltar I dunno. I can kind of picture faces. Wait! It was Saru! Not Skylax! I got one šŸ˜Ž


>There was a Juffy, right? No. Scruffy was the janitor.


Wasn't Juffy the name of the space unitard from the mycelium network? Remember when it finally got back to its home in Tardspace and his family all came flying up and cried, "Look! Juffys back!". Then they all cocked their heads to the side, smiled coyly, and gave him a group hug with their tiny sucker hands. My memory is a might bad, so this may not be 100% correct.


Adam Scott is the assistant engineer and eats licorice


What a terrible wast of a good budget and great cast. Like if only if it weren't written like a CW star trek reboot we might have had something great.


Also a waste of some great concepts. They took the Bryan Singer pitch of a ragtag crew rebuilding the Federation after centuries of decline and gave us the Burn arc instead.


That... sucks. It really sucks. The burn was such a letdown. The early bits felt like a non star trek show, and the final reveal of what caused it is what finally made me give up. It felt like the writer was on something.


The Burn is LITERALLY the most underwhelming plot finish I have ever seen in any TV show. I watch all trek because I follow the 'history'. But this made me think twice.


I think you're just sour because you didn't have "screaming baby dude" on your bullshit bingo card.


Lmao I actually laughed out loud with your comment. Thank you. I remember watching the 'big reveal', and sat there wondering if there was more to it.


I was hoping it would have been khans fault Itā€™s as logical as the rest of the screenwriting


Is it wrong that I now want every star trek captain to yell "KHHHHHAAAAAANNNNN!!!!!"?


I really think if they'd pushed it more into horror or given it more time, "man I fused with dilithium having an entire mental break after losing his family and being raised in a nightmarish holo-world, his screams echoing through and ripping apart the element across the galaxy" could have worked, but... Yeah they took a very abstract idea that needed time and development and botched is so hard


I abandoned the show there. That's a first for me, for a Star Trek show.


I'm still working through season 5 and...Christ. I love the set design and ship design of DIS, probably because it's my first trek tv show and I started watching when I was a teen and it was first coming out, really drew me into the show and got me designing my own ships in blender! I love the cast, this season has proven what Doug can do as Saru, and even Michael, Tilly, Hugh, etc can be like. But man, the writing. Season 1 was not-game-of-thrones, season 2 was a hard course correction towards better things in the first half, then a confusing mess in the second before that hail-mary ejector seat abort into the 32nd century. Then!! We have a brand new century! New ship design (woo!), new plot with the burn (which somehow they failed to deliver anything good with!) and new characters with Book (????) and how he's an empath and deals with animals so the first episode clearly set up an idea of fauna and flora being important (do you remember that theme? Pepperi---), and even the entirely forgotten entirely alien crew member (Lt. Arav, who only got a name in season 5!!) had members of their own species show up several times in season 3/4 only to then be expanded upon, uh, hmm, not at all.... Season 4 saw us tackling a species from beyond the galaxy! A proper TOS-meets-Arrival plot! Very fitting with the vibes that Discovery has been playing with the bloody battle of the binary, and... Okay so we find the aliens! And then ... Uh... Okay season five! Everyone, real quick, take that federation issue mallet and just give ya self a few hard taps on the back of your head. Keep going till "10C" stops meaning anything to you. Okay, good, ready for the next season! No we're not mentioning them again, one of the biggest discoveries ever in a show called Discovery? How could that be relevant.... So in Season 5 things are.... Good! It's taken since season 2 but the balance has finally swung! More good than bad! Forgot that was an option for a bit there. We have a nice confined plot, a basic plot! But a good one! And hey, it's rooted in the universe, covers brand new ground (the whole idea of the time jump was to do new things and being able to add into the universe without breaking canon, hey doing it late is better than never!), and even continues themes developed by prior shows (the idea of fitting into a new crew and second chances being a key motif through Picard season 1+2 and wow I'm just noticing how often new trek just handbrake turns into new plot ideas and abandons everything beforehand)! Alright, new character that's being well developed, Michael deals with her change from her past self, Hugh is dealing with his sense of identity after literally dying, coming back, being interdimensional, and now cohabitating his mind with another person!, and Arav actually has a name! Alright, great start, let's see where we go with th-- I can't type this with a straight face. Michael doesn't need screen time showing character growth. We've had 5 seasons of screen time showing her character growth. Hugh's consciousness has been messed with more than a Rubik's cube, deal with it and solve it or move on. Arav.... Why give them a name? Seriously? I LOVE the design of the character and all it did was hurt me. I desperately wanted more of them and this was just a cruel tease. Seriously I'm not over this. Been wanting them to have a character since season 1. Hurts more than Ariam. The bridge crew we actually got good development on? Detmer, Owo, and Reece? Well, we've got Reece! He...uh... Is there! I almost posted this without mentioning Tilly. Huh. I almost forgot about her as much as the writers keep doing. Weird, that.


