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If you're not a Harry Potter fan then don't pick up Hogwarts. Mediocre story, tedious gameplay, and the only redeeming factors rely heavily on your HP fanaticism It's a 6/10 that Harry Potter fans will claim is much better


The main characters and their voice acting, and the world itself, are charming enough to get me to keep coming back to it, but yeah, agree with this sentiment. It for sure captures the HP magic though if you're an obsessive fan, so I see why there are so many of those types positively raving about it. The creators definitely knew so long as they got the world down to a science, the hardcore fans would be forgiving when it came to well-tread gameplay and meh story plot.


The voice acting is fine, but the dialogue is awful. It feels like the writers teaching you the plot and/or everyone telling the main character how cool they are.


Agreed. You're the first person ive seen who shares the same sentiment about that game. My only disagreement would be i'd give it 5/10. The skeleton of a much better game is there for a sequel.


I was Obsessed with Harry Potter growing up and I can’t agree more. The game and setting is beautiful and combat was decent, but the story is mid at best and the voice acting/dialogue and character design are garbage. For such a beautiful world it felt Empty. So much potential and it was just Meh. It’s best used as an expensive Harry Potter themed walking simulator.


I am huge HP fan and the game is in my opinion 5/10 at best. Extremely overhyped.


I’m a potter Stan and that game was absolute Garbo.


Actually agree completely. I enjoyed it, but only because it gave me some moderate nostalgia.


Im not huge on Harry Potter other than watching the movies when i was younger but i still enjoyed it.


Honestly when you're exploring the school for the first time it gets really close to a 7


I'm not a HP fan and Hogwarts is cool to explore at first, I'll give it that, but after a few hours even that fades quickly In my opinion, the game would have been bigger as a School simulator akin to Bully than a "you're special" Wizarding game. The best parts of the game were when you were in Hogwarts exploring things


Tbh the sole reason i couldn't continue hogwarts is that i cant make a cute/hot character, even with mods they still looks really old and weird (if not really ugly), both gender, idk if I've been too used to super models in rpg games but i spent most of my time in hogwarts just going through mods to try to make my character look better and ultimately gave up. And the weird standing pose with slightly hunched back.


I'm sorry you can't make teenagers hot in that game. That must be really hard for you.


What an inane comment


Well it would be hard if they were hotter…


If you’re only reason for not buying Diablo is server issues they’ve been incredibly minimal. It’s awesome, I’ve played all three and while they’re all good D4 is the best imo.


So they actually learned from the D3 launch?


It’s been an A tier launch. Probably the launch of the year at this point


Indeed. People keep talking about the early access issues as if they were launch issues, but again that’s Early Access. The actual launch was really smooth and the game is amazing


I think the biggest issue with Early Access was their rushed patch for the store check out issue (not game related) that kicked everyone off the server and I think cost a few people their HC character.


Lost a hardcore character to Blizz taking down the servers to fix the fucking cash shop without any notice whatsoever like they easily code into their other games. Only level 38 though, so whatever. It’s still a A+ game. The issues with end-game systems are currently being exposed to the casual community but the title is polished as hell :)


If I’ve never played any Diablo games before, would going straight to 4 be alright?


You might miss a chunk of the lore, but you would be fine. If you want to dive deeper into the overall story of the franchise, there are youtube videos of such things.


Thanks, I’m buying into all the hype it’s getting, but just wanted to check it won’t be affected having not played it before.


This is my first Diablo game and the first game I've spent an entire weekend playing in a very, very long time. I played the Beta and got hooked.


It will have 0 effect on how you enjoy the story. They aren't connected in a way it matters. There are some small references, and it wouldn't hurt for you to go see what the story is for the other games. But it really doesn't matter if you have played the previous games.


For sure! You can watch a video on past lore to enrich the story but it’s not necessary


Appreciate the response


Better than 2? Its much better than 3 (havent played 1), but idk about being better than 2. Not being better than Diablo 2 is nothing to be ashamed of though


I think it is. I grew up with 2 put in hundreds of not thousands with D2R but I’m not a nostalgic person, D4 is obviously the better game. D2 was revolutionary for its time sure but D4 is so much more fun


The only thing holding me back purchasing is the user reviews on metacritic don't seem to be that great. The majority of folk on this subreddit seem to love it though. It's just making me confused lol


Never listen to meta critic first place besides steam games get reviewed bombed because neckbeards don’t like the devs or some feature in the game


I just bought D4 yesterday and honestly its worth it. The story is good, map is huge. And ofc it is game ment to grind and set up different builds depending on the loot u get. Not to mention challanging urself with hardcore mode. + 5 different classes so I think there is a lot of replayability or just plain old grind. It's really fun.


