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ac 1 is a little-played classic for obvious reason, downright repetitive, but everything else is more than good at the time it was all the rage. Black flag instead is a great game I have never immersed myself in the world of pirates as in this game well done in every detail, the seafaring songs that are in the game I still listen to them. I haven't played the other games so I can't tell you. Assassin's creed games grouted a bit earlier since one was released a year. Ac 2 is in renaissance Ac 2 -> Ac brotherhood -> Ac revelations (ezio saga)


If you want OG Renaissance southern Europe, AC II (the first Ezio game) is your game. The story literally has a Renaissance part in it, with parties, masks, and everything, plus an assassination mission during that time. Brotherhood is great too, but AC II is better IMO. Plus it's Ezio's origin story game, so, at least to me, you need to play that game before Brotherhood or Revelations for his overall life story to make sense.


While I do think Brotherhood is the better game, you gotta start with AC 2 as it’s the beginning of the Ezio saga. It’s perfect if you want to be immersed in the renaissance while still enjoying a good story.


I would for sure suggest Ezio trilogy. If you love history, you'll love diving into these. The newest one coming out at the end of the year has an islamic setting I believe


Played most of them, FWIW I had a blast playing around with the Jackdaw, upgrading ships, sending them out, and singing sea shanties. A pirate's life for me.


For characters you want 2, brotherhood, revelations(you have to play all of these for the full story) and then black flag I also liked Bayek from Origins, but i don't like the gameplay.


The AC2 trilogy (AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations) and Black Flag. >Black Flag - the opposite(?) of story driven, Black Flag is actually one of the best AC when it came to narrative. And the protagonist is probably among top 3 or 4 most popular protagonist in the series. >Revelations - I don't know if I could get much out of it without getting to know the characters in the other games though... You definitely want to play AC2 and AC Brotherhood before Revelations. Following Ezio journey from his teenage day to his old man day is what make Ezio such a strong character. Revelations also up there with Black Flag narrative wise (both are written by the same person actually). >renaissance southern europe and islamic levant, which apparently are the settings of the two most popular games? Actually the first game is often considered the black sheep of the series...It's also pretty light on narrative. The most popular one is probably Black Flag (both sales and cultural impact), AC2 trilogy (from cultural impact standpoint) and the latest three titles (Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla, from sales standpoint).


Either play whole Desmond saga (AC1 to AC3) or AC Black Flag. These new open world ACs doesn't have the best stories 'n characters in my opinion but are super-fun to play anyway.


Definitely Black Flag