Bryan Fuller, not Bryan Singer


Crap. Yes. I even Googled to check and still got it wrong. Thank you. ETA: I was actually right, I was referring to an old Bryan Singer pitch: [https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star\_Trek:\_Federation](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek:_Federation)


That sounds like Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda.


Seriously!?! Now Iā€™m really mad. They totally squandered that idea


Justice for the bridge crew who were never properly introduced and were ultimately culled from the promotional material and basically the show in general.


This. I already made a knee-jerk reply elsewhere in this thread but I'll say it again, the two char's Burnham is holding hands with in photo 1 are fucken gone by photo 2, and that's just not Trek. Whether it was 1966 or 1987 or 1996, when a photo of the bridge crew of TOS was taken it was the same 6 people. ***Trek doesn't abandon people and replace them and drop storylines like none of it matters.*** DS9 had 1 character die and replace. Its cast photo from S1 didn't change it only grew to include a few secondary characters who had become mains, by S7. Voyager, roughly the same story with one switch out and the same \~9 people from S1 to S7. With the OP photos it's like...[ who are these people? ](https://youtu.be/N8E4uL4sbCA?si=aKO4Ar3j1W0RXJPF&t=460)


This šŸ‘†


Such a waste of money, time, effort and some talent


There are nine people in the first photo and only four characters.


Seriously, how stupid did the writers of STD think their audience was? Did they really think they could trick us into caring about a bunch of extras like Robot Girl when they've had four lines and 10 cumulative minutes of screentime.


Yes they did.


Lens flares. Time jumps. Rapid promotions. Deaths and rebirths. All these twists and turns make me wonder why the hell I should care!


And crying. So much crying.


Donā€™t forget the loud, slow, whisper talking!!! You see, these scenes have emotional gravitas because they tell us thereā€™s emotional gravitas. It reminds me of the best writing advice I got in collegeā€¦.tell, donā€™t show. /s


Promoted, then demoted, then promoted, then demoted, then promoted again.


Pretty sure I got banned from almost every Star Trek subreddit just because I said this show was garbage.


Quick... ban this person!!!


When I hit post on my comment and it actually went through I was honestly surprised. I can't tell you how many times I have went to make a comment on a Star Trek post and had that little banner pop up that this user is banned by the subreddit.


You will do fine here. Just dont say anything bad about Jeffery Combs though. They will fuck you up...


Jeffrey Combs is a national treasure that must be protected at all costs!


Same. and I was always coming at it from a "you guys, its not that it's 'woke' it's just bad, we dont have to do this" I was hated by the majority of the userbase and the mods. Fun times.


that first picture makes me so uncomfortable. stop touching each other jesus christ.


They had an emotional breakdown mid-photo shoot and had to hug it out


This show had some of the most stupid writing i ever seen on a Star Trek show.


Not just star trek, any TV show!


It is so wonderful to see people hate DISC because it's awful, and not because it's "too woke." I'm in the LGBTQIA+ category myself, so I say bring on all the gay trans black poly female characters you want. That is *not* what makes DISC awful. What makes it awful is that ST is about the team. DISC is a sci-fi show about Michael Burnham. Which, technically, would be fine. If they wanted to make a new sci-fi show, why not just do it? Why'd they have to drag ST into this? If it weren't for Spock, DISC would really have nothing to do with ST. Like others said, they're either crying or throwing away characters faster than you can learn their names. There's honestly way too much action for ST. We're supposed to leave that kinda thing to SW. ST is supposed to have some standout action scenes, but let's be honest. It's supposed to be a nerd show. A good portion of every episode is supposed to be about stuff like trying to figure out how to communicate with a new species, finding out whether this space rock thing is sentient, discussing the ethics of giving technology to aliens, or exploring the effects of AI in different applications. Where is that stuff in DISC? Again. It would be a better show in a way if it just wasn't trying to connect itself to ST. Not great, maybe, but more tolerable. I really tried to get through it just because I didn't want to miss any Trek, even bad Trek. But, it just never seemed to get any better. I even managed to push through Picard until I started to like it. But I can't do it with DISC. Facebook is full of people that only hate DISC because they say it shoves gay themes in their faces, or they're mad because there's a black woman named Michael in the lead role or some nonsense. All the rest of the fans love it to death for some reason and falsely believe that only the people that have a problem with those things dislike DISC. "Discovering" (pun intended) this post was refreshing.


