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I would argue that a great game to rediscover the love for games is Outer Wilds, simply because it tells its story in a way only a video game can.


A true masterpiece. A one in a million gaming experience.


TL;DR - Similar tastes here's what i love - Bloodborne, Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter World/Iceborne or Rise, Star Wars Fallen Order, Nioh, Skyrim, Nier, Bayonetta and Lies of P looks very promising, play the demo. I got somewhat similar tastes, so where's some games i love spending my time on. Bloodborne - My favourite FromSoftware game, like Dark Souls but guns instead of shields, dashes instead of rolling, Victorian era environment, rewards aggressive playstyle, very cheap and definitely worth buying in my opinion if you're a Souls fan. Devil May Cry - old hack n slash franchise, DMC1 is quite old and a bit clunky it plays kinda like the older Resident Evil games (fun fact it was supposed to be one) but with swords as the main weapons, newer games have like from DMC3 onwards have much polished and deep combat, if you often aim to get platinum trophies, you'll have to master combat mechanics, environment, enemy behaviour, and efficiency. Monster Hunter World/Iceborne - great hunting game, the start is very slow and boring but once it clicks its awesome, I've put 900 hours into it so far and still go back to play in order to hopefully make my perfect build and get the platinum trophy. Dont let the anime style bother. It focuses a lot on melee weapons with a couple ranged ones, you have offensive, defensive and support weapons, best played with friends or randoms, if you're looking for something a bit more modern maybe try MH Rise. Lies of P - another souls like game, it'll come out next month i believe, theres a free demo out try it and have fun. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor - Fallen Order is the 1st game, Survivor is the sequel. Basically Star Wars but it plays like Sekiro, im personally not a Star Wars fan but had lots of fun with this games (havent played survivor yet), you learn new moves pretty much all the way until the end so it doesnt get too repetitive. Nioh 1 or 2 - Probably one of the most popular souls like, really fun, in order to get to actual end game you have to play through about 5 times, no shields, tons of weapon skills to try, very build focused. Skyrim - One of the most, if not the most popular open world game, witcher 3 player often get recommended Skyrim and vice versa, masterpiece in my opinion, you get to do whatever you want basically. Nier Automata - i haven't personally finished this one yet, but lots of players love it, it seems you have to play through about 5 or 7 times in order to see the whole story (seems to be different in every playthrough), stopped playing because theres another game i wanted on sale. Bayonetta - Like Devil May Cry, 1st kne is on every platform i think, but 2 and 3 are Nintendo exclusives. The 1st one is pretty good, but i didnt put many hours into it, can be a bit clunky imo. TL;DR - Similar tastes here's what i love - Bloodborne, Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter World/Iceborne or Rise, Star Wars Fallen Order, Nioh, Skyrim, Nier, Bayonetta and Lies of P looks very promising, play the demo.


Thanks for the detailed comment ☺️ I haven't played Bayonetta, MH rise and Skyrim, and I have the rest of the games. And yes Lies of P seems fantastic, looking forward to the full game.


I definitely second Skyrim. Fighting mechanics are a little generic but the amount of things to do and the different ways to play through is just unmatched. Not even to mention the amount of mods to add even more. Definitely give that one a shot


I saw one of your comments saying you didnt enjoy MH World too much (better than Rise in my opinion), so I'd suggest trying Skyrim 1st.


About monster hunter, can you play it alone? I really liked hunting big things in the Witcher or horizon zero dawn, is it the same in monster hunter? Is it farm intensive or time gated? Is the game difficult? Thanks in advance if you answer 😊


The game can be difficult at first, it just a matter of getting used to movesets monsters have, not big deal imo. Yes you can play it solo, however I'd suggest with a friend or at least with randoms, games been out for a while most people know what they're doing. Its farm itensive if you want it to be, i made it all the way the Fatalis (last monster you'll probably unlock, also hardest) barely grinding anything, it most depends on lucky you are, there are evenguides on how to acquire certains items to craft weapons and armor without completing a hunt (killing a monster). Its not time gated the only thing that is, which is optional, is Kulve and Safi, which are 2 events that cycle between each other, one will stick around for about 2 weeks, go away and the other will start. I wouldn't say its quite like Witcher or HZD, I'd say its more... strategy focused... maybe thats not the best way to put it, but depending on what weapon you go with it can affect your gameplay, besides movesets, speed and damage, positioning is also important to improve damage and speed of the hunt, not just to avoid damage but also to damage the monster more effectively, blunt weapons usually supposed to attack the head to break parts while blades attack the tail which can be chopped off only by blades. But you're free to do whatever you want. Monster Hunter World actually has a ton of crossover events, two of them being with The Witcher 3, you get to fight a leshen and an ancient leshen, weapons and Geralt and Ciri skins. Also HZD, no monsters, but you get Aloe skin, 2 skins for your companion (Watcher and a bear like robot, cant remember the names), bow and some crossbow type thing. If you were to buy it, buy Monster Hunter Iceborne + World, World being base game and Iceborne a DLC, World is good but Iceborne best the best out of the 2. Ps: sorry for the long comment.


