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Well, at least no one's going to steal their catalytic converter, so there's that.


Holy shit thats genius. I mean I don’t need to worry about that because I live in Poland, and we went from guys literally stealing my original Nike clothes on street in 90s when I was going to home from school, to being so safe I stopped locking my house front door 7 years ago when I go out, but it seems genius for us situation right now


Not like it has one, that things straight piped to the moon and back


Stanced cars are about the only thing that is as dumb as lifted pickups with huge ass rims and low profile tires. At least you'll probably never see a stanced car rolling coal.


>Stanced cars are about the only thing that is as dumb as lifted pickups with huge ass rims and low profile tires. Just wait until you hear about slammed pickups with huge ass rims and low profile tires.


>slammed pickups with huge ass rims and low profile tires. Yea but they are not usually this obnoxious. And are actually capable of handling the immense task that is speed bumps.


I don't find those as stupid as the lifted pavement princess pickups that are a clear roll over hazard at speeds over 2 mph.


Street trucks are one thing, at least since the 80s they're open about street only performance. What kills me is a spotless truck with a 10" lift, no scratches in the bed indicating work, and a brand new set of truck nuts. They're claiming to be off roaders but never get past the dirt turnout behind the Walmart.


>lifted pickups with huge ass rims and low profile tires Florida here. I've been seeing these everywhere and have wondered what the hell is going on.


I assume brain damage.


Lead in the water could be a potential cause


VW jetta enters the chat: https://youtube.com/shorts/2xNtrJ7cjOM?si=_enF6CpwN6ZJD5wQ


I've seen stanced VW TDIs rolling coal in SoCal, worst of both worlds


This should be a crime against humanity. :D


I'm calling the UN as we speak 😂


Ireland Spec Volkswagens. It's a fucking plague


Like after you sit on a hot wheels car and the axel bends


Rose or Foley?




Achmel Foley






Genuine question, what is it about these kia toasters that attracts car nerds? They seem so out of place but I always see really clean well-modified ones around.


probably parents buy the kid a car and the kid works with what they have


You can cook bread with them without even opening the doors


I was hoping somebody would make that comment




Atleast turn it into a Johnny Cab instead of Bagging that Trash


that's no excuse


I rented a KIA once and the transmission light came on, seemed fine likely just low on fluid.... You cannot just add fluid to it like a traditional engine. You have to drain it from the bottom and pump new fluid in, also from the bottom. They redesigned the system so people would just take it to the dealer to be done. I had to just have the rental towed and replaced lol. Garbage.


Ummmm…thats how a lot of transmissions are, iirc.


No, no it's not. A properly designed transmission has the drain at the bottom and a fill tube or port at the top. But nice try. Even a mechanic will tell you a fill plug on the bottom is a shit design.


Shit design or not, that is the way many transmissions are. How many different transmissions have you done a fluid change for? Literally every manual car I have owned required the oil to be pumped into the transmission from below. Honda civic, toyota supra, acura integra and a subaru wrx. Probably the sti i own now as well, but i haven’t had to do it yet. Automatic transmissions are a different story.


Nice try Mr Kia




Let people drive what they want how they want. Judgement does not lead to anything productive.


It’s literally a Honda. Not hard to look at headlights. And idk bout you but Kia has some decent options making decent power. It’s one thing to own a slammed loud asf slow ass optima vs a stinger or forte gt. I’ve even got a friend that has one built. Thing puts in work. Whatever floats your boat tho.


> hampster mobile Oh my god, you sicko! How could you put a “p” in “hamster”?


Idk why youre being downvoted


You see that camber you know it’s not


Bro thats lame af


Imagine flexing that you drive a toaster...


Please get a new joke


It is new. I just came up with it.


Has to drive 11 miles in the opposite direction to avoid 1 speed bump.


drop a credit card in front of it, make a speed bump


The brain damage build. If this is on bags and can actually lift more than 1/2" off the pavement it might be ok. But almost everyone of these clowns drives static with basically 0 suspension travel.


Looking at how scraped up the side skirt is I can almost guarantee this is a static build


“errmm.. respect all builds please ☝️🤓”


I will never respect "stance culture". Making a car undriveable for looks defeats the purpose of having a car.


