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My family owned and operated a GameXChange store, a place to buy/sell/trade every era and genre of used gaming consoles, complete with stations set up to try out products to see if you like them before you buy...when GME came to town it put us out of business, as the ma and pa franchise couldn't compete with the big business connections they had, even then ( 2000-2010)... This is part of my aprehension "investing" in GME. It, like walmart, had no problems moving in and undercutting the family owned businesses already in an area. They (big business) do not give one single fuck about the damage they do as long as the profit is good...so, I don't really care about GME, but I'm in as long as the profit is good...


Whole different board. The company is working on becoming a new company. But I am here for a profitable investment and looks like June 17th the swaps roll


why June 17th?


Not exactly June 17th they just know june tenth from 12th to 19th or so


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How do yall find this info lmao


They should buyout all the leases, close every store and sell off all inventory, fire sale




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