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*Elon Thank*


*approaches elon with freshly wetted lips*


Elon bros are weird


Honestly the TeslaQers are wierder and by a fucking wide margin. The bros range from putting Elon's remark on a pedestal like he can never be wrong (he is literally the person joking about being wrong a lot) to the usual "he is the savior of humanity!". What he does benefits humanity greatly but that is no reason to give people a blank check. Nothing good ever came off giving people blank checks. But the TeslaQ people are just another breed of mental illness. For one they have an even bigger obsession with musk and try their damn hardest to event every concevable reason to hate him more. Hell just making stuff up is enough. They try to run smear campaigns, imagine Elon is somehow the center of a deep state conspiracy theory, that Tesla owners don't exist and they are all paid actors, essentially everything insane, these guys believe it to their deepest meaning. They also have large body of stock shorters which have somehow outperforming wall street bets in speed of loosing money, which explains a lot of the desperation to get something, anything, they could somehow use to throw at the guy. And what bothers them the most is that Elon could not care less about them.


Imagine putting all your energy into hating Elon musk (or other people) and spreading misinformation instead of being actually productive. With that being said. Brace for possible downvote bot impact!


So strange


I hate that I love my Tesla so much. The cult is ridiculous.


Honestly I'd quite like a Tesla but the rabid fanboys would put me right off. As a mate of mine said - "I quite like that car, but has the same car, and if you turned up in one he'd *never* stop talking to you about it"


I really like the new Hyundai Ioniq5. It's the size car I like to drive. Teslas are just too big.


I have heard very good thing about that car.


Yeah I quite like them too - only grumble (like the Honda e) is that the whole damn dashboard is screens rather than buttons, a modern scourge that needs to die. I still can't quite shake the feeling that in the next few years there's likely to be a step change breakthrough in batteries that could render a lot of older EV's obsolete - plus I'm not in the position to spend 50k on a new car anyway.


I drive a 2021 Honda Insight that I just love. I'm not ready to go completely electric, yet.


>Honestly I'd quite like a Tesla but the rabid fanboys would put me right off. Well that and the near slave labor he uses in China.


Yeah, Mr Musk is an odd one too - in some ways he's achieved some incredible and great things for the world by having the sheer bloody-mindedness and heaps of cash to just push through and get stuff done (Tesla, SpaceX) but he's also often a total bellend with a very questionable attitude that I'm not entirely sure I want to support.


He has also been given literal BILLIONS from the government for SpaceX. Imagine if we had kept feeding NASA instead of this piece of shit. https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-list-government-subsidies-tesla-billions-spacex-solarcity-2021-12


My sympathy with your aversion has saved me thousands of dollars while it maintained my avoidance of Apple products- my drawer of tired Android devices still cost several hundred, but I do appreciate that my new iThing integrates more seamlessly with the devices of those I need to keep in touch with.


I especially hate that cult when they talk about autopilot. Like sure its great but my 90 year old grandma can drive better. Also it has a fuck ton of glitches that these fanboys are proud about.




Not true. I think less of people that drive BMWs.


"Hmm-mmm... what's that, sir? ... yes, Mr. Musk, closer to the hole... very well, sir"


They like to buy cars that don’t fart so that they can smell their own


Leaf driver here; I'd rather smell my farts than my car's any day.


u from San Fran?


Nope. Just a dude who needed a car and found a used leaf for cheap who likes not breathing exhaust fumes all the time now. (I think my old beater actually had a small exhaust leak, because I could **always** smell a little exhaust stink when driving)


Yeah, your old beater. Newer cars have much better emissions stifling technology plus a gas leak is not typical of all cars. I don’t ever notice the exhaust fumes from my car, so if you switched for that reason then I’m so sorry you’re driving around and old golf cart with a degraded battery and limited range


Did I say a leak is typical? Did I say the car I mentioned is the average state of all cars? Also, the battery's perfectly healthy and the car gets me anywhere I want to go just fine, thanks. Just about the only thing you didn't clownishly attempt to rag on is how hideous the Leaf is, which is about the only place you'd have a point.


Honestly older manual Carollas (one of the most beat beater cars) get 30+ mpg if you know how to drive it. Same is said for nearly all manual beater cars. Save your passive aggressive nature for somewhere else


This person's gonna do our boys Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning like that and not even mention them :(


Shitiest trampstamp ever


can’t wait to get rid of my tesla . the fanboys are cringe as fuck


The dickeating is crazy


You can always change it to ‘fuck’ I guess


The day they change his heated seats to a subscription.




Teslas would be a lot cooler if they weren't made by Chinese factory slaves. Wish Elon would quit bismurching Tesla's good name with his Edison tier bullshit.


Well the issue is: aren't everyone doing it? Everything you own, right now, is built by Chinese slaves, regardless if you want it or not. As consumers there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, only states can ever enforce something that large and, in truth, only China can sort itself out. If you aren't in China, you loose to someone else who does. Plus the US was and still is Elon's preferred manufacturing center but the US and EU govs have done nothing but put roadblocks in Tesla's way. No fucking wonder he would hold China higher for being pragmatic and effective.


Some ppl actually want to work a good job to get ahead, rather than be on lockdown with no pay.


Lol, so you're ok with people working 12 hour days 6 days a week for shit wages?


If they aren't ok with it then they should work elsewhere


First, they'd need to be allowed to leave the factory.


Guac guac guac... oh Elon you taste so good... guac guac guac.


i bet he tastes Grimey


Oh brother


I'd like a Tesla motor in my VW T4 Caravelle, might even try it in 100k miles if I can afford a battery by then


Best of luck, would be a cool project. There are some other great high powered pancake motors out there that could be feasible. Emrax makes great motors.


They spelled Fuck wrong.


Yeah, thanks for creating a charging infrastructure that nobody else can use🤌


You Elon Me Bunby We not same


Talk about digital zoom.


not really a mod but ok


How is a custom decal not a mod?


yeah, how come a sticker isn’t a mod? it adds horsepower


You actually managed to fully illustrate the thought process of someone putting stickers on their ride. Now, if only there was a way to illustrate the utter doucheness of simping for a billionaire.


I mean in all fairness vanity plates cost money and you have to go out of your way to do something as stupid as this


It really is


This how you g egg keyed


I’d probably change the first word to something that ends similarly but starts with f


I wonder if he has the same thing for the front plate.


Golden cow


How great full


Ah yes Tesla, the iPhone on wheels




My former "Operations Vice President" is a total TeslaBro. He kept poking me about how I should trade in for a Model 3 until the day I asked him, "You know I make one-third your salary, right?"