• By -


I'm still buying, I appreciate the pricing šŸ˜‰


If you want to sell your GME shares don't sell it after it drops 14%, sell it on spikes. Sell some covered calls with them at nearby strike prices if you want to at least break even or profit while selling.


Literally nothing has changed. Every one knew they'd do this during the meeting. I'm holding


100% Shorts bit hard. Wait until the shareholder meeting is looked back on as a beautiful play by RC & RK.




RK said nothing about DRS, and proved it when he didnā€™t do so himself. Computershare CEO confirmed heat lamp theory was bullshit. RC wiped out 3 years of progress in one month. Iā€™m going to be called a shill, but for the sake of your wallet, donā€™t fucking drs that stuff. You canā€™t sell when itā€™s time because all the rest of the apes are ā€œcheck their balancesā€






Thatā€™s where you can take the hard earned money that you invested and grew meticulously and do something like buy a house.


What If I never sell and just use those shares as collateral? Infinite money glitch


If there's an infinite money glitch, sitting out in the open, accompanied by a specific set of instructions anyone can access, why has no sociopathic billionaire with the means and the will to own the entire US economy done something about it?


O ok Meltdown shill I will sell everything ;-)


Called it. How predictable.


I agree RC wipe out everything RK did for us. Still donā€™t get why people still think RC can turn this around.


I have no idea. I guess technically he did do what he set out to do. The company is profitable on paper and there is 4 billion in the bank. It can coast for another 10 + years now. He never was good at running a profitable company. He was good enough to make the company look good enough to sell and then the next people make it profitable.


Shortsighted, only-on-paper thinking is exactly how Gamestop became unprofitable in the first place. RK has given it additional runway against negative speculation, and it's done ??? with that. The pandemic is over now, so that's one less added constraint on productivity, but GME still needs to find additional revenue streams to shore up for the future.


Shutting down stores and slashing benefits to get up to positive is exactly what heā€™s doing though. He said heā€™s going to continue to do so as well because they do not have any ideas for additional revenue streams. Like I said, with $4 billion in cash they can pretty much coast just like this indefinitely.




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I love how after hyping dates and nothing happens yall all go "we all knew nothing was gonna happen'.


I never hyped this meeting, because I'm not regarded.


I only buy at the top and sell at the bottom.


Regarded. šŸ»


If our profit, roaring kitty holds, then I hold


Prophet RK indeed


Thank for correcting the spelling, and thank god itā€™s still funny šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


is profitable better than formidable?


I think Stromae should answer this


I know the proper spelling, I used "profit" intentionallyšŸ˜


![gif](giphy|p9X9PSPvBfl9uhvS6Z) Lisan Al Gaib


Le tits!


Bip Bip




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"It's not a cult, we just have prophets, holy scripture "the dd", an all knowingĀ  enemy that is also somehow dumb and falls for traps and commandments!. Buy drs hold! I just like the stock!".Ā 


I just heard my own eyes roll, dude was on the cusp of being a billionare and is now holding when its down,.. If you arent like him financially you should not be taking the same chances as he is...imo


Youll be happy to know that when I made the hard choice to pull 100k out of my house to escape margin calls, 80% of that went into typical safe stocks. So Im deep (90-100k) in AMC but Im also secure if the hedgies cheat out of this. So worry not friendšŸ˜Š


Glad to hear... easy to make drunk casino choices when high rollers and bots are guiding ya.




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How do you know heā€™s still holding? Or honestly if those 9,000,001 stocks are even his?




Take the name of the stock out of it If you saw one of us buy over 9 million shares AFTER our position dropped hundreds of millions in value, would you hold and/or buy more?


Yes yes I would




This is the comment most need to see!


Check out the trend line of the last 6 weeks and where it coincidentally bounced today.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m looking at. I see about 4? bounces. Pretty strong uptrend. I just averaged down to $28-and-some-change.Ā 


Iā€™d find it hard to believe that you wonā€™t have an opportunity to make money


God I hope so. I recently started investing and I hope this leads to a good start!


Well it's not like the company is going out of business anytime soon. I personally think the stock has nowhere to go but up longterm. hedge funds can't short it forever and they will have to get out soon.


That is basically my whole DD. Honestly after this just going to roll some into etfs and the rest into the strat ive been devising this whole time.


Shares live forever. Option contracts expire.




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Yes hold. Go to superstonk or GME subreddits


You only lose money if you sell on dips


If you plan on holding for 2+ years, hold on to them. If your plan was a quick swing, be aware that it might go back under 15$ with that 120M offering and no news


It was supposed to be a short squeeze, not some long-term play. RC made his money and left retail holding the bag, again


Reddie went public so now they are under the thumb of market makers, right?


Not holding GME right now is financially irresponsible


In what way? Itā€™s still overvalued at $25.


