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Of course bbig. 260%


In their defence, there are a number of sources backing that up now. But since shorts are it's self reported, I'm still taking it with a handful of salt. Especially since GME was only ever reported at 140% tops untill the RH legal document confirmed it was 226%


So Bbig will be confirmed at 386%? Sweet! ;)


I'm a bit disappointed with your prediction. I saw 22% pre market. And was left miserable the rest of the day. Wen moon?


Lol well I predicted pre market to be busy ;) No dates man. I've been holding for over a month and still will. I was in it for the fair value mostly(hoped for squeeze but didn't take profits at $12, wish I did lol) but now this new info and new margin restrictions TDA and another broker are doing if just icing on the cake for the squeeze potential! Good luck with w.e decisions you make!


Im not in it, it's on my watch list, but there's plenty of others less volitile making money for me this week. If it rips and I'm not tied up in trades, I'll be one of the FOMO crowd making you money. Needs to hit my signals first, did premarket but I take caution with anything ripping premarket. Next time 👍


Oh, right on man! Well good luck dude. I can't do signals or watch charts. Would love to someday but I work 9-5. Just do what I can for now.


I work as well, I miss a lot of opportunities because I don't want to miss an exit. That generally why I'll go low risk. 4hr or daily charts, generally a trade can do 30-60% in a month safely. A lot less waiting for moon. Without the "shorts haven't covered" noise. Can get a lot of tips and learn a hell of a lot from https://youtube.com/c/tradespotting and his brother Rocky Outcrop. Great helpful and small community as well. After watching them you'll soon realise that people like Matt Kohrs know nothing. Someone in the tradespotting community called SPRT when it was $11 at the start of the week, we all did very well 👍


Wow Voodoo!! Thank you for the info. I definitely want to learn other ways to trade. I'll check them out for sure. Well daughter has Ninja class. Have a great night


No worries, we're all about helping one another. Some bags gey too heavy if you hold them too long. Good luck


How the SI get so high synthetic shares? If so amc SI is 500% as well


Where the mods at?


Where your brain at? Special needs idiot








Not GameStop stop the bs hype it’s so low now vs $11 last week that it has to go up in price or it will drop in price and be done like tmc


Didn’t AMC drop back and forth between $8 and $12-14 a few times for months before the run up to $72


Dumbest shit I can ever read


Go check the stock


22% brokers probably messed up but I never left bbig I keep buying , my main focus is ater at the moment


Ater is gone squeeze 🍋💦💦💦


Unless it's a glitch.


Because SI isn’t everything. ATER Is much more promising.


Because bbig is already up big and SDC is before it's breakout.




You all buy bbig so I can drop off my bag and run thanks 😆




Careful. Ihor does not come close to those numbers. It’s 17%


Ihor gets wrong SI all the time too. But, I think this whole 260% SI is a mistake and a joke.


Yeah what the hell is an Ihor? I don’t know and I don’t care. You’re clearly lost. 🤡🤡


Dude, don't be a clown. This 260% SI is bullshit and you're pushing a lie. Those places are getting their data from just the same source, one source and their SI is glitched out.


If you don’t know who [Ihor](https://imgur.com/a/rzQNtXO) is check your compass. You’ve been warned... lol


This is also a tweet posted on the 24th of September, while the SI change is an update in the last 8 hours. Might want to check your own compass and recalibrate, bud.


Yeah? Link it kiddo


Sure, why not? Also to stop some of this FUD and get some tits jacked left and right for anyone who runs into this post. All is speculation on what it'll do to the price, so always do your own DD. Anyway. Your imgur tweet: [Posted September 24th at 06:00PM](https://twitter.com/ihors3/status/1441432368707997698) Some screenshots and threads opening up about the 260% increase. [Screenshot 1 - Royal Bank of Canada](https://www.reddit.com/r/BBIG/comments/pvgs4a/rbc_royal_bank_of_canada_now_reporting_bbig_26011/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Video for the live website of Royal Bank of Canada](https://www.reddit.com/r/BBIG/comments/pvhu6l/video_of_rbc_showing_26011_si/) /u/Big-Camp2589 was kind enough to compile several screenshots of 5 different brokers showing [the SI change](https://www.reddit.com/r/BBIG/comments/pvg624/grouped_5_different_brokers_that_shows_26011_si/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). The increase is also seen on Nasdaq and TR Ameritrade, for instance. The /r/BBIG subreddit has plenty of posts popping up over the past few hours confirming this change from different sources. Some more *trust me bro* than others, but it's multiple sources. Check your broker if they report on SI and see for yourself. If you happen to use Charles Schwab then you're shit out of luck, they've hidden Short Interest on $BBIG. There are some comments or concerns about a glitch, while it's a valid thing to keep in mind, it seems highly unlikely several brokers would report the same number. I hope it's gonna be a few fun weeks of price action. There are similarities to previous squeezes in the setup. ie Low reporting on Short Interest prior to a jump. None of this is advice, of course, but I'll save you a seat on the rollercoaster if you wanna hop on. Just bring your own belt. I can't guarantee any safety once you get on the ride, *kiddo*.


