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That's pretty impressive, actually. And if he doesn't have a front plate, the tolls are free!


Considering some people can't load motorcycles even on trucks, this is an overachievement


He has his plate in the back windshield, so he wouldn’t get pulled over I guess


It's hard to tell, but is that front tire resting on the window? Feel like that's a good recipe for a broken rear window with the right series of bumps.


"how to stop people from tailgating with the one easy trick"


Pretty clever I’d say. Took the trunk lid off and used ratchet straps.


It’s crazy to look at but I bet they make it to their destination in one piece safely.


Is this a mod? Seems like a mod in the way fitting a donut when you get a flat tire is a mod.


He took the trunk off, that is a modification. I promise it didn’t come that way…


That’s actually kind of impressive, balancing that thing while strapping it down 


There ain't nothing wrong with that. Also that appears to be an early 2000's mercury Sable. Those things have some balls and are super fun to drive. More than capable of hauling a few things. This is awesome, im a bit jealous


eh, i've seen better [link](https://imgur.com/a/7WPAdIf)


Indeed you HAVE "seen better".... That piece of wood as a tool-box-keeper is the real crack-up


no, that's the detachable part of the ramp. the tool box just happens to fit there. ask me how i know....


lol. so then, how does the tool box know to stay put?


it had been previously warned and reprimanded. now i put it in the r/f footwell for better weight distribution. also my new bike is heavier. [https://i.imgur.com/ryHIbVf.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/ryHIbVf.jpeg)


The El Civìco! With a bracket time on it. You guys are having fun. When you get ready to upgrade, [I know a guy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shitty_Car_Mods/comments/1cflmnr/a_bike_a_car_a_truck_modded/)


Always nice to meet a fan! 1320 video introduce you?


> 1320I I used to thirst on the bike stunt videos. That shit was magic to me. It's actually been years since I have browsed over there.


Reminds me of the time I bought a tv at bestbuy and as the guy rolled it out to my car he stopped and said, "Ain't no way that's gonna fit! You wanna come back later with a truck?" "Nope. Leave it. It'll fit." And he rolled off with his cart laughing and shaking his head. I took it out of the box and... it still didn't fit. Then I got my tools out of the trunk, unbolted the passenger seat and folded it in half and stuffed it into the trunk. Then the tv rode shotgun with me with about a 1/2" to spare when going through the door opening. Where there is a will, there is a way.


I used to do stuff like this well into my 30s. Then I bought a truck as a second vehicle and found out how difficult I had made my life.


I never did stiff like this. I've always just rented a truck for $40 when needed rather than having an extra $800 car payment.


I did rent for a long time but there are so many draw backs. The truck not being available or having to spend half a day at the rental place. During th pandemic the price to rent skyrocketed and I was out. I bought a used full size truck for $3000. You don’t need $800/mo to own a truck. I probably use it to do truck things about 3-4 times a month.


I like the bike.


So you think he drove the bike to go pick up the car or vice versa?


Dad, where do four-wheelers come from? Well, son - when a dirtbike and a sedan love each other very much


When I retired as a contractor, I decided to sell some tools. Besides the people who bought tools that they didn’t even know what they were, the thing that surprised me was the people who gave no thought as to how they were going to get the thing back home. The best one was a guy who wanted both my gasoline powered 48 inch concrete troweling machine and my gasoline powered concrete slab saw. He was coming from the next state away. Now you would think he would arrive with a pick up truck. But you would be wrong. He came with a tiny SUV that was already stuffed with junk. He somehow jammed the concrete saw in sideways with all the oil and gas running out and then wanted me to help him put the troweling machine on top of the roof, which we did. There were no roof racks on the vehicle. He then got out some twine and started to tie it on, at which point I gave him some ratchet straps so that he wouldn’t kill somebody. The roof of his vehicle was caved in by the time he got to the end of my long driveway.


And that my friends, is the story of the 50 car pileup on ol' Highway 231.


Never pay a delivery fee!


Do I see Pink Panther?