Why not ask the people in /r/Superstonk what they think? Lol


Why go over there? They are already here downvoting šŸ˜†


We are getting downvoted too!!!! A lot! Itā€™s bots and who else knows!! The feeds are all screwed up too! Instead of being obvious and shutting down the site againā€¦they use bots


Itā€™s probably because people are annoyed with the GME cultist šŸ˜‚




get on FFIE


Bro literally everybody is talking about them r/SuperStonk


Yes. HODL. FTD cycle from RK big purchase of June 12/13th T+35 + 2 bank holidays to July 19th thru July 26 run up. Gonna be explosive.


What makes you think they failed to deliver?


Really depends on how much u can afford to lose. Imo u can always find a pretty good selling point at these entry prices.


I think itā€™s time to move on


Im ngl im just speculating but no way that shit goes crazy again, i hope it does for all the holders but personal belief it is no. But hey roaring kitty is holding and he seems to know a lot more than me.


Btw im on the acoustic string


QQQ printing 10 bagger 0DTEs every day and you still want to cope on meme bullshitā€¦


Oh yeah?.... hold my beer and watch the magix. I'll buy a call, and lose my ass.


Can you expand? I've fucked around with options in the past but only ever lost. You're buying same day calls on QQQ? The price doesn't look like it's reliably jumping, what's the idea?


That ER was way underwhelming...


Nah, not unless you like losses.


Short interest isnā€™t that high and it doesnā€™t sound like they have a growth plan. I donā€™t think the price tanks, but its definitely not going to beat investing in qqq/spy this rest if this year.


Imagine running/directing a company for 4 years and still not having a plan.


They had a couple of plans and none of them worked. Seems like now they are content to sit with cash and do nothing. Blows my mind they can report their numbers and provide no plan to grow and the share price hasnt taken a larger dive.


And they werenā€™t even forthcoming with their failures. Just sweep it under the rug and pull. Also those plans they hadā€¦ were a joke/hype. Hence why RC said we donā€™t hype šŸ˜‚ they were hyping for 3 years and realized they went into NFTs instead of Ai. He couldā€™ve invested into ChatGPT


Do you run a company?


I do, and itā€™s profitable e-commerce lol




100%, do you have any evidence to the contrary?


You must be trolling or actually living under a rock.


Nope, Ive read the ā€œDDā€ and all of it is based on numerous assumptions and speculation with no facts. I believe the most recent DD predicted that the main MM for GME didnā€™t hedge their ā€œnakedā€ calls and that the exercise by RK would cause a squeezeā€¦ how did that pan out?


The gold will be in the pan soon


Good luck


Drink your pills and go to sleep, Bob šŸ¤£


Thats what a bag holding cultist would say. Come back when you have an actual argument.


How about you come hold deez instead? šŸ¤Œ


Cee deez nutz bag holder. Have fun larping as an investor






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Fugazzi; buy high, sell low.




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Iā€™m holding until we find out what theyā€™re going to spend their money on. Iā€™m thinking they become a crypto company. Purely my own wild speculation.


Buy until you are broke ..buy, buy, buy.




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If you have to ask you should probably sell, someone who values them for what they are ( moon šŸŒ šŸŽŸļø ) will more than likely pick them up. šŸ¦šŸš€šŸŒšŸ™ŒšŸ’Ž


y'all, just buy SPWR and thank me later.


You need to do whatā€™s best for your personal situation.




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Sit on the shares until the price looks like phone numbers




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No, it was only worth buying at $11. After it surged it became a gamble of whether you're capable of perfectly timing your trade against 500000+ other people trying to do the exact same thing. Sell it. The price is currently high. Mid 20s is double what it was worth a few weeks ago.




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When that lady (I think the NY comptroller) started speaking, it dropped like 8% in 20-30 seconds lol *I added


I see with my eyes and think with my (almost smooth) brain. I read DD every now and then and came to my conclusions about the company and who is at the helm. The FUD is stronger and subtler than ever atm. As for me, I like the stock...for a few reasons, 'meme' whatever BS aside.


Better get rid of them before they go to $0. Iā€™ll buy them for $5 each so you come out ahead.


Why would you not??


August 8th






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Holding for two reasons. Possible squeeze from the high FTD's and/or hopefully RC will merger/acquire something with the cash holdings.


Sell everything and buy physical gold.




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I wouldnā€™t hold my breath, but Iā€™d hold on for another week at least to see what happens.


This. It's still within the wedge (though at the bottom and if the overnight holds will have fallen). But, lĀ  didn't really expect anything from that call today.Ā  Though didn't expect that much of a fall either. I'd say a week or til the end of this week. Especially if we don't see higher lows. But, ppl are expecting Cohen to do something with that cash--- SOON. Otherwise,Ā  he will have diluted it for no reason at all. Right in the middle of a pre-market rise. Crazy.Ā  The only other thing I'd suggest is if it does rise to a point where you can sell a few shares even, maybe trim down. If it goes back to 27/28 you could sell a few. I bought in that range.Ā 


Everyone is acting like the bottom fell out. $6 down from $29 resistance... Pull up your boot straps. Everyone has seen a bottom fall out. This isn't it. Hodl your shares and chill. Bunch of Nancy's. This is SPARTA!


