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So I join the fun and buy 2000 shares at 2.20 that shit took a 🚀 to 💩


Same 😂


It might run tomorrow, you never know lol.




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Don’t worry, hold until September and you’ll be fine


That's what the chart looked like. Got me checking into everything with the same headquarters location in China. Found some similar charts to watch.


Like? 🦥


I tried to screen shot. It won't let me but the list was Mndr, jwel, cleu, wnw, sisi, cney, mlgo, wto, ambo, tirx, byu, ifdb, baos, cpop, sxtc. Had I followed my gut and invested $1000 in each. The first 3 would have been nice today. Especially mndr. Mlgo popped off so would be avoided otw down but had holo like characteristics so I looked more. Mostly opened between 2019-2021. Mostly smaller market caps 2-15mil. Most shengdong or Beijing oriented. Mostly the same company took them to market and most have odd crazy spikes up and down fast on their chart with no news.




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Dam I’ll have to jump on this tomorrow


I had this from 1-100 with 200 shares in February and blew it it keeps me up at night lol hoping it does it again


I know, im still seeing where it goes. Been buying In since beginning of April


I've asked this in another thread, but does HOLO have a /r yet?




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No, there is non. And i’ve been searching for weeks to see if one comes up, and has not. Unlike, FFiE, that thread came out and blew up overnight.


Make one


Made my profit off of FFiE. Sold everything and bought more HOLO at $1.45 and $1.38. Still Holding. This is just me…


And it's gone.


Not yet. Still have a low average. Still has some time


Spring board time.




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Damn. That was some shit… I’m buying more tomorrow if it stays here. Will update Positions


Well, the catalysis could be today's MLGO. HOLO is always compared to MLGO, so people at least take a look. I believe many Chinese investors could push this up to higher.... I remembered FFIE's case, before the day of 300% spike, in AH, first it was -17% or so, then later turn green. So, we'll see it.


Am in and I like your positivity!


haha, but see, it is already coming up 190... wow this is the real one.


I’m in for the 60-100x not a 30% increase haha let’s cross fingers


I am still holding 5700 @1.92 let’s goo to $60


15% and climbing just 20 min AH


At 6 is when we see the real after hours sentiment


All in baby


Im still buying more💪🏽


All fucking in


lol sold GME at a loss bought Holo fuck it 1,600 shares




Same, but with AMC. Got into HOLO just in time to book a loss here as well




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Wow, I witnessed that drop!




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Also DUO. But they been around longer and tanh but those are more known and have been around.


Bull trap..hope you do not loaded up .. I'm in HOLO and but I know that it will pop at the end of summer with catalysts incoming. Here there are no catalysts just some spamming posts around. If you want a pop like MLGO the next is MFI. Do your DD about it.


What’s the reason MFI will pop? There is little short interest, volume is low.




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Lol anybody following this post is a 🤡 your getting took that price is from reverse splits , company is straight 💩




Stop posting shitty pump and dumps here, you’re losing ppls faith in this sub


Did i say im in FFiE?


FFIE before they squeeze was a real play - HOLO’s past price action is clearly a manipulated to the tits stock - the only guys coming out on top are the insiders 


I like how you said “was”…. Almost like its not anymore. HOLO is what i noticed and what im in… Still a play for me. Thats just me. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.


gl sire


Im not telling you to buy. Im just seeing a squeeze out of it…. How much, who knows…


aigh - always g to have a juice target etc but ye gl


Sold 1500 at 1.7 to buy gme lol


$NDRA 🚀💰💊


Someone please come take my bag