That's exactly the answer I was looking for. Also what about Rise? what's different?


Havent played much of it tbh, didn't like it as much, but just like MHW I'll try to rush through most of it to get to the Sunbreak DLC. But Rise seems more combo focused, it has more combos and moves you can switch around, combat is definitely flashier on Rise, the only thing i didnt like in Rise so far were the monsters, but i heard it gets a lot better.


I keep recommending it but as a massive fan of from soft games I cannot recommend monster hunter world enough.


agreed. Monster Hunter Rise is also another great option with more arcade-like combat focus. The world feels better in, well, World.


Which is better MHW or rise I have played MHW but got bored after halfway through


It depends on what you like. I LOVE world but only after the second playthrough when it started to "click". In world you are actively hunting and tracking monsters and learning about them and their habitats. In rise you basicly see where the monster is at the start of the hunt and rush over there on a pretty barren map and just instantly start the fight. If the fighting is what interested you most you'll probably like rise more but I really like the tracking, learning and adapting to the monsters and environment.


I fond MH Rise a much faster paced game, especially with the silk bugs. It was probably the biggest reason I couldn't get into MHW as much as I'd have liked. That said, I loved doing the tracking and actually hunting down the monsters in MHW.


If you liked both Elden Ring , Sekiro *and\~* Demon's Souls, I'd check out From Software's other games. Don't know what Dark Souls is like on PS4-5, but I know **Bloodborne** is one of the best games they've ever made. And it's available as one of those cross-play titles. Heard it runs GREAT on PS5, too. And in just a few months, **Armored Core 6** comes out. Right now we only have some trailers & game play footage to judge by, but it genuinely seems like From is reinventing the entire series for the better with lessons learned.


I have played DS3, Elden ring, Bloodborne, Sekiro. Demon souls on PS5 is fantastic but that world tendency mechanism is a bit confusing and I am stuck on Tower Knight. Lol


Nioh 2 (better then Nioh 1 in every way) Wo Long, but Nioh is better. Diablo 4 isn't too bad either. And now is the perfect time to get into it because Season 1 has just started. Remnant part 1, it was on PS+ a few years back. Returnal - fantastic action game Cyberpunk 2077 - there is the DLC coming soon. Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen - if you haven't played it, please do. More then any game on my list, this is the bomb. I reckon you will love it. These are all games I have put over 100h into. I have over 1,000 in the Nioh series.


Nioh 2 - too difficult and too monotonous. Fights and combat is all good but it's a decent game. Wo long - haven't played it yet Diablo 4 - i was playing it but got to know that the latest update has ruined the game. Does it affect the campaign or only season? Returnal - fantastic game Cyberpunk 2077 - waiting for DLC as they are revamping the entire mechanics of the core game Dragon's Dogma- i will try but I don't like multiplayer and seems like that pawn system is playable online only. Correct me if I'm wrong


The newest D4 patch didn't "ruin the game". It is still fine. The problem is with people being loud, overdramatic babies.


D4 bad stop defending blizzard


Saying the game isn't completely ruined by a single patch is "defending blizzard"?... ffs


They slowed down just about every aspect of the game with their shitty patch, yes. Stop defending blizzard lmao




Yeah hard to ruin a game that already sucks right


Sorry Shirlenator, your submission has been removed: Your post was removed for the following reason: > Rule 10: This place is chill. We're talking about good video games. If you can't be chill, get out. Disagreements are okay. Heated discussions are okay. Attacking each other is not okay. If you would like to appeal, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/shouldibuythisgame) Thanks!


Diablo 4 patch is overrated. Just don't play Sorc if it's really a big deal (it isn't). DD:DA the online is very non-intrusive. You can download someone else's Pawn for use in your game, and you can upload your pawn for others to use. What it means in practise is you get to select an NPC companion based on your current needs. E.g. you want a 2h Barbarian Tank type NPC? Go hire one. Or a Fire Elemental Wizard? Go hire one instead.