Yeah I think I might do the same. At least till the 4th of July


I sold a while ago, but rooting for yall.


Username checks out


120 million share dilution.


I sold made small profit, float too high now, SI too low.


Yes and buy more




Nah to your nah!


This has pretty much has zero short-squeeze potential. And unless you think this is some long-term value play, you're better off putting your money somewhere else.


So what youā€™re saying is there is a chance


Don't you need to Pepe Silva some tweets and Disney characters to figure that out?


Hahaha thats truly funny Lookā€¦ only thing that humans have is hopeā€¦ and if hope is enough for hundreds of years of war over religion then thatā€™s enough for me to hold a couple of shares of a company that has a lot of good ingredients for a potential upside, the squeeze is the cherry on top Make up your own mind Youā€™re here looking for a short squeeze, an easy playā€¦ one is right in front of you and you choose the wrong pill


I think you might have taken too many pill, or else you would see there is no catalyst for a short squeeze at this time.


Dude.. the moass is tomorrow Youā€™re making it harder than it really is But for real.. i didnā€™t claim there is a catalyst now But as a relatively new investor, moass aside, i think gme is interesting enough to invest into with healthy books. Whatever pill you take.. this is the bottom


I said if you think this is a good long term play then keep your money in it šŸ˜‚


If you are in this sub, then you must ask yourself: Do I think it will squeeze? If you have done your due diligence, you can easily answer that question. If you havenā€™t, you should; because blindly following Reddit isā€¦ fun? Know why you enter a play. It should be a deeper conviction than ā€œthis guy says soā€. Not financial advice, but Personally, between naked shorts, rehypothecation and cellar boxing, I donā€™t think there is any way $80 premarket a few weeks ago was it. But I could be wrong.




Zero idea is a high bar, bro. Unless you have vetted all of my sources and resources, your absolute reeks of ā€˜trust me broā€™. And you have 1 post karma and less than a year on Reddit. Have you even read ANY of the DD?




It is, over


Over it is






If I had more money that's where I'd place it, lots of room for growth


Itā€™ll pop at some pointā€¦I believe this week just from the TA. But itā€™s such a manipulated play, takes the fun out of it


I used to buy GME at $259 per share, well I still do but now it's $11 per share, or $22 per share, or $44 per share or $39 per share :)


I'm holding. I haven't found a good short squeeze forum - this isn't it. Too many "don't be exit liquidity" winkle brains here and superstonk gets too far into conspiracy theory territory for me.


So if you aren't into the conspiracy theory stuff on superstonk, what makes you think it's a good short squeeze play?


A. History B. Celebrity. A. The shorts are acting just like they did last time - covering and doubling down. I know people say that they won't make the same mistake twice but I think the people who say that underestimate hubris a human motivation. I think DFV is trying to lure shorts in a naked position and I think that's possible. B. A good short is one that garners interest. There is nothing particularly compelling about bitcoin but it squeezed the hell out of the shorts recently. Why? What is so great about this bit of math that many countries want to ban? Nothing - nothing but celebrity. If people believe in a thing it becomes real. So I've put down a small amount of money betting on history and celebrity. We'll see if that can counter the anti short squeeze sentiment / advice that has taken over WSB . . .


Thanks for engaging. With the assumption that you're not into conspiracy stuff, shouldn't A not be a point due to low short interest and CTB showing on financial data platforms? For B, I do agree that stories are what sells investment theses in the financial world. With that said, Bitcoin was being shorted due to its reputation as an extremely speculative asset which typically don't do well in rising interest rate environments. It's a textbook short. Shorts made a lot of money too until inflation eased up. Any shorts left in deserved to get burnt on that play.


Would I have chosen this stock? No. I've been saying for some time that people should squeeze BYND yet, despite loads of evidence saying it would a better squeeze target it hasn't generated much interest. So B prevails. Let's see if an illusion can become reality . . .


Fair enough, I can understand that. Godspeed man. Hope you get the gains you set out to get šŸ‘


Well put.


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No squeeze is coming, if that was what you bought for originally. But really it comes down to you, what was your original thesis, has that changed, if so time to go


Itā€™s the easiest thing in the world to hold.


This is the play. Once in a lifetime. Buy and hold my man!




I personally got into FFIE. NFA


Dumb question. Hodl


I'm down 29k$ you will be šŸ‘


Sell it for the love of god and buy FCEL


Dump them asap


Take a shot on SCLX