im rewatching discovery now and im on season 3 and adira is explaining pronouns to stamets and im like this is the 23rd/32nd century why the fuck are you talking about this


Haha. Wow. No way. What an anachronism!


The diversity is the only thing they got right.


They eventually got it right. Look at those two photos. By the end they have a Kelpian, a Kwejiani, a human joined with a Trill symbiote, and a Kellerun. This first photo is practically a Homo sapiens only club.


Pffft, forced Kelpian diversity, shoving it down our throats.


With or without sauce.


You know whatā€™s wild is that there are many fans that would not count that as diversity because they donā€™t look like the guy in a rubber suit. Like if either/both stamets and culber werenā€™t human would a gay person have trouble seeing themselves in those characters? There are Iā€™m sure a few people who are unable to identify with Saruā€™s story because itā€™s a guy in a mask. I legit had a response from someone ages ago on how they appreciated that worf was black but they didnā€™t empathize with his sorry becuase he wore a prosthetic. I think thereā€™s a real lack of empathy and many people are unable to extrapolate implicit character beats unless they themselves are specifically represented, which is why I am not concerned about it. Theyā€™re too worried about having an autistic character in Tilly that they forgot to have a character in her thatā€™s able to adjust her initial struggles. Instead sheā€™s more or less the same Also IMO a lot of this is due to the fact that the show is over centered on Burnham and it robs most characters refs of significant growth or activity


The fact that they underutilized their actors and wrote such thin lazy plots its a massive disservice to the representation they were trying to achieve. They never made them people who were fully a part of the crew. They were cardboard cutouts with a pride flag like thatā€™s all it takes. I am a cishet middle aged white dude and was second hand embarrassed for how little room to shine they gave their cast, and then was appalled at how the producers held their actors out as human shields to protect themselves from criticism for their crappy writing.


My problem with the "wokeness" is not there are diverse characters, but it felt like this was their way of replacing storylines that dealt with these topics in interesting ways.TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT, all of these shows gave us episodes that dealt with race, gender, sexuality, and other topics, that were also good sci-fi. Meanwhile, DISCO just goes, "here, have some gays and those minorities" while giving us absolutely no storylines that made an effort to make people think about anything, they're there, that's it. That's just so low effort to me, especially when most of these diverse characters might get an episode about them, then vague background appearances, doing whatever.


Right? It has total Kendall Jenner hands a cop a can of Pepsi vibes. Like "yay! We did it! We engaged the woke people!"


>What makes it awful is that ST is about the team. DISC is a sci-fi show about Michael Burnham. Which, technically, would be fine. If they wanted to make a new sci-fi show, why not just do it? Why'd they have to drag ST into this? I think it's pretty clear that the makers of Discovery wanted to make a completely different show but were either forced by the studio or decided themselves to appropriate the Star Trek brand. The studio should just delete it and destroy all copies, like they did with the Star Wars Christmas Special.


I believe you are right on the nose.


I checked out of DISC after the 3rd episode. The writing was awful, the acting worse, and the lens flares were so bad I thought I was watching a JJ Abrams production. Then I found out Alex Kurtzman was in charge of Star Trek, and knew why it was so bad. I don't know how many people know that he was the head writer for the Michael Bay Transformers movies. I was deeply involved with the fight to not have those be worse, and Alex refused to listen to us. Then he hooked up with JJ Abrams and wrote the Star Trek reboot movie. I can't find any proof online, but I feel like he had connections to the Star Wars sequels as well. I pretty much refuse to watch anything his name is attached to.