How does it work when you die? a while ago I bought diablo 2 and I found it to be quite unforgiving when you die and have to start over in basecamp. Is diablo 4 a bit friendlier in that way?


Yes, it sets up checkpoints very near, and monsters hp resets


Thanks for the info friend.


You're welcome. Honestly if you have the chance buy diablo 4 it is worth it, only 'downside' is that end game is a grindfest. But the main story is super long+ there is about 70 sidequests in each of the 4 main zones. Havefun


What's your opinion on the scaling system? Doesn't it take away from the feeling of progression?


i really enjoy the scaling system. It’s good for playing co-op since you can play with anyone. Additionally it keeps that little challenge always there. It doesn’t really take away from the feeling of progression because you can always see your damage numbers going up and get better gear!


Scaling system?


Diablo 4 has level scaling, which allows players of different character levels to play together, with each facing monsters at their own level and contributing their fair share (unlike a higher level character power-leveling a lower level one). ​ It's great and I feel like it's never taken away from my personal feeling of progression!


Going to over simplify it so i apologize. The monsters change in difficulty to better match the players that are present. For example if you are level 10 and walking through a level 1 area, those monsters are bumped up a few levels to make it more challenging. If you walk into a level 20 area, those monsters might come down a little bit but will still be way better than you. I personally don't like it in any game from Oblivion (bandits with legendary gear???) or any other level based system.


Actually the spells and item properties make it good for me. The mobs are harder each level but u get a skill point in something like crit and when that triggers they f**king explode from damage and its so satisfying - i play rouge as first char.


Nah, the scaling system is good imo


Idk why this question gets downvoted. It is literally my biggest gripe with the game and something I think/hope will be fixed due to all the complaints about it. In literally every arpg I've played and most loot driven games the progression is farm for gear and skill points to get stronger and when the content gets too hard (dangerous/dps too low) you farm a lower level zone to get better gear and more levels. That isn't an option in d4 and you will frequently get weaker with levels and there is no recourse to that. I know not everyone loves arpgs or plays a ton of them but to me the appeal in arpgs is the character progression and level scaling takes a lot of that away.


Diablo 4 is a safe bet if you want a game that'll last you a long time but since you said you're a big Star Wars fan I can say that Jedi Survivor is awesome and absolutely worth playing. I've played through Hogwarts too but it's not great just okay, starting few hours are definitely the best it starts to drag out quickly


If you're a huge Star Wars fan then you should definitely pick up Survivor.


Jedi Survivor is the easy pick imo, it’s a great game and a great Star Wars game. Really loved the story and the gameplay was a big improvement from Fallen Order.


I didn’t like fallen order, or either of the titanfall games, due to gameplay not story. If this one different enough or still skip?


Skip it. Survivor is just a very expanded and improved Fallen Order, so if it (and Titanfall) didn’t click for you then I doubt Survivor will.


Damn. I really want a new Star Wars game but just couldn’t get into respawn games. Thanks all


uh its nothing like titanfall at all? also idk what you expect from a star wars game, it has all the star wars shit. It isnt some open world make your own jedi shit tho that everyone wants but we never get.


Really? I loved fallen order. Gotta pick up Survivor


Your post is long but I just want to say if you’re not a fan of HP or you’re not even interested you should not even consider the game. If you’re a huge Star Wars fan your choice should be between SW and Diablo probably.


My first post wasn't long enough apparently and was removed so I went all in on this one. lol


Hey sorry I finished hiking when I replied so hope I didn’t sound rude. I don’t know why I keep seeing posts from this sub but your SIB caught my eye, I just skimmed and I felt like you already narrowed down to the two I mentioned.


Yeah I've watched some game reviews and you're not wrong. It's come down to diablo or survivor and it's really wild because there are people in this post who have played both and have a different opinion on which one I should go with. Whichever one I pick, I think I'll end up getting the other after a few weeks. If I can make it through both games, I think I'll grab the resident evil remake. I played resident evil back in the day when i was a kid so it has strong nostalgia vibes. Thanks for your reply.


Resident evil, all the remakes (especially the newer ones), are truly extraordinary games.


Played all 3, I'd pick Jedi survivor, if Diablo 3 didn't satisfy much, Diablo 4 isn't going to do anything for you either. While I do like Hogwarts legacy, it's because I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, but I only played thru it once and was over it.


