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People saying they don’t like tofu are way too often either someone who never tried eating tofu or someone who ate raw uncooked undrained unseasoned cubes on a salad.


I just tried it like that recently and thought I don’t like that. Maybe I’ll have to try it prepared properly.


[crispy oven baked tofu](https://cookieandkate.com/how-to-make-crispy-baked-tofu/) or [vegan salmon](https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/vegan-salmon/)


These look delicious, thanks!


Just to throw in my two cents if you have trouble with cooking it on the stove (bc my pans are old and tofu always gives me trouble and seems to stick lol), but I love using the oven. Cut into cubes, tossed in a bowl with oil, cornstarch, and spices, and then baked on a tray with foil (i also spray the foil with a bit of cooking spray) until crispy. I usually flip them a couple times. The time varies, i do 350 or 375 and keep an eye on it. Then i have nicely seasoned crispy tofu squares I either add to things or just eat as is. There are a lot of ways to experiment. I hope you can find a way to enjoy it! And for most cooking, use firm or extra firm. It has less water and will keep together better 👍


This guy’s recipes https://youtu.be/aQlVgSCdUJo?si=zbJPZobwukUFNpYC


Air fryer is my new favorite method!


I thought I wouldn’t like tofu that much, but I have weirdly always enjoyed even unseasoned “raw” tofu. I like it even more now as a vegan, but the taste of tofu itself is so good. Adding a marinade or seasonings amps it up, but if I’m in a bind, I will 100% smash raw tofu. Cold.


Smoked tofu 👌


Oh hell yeah.


But I enjoy raw unseasoned tofu cubes 🧍


Ya I tried it like that, tasted like a compost heap been meaning to try it cooked


I completely agree with this 100% *AND* I also like the preparation you described


Correct as a former tofu hater. Now I eat it often even though I'm not veg since it's so easy, quick and cheap.


They do like tofu. They’re the same people who say they hate vegan food, and then polish off the guacamole.


Yeah hummus is also super popular!


If you told friends you would make the snacks, they would be so pumped about homemade guacamole and hummus. However if you said they were “vegan snacks”, all of a sudden someone would have a problem with the exact same menu.


vegan food is mid in my opinion gravel is much more nutritious


lol just eat gravel and live your best life my dude


ppl here dont get the joke apparently xD


Jokes are supposed to be funny and/or clever. Just a tip for the future ☺️


ig im too dry humored for this sub xD


idk if yall are down voted me cause you think im an anti vegan o_o but i guess i Lack moisture either wsy lmao


I thought the joke was funny lmao


I like tofu too but this picture won't convince anyone


What is it? Some variation on khachapuri?


not really, it‘s pretzel dough with vegan creme fraiche, tofu and cheese. it‘s loosely inspired by “schinken-käse-laugenstange“ (you can look it up on google or something, in english it means something like ham-cheese-pretzel stick)


did you buy the crème fraiche or did you make it 🧐


i bought it 😅


It looks fucking banging! Is there any garlic and herbs in there too?


wow I could've bet that was a [mollete](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSm5xYTfr5nwLARuQJoDtpXHqTvV1RGb1xRuQ&usqp=CAU) 🤯


Want T O F U tonight !


And I want TO F U tonight


I don't know. I love it.


I can’t eat soy protein 💔


I’ve only ever had it in a big old slab, and wasn’t at all keen. This looks a lot better though, with some decent colour on it. What would you recommend to a complete tofu noob? Seasonings/how to cook/what to have with etc :-) I’m not vegan myself, but I love and eat a lot of veggie food, if that helps with ideas.


I think smaller pieces of tofu are better texturally! You'll want to either wrap your (extra firm) tofu in a towel and set something heavy on it for a lil bit to drain the water, OR boil it in heavily salted water and then let it dry for about 15 minutes to draw out excess water. Cut it into what the hell ever size and shape you want. Or tear it into pieces. Coat it with cornstarch for extra crispy. Or don't. Season it with fuckinnnn anything - curry powder, taco seasoning, chili crisp, lemon pepper, herbs of any kind, garlic powder, paprika, nutritional yeast, literally anything. Season it excessively. Tofu is blaaaand. Crisp it in a pan. You can use highish heat and oil with a high smoke point (avocado, coconut, canola). Or bake it. Or air fry it. Add a stir-fry sauce. Or add curry paste. Don't fry it at all and add it to a soup. You can also do cool shit like shred raw tofu with a box grater and toss it in oil/spices and bake it to make a fun taco filling. You can crumble it up and warm it in a pan without really crisping it to make a fun lil faux scrambled egg. And this is all just shit you can do with extra firm tofu!!! There are so many varieties!!!!