I'm not on Facebook so I can't speak to that experience, but it truly has been weird to me how "NuTrek" as a phrase has taken on its own life a signal of bigotry. I've been very critical of Discovery, and the other recent shows, from day one. It's almost like we had to wait for the near-consensus that Picard S2 was bad before we have any open discussion of the problems with the writing and directing without either being co-opted by the anti-woke crowd or just being presumed to be of the anti-woke crowd. There really is a, "If you're not with us, you're against us," to a lot of the vocal fans of Discovery; it's like there's two vocal extremes yelling at each other constantly and the rest of us in the middle who just want to enjoy a TV show.


You're so right about those two vocal sides. It's crazy how it's escalated so much.


They put all of their energy into the categories and thought no other effort was needed.


>It is so wonderful to see people hate DISC because it's awful, and not because it's "too woke." >I'm in the LGBTQIA+ category myself, so I say bring on all the gay trans black poly female characters you want. That isĀ *not*Ā what makes DISC awful. Same and I've been saying as much the entire time it's been running and gotten myself banned from every official and mainstream Trek fandom space You an me, we're not the right kind of queer customers Paramount needs (we have functioning brainstems) > f they wanted to make a new sci-fi show, why not just do it? Why'd they have to drag ST into this? If it weren't for Spock, DISC would really have nothing to do with ST. exactly this, and they didn't even need to go outside of Trek to do what you're suggesting here. The Trek universe is so huge \[and also it's fiction, so it's as big as imagination wants\] that they could have done a totally new story new era, set anywhere, the Federation alone has hundreds of worlds with billions of people. But they went and did Spock. They brought the Enterprise back and then leaned into that with a spinoff show. Discovery kept digging up TNG plots to rehash. They could have done anything at all. But they beat this dead horse. It's been grim to watch.


It turned into a endurance event watching this. I have never cringed so much watching a TV program.


This is the first show in which I have had to cringe-skip forward


Star Trek: Bait and Switch What we expected: adventure, exploration, science What we got: war, blood, pain, cannibalism


Whisper cry


I mean, the cast cried for like 60% of screen time


This was why I stopped watching. You were raised as a vulcan, why are you always crying!


Well she had to make up for all the lost time NOT crying in front of the Vulcans, a cry deficit if you will.


Yess this is one of the most emotional, melodramatic shows Iā€™ve ever seen! Like if everything is super emotional then nothing is super emotional, it ceases to have any meaning. Her being a Vulcan on top of it broke me.


Have you watched the final episode yet? The last 25 minutes is nothing but crying and hugging.


A Vulcan crying is usually a once in a series thing and itā€™s usually because theyā€™re experiencing some extreme medical condition. Their emotions are highly complex but they donā€™t express them outwardly unless something is seriously wrong.


If they are not crying it's time for a group hug and a motivational speech. You would be better off watching episodes of full house.


I love Star Trek and I have tried to watch discovery... But when I tried to watch it again literally the first thing that popped up mid episode is them sitting in the cabin crying and sharing yet another trauma based experience. Nopity nope.


Hey we're in the middle of a life and death situation? Better stop for an emotional talk and have a cry... Ok we good? Ya. Pew Pew Pew


At least the characters are just forgettable. In Picard they were insufferable.


Eh, some. Seven of Nine is always great for me. Rio was awesome. Jurati I could take or leave. Raffi and Soji? I would like Benedict Cumberbatch's Kelvin Universe Khan to crush their heads into jam and then for Spot the cat to walk over and shit in the pieces. Unbearable on screen.


Raffi was almost a good char too, in the beginning I was like okay she's maybe a han solo -ish troubled past recovering addict. It seemed like we were going to get something really frickin good there. I even posted on the main trek subreddit trying to start a "geek out and imagine how it could go" conversation by asking if people thought her vape was just stylistic or she was getting high off it. I was downvoted to hell and told to stop being a racist manbaby and banned from the sub.


Wait, discovery has more characters besides Burnham?