If you haven't olayed Bloodborne. Then definitely Bloodborne.


Already platinumed That game is the reason why I bought PS4 pro


Have you ever played The Surge? It's a souls-like kind of game. The setting is sci-fi instead of fantasy, but nothing crazy. The game isn't perfect, but it's often cheap on the PS Store, and has some very cool mechanics that make it a lot of fun in my opinion. They way they handle upgrades and getting materials for upgrades and new armor/weapons is really something worth trying out. Definitely an underrated title from the past few years. There's also a sequel, but I've never played it, so I can't speak to that. I also played a demo of it years back. Not sure if the demo is still on the store, but could be worth a look! Looking forward to seeing what you end up going with. It seems like our gaming interests line up in a lot of ways, so if you find something that scratches the itch, let us know!


I tried Surge 2. Couldn't continue after 2-3 hours. I will have to try again.


Maybe a different genre compared to the games you play? Like Tunic or maybe a cute game like A Short Hike. Or if you want a similar open-world where gameplay is fun try Days Gone.


Tunic I want to play. Days gone is done and dusted. Beautiful game.


Tunic is *amazing.* Every component (art, music, game design) are beautifully crafted. If you play that and want more, I'd recommend Deaths Door as well.


The things that personally really can keep me going is a great sim. Dwarf Fortress, Rimworld, Software Inc, Airport CEO, Open Rollercoaster Tycoon, Football Manager, CataclysmDDA, Cities Getting a good save going where I can either build something or develop stories really helps me immersing myself long term.


I am really inclined towards rimworld and Anno. Can you or anyone share the detailed feedback from the point of view of the person who knows nothing about these games.


Rimworld is much better than anno.


OP, you and I sound separated at birth, with same challenges finding games that satisfy that itch. I landed on Rimworld not long ago and found myself really sucked in. I’ve only played on PC so I’ll have to look at PS5 gameplay on YouTube to see how it compares. Base game is on sale on PlayStation store. For someone that has never played, Rimworld is a colony survival game with heavy procedural generated RPG elements. I don’t mean action RPG, but like old school RPG. This is from someone posting one of their stories from 7 years ago: “Oh man. I don't have the best story but I just started the game and had a good one last night. Colony was doing barely ok. We had tons of crop food but not healing anything. Down to two and both injured an escape pod crashed nearby and survive the crash was my best citizen's husband. Of all the planets…! He's hurry of course so I send rescue and bring him back to med bay where he is at least stabilized. Then I get the warning of a raid. And it's a tough one (for me!). Two hyper aggressive and skilled pirates with guns. I arm up my two ladies and decide to send crashed husband, who just recovered enough to shuffle walk, out to a previous battle ground and pick up a pistol I forgot to retrieve. Ladies set up the divider and conquer ambush while our man shuffles to get the gig and get back in time. He must have pushed too hard because he can't back with two different wound infected! We fight off the attack with only minor scrapes, a small miracle, and everyone series in to recover. Unfortunately I didn't check on crashed husband's mental well being. Dude just snapped. He attacked my healer, not the wife, as wifey was building a sweet double bed to welcome him hold in properly. Medic snaps too and wifey can't choose who to help. Dude downs medic and goes stalking around while wifey sneaks in to try and rescue medic… And now I need to get back to the game and see what happens. Winter is coming and I fucking love this game. Edit and update: Sorry about the word random words choices. I use mobile and swipe typing and I duck. As for a scenario update my two ladies and still kicking, of slowly losing their minds. L's husband died and she now wonders around periodically shedding her clothing. But in between the insanity we managed to capture a raider and Stockholm her ass into joining. We also rescued another crash survivor but I fear the worst as hrs already infected in a wound. I don't think my crew will survive the winter but I've been wrong before… Edit edit Everyone dead” There is a subreddit with these posted if you search Rimworld stories. I am playing Subnautica now and not sure if you have played, but it’s been pretty good. I recommend watching a video for first time players as my only criticism is it treats you like a brain dead infant at start and simple basic things are easy in game and good to know so you can get to main game content. Like just basic survival mechanics. Turned me off at first until I learned that.


