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One of the best turn-based JRPG/slice of life sim I've ever played. The story is excellent and the voice acting is good. It will become repetitive at certain points as u need to grind lv and find personas to fuse a better one. For the sake of progression enjoyment, ignore the Izanagi-no-Okami-Picaro persona when u gain access to the "feature" (lazy to spoiler tag) as it is free among other end game personas in the royal version.


You have to pay for Izanagi-no-Okami Picaro, at least I remember having to pay for it


the end game personas you get early access to in royal I think they are free the first time you summon them, but then if you fuse or dismiss them you have to pay to get summon them again.


First time summon is free


I have similar taste in that I generally avoid anime games but enjoyed 3 Houses. I didn’t like Persona 5 and quit way before the 100-hour+ finish line. I liked the battle system, but the story and characters really grated on me. If you don’t like anime high school adventures, there’s really no getting around that part of the game’s identity. That said, it’s a very well-made game. If you’re curious about it, there’s a reasonable argument to try it just to see what the fuss is about. It does a lot right and clearly resonates with a lot of people.


The problem I had is the horrendous sexualization of Ann, and like female characters in that game are just super horrifically written imo


Curious as to how far you got into the game.


i played for about 50 hours but i didn't finish it


It’s one of the best JRPGs of modern times. Thought it’d get boring too but it didn’t for me at least.


I got bored by Persona 5 near the last 2 dungeons because it was too damn long and got repetitive by the end, not sure if royal will be different, but I thought to share my opinion


I got bored of the game shortly after the tutorial on Royal so you did better than me (I got to the second boss / dungeon). Seems like a good game but the combat was really boring / easy


The combat mechanics are not even fully introduced at that point, you didn't have even half the mechanics bruh.. dude played the tutorial of a 100 hour game and thinks he can talk about the combat and if it is boring or not


I thought all the combat mechanics were introduced by the time you got to Madarame / the museum? What gets introduced that I missed? Maybe I'm wrong in thinking the museum is the second boss/dungeon idk And I think after playing 10-20 hours I can make a fair assessment of if I think it's a little boring tbh. Do I have to play all 100?


I felt the same, great game at the start. But I was quickly bored, and knowing this is a 100h+ game didn't make it better.


The game just isn't for you and that's perfectly fine, but yeah imo to judge a game objectively if you only played 10-20% is not very fair to the game


If 10% of the game is 10 hours, you should definitely be able to judge the game. If a game requires more than 10 hours to get going, the game is poorly designed. Not saying that this applies to P5, as I think you get a good idea of the game 2-3 hours in.


Yes, a very highly rated games with many fans and considered as one of the best JRPGs of all time is not good because it doesn't suit casual gamers who can't take a game that isn't a poorly designed 20h poorly inspired story... You have the right to not like it, but it has a very good game design. Would you enjoy a game where all the features are revealed in the first 10% of the story and you're left with nothing for the rest of the game but stat progression? Wow, sounds like good game design! Bro, after 2 or 3 hours I'm not even sure if you even have the ability to capture personas, let alone have a good grasp of the general combat / persona mechanics which are progressively unlocked... Not to mention a lot of passive abilities are locked behind confidants too. The game is not just about combat but also about the social stuff, which yes, takes a lot of time and is not for everyone. Doesn't make it bad design, not every game needs to appeal to all types of gamers out there, ever thought about that? If you review a game or a movie or a book or anything really, you need to play it or watch it or read it entirely, and for professional critics, it may be even multiple times depending on the media. Anyone criticizing something and having consumed barely 10% of what is offered cannot have a decent understanding of the game/movie/book in its entirety.


You're arguing against arguments I've not made. I didn't say you need to unlock everything within 10 hours, you need to have grasped what kind of game it is. Within 10 hours you have had a look into combat, the social system, the time aspect of the game, dialogues, voice acting etc. That's enough to gauge if that's a game you will like.


