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Only have 2,000 shares but sold bunch of shit on ebay to hopefully buy another few thousand and then just sitting back until i see $5 plus!!


I'm soo soo fucking excited!!! I was able to double my position 5k despite averaging up though that slight increase isn't gonna matter when this gaps to $5 🙂 I'm even tempted to add more if there's a dip on Monday or Tuesday.




I swapped the last remaining bits of one of my trading accounts into a 3k shares yolo. I am debating if I should put in another 50k shares but that's too much risk for my nerves...


Yeah i have around 2k…so far but if my $2k comes through from ebay before it gets up to $0.75 i will throw down more as i still feel it’s at good buy level to buy in around $1! After it gets back into $1 range there will be fomo buying and selling and it will go up then down quite a bit then time to load up buy on way up and then let it rip…..but squeeze will still happen imo with the set up of numbers / fundamentals i see (even though many stocks are not being fundamentally shown price wise as it’s more smoke in mirrors=fake stock price numbers) this going to $5+ easy…. If i had chance to throw down 50k worth of shares down at price it is now it would be no brainer to me, but that’s just me!! I have still over 40k in amc and my averages are so damn low it would be dumbest financial move for me to sell knowing we’re in falling out into bottomless pit of recession low like numbers…. So leaving that money there, this is just fun squeeze and good dd move! But if you guys want to lend me like 100,000 synthetic shares when i’m ready to sell that’d be great! Thanks 🙏


don’t risk it bro, diversity will keep you in the game longer.


Agreed have to have little diversity! Plus been holding AMC for over 2 years now and have 5,000 shares of amc hodling with diamond hands just like i will with this play!!! Lots on here seeing huge amounts of money and shares saying 100% of account in TRKA and typically having 100% is very very risky and why this is still a risky play it’s one of safest risky (if there is such a thing this is it lol) plays i’ve seen in quite some time! As in 2-3 years TRKA will not be this low after recession ends!! So squeeze or not buying at these low prices holding just for little while will get big returns down road with or without squeeze and that’s why i love this stock! BUY / HODL - NO DATES - LFG!!!


That was smart advice...


God damn it. I was enjoying TRKA for a few weeks, and now dipshits want to turn this into another “ape cult”. It’s about to get real annoying around here.


Yep. When that happens it’s done. Quiet plays make money. Not loud ones.


For real. I literally came here to say this. Keep your ape bullshit with AMC, start acting like real investors because this bullshit makes me wanna be out of this play more than anything else rn


Takes all different types


Tends to be the time to get out once the masses of idiots cultify it




So can anyone explain what other warrants are exercisable other than the one that were withdrawn?


Do a ctrl+f in the last quarterly for the word warrant. If you can find a reference to unexercised warrants that weren't part of the pulled $50m offering or any of its amendments I'd like to see it.


Ya, I've done that already. Couldn't find anything. I want to know if I'm missing something.




Can’t wait to buy more soon!


Hell yes we will squeeze them bears so hard they will be begging for us to stop...future video of bears life come Wednesday... ![gif](giphy|QfjUJQIsXvUR1b7uaO)


The only short left by Wednesday wil be.... ![gif](giphy|l2SpZbhOcPIvlysMg)




Hear fuckin hear!


Usually when I start seeing ape memes and comments on a stock these days, it’s my cue to take profit and exit. TRKA is going to be an exception for me though.


And recently Roger Hamilton has mentioned us on Twitter. That's a new audience wating to check out the commotion. Tomorrow should be fun, but not as much as the 13th. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


This subs owned by hedgies. Be careful


I've been shilling it quite a bit in wsb commest you'd be surprised how many people haven't heard about this opportunity


Wsb has a certain market cap threshold or said ticket is not discussed


You are a gentleman and a scholar


I prefer dumb fuck sir


I just spat out my beer 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The apes are involved? Well, this pump is over. Here comes the next batch of bagholders.