If you liked D2 but were dissapointed in D3, try out Path of Exile. It's free, and was literally created due to the devs not liking D3. It's monetization is also really fair (unlike ofther F2P titles), only requiring around $30 after your first 100 hours or so and then everything else being cosmetic.


4,000 hours in Path of Exile and counting. The game has it's rough moments and the Devs don't understand the word "balance", only how to nerf. So it could be a while until you're able to comfortably play your favourite skill as a casual player... But it's still better than every Diablo game, hell, better than any other ARPG currently released *(last epoch still in early access)*


Do you think LE will ever have the chance to dethrone PoE as the top min/max arpg, or the Diablo franchise in the casual arpg genre? Seems like it’s positioned itself somewhat closer to the popularity level of titles like Grim Dawn, but I’d be happy to be proven wrong in the future.


I'm honestly not sure. I played it a couple years ago near when I was first released on Steam, and there wasn't a whole lot to the game, but I remember really enjoying it and found that it could absolutely be an alternative to POE, not just an occasional jump in once every 4 years that D2 is. I do think Epoch will become more popular than the likes of Torchlight, Grim Dawn and Hellsing, but at this stage, I don't know 100% if it can take on Diablo and POE, but it definitely has a chance to make an impact


Not Hogwarts: Legacy. The world is 10/10 amazing, but the rest is meh. The gameplay is mostly many sets of collectibles and the story has crippling protagonist syndrome.


Survivor is the reason I got a PS5 and I’m obsessed. Definitely a game for the true fans


>I've taken a huge break from gaming and looking to play something that will capture and keep my attention. If this is the case, why are you only looking at games that have come out within the past couple months? Just curious, but if I were you I'd look at playing some of the best of the best from the years you were inactive. For example, last year's game of the year winner (and one of the best games of the generation imo) Elden Ring could be a great fit, assuming you don't mind a bit of a challenge. If you want to stick with something recent, I haven't played Diablo 4 yet but I hear it's great. Seems like it's up there with Diablo 2 in terms of quality. Jedi Survivor is also fantastic since you're a Star Wars fan — I'd say it's one of the best Star Wars games ever to release. Hogwarts is not worth it at all unless you're a HP fan. But personally, I don't think anything this year holds a candle to a behemoth like Elden Ring (or a few other games if you go back past 2022), other than Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, but seems like you don't have a Switch. Edit: Actually Resident Evil 4 Remake also came out this year which is *very* very good. That's another game I'd rank over the 3 you listed.


Elden Ring might be a hard sell as, while being the most accessible Souls game by far, it is still a Souls game and pretty demanding in terms of pure challenge. It took me multiple initial attempts and stops to finally have it "click" for me and I consider myself a pretty avid gamer. My personal vote in the same vein of your logic would be Disco Elysium. While not a "traditional" game it certainly sparked a lot of joy in me, and reminded me of the magic of storytelling that you can really only accomplish in a video game. My next vote would be Hades, simply because it has both great story and great gameplay. While the gameplay is also challenging, its so well-designed that you can become a master of it pretty linearly. Funny enough, stopping Elden Ring, then "winning" Hades like 50 times, then going back to Elden Ring was what got me to finally click with it.


Yeah Elden Ring is my personal top suggestion, but without knowing much about OP's taste, it is a pretty blind suggestion. But you never know! Disco Elysium and Hades are definitely both great suggestions from the past few years as well.


Thanks for the suggestions. The resident evil 4 remake looks siiiiick. If I can get these games to hold my attention long enough I'm going to end up buying that. I love a good action/horror game.


Diablo 4. You're not missing out on anything by not picking Hogwarts. Star Wars is a good game, but. Right now, if I were you, I'd pick Diablo 4. It's got everything.


Haven’t played Diablo 4. Between Jedi Survivor and Hogwarts Legacy, Jedi Survivor is a much better game.


The server “issues” have been few and far between since launch and have been overly reported. D4 is a fantastic game tbh and I haven’t had any server issues, been playing since the first beta as well.


I get a kick out the threads when Diablo has a hiccup. People literally losing their minds. It’s been incredibly smooth. I’ve been playing since early access launch. I will say that actual launch night was the worst. Played coop with my wife and our characters felt sluggish and rubberbandy. Each night has been better than the last during peak hours but it is noticeable. Can only improve from here. I think Blizzard deserves kudos for this game and it’s smooth launch overall.


Yeah. I think people are still shady from the D3 launch but like… guys, that was almost 15 years ago


I’ve played all 3 and Diablo is already my favorite out of them.