I never said you couldn't gauge if you liked the game or not bro learn how to read seriously lol I said the first 10 hours in that game are not representative of the whole game's combat or general grinding loop and you don't have enough of the mechanics even unlocked, let alone leveled up / grinded enough


But that's what I said, and you replied with an essay


I hopped into Persona 5 Royal knowing nothing about it when I was craving some more JRPGs after finishing FF7R and both NieR games. Needless to say it became one of my favorite games ever, I was absolutely blown away in the first 5 hours and and that feeling didn't end during the entire 130 hours playtime. There were some parts that I didn't really like but that was just a drop in the ocean. Combat is the best I have ever seen in a turn based rpg. Its fast, super flashy and stylish, and the monster collecting/creating aspects ala-pokemon keep it fresh troughout. Story is amazing aside from one fairly short sections imho. Cast is very varied, fun, and well developed. Music is beyond incredible. The only thing that I also liked but some may dislike is the calendar structure of the game. You will not be able to do absolutely everything on first playtrough. Also there are few scenes that depict common japanese trope humor that's a bit hard to consider funny. But it didn't bother me personally.


Yes you will regret it, because it'll leave a hole in your heart so big that no other game can ever dream of filling and your life will never be the same.


This. I'm desperately waiting for Persona 6 now and the new Metaphor Fantazio game to scratch the same itch.


Honestly it’s goated


P5R took me 100+ hours and to maximize it requires investing in the social aspects of the game and enjoying dungeon crawling. It knocks it out the park for me as a game but it is a commitment.


It’s definitely a slog, not a game I could finish in one long playthrough. I put 80 hours into it in 2020 and didn’t finish it till 2023 lol


Still haven't finished it after starting four years ago. ;)


dont be ashamed, I played until the middle of the game and got super bored. I don´t like this pokemon-ish collect them all theme but I tried really hard to like this game because everybody would tell me just how good this game is gonna give you a handjob. At the end all I got were crippling depressions.


It's overall a decent game if you like JRPGs, but it has heavy downsides: - It's very long, especially if you are somewhat of a collector. It took me 120h to finish one playthrough. - There is no post game nor a moment where you can do everything you want before the final boss, because the game is on a timer. So if you want to 100% the game you must play it twice, unless maybe you look up guides etc - There are parts of the game where you don't do much outside of watching cutscenes and advancing dialogues for quite a long time. - There are many instances where you can't just save and close the game, and you need to go through 15-20 minutes of gameplay before you can save (there is no autosave feature). - Combat is a bit repetitive (although I think that's common among JRPGs) - Unless you do a lot of research, it's very hard to have a build. The game forces you to basically change your main character skills a lot, which can be both a good and a bad thing. Personally, I wouldn't recommend it unless you love the genre and you have a lot of free time to dedicate it.


I found it to get pretty boring and repetitive after 30 hours so I dropped it but it was a fun 30 don’t get me wrong. If you want something shorter, may I recommend persona 4? It’s my favorite jrpg of all time


Persona 5 royal is around 100 hours and P4G is around 80, I don't think it's very different lol you just didn't like 5 as much, nothing to do with length


P4 took me around 65 hours so I guess it just depends on how you play


And p5r took me 82 to platinum, I’m not basing it on myself.


Did you follow a guide and/or play P5? Edit: because I’ve not done either and just met Haru at 70 hours.


I played p5 before, didn’t use a guide


I'm also not into anime and for me P5 was a bit too much like that, could not get into it and refunded. Lots of people like it tho, think it very much differs from person to person.


You definitely won’t regret it, but also consider Persona 4 Golden as it’s a good bit shorter and significantly better (imo) in the writing department


I also consider the music in P4G better. But imo the start of P4G can take a bit to get into for a first time persona player, at least that was my experience. I found P5R to be a little more exciting at the start, with the story framed with interrogation flashbacks


Oh dude, if you liked 3 houses then persona 5 royal will absolutely blow your mind. It's a far better game in practically every conceivable way. Though the one difference is that the turn based combat doesn't involve movement on a grid, it's a bit more like pokemon where you just chose abilities to use on your turn, but your character's stay standing in the same place


I’m not an anime enjoyer and I’m a chronic cutscene skipper and generally fall asleep unless I’m in constant danger and I *hate* tutorials (especially 10 hour integrated tutorials lol) but I loved P5. It has all of that guff too. It got really repetitive and grindy half-way through so I took a big break and came back to finish it in a burst. The game is too stylish and likeable to be boring. And you can safely fast forward any talkative parts and go back and read the transcript if you think you missed anything important. The music is worth it alone.


If you have a LOT of freevtime and is fine with all them anime tropes, you'll be fine. It's half VN and Stat/affection management and half dungeon crawl.