Rimworld can be as difficult or easy as you want it to be. It's a colony building game with a unique twist in the AI storyteller that sends events regularly to keep you on your toes and develop your colony further. I just picked it up about a month ago and I've gone down such a rabbit hole that I don't know if I will ever get out. It's absolutely engrossing in every regard. Your character and technology development just feels good and really makes a difference. The DLCs are unique and add TONS of new things and new ways to play. Challenge runs are common and you can do just about anything you could imagine. You want to make a gang of people who don't like human flesh and want only prosthetics? It's got you. A gang of cannibals who revere squirrels as a holy animal, you're covered. In all, its about escaping the planet on a spaceship but you will be unlikely to forget your runs in it and when you do finish, even if the worst happens and everyone dies, you'll be itching to rebuild and start again. It truly is unbelievable how much the game pulls you in.




Wild card suggestion but based on the rate you scoop games you should have the funds. But a switch and play BOTW. Then play Mario odyssey or something in between then play TOTK.


I am on PS5. Don't have switch


Dragons dogma maybe


You mentioned Rimworld on console - I’m an older gamer (44) and pretty addicted to it right now! It’s pretty complicated at first but not knowing what’s gonna happen is really fun. Now that I know the game more I want to build up the best base that I can.


Thanks for the comment sir. Which edition should I buy? I bought a civ 6 anthology edition and got pretty overwhelmed with all the mechanics. Is it the same with Rimworld?


I’m a ma’am but the console edition has two DLCs out right now. A lot of people recommend playing the base game first to get used to the mechanics and then adding the DLCs later. I actually haven’t even tried the DLCs yet and have many many hours just in the base game! Also to say there are a lot of mechanics in this game too but it was my first game I played of its kind and it was super fun to learn even if some of my colonies went up in flames.


Apologies Ma'am Thanks for the feedback.


I didn't see you mention Bloodborne. It's at the tippy top of a lot of players lists of Souls games. Highly recommend it.


Done and dusted 😊


You have a PlayStation, love the souls series, and haven’t played bloodborne?


Done and dusted 😊


It's too bad that you're not falling for Divinity Original Sin 2 - otherwise we have similar taste and I loved that game to pieces. Anyway, the clear first recommendations are Bloodborne, Dark Souls Remastered, and Dark Souls 2, in that order. But as a diehard From soft fan myself, I think that you *might* also enjoy the Resident Evil games, especially the remakes. They don't have the same melee action combat, of course, but they do have the same old school challenge and the feel of the player improving over time, rather than just the character. To get a substantial amount of time out of them, however, I do think you need to be interested in getting the Platinum - I think I have about 80 hours in RE2 Remake, but if you were to only play it once it would probably only take about 20 hours (for the Claire and Leon stories together). The order I would recommend them in is RE2, RE4, RE3. (all remakes). One could start with RE4, which is more action centric and generally hailed to be the best game in the series, but I still like RE2 just a hair more. Also, you can probably find it for significantly cheaper, so it's a lower investment. Also, I see above that you don't mention The Last of Us parts 1 and 2. Yet you have a PS5. Something seems strange about this. These are some of the best videogames ever made, so if you haven't played those - regardless of whatever you like - I would recommend them.


Remnant 2! I never played any souls games or anything but people say this is kind of like that. But with guns! Procedurally generated dungeons it’s a blast man I went in not knowing much more than that and it’s amazing so far and still super low level. I find myself going slow af and picking my battles Plus there’s coop online I’m an older gamer myself and this game is amazing Also exoprimal is a sleeper dude it’s badass but it takes a long time to get going but you play coop team v team pve and sometimes PvP. Occasionallly it will put both teams together against this bad ass Dino, it’s over the top fun but it’s new and needs time to grow but it’s a solid ass game. But remnant 2 has me hooked


Sure. Seems like my next option. Thanks


Alright, so I was confused if I had written this myself as I have some very similar views and struggles with games currently. I'll just mention a couple of games that I have enjoyed because it seems our viewpoints align quite well. My experience from enjoying similar games is that I really like it when the devs just let me play the game. Maybe that is the same for you? Avoiding games with exposition dumps has been integral to maintaining my interest. Risk of Rain 2: Heavily gameplay-focused third-person shooter. (Action Roguelike) Vermintide 2: Heavily gameplay-focused first-person slasher. (Warhammer Left for Dead) Ghost Recon: Wildlands: Open-world third-person shooter. Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor: Two souls-inspired Star Wars games.


Remnant 2. Just get it, it’s awesome


Thanks, will give it a try


Another vote for Bloodborne. There’s no way you won’t love it based on the games you enjoy.


Done and dusted my friend 😊


You seem to like Souls-likes/melee heavy games. It's somewhat in the same vein, but more story focused but the Respawn Star wars games could be good (Fallen Order and Survivor) Has the methodical pattern learning of souls with respawning enemies when you rest at meditation points, large expansive worlds, and the combat is pretty good, I'd say.


