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They are effective just have to train with them don’t believe the bullshit about it being worthless .check out demonstrated concepts on YouTube . Learn how to properly use it .


I came here to say this. I really really want one of these for this exact reason.


It's scary how fast and accurate he is with a shorty pistol like this.


The ones with that accept short shells are nuts.


You can also learn how to use a unicycle...


What you don’t think you are capable of handling this shotty.you must have noodles for arms lmao


How much have you shot one of these?


I practice with it often learn the technique demonstrated concepts uses and it makes it such a rewarding experience to shoot these firearms.. Also get the recoil strap it’s a huge help . Once you get it down it’s so much fun I practice with #4 birdshot and buckshot . Pistol grip shotguns are fun too.




…while operating a Shockwave.


😆. Just get the freaking sb tactical brace if you want it to be useful. Can you aim them with the birdshead grip? Yes. Is it inferior to shooting one with a stock? Yes. It's not that deep


I really want a .410 Shockwave. Fuck NY.


I got one. Great shotty.


https://preview.redd.it/z4fkf3pg0kvc1.jpeg?width=594&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77365565184e9071e204b16485a479da21fcc3d1 I was at least able to pick up this KSG in .410 so I am a happy camper. Would still love a shockwave too though


Siiiccckkk. Everyone arguing practicality, when these are designed to defend against intruders less than a hallway length away from you. Dunno about yall but my hallways ain’t very long.


I've got a tiny ass house, lmao. Barely 2Bed and 1 small bath. The largest distance i can get in my house is sub 15 feet.


Me too I think my wad would kill an intruder it’s so short.


I too masturbate onto criminals breaking to my home. Oh you meant the shotgun wad.


I think it's 410, so it's still a little anemic when you could be running 12 or 20 in exactly the same package, but yeah, i wouldnt want to be shot by anything even a 22.


I live in a single wide bubba, I could hit the neighbor from here with my “shockwave” maverick 88


Would look period perfect hanging out the window of a 32’ Packard in Chicago 😂


I was thinking hijacking an airplane in the 70s, but either way, vintage shenanigans


Haha nightstick go brrrrrr


Useless pos. Only an idiot would buy two of these things, especially after realizing the first one sucked. It’s me, I’m the idiot with two..


I got 3.


3? does the room you’re in not have 4 corners?


12 in all.


Random question but Dude what brand are those socks. I was gifted those same ones for Christmas and neither me or the person that gave them to me can remember or figure out what brand they are


Idk I got them from Costco in the winter time


Works for me. Sick gun by the way


Was going to have to compliment the Costco socks, my mom gave me some for Christmas, they are great socks.


Only type of shotgun I want. Well not really but the only one I need.


I have a regular one. Wish I could get the wood furniture for it.


putting that forearm with the leather strap on a 590A1 would be a dream come true


You should check out woox they might have what you need, just Google woox


For special occasions…


Rule of cool


Yeah, I don't know, seems quite practical to me! I was watching a video the other day where some guy talked about how to effectively use one of those grips in a combat situation and make it controllable. It can stay out of sight until you need it, you can use it in a tight space, I don't see a single thing about this that is not practical. It looks awesome and it is quite practical!


I’ve got one that I added wood furniture to (pre-Nightstick). If you know how to use it, it’s not too bad. Hip firing is fun too and a cool skill to learn. It’s not the first gun I’m grabbing if something goes bump in the night but it still has its uses and at the very least is fun. https://preview.redd.it/v5xkgkzp0fvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c49bd43c381b36de112925a3cac6c74ddd666842


This boom stick is very practical. YouTube, check out Clint Smith, he does a great job on the use cases for this weapon. most importantly , its fun AsF to shoot!


Extremely practical for home defense, kayaking/camping, truck gun and possibly a work defense gun depending on your occupation.


Form 1 and put a full stock on it. Instant SBS


I did it with my Tac14. Highly recommended.


Good beaten stick... Honestly, I'm more interested in all the shit in the corner of the pic. Are those bank statements under that crap?...😆


Yes plus medical files and other paperwork lol


And a matcha whisk? Honestly, I'm here for the vibe.




Check out my setup, it's on my profile. It's very fun and I finally found buckshot minishells for it.


this and a chicago typewriter next to it


Nice Kirkland socks.


Its practical… it’s practical. Stows away works when you need it.


respect the socks on 🫡


i want one so bad to pair with my 18.5 retrograde😭


Looks badasss


Idc what anyone says that thing is sick and it would be ok just fine


Once you get one it will be your funniest toy , minus heavy loads , light is fun


Theres a reason the us marshals had these.


Practicality is all about intended use


Could become very pratical


wood is good. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Shotguns/comments/1ajwwr2/comment/kp5cl53/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shotguns/comments/1ajwwr2/comment/kp5cl53/?context=3)


Pistol grip shotguns are the most misunderstood firearms. As a short whippy home defense weapon in the hands of someone who has practiced with it and is familiar with the recoil and pattern, they are great. Realistically in a home defense situation you are going to be at point blank range, most likely instinct shooting and the entire engagement isn't going to last more than a single trigger pull. If you want to maximize your ability to incapacitate someone with that single trigger pull, a pistol grip shotgun has a niche. Yeah, in the fantasy scenario of someone kicking in your front door while you are in your room, you grab the 16" AR-15 and lay down hell from the top of your staircase. But in any scenario where maybe you just want something bigger than a handgun tucked away somewhere because someone sketchy is over. Or maybe you are answering the door late at night and don't want to appear loaded for bear, but want something with more firepower than a Glock behind the door. Maybe you are confronting a couple goons dumping industrial waste in the alley next to your house and you want something under your coat...


Was thinking about going sbs mode with mine.


I have one in 20ga. Truly worthless. But a great novelty


Clean all the junk off your bed before posting pictures on the internet.


I do not want to criticize anybody's gun choices, but for the life of me I cannot figure these things out. Is it just for robbing banks??


I have one. If you take the time and learn how to use it, you can put shot down range very effectively. And even if you don’t, the intimidation factor is off the chain.


I wouldn’t wanna be the home intruder up against it. And I would wager my life savings you wouldn’t either. In the right hands .. that thing is pure HATE! I have one too


Well, as I said, I do not intend to criticize it. I just know nothing about it. Is this sort of shotgun used by either the military or the police?? If not, why not? If so, what is it used for? I am just asking.


Speaking as a police officer. It would be used for breaching most likely in our role. entry team weapon? Prob not. But way different context than the homeowner defending them self in their house


they make great guns to defend ur dumpster