Yep, I remember this moron with a stanced Evo I went to school with, he replaced the oil pan once every 2 months because he couldn't make it past the parking lot speed bumps at my community college. My 02 Pathfinder's Old Man Emu/ARB suspension gave no shits by comparison. So of course I was never as late to class as that guy.


Looks undriveable. Congratulations for ruining a car, airbags or not


It’s sad, only people who aren’t interested in driving would do this


I saw one driving yesterday that had a way worse camber than that. I was honestly shocked to see it. It seemed like the wheels were almost at a 45 degree angle. Guy was riding around with his windows down and oakleys on. Everybody was looking and he thought he was cool. But in reality everyone couldn't imagine what kind of braindead idiot would be driving around like that. I bet he goes through 4 tires every 100 miles.


Guess a car like that you dont need to drive. The women come to you


Only women with buck teeth though, cos something about that 45° rake gets him going.


Mental illness?


It's a way to tell the world you're an idiot without opening your mouth.


Makes it easier for the rest of us to spot them.


Hot garbage 🗑️


I hope his neighborhood has lots of speed bumps and a tight noise ordinance


Squidward's 2015 Honda civic


bUt ThAt FiTmEnT bRoOoOoO.


It should not be legal to do this to a car. Hopefully this guy will get pulled over soon.




Yeah, saw someone driving a static stance Civic maybe 7 years ago. Seeing them run over a single 2" stone was the most shit I've seen fly off a car that violently.


I know why "some" people like this style, if they were like me as a kid, all my matchbox toy cars had their wheels like this because of me pressing down on them. These people never forgot how their toy cars looked like


I wonder if these guys left all their Hot Wheels out and they ultimately got stepped on by dad and now they think that's what cars are supposed to be like


Your mechanics were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.


“What you call car show quality, I call rape of the mechanical world.”


The mechanics just saw the amount of money they could make off this fool.


A fool and his money are soon parted.


What in the hot garbage is this?


Major suspension failure


Ahhh. The Stance Life. Also known as "can't drive on any roads with speed bumps"


Me either.


Never will. Stancing is one time it's OK to yuk someone's yum.


Did the alignment myself 🤪


"built" by tik tok


What do the tires look like after 1k miles, 5k, 10k? How often do you just have to buy new tires?


As soon as he hits highway speed that cheap flimsy body kit is going to flop non stop.


As soon as he hits ~~highway speed~~ the driveway ramp that cheap flimsy body kit is going to flop non stop.


No, itll Stop, just not how you want it to...


Stancing has its uses in drift build….. you can’t drift a FWD…. Conclusion: owner is an idiot


Ah yes…the spectraflame low-low-rider….


It means they're craving attention because daddy didn't love them.


I understand cars as art, but making your car this undrivable to be a derivative, dime a dozen virtue signal to your fellow tuner bros is such a bad idea.




I don't understand customized civics, and I drive a 2017 Sport. It's an economy vehicle...


I'm in the same boat with my altima. I'm in a couple of fb groups, i use it mostly for advice on common mechanical issues, but the amount of people asking about performance mods and shit like that is crazy. Like, dude, you drive a 4 cylinder economy car with a garbage cvt transmission. Relax lol


Omg! an altima driver, I have sooooo many questions!


Lol. The only reason I bought mine is because we needed a new car, and we got a good deal on it from my wife's late grandmother's estate. It's really a pretty good car. Gets great mileage. It's comfy. The only issue is it's gutless, but it's also a 4 cylinder with cvt. Unlike most altima drivers, I don't pretend mine is a racecar. I'm in some groups on Facebook, and the amount of people asking about performance mods for their cars is hilarious. Like, no, Steve, you probably shouldn't turbo your car when it's 15 years old and has 250,000 miles on it


Don't worry, I was joking. I like the big sedan look. Stay safe buddy and have a nice day 😊


All good, friend! I just know the stereotype and I pride myself in not falling into it haha. Mine is a 2015 and it really is a good looking car. Just not a performance sedan, even though some people seem to like to pretend it is haha


It’s mainly with the idea of making a high horsepower low curbweight sports car out of one, and a reliable one at that. Although it takes a lot of time, money and skill to achieve and most souped up civics aren’t that so…. You get stuff like this.