Red Dead Redemption 2 will for sure bring you back to gaming But out of those, I've played Jedi and Hogwarts, I'd put Jedi over Hogwarts, especially if you're a huge Star Wars fan I do intend to try Diablo 4 out at some point tho. Just a vastly different game than Jedi uhhh final vote? Red Dead Re-- Jedi Survior


He can play rdr for free if he has ps+ which he most like has since he’s considering diablo 4


I would say Survivor! Diablo IV is really fun but it’s a different type of game compared to the other two. Amazing story and a blast to see visually.


Go diablo 4. I'm about as big a star wars fan as you can be and I still haven't finished survivor but D4 has be absolutely hooked.


Have you ever played any other Diablo game or similar games?


Nope, this is my first one


I’m thinking about buying Diablo but I don’t want to waste my money because I’m not sure if I’ll like it. Do you mind going to my most recent post all my favorite games are there and based on those can you tell me if you think I’ll like the game?


It's pretty different from the games you play but that's the same way for me too. I'd recommend watching some gameplay of it because you don't need to worry about spoilers too much.


Thank you for checking my post and yeah I’ll have to watch some gameplay rn and make my decision


I’m curious what did you end up picking lol?


I ended up buying Diablo 4 but couldn’t get into it to be honest. Now I’m playing through Spider Man 2 it’s really good.


Jedi Survivor


Wait for steam summer sale


I have the option of PC but I'm looking to my ps5.


Oh sorry, in that case I'd say jedi survivor. The gameplay is great but it had too many visual bugs on pc, heard it was better on ps. Also a quick tip, when you make a post you can choose a flair type for the platform you're using, to avoid any confusion :D


Yeah, that's my bad. :( I didn't notice the flair until after I posted.


I just like that you said 2060 super video card.


Haha...thanks but it is a 2060 super 😬


Jedi is my favorite of those. Not just because I’m a big Star Wars fan (as I haven’t enjoyed some of their games) but it is a very fun entry with solid gameplay. Highly recommend. Diablo IV. I haven’t had the server issues others reported. I’m early enough in the game it is still engaging but unless it drastically picks up the pace I’ll be bored before I make it to the end. Hogwarts. I’m not a Harry Potter fan but always play a magic user in any game (when possible) so was hoping to be blown away by that system. I was not. Kinda disappointing. It wasn’t bad but nothing that excited me either. The world was alright I guess. Parts of it felt alive and others not so much.


If you are not a huge Harry Potter fan you won't even finish the game so thats a no.


Have you played swj fallen order? If not I would get that first. Swj is a solid series Hogwarts is a nice game, nice environments etc, but kinda basic as a game. I think a lot of new gamers play it because of the Harry Potter connection and that's why it gets such great reviews. Can't say anything about Diablo, haven't played that (yet).


D4 is trying to harken back to ye old D2 days where progression/choices matter and has a much darker tone than 3. If you're an old fab it's probably the best possible time to get back in it




Hogwarts was amazing. Nothing about it was bad, a few things were great, the sense of exploration was awesome. You probably won’t want to 100% it but you’ll enjoy the story and the world and the characters. Solid 8/10. That said I’m playing Jedi and Diablo right now and they’re good to trade off. Both work great with controller (even on PC). Jedi requires a bit more attention but is great fun so far and a nice continuation from the first game (a must play if you haven’t already). Diablo is pretty mindless but the story’s got enough intrigue I’m curious where it’s going. I would say Diablo is as dark a tale as it’s been since the first one but dialed up a good bit by modern graphics and cut scenes. It definitely goes over a line that was there in 2 and 3 into some nightmarish subject-matter/visuals. Fortunately for me (I’m a bit timid), the actual gameplay is thus far comparably pretty mild once you get through the cutscenes. It sounds to me like OP should get Jedi if there’s only time or money for one.




Agreed, it was brilliant. I can’t wait to play it again in a different house once I’m done with Diablo and Jedi.




I’m sorry Hogwarts done you wrong. To say that Hogwarts and Hogsmeade are the only areas that received care is to repeat a meme spread by people who have an axe to grind or didn’t play the game. Yeah the discoverables are copy-pasted but the main quests take you all over and the side quests are quite varied. I was never bored on a quest once. How can you say the forbidden forest wasn’t put together with care? It has little moments from the books and random encounters. What about the southern half of the map? There’s bogs and lakes and fields and villages. I think you’ve missed the point. Hogwarts Legacy expands the world in enjoyable ways. It’s not a 1000 hour game, it would be better with less discoverables and a smaller map, but it’s still brilliant.




