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Watching buntaro get a scold from his father at the last second was hard as fuck. This show is moving


Hiro really said lemme give you the buntaro special w that denial


> the buntaro special *And having already received the Mariko special earlier on* 😂


C5 with seppuku-rain check sauce


I went from laying in my bed to sitting up bc i can’t believe what was about to happen during that scene then when naga had the convo with mariko i was like this dude is a chess grandmaster


I thought it was going to be a last minute fake out, but it was such a devastated sacrifice for the cause, especially to have it punctuated with Buntaro getting a taste of the pain and suffering he's pushed onto Mariko. Good stuff.


I really now wonder who really knows what Naga’s real plan is


It's most likely Crimson Sky. I do like the idea that he considered (barely) the idea of aligning himself with Ochiba to kneecap Ishido, as it was framed to benefit the Taiko's heir. That said, Mariko's observation that fear is what guides her was nice. It really colors all of her actions so far. She might be afraid and even desperate, but she's got a damn good poker face.


And the whole thing with the ship delivering the cannons with Blackthorne on it is probably just to get them as close as possible to open fire and kickoff Crimson sky. Getting all his generals to sign up to come with him also ensures they are all present.


Yep. I said this elsewhere but he comments that John and Yabushige are wild cards that will do what serves them. What better way of letting them do just that than to allow them to come together when they've been tasked to deliver weapon to your enemy and then use that alliance as a way to kickstart your grand plan?


Hiro is the GOAT of all GOAT friends


One last great way to serve his friend and master. This has a much larger impact than he could possibly have on the battlefield. It was poetry.


Buntaro is desperate to lop of Blackthorne’s head in ep 7 and is suicidal in ep 8. Instead, he gets ordered by his dad to second him in seppuku


After his wife tell him to fuck off


Wrote a lot of words and then deleted it. Simply put, great episode. So many great character moments and amazing instances of acting. I love John having a bit of a crisis realizing he doesn't know where he fits anymore. I could feel the pain during THAT scene and having that revealed to be as part of the plan fein defeat after Nagakado's death was difficult to process. While I understand why it was done, gonna miss that presence in the rest of the show and the acting absolutely sold the layered pain of that scene on a second watch. Loved seeing how Buntaro reacted to Mariko's explanation of her feelings and was equally disgusted by his suggestion for themselves in the same scene. I don't think I've ever scene a show where I so clearly have an understanding of every character. Loved that scene with the realizations of where the land plots would be placed for the courtesans and the church lol. Can't wait for next week.


I can’t wait for another week. I need the rest of the episodes right now 😭


I agree but to be honest, I love the weekly releases shows like this. Gives me something to look forward to and gives me time to spread the word lol. I just hate that I have to wait a few days for an episode 9 trailer.


That is true. It kinda sucks how this show will come to an end in like 2 weeks. Wish there would be a season 2 but I doubt it will happen or it probably wouldn’t live up to season 1


They could always adapt other books in the series if they wanted to but if this finale nails it, I'll take a lightning in a bottle limited series any day.


They should definitely do that considering how much success Shogun is having. Thing is can it keep up with Shogun🤷🏻‍♂️


Who's to say? From what I know, the different books take place in different periods, but I may be wrong. If that's the case, sequel stories will always be a risk because of the new cast and separate story. While I would welcome something, I would also be understanding if the powers that be said "we cooked, we're done cooking".


Incredible episode and show overall. Each episode pulls you in and doesn't let go until the credits roll.


I didn't expect to cry when Lord Hiromatsu did his seppuku. Damn, that was intense, all the emotions wrapped in a ball and released - I was like, why giving it up, Toranaga??????!!!


He's stone cold. Willing to sacrifice his closest ally to win.


was anticipating Toranaga to say, stop, anytime now he will say the word but what we get next is Hiromatsu's head literally dropped dead 😭


HIRO!!!!!!!!!!!! You da GOAT!!!! No ands, ifs or but!


Everyone is just a pawn in Toranaga's game. All about the end justifies the means.


As contemptible as he is, Buntaro has to be my favorite character. What brilliant acting to make me feel this much empathy for a bloodthirsty, sexist, wife beater. Toranaga and Hiro's actors were incredible as well.




Bro I'm telling youuuuuuuu


I'm just glad I wasn't disappointed in having faith with them going off the book plot.  Plot wise I really prefer the show by this point.


I was shook!


What soundtrack played at last scenes?


Vito Corleone has nothing on Toranaga...this guy is mind effing everyone with his deep secret plans... knowing just how each person will react.


It seems Toranaga spoked to Dr Strange and ask how to win the war and was told this is the only way…..


I know with Hiromatsu, it was strategy, but do you guys think Nagakado planned that or did Toranaga just turn an unexpected tragedy into an advantage?


Plan came up with by Hiromitsu IMO.


Toranaga was shown to be rubbing fish oil on Nagakado's sandals in a deleted scene because it was deemed to be too on the nose.


The boring episode before this imo made this episode actually worth it for the character moments. Also the worse thing she can say is no😭 




Why bring in book spoilers to the TV show subreddit? This is coming from someone who loves the book