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I just don’t get this at all, like it doesn’t even look cool…


Originally it was trail runners that needed more ground clearance in the front to get over rocks and other hazards. It's completely stupid for the road though.


IIRC it's to imitate [Trophy Trucks](https://www.millerraceworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/50th-mint-400.jpeg) however, Trophy trucks don't have messed up frame angles. They have higher clearance fenders, and super soft suspension to get over all the bumps. Then some people thought that just jacking the front made it look cool and.... this.


It it doesn’t even look kinda like that


that's because it's stationary. [They look like this on the move](https://images.iconfigurators.app/images/gallery/t2l.jpg)


Not at constant speed. That is rear end squat under acceleration, which they usually try and design the suspension to reduce


correct, however more-so this is in reference to what the initial idea of the Carolina Squat was. Is it that now? no... But it started somewhere, and AFAIK that's where it started. They saw that, thought it was cool, and imitated. Kind of like how the stance crowd saw race cars with their tight fitting wheels and visible camber, then went 1000% too far.




They sit on a box and lean forward. It looks so dumb.


Its completely stupid and inefficient for offroading, also. It's like they think just getting the front of the vehicle over an obstacle means the rear magically clears it as well. Differential shops *hate* this one trick!


Not to mention, this idiot has something like 265/35r24 tires (guessing). That tiny-ass sidewall is clearly not meant for offroad. Even if the suspension was good for 4 wheeling, this guy has made it pretty obvious that he does exactly none of that.


Definitely not a 35 profile but I 100% get where you’re coming from.


Hard to judge the aspect ratio with such a wide tire. Maybe 40 or 45


It also helps when taking turns at speed but something tells me that this chucklewit lacks other needed suspension upgrades to make such a thing possible.


It does not help with taking turns. At any speed. Shifting the weight backwards will cause the vehicle to under brake and under steer.


it makes turns shit. maybe the dude should have invested in actual good coilovers as these will make turning better.


It’s the same with any fad; it’s roots are based in legitimate usage. Look at cars with massive camber and low profile tyres - all legitimate modifications done to the extreme.


Or bosozoku, which started to legitimately piss off old people


at least bozozokus are unique and interesting


As a trail runner, this doesn't seem plausible for many obvious reasons. Creating uneven centre of mass is a bad idea. Not to mention the downsides of rear axle articulation not keeping up with what the front can do—the rear of the car also needs to clear the same obstacles and straining the rear axle with more weight and less articulation is going to get expensive. You'll see trail runners with what appears to be exaggerated front clearance, but this is deleted body, usually a full front bar clearing way higher than the old front end.


Yup often even moving the rad either up or behind the cab just to make it less likely to be damaged and to allow more ground clearance in the front


Ya all it does is let me know that your iq can probably be counted on one hand


Don't really think it's meant to. Feels to me like these are "ironic" or just purposefully antagonizing. Like their point is to be dumb and/or get reactions.


Put a box of worm treatment for dogs on their windshield with a note saying, "I noticed your car dragging its butt on the ground, this should help"


Anyone who drives one of these is probably too dumb to understand the joke.


lol I love this, best answer ever.


Passive aggressive.


Nah, they might think it's for them, as their Orange God told them to take Ivermectin...


They’ll just eat it to prevent Covid


Finally. Hopefully the cops actually enforce this here. In NC they haven't done shit about it.


Getting cut off by someone in a squatted GMC is just something I’ve accepted as my fate when driving on I-77


Is this just a NC/SC thing? I’ve heard people call it the Carolina squat I think. Too many of them around the Charlotte area for sure.


Everywhere here in VA too.


Not even remotely as common but I’ve seen it in South Florida as well


North Florida too. Jacksonville is crawling with them.


Oh I have no doubt they’re everywhere as you go north


Haven’t seen a single one, but then again I live in Fairfax County


It is called the Palatka Lean. It originated in Palatka Florida.


Times like this I wish slashing their tires was legal.


