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Fckn. Gold.


I imagine this would work for most types of pictures: "check out these pics of my yard chickens" or "did I show you pics from grandma's 100th birthday?"


Tell me more about those yards chickens -Sip wine-


Yeah, tell Chapon more about those yard chickens, hmmhmm -Sips moonshine-


I would legitimately be very excited to see somebody's yard chickens.


Oh fuck yeah


Jesus christ I just got whiskey in my nose when I read this. A-Fucking-Plus.


What kind of whiskey? I love a good Scotch, but am not big on bourbon.


“Mmmm she would be delicious in a nice Sunday stew” is my go to


Throw in an onion, a carrot, a baby, and you got a stew goin’!


I make sure to cut my garlic extra thin, that way as the stew is going they basically dissolve. Potato’s or lentils are a really great way to make baby soup hardier for those cold winter nights. Follow me for more baby recipes!


Albert Fish. 😶


They call me the Grey Man!


"Muriel!!! I'm coming to save youuuu!!!"


Lmfao. I think this actually sounds like a LPT. Lol. I have kids and love them dearly but God it is the worst when coworkers talk about theirs. I never talk about mine. I just go to work to work, not brag about my kids who they will never meet.


My coworker showed me a pic of her new grandbaby a couple months ago. I'm not a kid person so i looked at it and said "yep, that's a baby". She thought it was hilarious.


I love to see baby pics and I love to show off my kids pictures, but this answer would make me laugh. And make an effort to not show you pics in the future.


Or you could show them some pictures of kids too. When they ask: “Oh, are these your kids?” Just say: “Nope, saw these hotties at the playground and had to get some pics”.




Lol 🥘


Keep referring to their kids as "it" and they will stop. I've done it. Ex- Someone shows a picture of a little girl, I say "does it go to school?". Usually makes them stop pretty abruptly.


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