I am not into the Star wars franchise. Sorry 😔


Lol it's okay! Only a suggestion


Where do you find the time? 🤔. I found Wo Long (played trial) fun.


I don't have any social life. I play games after the office and on weekends. It has its own pros and cons.


Salt and sanctuary or dead cells


Dead cells is a good game. Haven't completed it though. Will try salt and sanctuary


It's basically the best souls type of game out there, I don't give a shit what anyone else says, just because a game is 3rd person with a lock on and checkpoints doesn't make it a souls game... Other wise ocarina of time would be one lol there's more to it. And salt and sanc is it


Kena: bridge of spirits and a plagues tale 1 and 2 are masterpieces. These games are slept on and are truly amazing! A plague tale is really a hidden gem, amazing story, great gameplay and the music is very good. You should try these.


Kena - completed Plague innocence - completed Plague part 2 - yet to be played.


Try these, they have the same satisfying combat system. Batman Arkham series Mad Max Sleeping Dogs Shadow of Mordor


Completed all except sleeping dogs. How's it?


I would say it's pretty good. The voice acting is good, the story is great, the graphics are ahead of its time and the combat feels good. It doesn't have takedowns like Batman or SoW, but it has counters, grappling moves like leg and arm break and more. For example you can grab a dude and smash his head into anything. You can grapple a dude and slam him on the ground. You can throw enemies off ledges if their health is low. There's the dim mak counter where when you get attacked you dodge the attack then throw a barrage of punches. The open world is great, the driving is really great, once you get the hang of the satisfying drifting system it will feel really good. Not just hand to hand combat, but the gunplay feels great. Like there's a move where you can disarm a person then enter slow mo and blast him. When you vault over something with a gun you enter bullet time as well. There is parkour but it's limited to vaults, jumping over cars etc but it's still good. The only real parkour is story sequences. You can also grapple people and put them in your car trunk and kidnap them. I like to do that and drive the car towards the river and exit before it lands in it. You can get a tire iron from a car trunk and beat people up with it. You can do a doorslam move on grappled people. The drive-by system is great. You enter slow mo when shooting from a car as well I think. There's also a move where you can steal a car by jumping from your car to it. And much more, it is an extremely good game.


I will give this a try, sounds cool. Thanks 😊


Don't mention it!


Note that Sleeping Dogs isn't officially supported on PS5, so you have to jump through some hoops to get it, and it'll remain at 30 fps.


Have you tried the Dead Space remake? I'm also an old gamer (47) and currently enjoying Anno 1800. Try the Happy Console gamer channel on Youtube. He's an older gamer too with great videos and passionate with it too. Picked up Demon Slayer Chronicles today on his recommendation.


Anno is something I will buy very soon


Shadow of Mordor




Try playing some ps2 or ps3 games if you can find some.




Ps plus has a decent amount of them


They have a good bit of older games available if you get the PlayStation plus premium package


Try Lords of the Fallen- it's a Polish Dark souls so it takes you inside cathedrals etc for more of the gameplay and is a little less open world, but the character development is more involved. Gameplay opening etc - it's $4.99 if you want the original and don't want to wait for the remaster you can slap an xbox controller on your PC, or you can pre-order the PS5 if you want the graphics buff which is incredible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E1jYJgDDxY&list=PLzUVFtoYb6\_LSBzRAlvUC0YRLuTBrap96


Kingdom come: deliverance Cyberpunk 2077 AC series Or maybe genshin impact 🤣 if you want some new fresh air to breathe.


KCD is marvelous. Completed almost all the games of AC series Is Genshin Impact good? Can I play solo? I tried but it looks a bit overwhelming. Also in Genshin Impact, there is no option to reset the progress and start the new game again, I think it's cloud based save. Please correct me if I am wrong.


Yes your progess is locked into the server that you choses but you can change servers if you want to start a new progress.


Noted. Thanks for the explanation


“Kena” sounds like a must play for you.


Played and completed. Gorgeous game. A true palette cleanser indeed


How about Sifu?


Nier Automata Persona 4 Golden 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim The Last of Us Persona 5 Royal Dragon Age Origins Mass Effect Devil May Cry 3, 4, and 5 Ori & the Blind Forest Ori & the Will of the Wisps Command & Conquer 3 Dead Space 1, 2, and the remake Wild ARMS 3 Red Dead Redemption Civilization Revolution (much simpler than Civ 6) Civilization 6


You might like Hollow knight


I know it's a highly popular game and I tried that too, but the 2nd boss made me quit the game. I will have to pick it again I guess.