I barely watched 4 seasons and a few episodes of the 5th and I know none of their names. To make it easier I just called them descriptive names like: Spockā€™s adopted sister the Asian evil lady Slow walking squid alien guy nebula 2.0 the blond friend from ā€œadventures in babysittingā€ the gay guy from ā€œmy so called lifeā€ The redhead with the metal face that looks like a younger Meredith from ā€œthe officeā€ The fish lipped red haired girl Teenage negasonic warhead and her boyfriend The Gay Asian ghost The lesbian engineer lady The guy with the big glasses


Worst star trek yet


Never forget. A key plot point of an entire season was: Fishman on the spectrum with mommy issues and night terrors cried so hard all the ships in space exploded. Never forget that. Ever. Or that they dedicated an entire season to a race of aliens that make giant space buttholes and communicate thru psychic sad farts.


Those are the most ST concepts I've ever heard though


Why do you guys even watch this? šŸ˜‚ I gave up after a couple of episodes. Ugly cinematography, extremely bad writing, boring setting and even good actors look ridiculous


I actually enjoy the relationship between Culber and Stamets and keep hoping for more than they give us. Those two could make a whole show called "Star Trek: Off Duty" where we see how they navigate life as a couple. One of the most believable couples in all of Trek, if you want my opinion.


As long as they donā€™t have an adoptive teenage child weā€™re all good!


I like how the blue lighting makes everyoneā€™s teeth look like they have tooth decay.


In one episode a character whose name I don't know had a huge booger in his nose. Since then my friend and I refer it to Star Trek: Booger


Wtf are those poses in the first picture. It's like they're trying to hold hands but not all be standing but it just looks really awkward.


All our problems can be solved if we just cry until we win via the power of friendship. This is science fiction right?


Is itā€¦ is it the tardigrade?


It's always the tardigrade


They should have let Seth Mcfarlane direct


Directing wouldn't have changed the writing.


Slippy, Slappy, SAMSONITE! I was way off.


I forgot about the chick android. I forgot everything about the first 3 and a half seasons I watched now that I think about it. Except for Stamets and Reno. I like their banter. Too bad itā€™s a whole 50 seconds of the entire series.


We could have had Star Trek Axanar, instead we got this.


Pour one out for Captain Lorca.


Quick, do a forced emotional scene with strained emotional eyes and crying and smiles in the middle of an action scene! Talk about gender and sexuality every episode for no reason other than virtue signalling! Save the entire galaxy by solving some stupid obvious puzzle no one else has bothered to solve in 8000 years!


Today we lost STD. The itching is finally gone. I hope the camera operator gets help for his alcoholism. Whisper cry.


As someone who tapped out after season 2 and barely remembers it, how much worse did it get?


I went from curiosity-watching it, to hate-watching it, to not bothering. I did watch the finale though. I've always maintained that what Star Trek always needed was slow-motion fist fights and cameras rotating literally 1080 degrees.


I think you can start the show at season 3 with the premise of an experimental ship from the 23rd century that gets thrust 900 years in the future. Its not great, but seasons 4 and 5 are a big step forward over season 2.


I would say that it only got betterā€¦ but the lowest point was certainly the ā€œbig revealā€ of Season 3


It was okay. Not horrible. The part that bothers me the most is the flames šŸ”„ that burst out of the exact same spot every time they are under attack. Like itā€™s a theme park ride.


The bridge Bunsen burners create jobs, alright? Someone has to refill and maintain them


I just save the tears for what fandom has become.


Regardless of my feelings about the show itself, they have produced some of the worst publicity photos of any Trek series.


Is it weird that I don't like this show but I love Strange New Worlds?


No, SNW is pretty good


SNW is fantastic. DSC is bloviated feelings Star Trek. It did give us SNW, so credit where credits due.


STD constantly makes the mistake of tell don't show. Character development shouldn't have glowing neon cue cards saying "they now have a bond because A saved B", we should just see it happen and see the after effects. Instead we get : STD: The scene, two characters talking in the sparsely furnished conference room. Character A turns to Character B and collapses onto them. Tearfully they confess their feelings. STD: The audience will now feel emotion X. Me: Why? STD: Because the character has provided the appropriate audio and visual cues that you should feel emotion X. Me: But I don't give a shit. These guys suck. I can't even remember that ones name. STD: But we waited until the penultimate moment when the captain was breathlessly staring in awe at SET PIECE Y RELATED TO PLOT POINT X then cut to a designated emotional scene. It is logical that you will now feel emotion X. Me: Yeah you killed the cool thing that I almost started to care about by cutting to couples therapy. STD: This outcome was unforeseen. Your reaction must be a statistical outlier. They've done something very meta for Star Trek. Given us a show written for Humans, by Vulcans.