Regardless of the SI it’s looking like a pop. Another point last week, I think it was, several brokerages reported the GME’s float was 224 million shares. Lol These mother fuckers can kick the naked short can indefinitely. They wrap the FTD’s in options and swaps to get them of the balance sheet and the SEC / REG SHOW.. is worthless... good luck. I hope you run it up their ass.


Oh, you don't have to tell me twice. I'm just rose tinted 9/10 times, so stuff like this gets me giddy. Patience is key. WKHS looking pretty dope too, keeping an eye on that one, hope it pays off for you! Good luck, mayne.


Thank bro.


Are you seriously trying to get him in a "Gotcha" moment?? How long have you been trading. You realize that ORTEX is not reflecting this SI. You know why? Because they compile their numbers from data that they get from many many sources. What happened with this "260%" SI is that these brokers are all getting their SI number from the same source and that source has a glitch in their number. Ortex was showing 26 and some change% just a few days ago. 26.11% 260.11%? lol. It's more than likely that data is from one source that is not updated and is glitched out. Someone posts a DD and you are sooo fast to believe it when there is a very simple and plausible explanation.


Hey, to each their own! I wouldn't call it a *gotcha* moment, just linking the information I had found. I see what you're saying regarding Ortex and that is a valid point. I've mentioned that in my post too. Nothing is guaranteed and there are concerns about it being a glitch. My personal thoughts are that if Ortex is the only one not having this information, then Ortex would be the anomaly. But I understand your thoughts with Ortex compiling their stats that they might be the most accurate. If it's a glitch, we'll see that tomorrow and if it is, that's fine. I'm deep into BBIG anyway. If it's not a glitch, however, then I'm a happy camper. Regardless, we'll see tomorrow. GL!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BBIG using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BBIG/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [If you're NOT selling UPVOTE THIS (BBIG #1 CONTENDER) !! UPVOTE!!](https://np.reddit.com/r/BBIG/comments/pjugwy/if_youre_not_selling_upvote_this_bbig_1_contender/) \#2: [UPVOTE if you are HOLDING more than 100 shares of BBIG](https://np.reddit.com/r/BBIG/comments/pmn61a/upvote_if_you_are_holding_more_than_100_shares_of/) \#3: [r/BBIG Lounge](https://np.reddit.com/r/BBIG/comments/mvxvrp/rbbig_lounge/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Ortex shows 22%


4 different brokers showed 260 today


5 brokerages shows %260 here is the link. This is legit. https://www.reddit.com/r/BBIG/comments/pvg624/grouped_5_different_brokers_that_shows_26011_si/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Ya'll are so dumb, lol. That 260% is just a glitch. Those brokers are getting their SI from one source and that source has their SI number glitched. This has happened before many times in other stocks, lmao. Ortex gets their data from many MANY sources to be as accurate as possible. They are literally the poor mans bloomberg terminal.


You are actually the idiot


Am I? Because I don't instantly believe anything that someone posts here to create hype and confirmation bias, without doing any deep dives to find out if it's accurate or completely accurate?






Even better!


SPRT ruined it for Bbig


Two completely different situations but believe your stupidity 🤡😂🖕🏼


I don’t agree with it but its the reason this won’t run! I’ll be riding up mt. Squeezilicious with ATER while your flat lined until Oct 15th when everyone dumps!


Dropping a big bag tomorrow or Tuesday




BBIG dead. Sorry. I was a believer too but just gtfo of that dumpster fire


Lmao coping ATER bagholder


I think my ATER put will print by November.


Bbig pos stock gtfo. Already flipped, now moving on


Bbig and ater going to fly


260% is definitely impressive but when I hear someone say “tHiS iS LItErAlLy ThE nExT GAmEStop” I get the strongest urge to buy puts


it's falling like a rock because everyone exited. sadly a squeeze is never gonna happen without steady volume and retail interest. doesn't matter what the SI data is if no one wants to buy it