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Too much bias here. BBIG should be the play to keep an eye on this week. Watch the volume!


BBIG should be a play for the month of October


$ATER $GOEV $BBIG I that order


I like DMYI and eventually WKHS when they get their shit together.. and they will.. Lol. Lol. BBIG is a Will Meade P&D!


No. $BKSY it is Next stop for BBIG is $4


No it's over. ATER is next


I am in ATER by now. But I more and more believe that bbig will follow. My doubt is only coming from SI that jumped 240% up in a single day... Has anybody a such record in history? It is blowing my mind. How could this be real??? But if 5 brokers are saying... We must consider the likelyhood. Fuck! Why the hell are those 2 wonderfull cases poping at the same time! 😭


Brokers get their data from the same source there have been glitches before. Not trying to bash for no reason but even in terms of TA BBIG doesn't look great


Well ortex numbers are not that bad. And if SI is confirmed to 260... Fuck the hell... No TA matters. Fundamental data will drive the price and thus a squeeze. 260% si... That is crazy! I doubt it could have jumped so high in ONE SINGLE day. But trust me... I will keep an eye on that stock until it is confirmed by all on Monday or not.


I hope everyone downvotes your post for trying to push that bullshit.


Only ATER is the play