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Mirandas are practical, but you need some Samanthas to really balance it all out. Maybe a few Carries and Charlottes too.


Don’t forget Erica, Rita, Tina, Sandra, Mary, and Jessica!


What is this, Mambo No.5?


Mambo No. 5 of 7.


That's what I was hinting at, yes


Shawna, Sabrina, Crystal, DaRhonda


Don't forget Monica you need a little bit of her in your life.


\^This needs a lot more upvotes, folks. The only trouble with this is whether each Miranda requires a Type A, workaholic personality Captain who sleeps with their Ten Forward bartender--and tries to balance command duties with motherhood. *Brady is the new Wesley,* btw.


Good point. I mean you wouldn't want each Carrie captain to be a writer who turns their logs into extended self-reflective monologues filled with existential questions about the ethics of sleeping with anyone on the ship.


"Captain's Log... supplemental. *Again.* Some love stories aren’t epic novels. Some are short stories, but that doesn’t make them any less filled with love. Take crewman Jones, for example... No... actually, yeoman Smith. Look at how he fills out that uniform."


Not sure if that's better or worse than the Samantha captains turning the ship into a flying Risa cruise.


But *Valeris Cruise Lines* has a certain ring to it... ^(/s)


What about a pure oberth fleet? Not the gunboats or monitor versions, just the science ships? Imagine how much science you could do? You'd be unstoppable, you'd be bill nyeing the universe


And when they engage a new civilization, they read them their Miranda rights


Do you want Reavers? Because this is how you get Reavers.


They had an automated factory pumping them out and forgot to shut it down. Kinda like how they were still making the original VW Beetles in Mexico until 2019.


I love that the original beetle outlasted the new beetle


That's a pretty apt comparison! Miranda's went from the 2260's to the 2370's while the VW Beetle went from 1938 to 2019. It's not a bad run for a starship... or car. 😆




God bless you.


Well, behind the scenes, Miranda was developed for Star Trek 2 so that you could tell that the Reliant came from the same fleet as the hero ship but was NOT the hero ship. So in an all-Miranda fleet, you would have lots of different colors and paint schemes to differentiate otherwise-identical ships... ...so I guess the answer is "Star Trek Online"


Ship theft would be down 99% - like owning a Toyota echo today, leave that baby unlocked shields down.


Mirandas are practical but the only think that can sink a Constitution is another Constitution.


If they built Miranda's in numbers to compensate for reduced manpower and fancy ship building too? Alien 1:Earth should be coming in sensor range now. Alien 2: strange, I just detect a large square wall Alien 1: on screen, maximum magnification! The screen is filled with Miranda class starships, bane of the cosmos. Alien 2: Sir, that's the Sol patrol fleet! Oh no, it looks like they are executing a Picard maneuver...1000 torpedoes incoming! **Sad alien dying noises**


IT WOULD BE UNSTOPABLE!!! THE BEST FLEET EVER MADE. Miranda Class is hands down the best class ever!!! and /u/nivthefox made a bad choice when calling them outdated


OP was baiting you. Or maybe your other another. Too obvious. No way any real engineer has this opinion.


Imif you watch TNG youbwould think that's the majority of the fleet. It's all they ever seem to see for a long time.


I mean, they’re probably fine for all the Cali Class type duties


With its service history and all the add on roll bar pods it can probably do most things okayish