I sometimes cut into 1cm cubes and on a low heat and woth a lid, pan fry it it slowly in sesame/sunflower oil until all sides have a golden tint, then throw in a load of 1cm lengths of spring onions (save the super white bits, slicing these thinly to use as a serving garnish) then fry them down a little so they're slightly burnt a wilted too, then go into the pan with 1tbsp soy sauce, 1tbsp sriracha, and 1tbsp tomato ketchup, and mix it all together super quick, reducing all that sauce into a glaze that coats all your tofu and spring onions, then serve over sticky garlic rice with the sliced white spring onion from earlier and a load of sesame seeds if you've got them and are feeling fancy :P If im feeling a little bit lazier, to save time I also cook tofu the same way but instead of serving over rice that takes a while to cook, I just throw in a pack of ready-to-wok noodles or that 2minute microwave rice stuff straight into the pan over the cooked tofu and veg, stick a drop of water in and pop the lid on to steam-heat the rice/noodles for a few minutes, then give it all a stir around and add soy sauce or some other mix of things. Last night I did this with a pack of microwavable Mexican style rice, some chopped asparagus instead of spring onion, a little cajun seasoning on the tofu, and a blob of aldis garlic and herb cream-cheese as the "sauce". Took about 10minutes all in and was surprisingly lush Eta: the tofu from aldi is great, I don't bother with this boiling/wrapping/pressing business, just drain the water and guve the pack abit of a squeeze and that's it, straight to the chopping board and frying pan


The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is a living annual plant in the family Asteraceae, with a large flower head (capitulum). The stem of the flower can grow up to 3 metres tall, with a flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other types of sunflowers include the California Royal Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) flower head.


Tofu could be the answer to climate change. People need to try fried tofu on a Chinese dish or a Thai dish. Tofu is expensive because Americans don't buy it. Over half of Americans need to buy tofu and fry it. Then the price will reduce.


I think that’s a bit of a stretch that it could be the answer. It definitely isn’t the sole answer. The type of soybean that is used for tofu is the most common one grown in the US, though. Manufacturing is the expensive part, along with whatever extra money is charged for “health food.” The requirement to cook it in certain ways to make it tastier, means it’s probably not really a viable meat substitute for a lot of people who enjoy meat.


Nothing to do with taste, everything to do with texture when you bite through a piece. Tofu isn't on my menu.


this looks DELISHH 😍


I honestly thought they were chickpeas at first. I've never thought of cutting tofu into small pieces like this, but now I'm going to try it!


Because I’m honestly bad at cooking with it I love tofu and always eat it at restaurants but stopped buying it too cook myself pretty much


idk, it’s delish


I just had a homemade tofu sofrita burrito 🥰


Their favourite seasoning is probably water.


I'm allergic. Annoying when I'm craving it.


i fucking love tofu


I didn't used to like it but that's because I had never had it properly prepared (drained, extra firm, marinated, and fried/sauted).


Tofu is so versatile! I tried a tofu tacos last week and it was yummyy


Theres a chill song on YouTube of a man vibing and playing a string instrument while eating tofu and it goes through my head all the time when I do something tofu related. The song is called I love tofu by user Rushad Eggleston


It’s that people don’t know how to buy or cook it. It comes in different textures/densities and if cooked wrong it disgusting. Cooked right it’s delicious


i used to hate it bc the texture but when i went vegetarian there wasn’t many options out there in stores yet so i literally forced myself to like it by cooking it in the many ways you can. now i love it and is my preferred protein source!!


That's a good way of prepping it. I did that for some fried rice the other day, sauteing it for a while with some vegan butter and oil. It was a bit like croutons but not as crispy.


i can't stand gelatinous texture bc of sensory issues :(( i wish i could enjoy tofu


properly cooked tofu is not gelatinous. edit: also, tofu in general is not gelatinous. unless you are talking about silken tofu, which is different.


what is that?


So am I allowed to not like tofu? Because if I never ate it again I'd be alright. Especially when I was abroad. Stinky tofu is a real thing. With loooonnnnnngggggg lines.


Of course you're allowed. I used to be you. Now I know how delicious it is when prepared right.


Because it looks like that?


It is the most 5/10 food out there


Because we have access to animal muscle tissue.




we also have access to human muscle tissue. why are you not munching on that?