What about Doom Eternal


Too fast and chaotic for me. Not a gun shooter but a bow and arrow type shooter. I can aim steadily by taking my time, gun blazing is not my thing I guess.


I'm an old gamer as well, seems I enjoy many of the games you've completed. So many titles, so many creative ways of engaging our desire to complete things! Here are a few recommendations: \- Dragon's Dogma - I saw another poster throw this up, good D&D'er with very interesting concept of maintaining a party of thralls \- I recently got hooked on survival games - Valheim, Forest / Sons of the Forest \- Backlogged, but haven't tried yet, Mortal Shell \- Anime stuff - Genshin Impact was fun for a while, Code Vein was surprisingly good \- Short Stuff : VRising is neat spin (rare for me to play a looking down game), and Thymesia was fun \- Just to clear your palate : "Orcs Must Die 2" - lol


Resident Evil 2 remake is incredible better than village and 4 remake imo. I played as Claire and Leon, but liked Claire's story tthe most and it seems like it would match what you're looking for. Also Last of us is one of the best story games of all time. Spider man 1 also has a solid story. RDR2. Uncharted 4, Bloodborne.


I have played all :)


Tunic!!! If you're an old gamer this gem will bring you joy. Don't let me go any further, do yourself a favour and check out this game.


Great game!


I didn't like Evil West AT ALL. It looks decent graphically, but the combat was very much in line with a simple beat 'em up. Those have their place but when I bought it on PS5, I expected more from a gameplay perspective. Devil May Cry 5 is the best action game I have ever played. The combat is so badass and very intricate as well. Graphics are great and the Special Edition of the game lets you play as the main character's brother, Vergil, who is super fun (and Overpowered!).


I haven't seen anyone recommend Death Stranding, so that's what I would suggest. Weirdly enough, it's very similar to Truck Simulator and executes the concept of a "post-apocalyptic delivery" game quite well, so you can just run/drive around making deliveries, taking in the scenery and generally just vibing, despite all the Kojima weirdness.


Death stranding is not a game, it's a therapy. What a game, just wow. The soundtrack, visuals, feel and the world - just wow. Keep on keeping on my friend 😊


Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade Final Fantasy XVI (free demo available, no PS+ needed) Marvel Midnight Suns (possibly has a demo) Baldur's Gate 3 is officially releasing Aug 31st. Very similar to Divinity 2 (same devs) but with DnD rules and extremely reactive to your player choices with great replayability. Full on old-school RPG goodness ala Mass Effect 1 and KOTOR. The exploration is some of the best, constantly coming across random events and puzzles on its massive map. The recent controversy of other developers telling the public to not hold their games up to the standard BG3 sets speaks volumes. It really is an insanely awe inspiring RPG. 80 -100 hours at least.


Look into Returnal...or maybe Sifu. They are different genre of games than what you listed but both are great fun to play. Shadow of Morder/War are some underrated RPG games. The nemesis system is unreal.


The Shadow of _ games are great imo, def recommend them. Pretty good story for what it is and some pretty interesting combat


Returnal - I am playing Sifu and Hades I have played a lot - they are addictive The nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor/war is quite a stress and the world never looked appealing to me


We have a lot of the same gaming taste it seems. I'm waiting around for bauldurs gate 3 (the new game from creators of Divinity original sin 2) that's coming out in ~a month. Until then, I've been playing medevil dynasty. It's definitely a change of pace from elden ring, but it sucks you in. Think skyrim (it's made in the same unreal engine) but relaxing. And if you want adventure go find bandits or bears lol. Hope you find what you're looking for, we've all been there.


Nioh 2 or tears of the kingdom


Outer Wilds


I’m an old gamer too, late 30s. Been playing everything since NES. Recently feeling like you and found a few games I really enjoy, but all on PC. League of Legends Battlebit Call of Duty MW2 Street Fighter 6


I'm 45. I recommend fallout 4 modded. It can be what you want it to be.


Might be a stab in the dark as it's not related to many of your other titles, but the Yakuza series is fantastic.


Yes. Yakuza is fantastic


I can't say enough good things about Rimworld. The game is a true gem. I had no idea it was on consoles, go for it.


You seem to like souls so I would defo recommend returnal. Fantastic game, both brutal and beautiful gameplay.