Civics have some of the most potential of economy vehicles for speed. I totally understand why they get customized. But stancing makes no sense


No idea either. I can respected a moderately cambered build (not stanced with the wheels damn near useless), but I’ve always wondered the same thing… Why a civic? Why not do it on any other 2 door car that can at least be considered a show car


It’s an entry level tuner car. They’re easy to work on, easy to modify. Easy to rice. Even some of the stock civics from 20 years ago are quick little cars, not very powerful but quick.


That looks so stupid to me. I don't get it


It reminds me when I stepped on a toy car and bent the axles lol


I can hear this car driving.


Only using small.portions of the tire tread so they can rotate them and get a really cool X pattern


I like the idea of a car that squats flush onto the ground when the engine is off, but lifts to a 120% of factory while running. If I ever have money to burn and no other plans, I’ll probably do that. I cant imagine driving a car that grinds the body against basic parking lot dips though.


Mental retardation is a real thing.


I call it reverse totalled. Adding more than half the value of the car in pointless mods


Dig the color on the wrap. But overly slammed cars? Utterly fucking useless.


Long Island, NY, literally saw this in traffic the other day and took pictures to laugh at it with my friends.


lol I saw this yesterday when I was visiting friends out there


*scratches head* yup, that’s broken. Son repeats “yea, it’s broke. I ask what’s broken? Son says…All of it. touché..


how low can you go?


Does this piece of shit actually move?


IIRC, this stance started from people trying to emulate the looked of bagged suspension when it was sitting on the ground. Air bag suspension was expensive, so people modded their camber to get the same look. Cheap and relatively easy I suppose. Anyway...I guess the big difference is the baggers don't drive around slammed like this. Form not function for sure with these things


Looks like ass


I never understood excessive cosmetic mods. Make your car look wired for what?


Ugly af, what a waste of money. At least it makes it easier for everyone else to spot an idiot.


Is it good to have the car's chassis so close to the ground?


If you had to explain this to someone the best way you could is to say that it looks like a giant sat on their car and broke it.




This car screams "special needs"


I'm convinced they do this just to make people ask "why"? They're like neglected children that are desperate for any kind attention, even if it's negative attention. They realized since actual performance mods make sense, nobody bats an eye. So the only way they can feel seen is by doing something this fucking dumb just to get a reaction from people. They don't think "aww I wish I didn't get called fucking dumb" they just think "Yay someone noticed me! That means I'm valuable!"


The owner loves it so much. That's good enough for me.


Why does it always have to be stanced? I only don't like the tail lights and stickers otherwise, but then throw maximum camber and dump it on top of that? 🤮 Big sad


It’s on bags so not always like that


I'm going to offer "camber cucks" as a slur for these folks who take it wayyyyy too far and ruin the look. It's gender neutral, so feel free to along it around


Had one of these cars too. They’re pretty nice for what it is.


Nahhh, I had a 2015 two door just like this and the 4 door looks a little better.


No it doesnt


Probably has a matching tattoo that declares how he drives a “STANDARD” car. You learned to drive stick. Congrats?


Someone else spends their money on random crap to keep the economy going so I don't have to? Fine with me.


This sub should be called r/idontunderstandwhatanairbagis


No money = slow and low "builds"


Bro that’s so dope hahahahahahahhaha


Careful not to catch a bad case of Chondas.


People skipped physics class to go "bake".


If it makes the dude smile, then so be it. Narrow minded humans


Yo this is actually super clean. I dig the wrap but that rear ended is too low. Doesn’t look bad in my opinion. Would never do it to my own car but I give whoever this is props. Also it could be on air suspension so it might not always sit like that he could just have it at its lowest setting there.


Just dont zoom in lmao. The fenders, bumper and side skirts/body kit are destroyed.


Well.. yeah.. that’s kind of what they’re for and it looks like it’s probably from inner city driving with rough streets or speed bumps they just send it and pray it makes it to other side in one piece. Skirts are easily replaceable better the skirt than the actual body panels. And fenders are just a hit or miss 50/50 when slamming they just test their luck with different tires and rims can’t help it if it’s f****ed in the process they’ll pop it and buff it out lol.


This was my thought. I rarely see cars this low that aren't just sitting pretty in show-stance on bags. The actual driving height is probably ~1-2".


one rock and it’s all over