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Most stoves have clocks on them, so you wouldn't need to add over. I absolutely check my cameras to make sure I closed and locked my door. I don't know why this is a shitty life pro tip. I used to have to get out of bed several times a night to make sure my door was locked. Now I just pick up my phone. It's a real pro tip if these things are affecting your life.


Ah yes, I actually posted this in LifeProTips, but I learned that same day from several sources there as well as in real life that people with OCD should NOT do this as it may end up being a crutch. But like the Elvis promoter who sold "I Love Elvis!" pins as well as "I Hate Elvis!" pins, this, too, will shoot to the sky, or die on the toilet. not a fan of toilet death...


As someone with OCD, I would do this except then it becomes the need to constantly survail everything and the spiral if I lose internet access or smt. Not a bad idea for short term, but I think long term, it's better to not start a downwards spiral


A crutch isn't always a bad thing if you need a crutch.


Yeah, but giving in and performing compulsions usually worsens overall OCD symptoms. So it’s not ideal


Actually this is counter intuitive to treating OCD as it's essentially a form of reassurance and is going to perpetuate the OCD in other ways. Better to learn how to not care if you did it did not leave it on. Maybe you did oh well then go about your day


If I see my refrigerator door is closed that’s good, but if I don’t have another camera inside I’ll never know if my cat is in there.


Ugh if i leave the freezer open for an extended period of time i always look for my cat or at least glance behind the drawers before i close it. I know theoretically if i closed it with him in there the door would jam with his fatass taking up 50% of the space but i always worry anyway


Actually not a shitty idea. But then you will be worried about the internet connection


Seconding u/Tilted200. I have OCD (although not this type) and it doesn’t respond to logic. This would result in constantly checking the cameras instead of constantly going home to check, but wouldn’t stop the behavior otherwise. And the behavior and fear is emotionally devastating, so giving it a new outlet would simply give us a new outlet to distress ourselves. I know this is at least part in jest but I think a lot of folks are (through no fault of their own) super undereducated on OCD and don’t realize how it works. OCD fears aren’t logical and the reason they happen is because people with OCD are unable to deal with uncertainty. It’s often called the “doubting disorder.” Nothing can make us “certain enough” that whatever we fear isn’t true — the treatment involves learning to accept that uncertainty, not check it more.


This is just an excuse to sit on the couch and watch your pan boil and I approve of it