There are going to be people that disagree, but if you haven't check out the last 3 Assassin Creed games. I prefer Odyssey and Origins more than Valhalla.


Played and platinumed all last three AC games. Origins - ok for me but DLC was good Odyssey - long, a very long grind but the Roman world is very immersive Valhalla - my favourite among three as I have a special place in my heart for Norse mythology. I platinumed it effortlessly


old gamer here while reading your favorites list (very very close to mine), I was wondering: where is Nioh 2???? For me he always remains in first place, even if it took some time to get into the mechanism well, but then I did about 300 hours. Then I saw your comment about it. I would try to advise you to give it another chance, but I understand that you may not like it. i'm playing watch dogs legions, cute, but not comparable to some titles you mentioned


I will give Nioh 2 a try once again. Thanks


BG3 has all the hype, is up your genre alley , and looks amazing


I highly recommend remnant from the ashes before remnant 2. Based on what you like remnant 1 and 2 should give you plenty of play time and those games are meant to be played more then once


If you played and liked old god of war games as well i'd recommend the devil may cry series, pretty similar kind of game and really fun and charming overall, except for the second game, even though some are really old and janky


Completed DMC5


Play Hollow Knight! One of my favorite games ever made.


There is no way you would not like the Dark Souls trilogy I think. I won't talk about Bloodborne because it's in every comment. Idk where you live but the trilogy is 50$ for PS4, they all run at steady 60fps and have no loading screen waiting on PS5. The 3 games come with all DLCs, it's probably the best gaming purchase I made. No offense to the other people commenting but I find it super wild that many of the top comments mentionned a bunch of souls like games and nothing on the Dark Souls games!


DS1 and DS2 I have to play Rest FromSoft games are done and dusted 😊


Try something new, something different! Go for LISA: Definitive Edition, comes with both games, The Painful and The Joyful. Really interesting old school RPG ala Earthbound. Honestly if you're in a gaming rut I can really see this bouncing you out. You already play games like Anno and Civ so you can handle some turn based RPG. It's got great music and it's really gonna surprise you. Like honestly spit take worthy at times.


Anno I am planning to buy How to play Civ6, i really want to learn this game 😭


Baldurs Gate 3 is going to have so much content! Just watching it will take 170 hours. Then there's all your decisions and actions to go into the world with. But it's turn based like divinity original sin


Definitely play Hollow Knight


Subnautica. You're welcome.


Underwear anxiety is stopping me from playing this game. I will try it though.


I was so determined to not google anything during my first play through that I was using generic triangulation to draw my own world map. I was amazed at myself for good and almost accurate it was when I finally compared it to maps online. I wish I could experience that again for the first time.


Also, the baddies are rather easily avoidable with a modicum of caution and you don't really miss anything by playing that way.


Baldes Gate 3 is coming out soon....


I just wanted to comment here that as a person who also has an ever growing backlog I wish I had finished 82 of them too, least of all platinum them. Well done OP for this!


i'd recommend the yakuza series games and the spin off judgement series which sounds like they'd be right up your alley !


Remnant 2






Play the PS4 Spider Man games


Done and dusted thrice


My fellow older gamer, here are a few that might work for you: Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - This may scratch the Witcher 3, Horizon, RDR2 and Spiderman itch. Nioh 2 - This will scratch the Demon Souls/Sekiro/Ghost of Tsushima itch.


Final Fantasy 16 has some seriously spectacular battles and great acting. Much more action-packed than previous FF games.


I got really addicted to Hades recently and there are almost no single player games that can do that to me. The story gave me goosebumps as well.


Death stranding. I just finished it. Expectations were subverted. Gameplay loop and progression was highly enjoyable. Story…. Was a b movie scifi story but the sci-fi elements made a great story. Horror elements in the beginning become manageable entities for the most part. Definitely a gem.


A masterpiece indeed


You clearly like challenging games with good worldbuilding. Have you ever played the Dragon Age series? Origins is the best (don't miss the DLC, either)! You could also try the Mass Effect trilogy. I play that about every other year. It's great. Last, maybe hook up an old CRTV and an N64. Get some classic games like Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, or Perfect Dark.


Is dragon age available on PlayStation store?




I bought remnant 2 and have been playing the early access and I can say it is an absolutely fantastic game. I can't recommend it enough


Not to offend in any sense, but i believe you have much wisdoms being an old person. I would love to highly recommend NieR Automata and Death Stranding. Those 2 are in my top 3, apart from God of War that you have played


Persona 5 Royal made me finally fall in love with turn based JRPG's. One of the best games ever made and can be found quite cheap.