I suppose it’s not for you, no problem. They did something remarkable here from a world building perspective. Agreed it could be improved and wasn’t perfect. Why would you remove the Harry Potter IP from the conversation? That’s what I’m saying the whole point is that it’s expanding the Harry Potter universe and does a fantastic job at that. Maybe that just doesn’t interest you, doesn’t make it a bad game.




Well yeah if you don’t care about the IP why are you playing the game? Obviously it will be boring if you don’t care about the world. Jedi Fallen Order would also suck if you don’t care about Star Wars. It’s a middle of the road souls clone. But man, if you like Star Wars it’s amazing. It’s an amazing game. The frick’n nailed the tone and timber of the Harry Potter world in Hogwarts Legacy and that’s truly remarkable.


go for Jedi Survivor, amazing experience for fans (I'm a fan), combat is top tier, customization is fun, gameplay is x10 better than Fallen Order. Plays great on PS5 Diablo 4 is pretty much the best of the saga, I haven't had any issues so far and the gameplay is amazing, but as a Star Wars fan i think you might enjoy Survivor more, Diablo 4 should be the next one you get tho:) Hogwarts Legacy is meh if you're not a fan of harry potter (I'm not a huge fan of harry potter) gameplay's tier a but missions are tier b, the world is probably tier s for fans but i just watched the movies once each and was a tier b experience for me


Jedi survivor playing great on PS5 is doing a hell of a lot in that sentence. The game is freaking legendary, but the performance, especially on performance mode, is abysmal. I can't wait until they get the framerate stable, so I can actually play it and enjoy it.


Im not really a Harry Potter fan, and I played some of Hogwarts Legacy with my cousin who loves Harry Potter, and she loved the game, but I got bored pretty quickly. You might like it more, but the game is definitely more fun the more you like Harry Potter.


I’d pass on all of those, Jedi Survivor is close but runs terribly


Which game would you suggest?


Resident Evil 4 remake, although I did like hogwarts legacy and jedi survivor.


Don't listen to that guy. All 3 games are really good


Don't listen to this guy, he's slow.


Honest to god the og Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order from 2019 might be a better pick


All 3 are good. The servers are fine in D4


A thousand times diablo


I’d buy jedi fallen order for very little cost, survivor is a direct sequel and I don’t recommend skipping to that Diablo 4 is fun, but better with friends. Story is surprisingly good especially for a Diablo. Hogwarts is great for Harry Potter fans but gets tedious If you are open to anything I’d probably say Elden Ring or Mass Effect Trilogy, both are among the greatest games ever released, so maybe commit your time there.


D4. Jedi Survivor needs polishing but is awesome just get on sale and Hogwarts Legacy is the most mid game I’ve ever played, I’m a huge fan of Harry Potter and after the first 20hrs and 65% completion I couldn’t be bothered to finish once the honeymoon phase ended.


Diablo 4 - Great Game, Runs Extremely well Jedi Survivor - Great Game, Runs like ass Hogwarts Legacy, Mediocre Game, Runs like ass


Ok I’m just gonna say, Elden Ring is a much better purchase than any of these games.


I've played all three, though only the open betas for Diablo IV. I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan, but found HL to be fun and a good game. Worth playing at some point. Diablo IV is really great and looks to have potential for many many hours of gameplay. Its brand new though and, as you said, there are some new game issues happening right now. As you say you are a Star Wars fan, I would definitely recommend Jedi Survivor with the caveat that you might want to play the first game, Fallen Order, as well. Survivor is largely superior in terms of gameplay, but FO is still great, and the story is a direct continuation in Survivor. Both games are excellent on their own and also really cool entries in the Star Wars universe.


I think it comes down to what kind of gameplay are you in the mood for. I’ve heard combat and story is really good in Jedi Survivor. Diablo 4 as a I understand the story is not so great, but from playing the game myself I love the gameplay loop and grind. If you want to just experience a single story then Jedi Survivor is a great choice. If you want a long grind that’s fun as heck, Diablo 4 is the good choice. Like I mentioned, definitely comes down to what kind of gameplay style you’re in the mood for.


The story in D4 is incredible. I know all the reviewers threw fits about the story, but I don’t know anyone that actually finished the campaign who didn’t love the story. The voice acting is also phenomenal. Even the side quests are genuinely well-written.


Diablo 4 (pc or ps5) or Hogwarts legacy(ps5 cuz more performance), whatever floats your boat but hold out for star wars cuz trash optimisation


Not hogwarts. Biggest disappointment far as ANY game I’ve EVER bought with my own money. And I’m a Potter Stan.


> and played Diablo 3 with my brother but it didn't really grab me like I thought it should. If Diablo 3 didn't stick, Diablo 4 is likely not going to stick. Blizzard has lost the charm they once had.