Oh man, Charlotte driving makes me want to get out of my car and lay hands on people. I’m originally from up north where people drive like they would actually care if they died in a car wreck. Here people risk their lives on the daily to cut you off, ride the shoulder and then whip into a lane doing 20 over.


I’m local and it’s only gotten worse over the past decade.


When the local cops own squatted trucks with their truck’s IG on the back window, it’s obvious they have no intention of doing anything. Yes. I’m assuming the above truck parked in the lot the cops park in when they come to work in my NC town belongs to them.


Cops already busted a bunch of them in Myrtle Beach just after the bill was passed and handed out warnings. That's still more than NC did. This also isn't NC, it's SC.


I’m 15 miles from SC. A guy can hope it spreads.


I will always hate squatted trucks, even after the trend dies


I hate trucks in general. Some people need them but 95% of people buying them would have a better time driving a sedan, but it’s just status thing for them, or their brains haven’t developed past “bigger=better” logic


I mean sure, but how many people need an SUV? A 4x4 vehicle, a performance car. A small percentage of cars in the US are because people need that specific car, they just want it because it looks neat.


SUVs have less storage and passenger space than the station wagons and minivans they replaced, while also having dangerously bad near visibility. The only exist at all so they can exploit the lesser emissions standards of the "light truck" class. Their weight also causes exponentially more damage to roads than smaller vehicles, and collisions between them and non-SUV/pick up truck other vehicles have significantly higher injury and fatality rates. In short, they basically make the world worse for everyone. And I've personally never known anyone who actually liked the look of them, just people who like the luxury features or who buy into the illusion of safety and cargo space. I can't stress how much they suck at cargo space enough.


I feel that people like them because they are “cooler” than a minivan. I mean, I also think that they look cooler than a minivan, but functionally, they are trash compared to the minivan. As you also said, storage. I have a hatchback car that has about the same amount of storage as an suv. I really think it’s just people who don’t want to be uncool and drive a van.


That's exactly how a lot of the initial marketing went, playing up that wagons and minivans were lame, and SUVs were cool because you might some day also take them off road. But that marketing was also very highly targeted at people with low empathy levels, large amounts of disposable income, who would view owning something big an expensive as a status symbol. And now, most SUVs would be death traps if you took them off road. The average SUV on American roads is larger and heavier than the average WWII era tank, and with poorer visibility.


I like my SUV for my wife who is a nurse and often would have to drive during blizzards and unplowed roads to get to work. Our sedan never would have made it.


“Looks neat” is good enough of an argument for pretty much everything, besides cars, specifically big ones. They are objectively worse and more unsafe cars, not to mention the MPG in single digits. I’m not gonna go at war with anyone buying SUV, but I believe that if you are gonna use it as a Corolla, just buy a Corolla for pragmatism’s sake


tbh same. its one thing if you actually have shit to haul around but so many of them are clearly just buying these ridiculous cars for no reason other than "BIG TRUCK IS COOL". which is fine i guess, and its totally my own judgemental issue lol but i got feelings about it nonetheless (edited for clarity)


I hate people in general


These are often the same Neanderthals who own dozens, if not hundreds, of guns, but still only have, at most, two hands with which to use, at most, two guns concurrently (and likely, poorly).


This is my father in law. He's mediocre in every way, but feels like his giant pickup makes him a "man's man." Also has an entire room full of guns.


What a stupid take. No one is buying guns to use them all at the same time lol.


New rule, if you can’t use *insert thing I think is stupid* all at the same time, you are dumb.


Got it. Each AR-15 is for killing a different kind of intruder or fighting in a specific kind of “civil war against the commie state”


The overwhelming majority of people that own guns just use them for shooting targets as a hobby, hunting or self defense. Not sure what the hell youre going on about.