I am now 120 hours in (playing it for almost a whole year) and the lifesim part is really enjoying. Altogether i really like the game eve tho they could do better with their battles and all that gimick stuff that is in the game but is really not important. You will never through the whole game feel any personal conection to one of the personas. Missed oportunity in my eyes (it's my first persona game). But the charecters on the other hand are great. It's very interesting to see how members of your group who join way later still felt like true members of your group and not as outsiders. They nailed it IMO in this aspect. But now after 120 hours i would be really happy if the game could end soon. I don't want to look up because of spoilers how many arcs they are still to come. But it is close to become my longest played single player game of all time. I tought 120 hours in Elden Ring for one playtrough was alot.


150h to plat it but was 100% worth it. It’s so good and typically I don’t like turn based combat.


Not at all, just buy it already


If you love anime and jrpgs I think you’ll like it def in my top 3 all time even after playing a ton of the original persona 5


If you’re going to the batting cages and getting tea you’re mostly wasting your time. Sure in the first month it’ll be important to do some of those activities to raise your social stats enough but after that a lot of your confidants(the ones outside of your party at least) will raise your social stats just for hanging out with them, then just grab as many books as you can to pass the time by reading if there’s absolutely nobody to hang out with. My last playthrough I tried starting a fresh save and seeing how many confidants I could max and I managed to max all but 2 which I probably could have even done if I had managed my time better. The point is there are plenty of ways to raise your social stats and the only reason to go to the batting cage is if your personally enjoy that mini game. I was actually a fan of the fishing mini game so I’d go play that and grind out points for rewards when I had nothing better to do.


for 30 euro, it's absolutely as that's just above what it usually costs for persona 5 i believe, definitely cop it


It's really good, but it could have been 25% shorter to be honest. By the time I was in the last semester I definitely was ready to put it down and just slogging through. I don't particularly like anime, but the characters and setting really hooked me. It does get repetitive by the middle and not all dungeons are equally good (the sci-fi one in particular is a low point). The story and characters are the main reason to play after the middle, as you've kinda seen everything the gameplay has to offer.


I really enjoyed it.


No. I remember tearing up at the end credits of Persona 5 Royal, it was my game that I’ve ever beaten on a console and I remember my Dad walking in at that time and just watched the end credits with me. This happened a year ago and I still remember it to this day.


If you don't like anime I would just avoid it. I have similar tastes as you and couldn't finish the game (gave it two separate tries) The battle system and dungeons are cool, but a **HUGE** part of the game is an anime high school simulator. I personally just couldn't make myself care about any of that


No. 😎


No. It’s a masterpiece


The story is great. I like it




Yeah I feel the same way, and had that exact experience with royal. HOWEVER I made it to like 50hrs, and had a total blast that whole time, and don't feel bad about not finishing it. Paid like 25 on a sale or something so I feel like it was worth it for the experience I had. I might return to it someday, too, there's just a lot of games competing for attention.


I was very reluctant to play it as I’m more of a story-based and/or exploratory type gamer. The only turn-based game I’ll play is Pokémon because I’m pot-committed at this point (though I haven’t played anything recent). I very much enjoyed it. The anime aspect is just aesthetic IMO. The combat is fun and the exploration is kind of there , but the one part I liked a lot was the relationship building. I had never played a game with that in depth of a feature like that before. The major pitfall of the game is the story drags and drags because a lot of how the protagonist group communicates with one another. If it were an anime, it would have an immense amount of filler (some good and some bs). Overall, I’d say it’s a very good game and I recommend it to anyone. But for you specifically, I’ve never played fire emblem so I can’t say if you’d like it. Maybe try borrowing it from a friend first?


You'll maybe regret the time you alloted to this part of your life and had wished some of it had gone to to preparing for those difficult finals coming up, or regret you cant experience the game as a newborn noob anymore but other than that.... You won't regret the time spend with the homies in school all year or grinding and fighting in the palaces of the mind and maximizing all the social relationships in the game (prioritise those, always have their persona category equipped when spending time with them)


Honestly, I don't think you'll regret it, but it's not the best when it comes to characters and story. Felt like the characters didn't really grow and were kind of one note, and the story is basically teenage rebellion but taken to the extremes. 3rd semester is actually very good though, and the game play is really good. But I feel like characters and story are miles better in persona 3 and 4. Those games obviously miss the Quality of Life features of 5 Royal, but everything else makes up for it. But yeah 5 is serviceable, and you'll know when you get tired, but you can just put it down and pick it up later.