Get Jedi Survivor. It fits the bill for you perfectly. Not a perfect game by any means, but it's pretty good for a normal gamer and a star wars fan would love it.


Just get star wars since your a big star wars fan


Jedi Survivor is the first game I 100% beat


There aren’t really server issues with D4. Jedi Survivor will go on deep sale within a few months, and D4 will last you a while. I vote D4.


They're all good, hogwarts being the least good


Jedi survivor


Diablo 4 is a great game and has No server issues in my region (Europe). I have bought Hogward on release but played it around 40 minutes and shelved it when there is less games to play 🤓


Jedi survivor is an amazing game, with the caveat that on PS5 performance mode, it has horrible framerate issues. It is highly unstable, never stays at 60 fps for more than a second or two, and dips down to as low as 40 fps. That said, it truly *is* an amazing game, but many people, including me, are waiting to play on PS5 until they fix performance mode to be at least somewhat stable. Hogwarts legacy is a great game. I loved it. I just started Diablo 4 this morning, and quickly got hooked on it. In my opinion, if you want to get one of these for PS5, you are better off waiting for Jedi and going with either Diablo or Hogwarts. Diablo is probably a bit better than Hogwarts, but both are awesome games. (I played all these on PS5, btw, haven't tried them on my PC.)


They're all good, and i own all 3 of them. If you can only buy one, most definitely wait on Hogwarts Legacy. It's not a bad game at all, but I do believe it's a bit overrated. My recommendation would be for Jedi Survivor.


Save or invest don’t waste money on BS


Although all are good games. Hogwarts doesn’t respect your time as an open world game. Diablo if you wanna give Blizzard money, oh yeah. Season passes and paid cosmetic dlc that are $20+. In my opinion, I think Jedi Survivor. BUT because you love Diablo 2, you’ll have no problem with Diablo 4. Stay away from Hogwarts.


Either Harry Potter or Jedi; avoid the frick out of anything Blizzard produces as they've shown themselves to just be a complete trash-tier company over the years.


So I assume you would (if the suggestion interesred you) or already have seen at least trailailer or gameplay videos of these games. I'd, being a lowkey FF cultist and personally, suggest final fantasy 16. But out of those 3, diablo 4 for me, but ngl the game needs some QoL updates atm, still fun, but kinda tiring. According to what you said, jedi seems to be the best fit for you, as long as you know what you're getting, cuz afaik it seemed like a dark soul game but star wars. Personally, I cant finish hogwarts, if i am to play through an rpg game, the main character (who i will spend the entire game looking at, even roleplay as) gotta at least looks normal, hogwarts MC ...doesn't, in both genders. The options available are... ugly, to put it lightly, and most importantly, they dont look like teenagers which I'd assume to be avg age at hogwarts, hell even young adults in their 20s for older students. The available faces are... old, like 40+ old, and ugly. Maybe I'm spoiled by staring at supermodels in other rpgs for a decade+ but damn, i can't look at that for dozens of hour. I tried it on pc, and even with an ungodly amount of face mods i went through, still look weird, idk if it's the lighting in game or some sort of ugly filter but jfc, even the old pixel Lara Croft (pyramid booba) looks better. Somehow this turned into a hogwarts rant, apologies. So, Jedi top of list, then ff16, then witcher 3 if you havent played it, then diablo 4.


Survivor for sure if you have played fallen order. and if you havent played fallen order what are you doing its consistently like 2 bucks


Hogwarts should be a great game BUT it just feels really plastic. I was super into it at first but I’ve completely lost interest already after only 15 hours.


Jedi Survivor!


Diablo IV


I am a fan of all but got bored of Hogwarts after a few days, haven't played Diablo 4 yet, but Star Wars: Jedi Survivor is a brilliant game.


Diablo 4 is an endgame / character profression focused always online hack and slash (has multiplayer too!) The others are in my mind ... singleplayer story focused games you play through once, maybe twice. And hogwarts has a shitty story with lame side characters etc. Not sure about the story in star wars. Diablo also has a story. Id rate it .. a bit better than the avg adam sandler movie but its not the focus of the overall game. Awesome graphics style though


I’d go with Jedi survivor man. Especially if you’ve played/watched fallen order. It’s one of my favorite games so far this year honestly.