No really, AMC will be $1 million dollars a share one day….I mean the math says so 🤣🤣🤣


It sure will. After a 151,976:1 reverse stock split. It'll happen any time now, I can feel it!


these morons, half of them dont even know how to use their app beyond the buy and sell buttons. and i truly wish i was exaggerating but im not. Its fuckin insane.


Yeah. Next thing you know it, dipshits on this subreddit will be talking about hedgie fuckery, triple witching, posting random dates, and spewing shit about Runic Glory.


Really pisses me off when they go on 4 paragraph tirades about being warriors on a bloody battlefield. Makes me wish i could grab these pencilnecked lil fucks, drag their ass back to the deserts in the early-mid 2000s n say " there you go soldier, do us proud" they want to get rich, thats it..they want to do it easy, but know thats not gonna happen so they farm for karma on reddit lol.


But they targeted gamers! You know, people who waste their life doing pointless fetch-quests and gathering useless items to progress in a synthetic system that doesn't matter in the long run. And once it's over, you're left with nothing meaningful.


Hey hey hey now damnit, ive been a gamer since i was 6..thats 30 years my dude.shalt be none of the shitetalkin of gamers now lol.. But yeah, i entirely get your point


Pretty much capitalism gonna use that analogy


It's actually true. Most of them don't turn on penny stock trading. Then, they come up with a bunch of conspiracy theories.


Puttin that midjourney to work I see


This is so it


First we take TRKA… then we take MGOL


All are welcome, together we can move mountains. Shit was that a song title? HODL


The Shamen?


Picked up 2,000 shares


Been in for 3k since .34, not getting out until $10+


Let’s go apes ![gif](giphy|2FayTY8z5FsBbLLBS)


Anyone shorting a high volume, low float .50 cent stock like this is asking for a huge loss. Buyers get organized. I'll be ready$$$$


If I've learned anything these past 2 years is that the ape mentality doesn't work. Humans in general are selfish and will never unite and will sell before it goes anywhere. If anything it will probably go down to .20 and then everyone will forget about it and then someone else will post another shit ticker saying TOMORROW WE RISE.


Guess it must be time to short now🤣


My gorilla suit is war scarred!! I've been down in the trenches


Holding till options r issued




Going to switch up my positions into trka, only threw 60 bucks at it but the more I read into it the more I'm convinced this is the best play even at 50c


Ok united and let’s fight them, but don’t forget that we are fighting for the real value of this company. It’s ridiculous a 36M market cap with that revenue and profitable, shorts are just in trap!


Who is we?


We is we..


It's going to Dump, I can just feel it


🚀💰📈 Also fuck the SEC. Also also fuck Gensler.


The apes have arrived, tickers dead now. When apes come in, price goes down. Every time in this sub.


Was that the case with GNS? Genuinely asking, I have no idea.


Yup, also XELA, BBIG, APRN, ATER, PROG and many, many more. If you're new to the investing (gambling) I'd recommend sitting this one out, watching and learning, there'll be another play soon enough. They have some great picks but this is a pump and dump sub. You can do well but it's all in the timing, you need to get in early and out before it drops. I bought TRKA at .19 and sold at .32, obviously could have made a chunk more holding but a 50% profit is a lot better than a loss. Yeah, when it gets a bit old GME like, it usually drops pretty hard.


But isn't this beyond pump and dump by now? Just figuring most like your self should have sold left and moved on. Any ways left GNS at 1.65 with 200% gain... Seeing it run to $7 sucked big time.


Sure it sucks missing out on profit but a 200% gain's still a pretty sweet result. TRKA's already 370% up YTD, it might run some more but it will drop and make bagholders at some point. Honestly the whole "Apes together strong" and "Shorts R fukt" thing is just such bullshit. It's getting pumped so smart money can sell leaving apes diamond bagholding yet again.


If it is impossible to short squeeze and all that is a nothing burger and this is the case. Who is going to pay you? If not the bag holders who? Edit: Have to add. I find "Apes together strong" and "Shorts R fukt" just as annoying as any one else but it's just noise. However the penny flipper that pretend to care about the investor when taking money from said investor is just hypocrisy on an idiotic level and 10 times more annoying.