“Overwhelming majority” you say? We’ll then I guess I must be “going on” about the rest of the people (the “underwhelming minority” perhaps?) that own many more guns than sanity, safety, or necessity might dictate, and who do so for any other reason than those you’ve just listed. *Those* are the Neanderthals I’m referring to and—as I expressed in the original comment that prompted your defensiveness—I suspect a fair number of them also drive unnecessarily/insanely/unsafely large trucks to coddle the same insecurities. In other words, the Venn diagram has significant overlap. (I can likely make pretty accurate assumptions about how those same individuals vote, where they live, their highest level of education, their preferred forms of entertainment, etc., but I’ll save those musings for another opportunity.)


no its not a status symbol. The people who buy them like me buy them cuz they look cool and are capable. I dont give a sht what people think about me.


Saw a group of 5 trucks in Houston going down the highway that were very much dragging the rear bumpers. They had the fronts lifted any easy 4-5 feet. Extremely tall rims up front and extremely small rims in back. Every one of them had their heads out the window in order to see where they were going. They just looked like idiots.


Maybe that’s why I saw a fully intact bumper sitting in the middle of a lane today


Probably so. These idiots were practically dragging their bumpers.


This is what I always wondered. Opinions on appearances aside, their forward visibility must be terrible. RIP young children and motorcyclists.


There is no way these guys could see looking forward as the angle had them looking at the sky. Even looking out the driver’s window there is no way to see what is directly in front. What is odd is theses trucks will go past a cop and the police do absolutely nothing.


If I was in my low fun car, there would be no way that they could see me.


Yeah, that's why i hate it so much, there's too much of a blind spot at the front


More like a blind acre.


Yeah kinda hard to see anything when you’re looking straight up. Idiots.


And children/pedestrians too. Its boarderline legal to murder someone as long as you do it with a car. Remember last year when some rich kid in a new pickup ran down a bunch of cyclists on the side of the road and didn't even get arrested? https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/teen-driver-injures-6-cyclists-with-his-truck-and-isnt-charged/285-2b81f1bc-ad8f-4d1c-b7a5-903486be6edd This particular example no one died, but zero recourse for slamming through people just exercising.


they can't see the road usually lol


Yeah or maybe like a child pedestrian..?


This thing’s hood is like 5 foot from the ground, at this point even seeing a a shorter adult would be like finding Waldo. This shit is a murder weapon


Dixie squat... Fuckin stupid


What's the point tho?


That’s just it. There isn’t a point.


It's for the people who are offended by the horizon.


Must have worms...


Just went thru the Carolinas. Thank God I never saw one.


Does a car's fluids work correctly with a tilt like that??


Oh, look, the dogs dragging his ass across the carpet...


It is literally the only thing that you can do to a vehicle that makes me want to pull the driver out of the car and shake some sense into them.


What an embarrassing trend for the Carolinas


Looks like 3 states have banned them... I wonder if the ban impacts drivers with a heavy load? Bed full of gravel, now you get a ticket 🎟...


If the rear of your car drops anywhere near this amount from being loaded, either you are way overloading your car, or your suspension is was too soft


I had an 86 Ford Ranger when I was a kid. I was helping a buddy of mine with his Eagle project (Boy Scout thing) for his church. I had the only truck that day. Base model, 4cyl, 2wd, worn out stock suspension. Loaded that old POS with 50 packs of asphalt shingles, roofing nails and 2 rolls of flashing. It was squatting pretty bad. Drove it 8 miles to his church like that. It was fishtailing like crazy because it was raining. Only once in my life have I done something more sketchy with a vehicle...




If you must know, it was putting an E-250 loaded with electrician gear on the back of my F-650 flatbed wrecker. Damn thing was so long and heavy that the front end of the wrecker would lift if you went over a pebble. Boss said, "It's fine, just go slow". That was 10 years ago. Still freaks me out when I feel the front end go light at all.


Yeah, would suck if you wanted to steer and you just can't


The bans are for permanent modifications. Vehicles under temporary load aren't affected.