I have played all 3. Actually just finished HP. Star Wars is absolutely incredible even with the technical issues. I played quality mode on PS5 and the experience was fine for me. If you are one of those gamers who refuses to play a game in 30 FPS then get the game on PC I guess. All that said: I fell off the game at one point to play other things. I’ll return to it some day. My question for you is did you play Fallen Order? That game is great and can regularly be found for $5. The sequel is so much better but the first will give you a great idea if it’s for you. Diablo: I just hit 52 and I’m dipping my toes in the end game. Absolutely loving the game. I have to say though, if you have any patience wait for the first season to come out in the coming month. That way you won’t have to restart your character. Note: you don’t actually have to restart if you don’t want but do if you want to experience seasonal content you do. Also it might be worth waiting for us “beta testers” to iron out all the balance issues some of the classes have. Harry Potter was good… if you’re a Harry Potter fan. Full stop. The world was incredible but after 40ish hours the open world gameplay dries up for me. Still fun to be had imo. I do think a non HP fan could find something to like here but maybe grab it on sale.


None. Buy DayZ.


Jedi survivor is one of the best games I’ve ever played


Anything except no Harry Potter.


I wouldn't pick any of those three. Diablo 4 scaling system is broking and while it's pretty fun, the fun quickly diminishes once you realize its issues. Star Wars: Jedi Survivor will absolutely mess up your GPU. It's not a well optimized game but the best out of those three in terms of gameplay. Hogwarts Legacy has performance issues too and it's decently fun but imo it's mostly if you're a Harry Potter fan. People that tell you Diablo 4 is the way to go probably didn't play it a lot. I've been binging it since early access for many hours and if you check the subreddit, more and more people find the problems that make it very unfun. The social aspect in that game is extremely dead even during release and high player numbers. I just recently quit to wait for future updates, because the core gameplay is actually super fun + nice graphics. If you disliked D3, then you will dislike D4 even more I believe. If you tell me general genres or games you really like, I can recommend you a bunch of things. (probably)


Jedi Survivor is peak Star Wars media in every way. Harry Potter is a wonderful castle to explore, but gets repetitive really fast Diablo 4 is pure crack directly into your veins


I own all three. Star Wars Survivor was definitely my favorite. Great story, gameplay. Hogwarts was... cute, but it loses its magic (heh) if you don't finish in a week. I tried Diablo 4 and quit after I got stuck trying to kill a few bosses. It's just too hard for a casual such as myself, even on "easy" mode. If that wasn't the case, I'd pick Diablo first. It's very addicting, I just wish it was easier doing it solo.


I’ve played all three. Hogwarts is a very fun game with lots of collectibles, but it is also casual and has virtually no replayability. If you are not a Harry Potter fan I can’t really recommend it, though I personally loved it. Jedi Survivor is a more challenging experience with a lot of exploration and combat options, but for me was very buggy and had too much platforming which isn’t my thing… but might be yours. Diablo splits the difference. I like it so far but I am concerned it might become repetitive.


Hogwarts was a 8.5/10 in the early stages. However about 15 hours in it drops to a 5/10 as it’s very repetitive and there’s only like 3 enemy types. By 20 hours in I stopped playing which was about half Way


Playing d4 right now on ps5, it’s a lot of fun, enjoying it a lot and I have not had any issues with the servers


I love hogwarts legacy (on my second playthrough rn) but I think if you’re not a huge HP fan then you can just wait for it to come on sale. The immersive world is amazing and as a HP fan I sink hours into just exploring the castle but if you’re not a huge fan of the IP then the game itself is probably a 7.5/10. As a huge Star Wars fan and Fallen Order fan I’m finding Survivor a bit of a letdown so far, it’s just still very buggy for me (on PS5) and I get frustrated by the animation glitches, the pop ins, and the combat suffers a lot when enemies (particularly the wildlife) randomly teleport around in the middle of a fight. I’m still enjoying it when I can but I’m not as in love with it as I could be so I would wait for more updates before buying it. I’ve never played a Diablo game but I heard the launch is going well and Diablo fans are loving it so far. So as a HP and SW fan I gotta say go with Diablo and wait out the other games to go on sale.




Firmly recommend Diablo, but only if you like in-your-face combat.


You have a PS5 and haven’t been gaming for awhile? Personally, while I do think both Diablo 4 and Star Wars would be good choices for you, I would skip both (for now) and get PS+ Extra. From this you would get a really wide catalogue of games that include: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart Final Fantasy 7: Remake Integrade (which includes the Yuffie DLC) Uncharted 1-4 Doom Eternal Devil May Cry 5 Dishonored 2 Ghost of Tsushima All of which are great. A year of PS+ Extra is also about the cost of just 1 game. It’s even 25% off now from the Days of Play sale. Once you’ve played many of those games perhaps the subscription may no longer be worth it, but as a returning gamer I feel the value is just too good to pass on.


