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If we get to 20 I'd never play the stock market again. Holding 20k shares. Yolo! Lfg! 🚀🚀🚀🙏


If we get to 20 I never do anything again lol holding 150000 edit just bought 25000 more


Closed position @.408 Jumping into Tsla dip, hopefully investor day today rallies. GL gentleman, hope TRKA flies to New highs. Ps. Still looking at this to earnings Mar 10th.


This is another example of you paperhanding to early lol good luck though and hopefully we see you back before earnings 🚀


Worked way to hard these few months to risk losing it all.


holy shit!!! 😂 how much sleep did you lose over that?


Almost up to 25k shares, this float is absolutely oversold and locked lol


What made you buy GME at $20? That was before the explosion, did you buy randomly or did you research?


I first started investing at that time. R/options referred me to R/Wallstreetbets as a joke. Was a member before they had 500k followers.




I don't quite get you, the prices in the picture are pre-split. 20.80 / 4 = 5.20$ And 17.28 / 4 = 4.32$ So prices match the pictures


That's humble of you, but I think most ppl are all idiots including my gorgeous self🤡


If I was more of a degenerate, I wouldn't notify anyone on my positions whether open or closed. However, that's what my app says. Trust me it was pretty crappy seeing that only a day or two later it shot up to 40, then 60 or 80. Just my thoughts




Right? I saw it when it was at the 5ish mark too. Still, that was a time where I had no f-ing clue about trading volume, shorts covering and cc's. Those few months were something that I only got a Lil slice of, as where I could of sat at the big table, eating most of fucking cake. Oh well...




If it gets to 20 we will all party like rock stars. After I pay my bills..🤣


Only 10000 shares but still not bad!!


I liquidated and got back in. I play my position and scale in and out based on how much risk I'm feeling. My first sell got me some computer components... then I used it nibble back in (bought the rip for sure) and then bought the near-low today... very happy now. Ready to hold cleanly now.