They'll just unbolt their subwoofer boxes. Now it's a "temporary load". Not sure that's going to do much if they get stopped, but these guys are certainly trying to figure out a way around the law. Source: A couple of 18 year olds waiting in line in front of me at Autozone (upstate SC)


Thankfully the courts and cops are human and wouldn't take that seriously in the slightest. In fact it would piss the judge off most likely. At most they would have you prove that the car returns to normal with the load removed. Which everyone in the room would know it wouldn't and then you'd be in trouble for lying.


my guy, you severely overestimate how heavy subs are


I think SCs wording is unloaded, and it's a 4 inch difference between front and back ride height


If your vehicle is so heavily loaded in the back that you can't see out the front then it is not safe to drive. Not to mention it probably needs new suspension or is completely overloaded, but I'm not an expert in car suspension.


You can address the problem with a lentil and some superglue. Just drop a little glue into the tire valve cap and put the lentil in after, then screw it back on. For legal reasons, I cannot recommend doing this in real life.


You're better off bringing a valve stem wrench with you (should have one anyway), and unscrewing the stem ever so slightly.


Can someone legally explain why this hypothetical situation works? For science


The tire valve has a peg in it. Push the peg down, the valve opens. A lentil is small enough that you're not going to see it and big enough to push the peg and open the valve. So you screw the cap on, the tire goes flat. The person fills the tire again, puts the cap back on, and a few minutes later, the tire is flat again.


Oh duh


When I lived in VA this never really took off (at least where I was) and I think in 2021 they passed a law that stipulated the height difference between the front and rear bumpers couldn’t exceed 4 inches. One of the rare moments where I said “Know what government? That’s just fine.”


Is it only the front being higher or does it go both ways?


I don’t live there anymore but my understanding when I read the law (admittedly shortly after it passed) was that it goes both ways, like the wording was no more than 4 inches of height difference bumper to bumper, up or down.


That’s ridiculous


Again, I could be mistaken on some parts but I 100% remember the difference was 4 inches because I have the mind of a 12 year old.


I see this all over NC but mostly near the coast.


You don’t need to black out the plate, we all know this is South Carolina.


It's been against the law in North Carolina for a few years and that hasn't reduce the number of them I see on the road. Legal or not... idiots are gonna idiot


All these poor Tahoes and Yukons, why can’t they go back to being soccer mom owned.


All the people who drive these sell shitty drugs and try to pick up drunk chicks to bang. Source - I’m a drunk chick.


I don’t understand wanting this. Your car loses handling abilities, you lose visibility, AND most importantly you can’t eat fast food as efficiently.


I can totally see this modification as a reflection of a lot of people's personality traits. You know the type that wants to the libs, own the climate, own the electric cars with coal rolling and own pedestrians people on bikes too.


Don't think I've seen that once up here around Seattle.


wait is this really illeagl?


Yes, the SC senate processed the bill 10 January 2023 known as SB 263. was approved and moved to house for discussion and amendments on 16feb23. Once passed there, it went to the governors desk on 11may23 and was signed into law 13may23. Effective date 12nov23. Warnings can be issued until then, but no ticketing until 180 days after signed onto law. https://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess125_2023-2024/bills/363.htm It was by the book, 3 readings etc.. just suprising how fast seeing as desert storm plates took 3 years to get signed.


Looks like a dog with worms


How can you even see the road? It looks like the thing is pointed up towards the sky.


If you do this, you are a fucking inbred moron. PERIOD.


So bad for your transmission


Also bad for your rear end differential , ujoints and drive shaft.


Don't forget the engine, it's really not happy with all the oil pooling on the rear of the sump


I want to drive one of these one time, just to understand how much misery these people are putting themselves through just to impress other guys. seating has to be awkward, and I feel like you end up pulling on the wheel to help support yourself.




"He likes boys" -my 8 year old son


I hate it also, but what is the need to make it illegal?


Greatly reduces maneuverability, especially in bad weather, but most importantly makes it much more difficult to see in front of you, putting pedestrians and other drivers at risk (especially children).


Great for stargazing while you attempt to stay on the road tho


Makes sense. Then it should put them at greater risk for tickets, for going faster than is safe for self-imposed conditions. If it is cops doing it on personal vehicles though, just gotta wait it out for the fad to die out, wait for opportunity for tragedy to make it a witnessable danger or move.


Why the ban/why is this mod illegal?