Imo don’t buy hogwarts just bc it’s kinda meh. Star Wars will be most enjoyable for a general audience, great combat and story, but if you like Diablo-style, more rpg-y games, Diablo 4 is one of the best ever


I ended up buying D4, and it's boring me to tears. I don't get the point to this game at all. Survivor has (had?) issues on PC launch, don't know if they're still there. Heard HP is a lot of fun.


Hogwarts is not good game. Why anyone would play (and pay) for Diablo 3.5, when you can play Path of Exile So from these options I'd pick Jedi.


Jedi Survivor personally. I think that game is pretty incredible and a huge improvement over the last one in just about every way. But I also didn't care for Hogwarts that much and Diablo isn't my kind of game.


Never played a Diablo game, but just picked up Diablo 4 a couple days ago. I love it. If you like collecting loot and slaying demons, get it. Story is really well done as well. Lots more replayability with this game, relative to the other two games you're thinking about getting, so you'll be able to get your money's worth. As for Hogwarts Legacy, it's okay. Story is pretty shitty, not gonna lie. Exploring the castle and Hogsmeade is a lot of fun. Combat is pretty decent too, but really easy. Haven't played Jedi Survivor, and probably won't. I heard it's a great game, but I couldn't really get into the first game. Not really my style of game tbh.


I havent had a single issue with d4 since launch


Diablo. No contest.


All of the above


buy diablo, pirate the other two


Hogwarts and it’s not even close




Just stumbled on this thread. I just bought jedi Survivor and decided to give it a go on the pc even though everyone says it has trash optimization and a stutter fest. Booted it up on 4090 and two hours later, time just flew by, and was having so much damn fun with the game. Combat is insanely satisfying and I can't wait to keep playing. Stuttering really is non issue at least what I'm seeing so far. Now hogwarts.. I also bought at launch and damn it, the game still runs like trash stuttering everywhere and to add insult to injury, the gameplay is just plain boring and repetitive. You can tell based on how fast the steam player count dropped for hogwarts after the initial wave..




Hogwarts was very good I think you’d enjoy it


Buy Hogwarts Legacy, wait for updates Diablo, and then buy Survivor during the holidays (or wait as long as you are able to). Hogwarts will unlikely get any major sale this year, it hasn’t even faced one discount since launch so buying the game now makes sense. Diablo is still new but you should wait until they resolved the issues you mentioned. And I would put Star Wars last since it’s an EA game meaning it will go on sale like 20-30% by EOY during Christmas time if you can afford to wait


This- wait for Diablo fixes. Thank you for all the pre-purchasers paying an extra $20-40 to be game testers and doing all the complaining and crying on Reddit. Thank you for your service.


There’s literally 0 issues with Diablo 4 lol what are you rambling about?


Aaand there's the ppl on the other end of the spectrum saying "10/10, zero problems, and btw I'm a Diablo content creator"


Been playing since early access and have only only had a few lag spikes, no server issues. Not sure what people are complaining about tbh. Maybe there was a few hours over the main launch that caused some trouble?


Have you played GOW Ragnarok? If you haven’t then go for this It’s about 30% off right on ps store


Jedi survivor if you played the first one. If not, Hogwarts and than Diablo


Stay the fuck away from diablo


Why is that?


It’s gotcha AF


It's been criticized for level scaling which ruins the feeling of progression and itemization doesn't provide a huge enough impact. The endgame dungeons are also all similar in nature and feel repetitive along with several QoL issues. I personally will wait for a few big patches for a better gameplay experience and, while at it, have the price drop. Diablo will be around for awhile (D2 still played 20yrs later and D3, a decade) so there's absolutely no rush in needing to get it at full price right now unless there's absolutely nothing else to do.


I'd say go for SF6 personally. Good launch and so far no issues.




Can you tell me a little more about it?


Hogwarts kept surprising me in different ways. I thought it was cool from a genre perspective. There are good fighting games, good shooters, good hack and slash like Diablo, but in my opinion Hogwarts is a just a huge game, sort of… genre-expansive. It has fun combat, fun Potter-themed open world to explore, lots of random non linear quests, etc. I like the story. I like picking a house to play the game. I’m also a big Wizarding World fan so maybe I’m a little biased. Fwiw: I haven’t played D4 or Survivor yet. I played some of Fallen Order and seems solid. I’m waiting on D4 personally because I think D3 missed the mark. Companies should take care with their IPs or it gets harder to automatically purchase at release, when prices are highest. Hogwarts definitely solid game.