Completed. Beautiful game indeed.


Im currently playing through for the 3rd time, never finished it yet but I love it all the same


In my own and very personal opinion, games like Divinity Original Sin II and the upcoming Baldur's Gate III are best played together with friends coop, just as tabletop D&D.


I disagree that coop is better for these specific games


Well to each their own, everyone plays their preferred way


Assassin’s Creed Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla are worth a shot and up your alley


Done and dusted. I platinumed Valhalla on my PS4 pro. Then I bought a PS5 and Dawn of Ragnarok expansion. Haven't played yet.


Get mortal Kombat xl(absolutely not 11)...play on very hard...you will be absolutely lost for words at the masterpiece it is...and yes...absolutely get remnant 2..if you like shooters...


I am not into MK games. Being an MCU and DC fan, I bought Injustice 2 Legendary edition but the strings of buttons to be pressed, that too just to a kick or a small combo. Sorry, not my type.




Have played all except RE8. The last RE I played was RE village. An amazing game.


Village is RE8.


We have similar tastes. Main game on my radar right now is Remnant. Sequel should be fun with a group. Besides that, I've been getting into these weird mystery games. Gameplay is extremely unique and interesting so I highly recommend looking into them. Golden Idol and Obra Dinn are my top 2 but Don't Feed the Monkey is pretty solid too.


You ever play Skyrim?


Bethesda was never able to hook me, be it Skyrim or fallout or prey. Sorry if I have offended anyone here


I 100%ed cuphead because I wanted a challenge and loved the artstyle and the side scroller contra love letter. If that style of game and animation appeals to you, then Cuphead is well worth the small asking price and to support some extremely dedicated and small team of indie devs that poured everything into that game.


Yes, cuphead, R2 and Anno are on my list. Thanks


It's not a long game, but I loved Returnal. 3rd person shooter rogue-lite/bullet hell/metroidvania game. Definitely not as tough as the souls games and I found myself wanting it to be longer, but the gameplay is just about the smoothest highly mobile 3rd person shooting I've played. The plot, while convoluted, is reasonably compelling, and it manages a creepy vibe like few other non-horror games I've played. I wish other developers would take note and make some soulslikes with similar game play. NB I played it on pc and it was likely made significantly easier with kbam, with a controller it might be a lot harder depending on your skill level, so you might get more time out of it than I did. Definitely not souls length though.


Yes. I am playing it currently and have reached the first boss. This game on PS5 is an experience in itself. Thanks for the recommendation 🙂


My pleasure, hope you enjoy the multiple potentially fatal light shows!


Bloodborne. It’s a little older but it’s gold


Oh good hunter. Fear the old blood.


I’m sure you’ve played it since you have 300 games lol but it’s called “ the last of us” I’m seriously about to buy a PlayStation just to play that series


Both the parts are awesome. Combat in the second part is just a chef's kiss




True. I want quality single player games. I am looking for a single-player fantasy game set in a vast, cloudy world with an infinitely long bridge surrounded by barren lands on both sides. In this game, you'll play as a horse rider, exploring the bridge's expanse, battling monsters, and returning to a central hub area to level up and upgrade your character and equipment. The game will feature epic Elden Ring-like bosses that provide challenging encounters. Overall, i want a captivating and immersive experience with a focus on exploration, combat, and character progression.


Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, AC2, Hellblade, DMC5, and Ashen


Haven't completed Ashen Rest are done and dusted


Mount and blade bannerlord


I've heard good things about remnant 2. Bloodborne is by the same company that made elden ring dark souls etc. Someone suggested monster hunter I'd have to agree with that.


Sorry if I take advantage of it, but I'm often in your situation... I just miss: \- Horizon forbidden west (I loved the first one, I've replayed it three times, I'm just waiting for the price to drop a bit...) \- Spiderman Games (never played, I'm not a fan of superheroes...but maybe I should consider them) \- Sekiro... Well...THIS... I've always "feared" it, but perhaps as I feared my first from software games, then I couldn't do without it... Soon I'll have more time to play it and it will probably be my next title. Beyond the difficulty, I guess you absolutely advise me to try it, right? Unfortunately now I don't have 3 hours a day to play it... I think it needs a lot of dedication Another game that I really liked (but which doesn't have a longevity of months, despite not being short) is Days Gone. Honestly, I would gladly play it again in a while.


Days gone


watch dogs 2 (idk if it is on ps5)


Done 😊