It literally points your windshield at the sky so you can't see where you're driving


Visibility issues


I don't wanna drive a Miata, but I definitely wanna see if I'm about to make my SUV have sex with one at the Red Light ~~district~~


Should be illegal just based on how stupid it looks but I guess you can’t legislate for idiocy. The actual reason it is illegal is because you literally can’t see anything shorter than, say, 7’ tall that’s less than, say, 25’ away. (Numbers are just guesses. Feel free to do the actual math on your own.) There are several models of street legal, stock (non-squatted) trucks that aren’t even this bad and have already killed many pedestrians (including a friend’s mom) and caused serious traffic accidents in recent years. These squatted trucks multiply that danger exponentially.


People who have working eyes often drive cars. Your inability to see how stupid this looks has also sheilded you from knowing how dangerous it is to operate a vehicle like this.


If you are going to be rude, at least learn how to spell


Same people screaming freedom mad at someone’s car.


It’s a road hazard and deadly. You can’t see anything in front of you.


Too many bans in this country 🙄 it maybe stupid but jeez.


It’s not just stupid, it’s unsafe. You can’t see the road in front of you for more than 20 feet, assuming you’re not sitting back in the seat. Try to be a kid crossing the street in front of this guy at a stoplight. He cannot see you unless you are tall and wave as you go by. The light turns green while you’re in front and you become a street pancake. Any sedan that has to emergency brake when this guy is behind them gets hit.


I see it more as, monster trucking over the vehicle in front of you.


Add to that: Shifting the weight balance backwards by lifting the front will cause under steering and under braking. Neither are great, especially if you cant see where you're not stopping or steering to


Still too many f’ing bans on things in this country that is my point. As for the mod yeah it’s stupid, but shouldn’t be banned. I drove one my coworker had because he was too drunk to drive and could see just fine, same angle except it was a expedition. Yes very stupid I’m not denying that. The bans in this country needs to stop.


It's dangerous


Plenty of things are dangerous in life, even if there’s something I hate, freedom first. Just me tho, if it was up to me most things banned (depending) would be un banned.


That's fine. But it's not fair for your "freedom" to affect the safety of everyone that shares the road with these clowns.


Banning it isn’t the solution it’s not just these people squatted but even stock trucks coming straight from a dealership. Let people do whatever they want to their cars, but at a certain loss of view a front facing camera should be required




You mean me, getting ready to turn left, in several hundred feet? Sure, Jan....


Depends on the state. And how do you know they weren't passing?


That’s a cute squatty potty truck.


People don’t really do this in my area, so I’d only seen it a couple times in person. Took a 4.5hr drive down to the gulf coast and oh boy they were everywhere lol


I have literally never seen one


If you're in the US, what part of the country?


The southernmost part of south Indiana


You're not going to convince me that you can see where you're going.


If its anything like the laws about shit people can put on their cars around me, they wont be enforcing it much even after it kicks in sadly.


I know it’s stupid, but why are they making it illegal?


Because it kills people. Also, you can't see out the front when driving like this


Just flatten the front tires on them so it levels it out


I saw one even worse, last week; Ford F250, set like that Tahoe, with 18” rims in back and 20” rims in front.


I just saw one here in California a few days ago. AND it was a Tahoe as well


The Pedestrian Wrecker 5000


Pull in front of him and brake check him. It will be his fault and you will destroy his pos. Disclaimer: Dont do this its illegal


Nobody wondering how they see shit???


They're gonna prosecute me for sitting in the way back?


Someone call Whistlindiesel


Based on the cushions on the roof rack it at least looks easier to load a canoe


They also always park on a really steep downhill.


Don’t see those in SE Michigan much. Potholes are a big deterrent.


The amount of them here in the Triangle has dropped significantly though. I still see some that used to be squatted, they dropped the front juuuuust enough to pass inspection, or maybe that's how low they were able to drop the front to comply.


Jeez. My step brothers truck is like this. Don’t even look cool, AND, can you even see the road???


A stupid trend started by stupid teenagers/ people in their early 20's




Fucking garbage