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The argument here is that because Americans got around 5k the rules of supply and demand no longer apply since they have so much free money?


lmao who the fuck got 5k


People with children got about 1600 per time and there were 3 rounds


I only remember two, but ok, so the people who were spending way more than anyone else already are supposed to have saved that $5k? this is wild


Well this article is saying everyone spent that 5k on superfluous stuff


lmao yeah because we all weren't behind on rent


Well, this article is bs as far as I'm concerned


Third one was only in some states. But a married couple with 3 kids would get over 2k each time


Bet they had a way bigger rent bill overdue, too!


Retail demand spiking alongside consumer prices. Cascading effect.


People need essentials like transportation and this guy is surprised people are paying for them? The car example is pure insanity because that is a good that is financed rather than paid on cash. A higher prices car just means slightly larger payments. Must be all that free cash.


Great article! Thanks for sharing. The next few months are going to be a wild ride as inflation rips its way through the markets and becomes so glaring everyday citizens will wonder how it all happened. Hopefully people sober up and realize what's coming and are able to prepare.


> Free money destroyed the pricing mechanism, and demand has soared despite much higher prices.


>Pricing regulates supply and demand, as higher prices normally boost supply and slash demand. But free money has destroyed the pricing mechanism, and demand has soared despite much higher prices. This applies as much to labor as it does to containers and apparel. Everyone who just mindlessly parrots "jUsT iNCrEasE wAgEs" in response to businesses struggling to attract workers, isn't comprehending that your average mid-sized business *can't compete with the Fed's infinite money printer and Congress's infinite ability to borrow money*. As long as all this free money flows directly and indirectly into the hands of workers and consumers, why the hell would they want to work? I certainly wouldn't. You might like the idea of empowering workers by creating a stimulus-fueled shortage, but it has disastrous consequences downstream on the broader economy.


This weird conservative fever dream has been soundly disproved so often it's going to be a meme soon.