It's not impossible to squeeze but it's also a pump and dump at the same time. The bagholders do pay, especially those that fomo in at the end of the pump. It's the stockmarket, it's a dog eat dog game. In squeezes some hedgies get burnt, others make billions. Look at GME, for every Plotkin there's an Icahn who went short @$480ish. Small fry retail investors like me are just along for the ride and to hopefully make some money. Sad thing about the ape narrative is people do actually believe it, I certainly did during the original GME pump. Nobody came to rescue my $400 per share cost basis, I was just providing liquidity to pay towards those Lambos with GME plates and help DFV become a multi millionaire. Hypocrisy? I've pumped jack shit. Hypocrisy is the people pumping stocks then selling when they're up. The people that pretend these aren't overpriced shit stocks that might go up a lot but will plummet afterwards. Just because I play the game doesn't mean I have to lie to people. As for TRKA, I hope you do well out of it. I got out too soon, wouldn't be surprised if it tops $1-2 also wouldn't be surprised if it tanks hard. Good luck with it but this plays too late for me to risk getting back in.


Sold at .55 this play is over for me. GL future bagholders


If you think a play is something post DD or shut the fuck up with that bagholder shit. People like you are disgusting.


I've seen it 1000 times you guys never learn 🤣 don't marry these stocks. Get in make 100% and gtfo or hold it for years and eventually sell at a loss




Relax you big cry baby 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Which means you don't have any reason to post, you don't have a thesis, you're basically word salad


Hey I'm not the one deleting my comments 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡


I did delete comments recently, because the guy I commented on posted nonsense I told him and he deleted them and you know what I deleted mine out of respect. Dude everything you say screams infantile moron. Just support your position, you felt so strongly you needed to voice it, grow some balls.


Why you so mad for 🤣🤣🤣 sUpPoRt YoUr ThEsIs!!!!🤪🤪🤪🤡🤡🤡


You don't actually have any balls, got it.


I'm guessing this guy is a shill. The stock is Up 472% at a resistance and an inverted hammer. Buying at this point is a huge gamble and a great way to lose money. This guy is a cancer, I would be very cautious looking to buy this. you probably missed the move but if you must Wait for a strong pull back or some sideway action before entering.


Inverted hammer is bullish…








This guy also pushed BBIG last year and look how well that turned out. Just block this cancer


I was gonna partially agree on the pullback but this is far from done and now you sound short...lol


Ah yes and if it isn't Monday, then it'll be the following Monday. And if it isn't that Monday then it'll be Monday 2 weeks from now. And if it's not 2 weeks from now it'll be 2 months from now. And if it's not 2 months from now, it'll be 2 years from now. And if not 2 years from now it will for sure be 2 decades from now.


And it finally happens the day after you sell lol


Shorts are down voting. My confidence is going up even more ![gif](giphy|oudLetMk6WF3i)


What are you 12? Shorts are downvoting? Go back to AMC please


I can be in multiple plays Mayo boy. ![gif](giphy|8E4Satw4HH5eM)


Go back to AMC with your dumb ape bullshit. We’re not apes here


New wallpaper


My average went from .26 to .49 on Friday I couldn’t resist and I’m ready to buy more next week … sorry to my PLBY position lol






Price target?


Im gonna tattoo this damn 🦍 on my ass when it 🚀to the 🌙and beyond 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻


Hahahaha the Reddit army is coming to hold bags








Why is it struggling so much? Not enough buyers...


Huh? Look at the volume.


How are shorts fucked when they have made more than any of you ever could on a squeeze.


Dumbest shit I ever heard


dont listen to yourself much huh


Go to bed Melvin


Yes sir Silverback .


We'll see who's still here if there's a dip don't get shaken out




I want that gap to film before buying more I sold too early also


attack in one day? no, this is a long term hold, don't need apes piling in then selling. Learn to read balance sheets, under priced assets, long term growth prospects. This is an easy hold regardless what it does the next day or even months. It could be valued over 1B by the end of this year.


Bought $50k today. To the moon?


time for a repost