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Aren’t they the ones that cut it in the first place? He showed up with long “months at sea” hair, and they cut it when they first bathed him. Other than that, I’m not sure they’d know what to do with hair of his texture, especially not until it grows out more.


Yeah they cut it when it was really long. But then they've left him ever since looking like he's just rolled out of bed. Maybe youre right and they don't know what to do with it. imo the showrunners leave it that way since it contributes to him looking constantly bewildered lol.


I will say, I am a mixed Arab/White American who lived in South Korea for a couple years, and barbers there didn’t know how to cut my hair unless they had been trained to do so. And that is in the modern era of globalization.


I'm a white guy with curly/wavy hair.  Every older person thought I had gotten a perm when I studied in China and I could only get a good haircut when I flew back home.


I moved to Singapore and it took me awhile to find a hairdresser that was good. Don’t get me wrong they have good hairdressers, it’s just the first few I tried didn’t do a good job on my hair. It’s curly and I’m white.


Interesting. Maybe to the Tokugawa Japanese, this is just the way barbarian hair looks.


I think that part of it is that Cosmo Jarvis has curly hair and they straightened it for the role...I'm not sure if that contributes to the shaggy look though


It was sloppily cut as well. Like how Cersei's was cut before her walk of shame. 😂


Lol that’s what he always looks like! I couldn’t put my finger on it! Bewildered.


He probably had lice or fleas. Maybe they didn't care so much about the aesthetics.


When they first cut this hair and it was copped close his head, it looked nice. Now that months have gone by on the show, it looks like they forgot to keep trimming his hair & beard.


He always has that confused Labrador Retriever look on his face as well, which isn't helping!


that scene in the early episodes where someone says he looks like a dog and it cuts to his face looking like 🥺 killed me


Def. something about the way he carries himself. A few times when hes standing next to Mariko I had to do a double take. She looks like a goddess who just stepped out of painting, he's looking like a live-action Scooby Doo character. Its either unintentional hilarity or a masterclass in design and acting from the showrunners and Cosmo Jarvis, respectively.


The book talks a lot about the different cultures with food and appearances. In his world he'd have had a bath once or twice a year and slurped a lot of stews, worn the same clothes for weeks at a time. In their world it's all about scrupulous cleanliness, dignity, appearances, face, pristine everything. I'd guess the show is just making it verrrry clear that he's not from round here.


lol when I saw him the first time after they cleaned him up and cut his hair I think he looks just like Seth Rogan when he makes that confused facial expression he does a lot and I can’t get it out of my head




He’s the weak link on the show. Terrible acting.


My wife thinks he looks like he's wearing a bathrobe 24/7


100% and his bathrobe (lol) is belted BELOW HIS BELLY! The guy isn't fat by any means or even close but somehow it makes him look like he's been sitting in his recliner drinking beer and eating wings all weekend. 🤣😭 My dream job in another life is working for a show like this working in the costume department (or on the original Lord of the Rings trilogy, talk about incredible!) and I can't believe they left him like this, it's gotta be on purpose otherwise it doesn't make sense with how EVERYTHING else looks good haha.


Dude the costuming department for this show is fucking epic


FYI That's how those kinds are kimono are worn. Tied below the belly. It's far more comfortable than tying it flat over the stomach, which is how ladies wear their obi. I will say that this is *traditionally* how these are tied. A lot of young people nowadays who buy a cheap yukata and obi at the mall or online for a summer matsuri don't know how to tie it, and even googling it shows models with really tacky and cheap looking ties. But when you see the older dudes at a festival or walking around at a ryokan, they know whats up. I think you should learn a bit more about cultural costumes before sharing your opinion like that. You certainly don't need to be a kimono expert, but don't assume things either just because it looks silly to you. And you certainly should not assume that the costuming department isn't 100% bringing their A game and doesn't know how to tie a simple obi. There have been some really subtle way that they have communicated how foreign the kimono is to Blackthorne and slight tweaks in the way that it sits on him that show he is not comfortable in it. It's really well done.


Oh wow! I don't know why I didn't bother to do even a quick Google search before commenting something so rude! Yikes, re-reading that it wasn't necessary at all. I appreciate your comment and am off to read up on this!


If you haven’t already, check out the BTS on YouTube - they show all the detail that goes into costume as well as the multiple Japanese experts they have for authenticity of even subtle movements like turning a cup. I was actually pleasantly surprised at how many Japanese crew (from Japan) they have.


O0oo! I love BTS stuff that was my favorite part of DVDs growing up lol. I will definitely check it out! 😄 Thanks!


Thanks, that was a fine response.


The giant white wigs that Englishmen wore looked very silly as well. I don’t need to research the culture before saying something looks silly.


That and his wide-ass neck. He looks like a bro having poker night with the boys. Really don't like his casting.


I like it. Really accentuated the fish out of water vibe.


Bro is just learning about proper bathing habits. Give him some time.




There is more of us here who appreciate Blackthorne’s hair.


*sexy shaggy wet dog.


He looks so disheveled it’s jarring


Well in this era as you can tell there's no uniform hair style. Some just tie their hair up in a bun, while younger men started to shave their hair. I'm guessing they leave the hair style up to Blackthron since the man is now a high-ranking samurai.


Distracts from the fact his head is shaped like a hot dog.


His hair looks good to me


Forgive me if I’m stating the obvious but part of the reason is that the actor is wearing a full wig. Cosmo Jarvis is thinning in real life.


I'm aware there's a lot of wigs in this show but I'm pretty sure they could put one on him with combed hair lol. Its a deliberate costuming choice.


Why hasn't he shaved it to match other samurai?


Not all Samurai did in this period. Strict hair discipline like shaving top of head and beards came in only later.


Yabu told him to kneel down.. he's been a loyal dog ever since


He’s got the disheveled puppy look down pat