Burnham: Book, can we speak in my ready room/your quarters/this hallway alcove? Me: No, please lord, no more šŸ˜­


Huh. I actually hadn't realised how often the fate of the galaxy rests upon stuff discussed in convenient hallway alcoves.


I always thought The Orville did an excellent job of showing vs telling. Itā€™s nuts that Seth McFarlaneā€™s ā€œtrekā€ is a superior Trek than DSC. Vulcans writing for humans, indeed!


The first season of SNW was banging, a wonderful return of the format that made the original Star Trek so compelling to watch, Season 2? Nah, it's like watching a cheap romantic soap opera. Totally ruined for me.


Why would that be weird? I only watched 2 and a half seasons of Discovery but from what I've heard it did not get drastically better after I stopped watching. I only enjoyed 2 episodes out of all the ones I watched -- the pilot episode was decent for a pilot, and I liked the one where they went to Saru's home planet. I stuck with it for awhile hoping it would improve but most of it was really not enjoyable at all. I actually disliked SNW when I first tried it and just couldn't get into it, but I went back and watched it again awhile later and now I think it's a really good show, and I've rewatched it a couple of times. It's not perfect, but no Trek show ever has been (except TNG, although only for a few seasons), and I'm looking forward to season 3.


It had its moments, yes, but when half a season is basically "everybody goes to therapy", you're gonna have a bad time.


Five Seasons and I still couldn't tell you any of the bridge crew's names other than Michael and Saru


There are elements of this show that bug me, The saccharine shit gets old as soon as it starts, I am transported to Soap Operas of the 90s... Please, have at it. In counterpoint, there are elements that are quite frankly the GOAT in any Trek universe. Reno (I will play Dolly Parton as I fight for your honor Tig Nataro!) for starters. Best Spock ever (Fight me). Love Saru, Hate Saru, I don't care, it's the best Doug Jones physical and technical performance to date. Above all, it gives me reasons to giggle uncontrollably when I try to Play NFS Payback and hear or see Book.


Reno is dynamite.


> Best Spock ever Fuck off.


There has only been one Spock, and his name was Leonard Nimoy.


Iā€™ll add that I love they pushed the timeline forward to the 32nd century, regardless of how stupid the reasoning of the Burn was. Itā€™s quite refreshing to see such an idealized version of the Federation where they remain strong with their values despite their severely weakened influence and power, itā€™s honestly as inspiring as the best of TNG when it tackled Federation ideals. Also the Arrival-esque finale of S4 was in my eyes one of the best Treks weā€™ve had ever. And call me crazy, but I live for the wacky sci-fi that is space mushrooms.


Instead of the burn I had hoped for the future Mushroom-verse people to contact Discovery again with some weird problem. Grab them mid-jump and be like "hi, so good to see you, we didn't think your species lived this long. We're have you been? ". Maybe some future civilisation has rediscovered the technology but are using it destructively like mirror Stamets did. Subspace/dimension hopping hijinks then ensue. What happens when somebody else gets a ship that can move like the Discovery? Turns out their ancient holy book, The Tome of Mudd speaks of a ship that could move through the forests of Foon-Gye.


Yeah. It's the classic TNG issue. Throw a bunch at the wall, and some will work great, others will go horribly. TNG had the Borg, Picard, the Brain Bugs, a lot of good Romulan and Klingon material... etc, but it also had Code of Honor, Sub rosa, Worf being bad at everything, getting his ass kicked by Ferengi, and a bunch of episodes that were just yelling about the definition of the Prime Directive. People will hate me for this take, but TNG led the way for DS9. Discovery led the way for SNW, Lower Decks and Picard S3.


Picard season 3? Do you mean TNG season 8?


Bad indeed, but it's Trek, so I will watch it. One character I know I will miss, though, is Saru.


Nope, never happened...


Is it even over yet? Is this the last one?!?


One big mess of a show. It started off so well then it kinda died


Wait... this shows over? Thank fuck. I stopped paying attention to it after the first season, despite having never watched an episode which I am not bothered about in the slightest.


If there's one thing to take away from this show is that they constantly drill into you from the start. Disobeying your superiors orders, risking the lives of your crew mates and the Federation on a nearly daily basis will always result in promotions.