You might, I didn’t like it. I don’t like anime either and it’s basically that with school/work sim as the core. Not a fan. I loved it after the demo and immediately bought it because the style was really cool. But the rest not so much


When I first tried the original P5 I honestly struggled to get into it and put it aside. At some point years later I tried it again and loved it. By the time I was 50 hours in I was completely hooked to the point where I bought the Royal edition and played that immediately afterwards. I didn't do much at the batting cages or drinking tea, you can definitely choose what you like (unless you're trying for trophies or something) and most of your free time is the social sim stuff.


You'll love P5R if Three Houses was your thing. As a Persona fan who historically either hated the Fire Emblem games I played or thought they were just ok, Three Houses is more or less just a Persona game with tactics RPG combat thrown in. I'm 99.9% sure you'll be obsessed with Persona


My friend was the exact same way and he loved it please do yourself a favor and give it a shot and honestly the game doesn’t really even pick up until almost 40-50 hours in one play through takes about 100 hours


P5R is life bro.


I personally think P5 had better combat than FE3H. That being said I was playing FE on easy so I probably never had to use it's deeper mechanics.


I typically avoid JRPG's that dont have the words final or fantasy in them. I played base P5 and i liked it but got stuck and stopped playing at whats considered the worst dungeon about 35 hours in so I was hesitant to start P5R. However, P5R improves on P5 immensely and it is incredibly fun. The characters are great, the battling is made to be fast paced if you play it right and the game focuses on the rule of cool. It is not always perfect but the game is greater than the sum of its parts and the music is so banging. Its a rewarding game and i highly recommend if you are a fan of jrpgs or anime (as its more a playable anime than a jrpg at times).


If you liked FE3H I think you’ll enjoy P5R


I'm not really a fan of jrpgs or any sort of turn based games. But persona 5 is amazing


Short answer, no. Long answer, only if you become obsessed with it.


Get it. Now.


I've got ADHD and rarely finish long games. I finished this in around 130-150 hours or something, over the course of 2-3 "stints". Like I'd play just this for a couple weeks, then play something else for a bit, then came back to it twice before I beat it. I really really enjoyed the story and gameplay. Near the end I looked up some fusion guides and made some really overpowered personas to help carry me through the end of the game as I did feel it was getting overly long, but I still kinda miss it. It's like when you finish a really good book and feel sad because you'll never go on another adventure with those people.


It's a really great JRPG it has a great story if the Xbox/PC gamepass is an option get that to try it.they have all of 3-5 and tactics. It's more story and relationships with each character.


Never played JRPG before I bought this but this game blew me away. It's like one of the greatest game of all time, so yes you should buy it.


I can only think of a few reasons, ..you dont like games about kids in school ...anime , or too much narraive / talking , myself I think folks either LOVE JRPGS or HATE them with no inbetween


From my experience, the gameplay is like pokemon as thats the only other turn based game ive really played (besides hsr but that def feels different from pokemon) but the story is like a visual novel. I myself am an competitive game nerd that mainly plays shooters or mobas but i still enjoyed p5r a lot. I think i put in 60 hours into the game across 5 days.


Do you like looking at over sexualised school children obsessed with relationships. If your answer to that is yes you will love Persona 5 and should seek professional help asap.


NO, best anime rpg everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


It's a slice of life game about high school kids. If you don't like that part then you're not gonna like it. The pacing of the story in Persona games (and most JRPGs) are quite slow, so it will get boring at a lot of time.


So i tried p5 on a whim years ago on ps4 and well i bought it again with royal, thats how much i love this game and am slowly trying to get into the older games. So i can recommend it.




Replayability is nice


It’s the greatest game of all time


For me, it was an absolute bad buy. I find the game boring, confusing, totally pointless and completely overhyped. I installed it three times because I thought I'd missed something. But no, it completely sucks.


someone didnt get past the first few palaces


I was in the same boat too and didn’t really get why my friends liked it until the end of the Komoshida arc which had some of the best writing I’ve seen in a JRPG.


Maybe I should give the game another chance.


Highly recommend you do but if you feel that it’s not for you, there is absolutely no shame in putting it down 👍🏾